First Words:
Refresh your safe paddling knowledge.... American
Canoe Association website.
is Moving Day! Home is where the heart is...even if you can't
remember which box you packed it in.
finally got a piece of the pie.........Ja'net Dubois …..Movin' On
Up aka The Jeffersons Theme Song
understanding is not something we find, but something that we must
create. Through education, we seek to change attitudes. --Martin
Luther King Jr.
is a clear, bright Friday morning. The 68°F is a perfect
temperature; there is no breeze to alter its feel against the skin.
The sky is turning from white to blue as the sun rises. It holds no
clouds, only the quarter moon and a single jet trail off to the
north. The little wood across the street – still and straight –
is getting hard to see behind the leaves of the trees and bushes in
the yard. I smile remembering the pleasure it has given me. Puck
sits quietly a while but is joined by Cy and Cooper who begin a
wrestling match which engages Puck's attention. I cannot tell which
side he is on but he is the loudest...Cy is the fast one and Cooper
keeps them stirred up. The sound of distant motors working is louder
than the twitter of birds; but that too is muffled by dog growls and
the click of toenails running on wood. I stay a while longer,
enjoying the weather, breathing in this wonderful backyard. But
eventually, we return indoors. Because the deck door is open, Puck
goes through the house and meets me in the stairwell. He accepts a
treat and settles into his early morning nap in the closet. The room
smells of packing, of dust and cardboard. I wade through stacks of
boxes – packed and to be packed – to fix a cup of decaf, sweet
and creamy, to sip slowly as I write to you. And that makes the
morning perfect.
your weekend is all over the map, y'all
recently moved into a new apartment, and there was this switch on the
wall that didn't do anything...so anytime I had nothing to do, I'd
just flick that switch up. --Steven Wright / Add spice to your life;
don't label your packing boxes.
I can't carry, bury..........Pretenders …..Pack It Up
Questions: Happy Watermelon Day !
Any idea what how much watermelon each of us eats annually?
Know which ancient civilization mentioned watermelon harvest around
5,000 years ago?
Care to guess the weight of the world' s heaviest watermelon?
Which state ended the controversy of fruit or vegetable to declare
watermelon the state veggie?
What is the most nutritious part of the watermelon?
Thing I Read of the Week: To the person
who stole my antidepressants, I hope you're happy now.
Library Statistic of the Week:
Ranganathan's lost 8th
Law: Always have something with you to read.
is a stage in packing & unpacking when it feels like I'm
auditioning for Hoarders. For weeks I've been saying, “Just go
around it”. / We'll be best friends forever or until one of us
it on over..........Hank Williams …..Move It On Over
You don't protect any of your individual liberties by lying down and
going to sleep. --John Scopes
to Think About of the Week: One of the reasons moving is so
exhausting is that in addition to the work (Lifting, wrapping,
stowing, moving, unpacking, unwrapping, and lifting again) there is
the questioning. Will I need this? Do I want this? Why have I kept
this all these years? What kind of a nut am I anyway?
Hello: Namascara –
Oriya (India) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I
know long distance relationship don't work, so I moved the fridge
into my bedroom.
of the Week: Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
(8/3-12) --A
cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. ‘Have you
ever done anything of particular merit?’ St. Peter asked. ‘Well,
I can think of one thing,’ the cowboy offered. “On a trip to the
Black Hills out in South Dakota , I came upon a gang of bikers, who
were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone,
but they wouldn’t listen. So, I approached the largest and most
heavily tattooed biker and smacked him in his face …. Kicked his
bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I
yelled – Now, back off!! Or I’ll kick the crap out of all of
you!”. St. Peter was impressed, “When did this happen?”. The
cowboy “Just a couple of minutes ago”.
Calm and Unpack Another Box ! / Keep Calm and Call Mayflower ! / Keep
Calm and Pop Bubble Wrap !
up my belongings, I got to get away.........Bad Company …..Movin'
it or not, people eat an average of 16 pounds of watermelon annually.
It is Friday, August 3, 2018. The moon will be last quarter tomorrow
and is in Taurus. It is Braham
Pie Day
and Watermelon Day. In New
Zealand it is Arbor Day (1872) and in Niger they celebrate
Independence Day (1960). Tunisia commemorates Habib Bourguiba's
Birthday (1902).
those born on this day were Elisha Otis (1811), John Scopes (1900),
P.D. James (1920), Tony Bennet (1926), Leon Uris (1924), Martin Sheen
(1940), and Martha Stweart (1941).
August third Columbus set sail (1492), the American Canoe Association
was founded (1860), the National Lawn Tennis Association was founded
(1881), Triple A ended its support of auto racing (1955), Radio Shack
introduced the TRS-80 (aka Trash 80, 1977) and the Pan Am games
opened in Havana (1991).
Sky, 8/3:
than 3° to the lower right of Saturn this week lies M8, the Lagoon
Nebula and its associated star cluster. The Lagoon is the brightest
emission nebula of the summer skies. In a dark sky it's obvious to
the naked eye as a small Milky Way patch if you know where to look:
above the spout of the Sagittarius Teapot.
Fiction Convention of the Week:
WillCon 2018: (August 4, Williamson, WV) Williamson's
pop culture and entertainment convention
Science Convention of the Week:
International Conference on Aerospace & Aerodynamics (8/2-3),
Barcelona, Spain)
Assisting to achieve new avenues of Aerospace
Week: Saturday, August 4 –
National Dis Golf Day & National Jamaican Patty Day
Sky, 8/4:
The Moon rises as late as 2 am tonight, depending on your location.
Once it's well up, spot the Pleiades to its left and Aldebaran below
the Pleiades. As the very first light of dawn hints at the coming
day, you'll find Orion clearing the eastern horizon far below
Aldebaran (for the world's mid-northern latitudes).
August 5 – Friendship Day & American Family Day &
National Underwear Day
August 6 – Hiroshima Day
August 7 – Lighthouse Day & National Night Out
Sky, 8/7:
With the advance of summer the Sagittarius Teapot, now moving into
the south after dark, is starting to tilt and pour from its spout to
the right. The Teapot will tilt farther and farther for the rest of
the summer — or for much of the night if you stay out late.
August 8 – The Date to Create & International Cat Day &
Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night
August 9 – International Day of the World's Indigenous
Peoples Day & Veep Day
was a GREAT idea, until I started packing. / I got so overwhelmed
with packing that I packed myself up in one of the boxes and I want
it to be opened last.
the midnight hour.........Jimi Hendrix …..Let Me Move You
hieroglyphics indicate that the first-ever watermelon harvest took
place roughly 5,000 years ago. The sweet fruit (vegetable) often was
sealed into the tombs of kings because, really, who couldn’t use a
snack in the afterlife?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Do you ever get up in the
morning, look at yourself in the mirror and think...that can't be
accurate! ?
We English are good at forgiving our enemies; it releases us from the
obligation of liking our friends. --P. D. James
Night Snacks:
Drumpf now says that he’d be willing to meet with the president of
Iran. After Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin, Drumpf said it’s the
last meeting he needs to win “Dictator Bingo.” --Jimmy Fallon /
President Drumpf traveled to Tampa, Florida, today and visited a
technical high school. Said Drumpf, “I also went to high school,
technically.” --Seth Meyer / Amazon has introduced a new facial
recognition technology, and it seems like there might be a few bugs
because when they recently tested the software on the faces of
members of Congress, the program identified 28 of them as convicted
criminals. So, it works. --James Corden
So Late Night Snacks: Everyone is asking why
was Cohen taping this. It's hard to make out what's going on in the
tape; it's really bad audio. It's two guys alone in a room talking
over each other My God, Cohen is starting a podcast. How
disappointing is it going to be when the pee tape comes out and its
just audio. --Faith Salie Wait, Wait,
Don't Tell Me
way of peace… Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and
hatred with love. --Peace
of packing? Convince yourself that you don't like the rest of your
stuff. / An organized house equals an organized move. Well, someone
should have said that sooner.
ought to know by now.........Billy Joel …..Movin' Out
world’s heaviest watermelon recorded to date was grown by Lloyd
Bright of Arkadelphia, Ark. It tipped the scales at 268.6 pounds
during the Arkansas Big Watermelon Contest in 2005.
Fact of the Week: The Pan American Games of 1991 were held in
Havana. 4,519 athletes from 39 countries participated in 33 different
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Happiness doesn't have just one address.
Word of the Week:
Unconference – coffee breaks that last all day “What
makes the unconference model different from a conference is that
attendees don’t pay to register, speakers aren’t paid to speak,
and expenses are covered by sponsors.”
Uses for Common Products:
Revive dried leather. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, rubbed into a
baseball glove, softens the leather.
never opened these boxes after the last move. Why are we taking them
with us? Fear. And I like what they do for the basement. / Instead
of cleaning, I'm going to move.
lived in this place.........Rascal Flatts …..I'm Movin' On
watermelon is often granted some serious wiggle room in the
fruit/vegetable classification department, the great state of
Oklahoma has a definitive opinion on the matter. In 2007, the state
Senate passed a bill declaring watermelon a vegetable –
the official state vegetable, at that.
of the Week: What is it with people and stuff? Some people
before they can walk or speak form attachments to security blankets
or stuffed toys or some other stuff. We can't blame it on parents
(not all of their children had security stuff) or on
capitalism/communism/socialism/etc. (baby is pre-verbal). It is
something in us that collects stuff. Jesus, apparently only owned
the clothes on his back when he was crucified and St. Francis didn't
even own those – the order owned them. Gandhi owned a bowl and a
spinning wheel (or a loom, I forget). Yet here I am in my seventies
deciding whether to keep decade old appointment calendars.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I
refuse to pay less for healthcare if it means everyone will have it.
Steven Brault Game of the Week: Date:
7/24 Opponent: CLE HR: 1 BB: 1 SO: 0 GB: 2 FB: 3 (won 9/4)
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck saying goodbye to the back yard in the case
of the moving Manx.
just realized that marking all the boxes with “STUFF” isn't
helpful. / Help Wanted: Moving Saturday 9 am – midnight. Will
provide pizza, beer, witty conversation and lots of heavy furniture
and boxes.
a wind that's always blowing, life is flowing.........Move On
you toss the watermelon rind when the sweet part is gone, you’re
missing out on the melon’s whole nutritional package. Try throwing
the rind into a blender, along with the sweet red meat, and use the
mixture as the base for a summery rum cocktail.
of the Week: August is National Water
Quality Month --A
minister is stopped by a state trooper for speeding. The trooper
smells alcohol on his breath and sees an empty wine bottle on the
floor. The
trooper asks, “Sir, have you been drinking?” And the minister
says, “Just water.” The trooper says, “Then why do I smell
wine?” And the minister looks down at the bottle and says, “Good
Lord, He’s done it again!”
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: May
your Mercury be more Freddie and less Retrograde. --Submitted by sd
of ks
Peace of History: Today's Peace of History,
August 3, 1981: Nearly 13,000 of the nation’s 17,500 air traffic
controllers, members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers
Organization (PATCO), went on strike. Eventually
Reagan fired them all.
Tips: Make lots of friends before you move. / Don't pack the cat
and the dog in the same box. / Don't pop the bubble wrap until after
you have unpacks fragile items.
used to be so hard..........Crosby, Stills & Nash …..Our House
of the Week:
Friday ePistle August 3, 2018, Streamlined ePistle.
Go move yourself.
Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/
Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS
Often we have no time for our friends but all the time in the world
for our enemies. --Leon Uris
of War: As of 8/2/18 Military Costs of War
since 2001: $2,843,218,709,739.
of 7/26/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,841,248,260,983.
of 8/2/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $840,595,147,367.
of 7/26/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $840,256,161,754.
of 8/2/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $607,662,672,090.
of 7/26/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $605,979,259,730.
of 8/2/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $293,741,450,907.
of 7/26/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $293,358,940,697.
of 8/2/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,586,218,503,807.
of 7/26/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,580,843,422,378.
us embrace the beauty of every culture and faith to create peace in
our world. --Mitra
gonna change my world.........Beatles …..Across the Universe
is okay to consider buying new furniture to avoid heavy lifting. /
Dolly good, Hernia bad!
Last Words: See you next time. Martha Stewart Show
Peace wrap your belongings
Joy carry your boxes
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