First Words: An Act
to outlaw the Communist Party... Communist
Control Act of 1954
Waffle Day!! Waffles are just pancakes with abs. / Where do
waffles go on vacation? Sandy Eggo.
wait to get a mouthful..........Parry Gripp …..Do You Like Waffles
peace that depends on fear is nothing but a suppressed war. --Henry
Van Dyke
is soft Friday morning. The sky is misty without being cloudy; it is
merely early morning eye fuzzy that will clear sky as soon as the
sun clears the treetops. The very light breeze swishes around the
long willow branches suggesting a slow cascade of grace from top to
ground. The grass is sparkly with dew and left over rain. Puck sits
in the open doorway watching the morning yard...waiting. A raspy
bird conversation floats across the lawn from an unknown source. Two
voices participate and then go silent. Puck is arguing (silently)
with flies who see the open door as an opportunity to come inside and
make themselves at home. Apparently the smell of stale incense is an
invitation. I inhale the aroma; I like it too. The 74°F is perfect
for enjoying a near dawn experience and Puck lays down now in the
doorway and together we listen the the bird jingle – Tweeter,
Tweeter, TWEET, tweeter...an ad for morning and joy. And for a
moment the wind dies down, the birds are gone, and only stillness
remains. How very nice. I take a long, deep drink of decaf from my
Christmas mug and sit down to think about you.
your weekend is covered in butter and syrup, ePistliers.
are pancakes with syrup traps. / When someone types ROFL I always
imagine Scooby-Doo trying to say waffle.
of the ancients.........Five Iron Frenzy …..Abraham Lincoln Beard
Questions: Happy International Bat Night !!
About how many bugs does a bat eat anyway?
How high, long, etc. can bats fly?
Any idea what's the world's largest bat?
What do you know about Vampire Bats?
Know the scientific name for bats?
Thing I Read of the Week: Never pick a
fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.
Library Statistic of the Week:
reference desk hat trick is three 'Where's the restroom?' questions
in a row. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
Thing I Read of the Week2:
New Rule: You can't Confirm a Supreme Court Justice in the last year
of your crime syndicate.
a minor mathematical error on a routine report, a worker's boss tried
to belittle him in front of his peers. Angrily she asked, "If
you had 4 waffles and I asked for one, how many would you have left?"
Quickly he replied, "If it was you who asked, I'd still have 4
the edge of the dark abyss.........David Wilcox …..Waffle House
Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things
that matter. --Max Beerbohm
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Khe chare –
Pashto (Afghanistan)
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You
have a smile that could light up a whole psych ward.
of the Week: August is National Truancy
Prevention Month –I don't know the meaning of the word truant.
I must have missed that day at school.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week2:
Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a considerably lower rate
than election campaign staff of Donald J. Trump. --Submitted by ra
of ks
Support Hotline here. I checked the serial number on your laptop and
it a waffle iron. / You sounded kind of sick, so I put cough syrup on
your waffles.
down your waffle and raffle fair fair........Comecon …..Sunday
single bat can eat more than 600 bugs in one hour, which is like a
person eating 20 pizzas a night. According
to Bat Conservation International, 150 big brown bats can eat enough
cucumber beetles in one summer to save farmers a billion dollars a
year. Those beetles would have had 33 million larvae, which are what
attack the crops.
It is Friday, August 24, 2018. The moon will be full (Sturgeon) on
Sunday and is in Aquarius. It is National Waffle Day and
International Bat Night. In Liberia
it is Flag Day (1847) and in Sierra Leone it 's the President's
those born on this date were Geoffrey Plantagenet (1113), Max
Beerbohm (1872), Albert Claude (1898), Jorge Luis Borges (1899),
Durward Kirby (1912), Dennis James (1917), Louis Teicher (1924),
Steve Guttenberg (1958), and Marlee Matlin (1965).
August twenty-fourth Vesuvius buried Pompeii (79), Visigoths
conquered Rome (410), the waffle iron was invented (1869), Edison
patented the motion picture camera (1891), Alaska organized itself
into a territory (1912), the US passed the Communist Control Act
(1954), the Doors began recording their first album (The Doors,
1966), the Ukraine declared independence from the USSR (1991), and
Pluto was demoted (2006).
Sky, 8/24:
dark the Great Square of Pegasus looms up in the east, balancing on
one corner. Its stars are only 2nd and 3rd magnitude. Extending
leftward from the Square's left corner is the main line of the
constellation Andromeda, made of three stars (including the corner)
about as bright as those forming the Square.
Fiction Convention of the Week:
Bubonicon 50 (8/24-26, Albuquerque, NM) The Golden Age of Science
Fiction http://bubonicon.com/
Science Convention of the Week: ACN – International
Conference on Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology ICEABT.
(8/24, Kyoto, Japan) ...a
prestigious event organized with a motivation to provide an excellent
international platform for the academicians, researchers, engineers,
industrial participants and budding students around the world...
Week: Saturday, August 25
– National Second-hand Wardrobe Day & Sand Castle Day
Sky, 8/25 : This
evening the Moon shines far left of Mars; they're on opposite sides
of Capricornus.
August 26 – Women's Equality Day & National Toilet Paper
Day & National Dog Day
August 27 – Just Because Day
August 28 – National Bow Tie Day & Race Your Mouse
Around the Icons Day
Sky, 8/28 : Mercury is bright and
well placed in the dawn sky.
August 29 – More Herbs, Less Salt Day & According to
Hoyle Day & Individual Rights Day
August 30 – National Grief Awareness Day & National
Toasted Marshmallow Day
House: Because the poor decisions you made the night before weren't
enough. / Pancakes, Pancakes are waffles plain and flat.
man who makes a living off a plastic waffle.........Todd Rundgren
…..An Elpee's Worth of Toons
Mexican free-tailed bats can fly up to 250 miles (402 km) in a single
night. They can fly up to 10,000 feet (3,048 m) high and reach speeds
up to 60 miles per hour (97kph).
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: As a kid I used to watch
The Wizard of Oz and wonder how someone could talk if they
didn't have a brain. Then I got Facebook. --Submitted by ll of ks
is the cells which create and maintain in us, during the span of our
lives, our will to live and survive, to search and experiment, and to
--Albert Claude
Night Snacks: On "Fox & Friends"
this morning, Brian Kilmeade said that Omarosa had outsmarted Drumpf.
But to be fair, Drumpf also been outsmarted by the child safety locks
in his limo. --Jimmy Fallon / Vice President Mike Pence appeared
today in Iowa to give a speech about taxes. I'm not saying the speech
was boring, but it is being offered as a new setting on white noise
machines. --Seth Meyers / According to a new article, Donald Drumpf
Jr. and his girlfriend, former Fox News anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle,
have cute new nicknames for each other. He refers to her as Pooh Bear
and she refers to him as Junior Mint. I guess Junior Mint will do
until he gets his soon-to-come nickname, Federal Inmate #7544.
--James Corden / Trump said Brennan leveraged his status and made
unfounded and outrageous allegations, wild outbursts on the internet
and televsion, and increasingly frenzied commentary. I'd say that's
the pot callinhg the kettle black but there may be tapes of him
calling the kettle someething much worse. --Stephen Colbert
So Late Night Snacks: Now little girls can
grow up watching that (Ocean's 8) and they can think "ok, maybe
I can't become president but I can grow up to be a pickpocket or a
swindler or a hustler, you know, if I play my cards right I can grow
up to be a criminal and then I can become president". --Ophira
Eisenberg Ask Me Another
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week2:
Impeach the Unindicted Co-Conspirator
we come to it we, this people, on this wayward, floating body created
on this earth, of this earth have the power to fashion for this earth
a climate where every man and every woman can live freely without
sanctimonious piety, without crippling fear. --Maya Angelo
will be so great with waffles on my plate.........Veggie Tales
…..Promised Land
world’s largest bat is the giant golden-crowned flying fox, a rare
fruit bat. It has a wingspan of 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m).
Fact of the Week: There
are 5 officially recognized dwarf planets in our solar system, they
are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris. With the exception of
Ceres, which is located in the asteroid belt, the other dwarf planets
are found in the outer solar system.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Be
kind to atheists. They are the ones that will be taking care of your
pets after you are raptured. --Submitted by rhb of ks
Word of the Week:
Yonks – a long time You
would indeed have to be from Britain or the Commonwealth to know
since I don’t think it’s found in the USA at all. Everyone is as
puzzled as you are by this curious word, which appeared in print in
the UK in the late 1950s with no clear link to any other word in the
language. It usually turns up in the phrase for
for a long time. “This
is the earliest example that I’ve uncovered: On July 4 the results
of the bulling that has been going on for the past yonks bore fruit
when a lot of blokes in the Reem came up to inspect our vehicles. The
the journal of the Royal Tank Regiment, Sep. 1960.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week2:
If Donald Trump wanted Hillary Clinton go get locked up, he should
have put her in his cabinet. --Submitted by ma of va
Uses for Common Products:
Remove makeup. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly takes off mascara, eye-liner,
lipstick, rouge, and powders.
Mormon mother was preparing waffles for her sons, Owen, 5, and Bill,
3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first one. Their
mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. If Jesus were sitting
here, He would say, "Let my brother have the first waffle. I can
wait." Owen turned to his younger brother and said, "Bill,
you be Jesus.
...........Waffle making, kicking through the shins.........Rancid …..Brews
...........Waffle making, kicking through the shins.........Rancid …..Brews
bats do not actually “suck” blood. Instead, they typically “lap”
up two teaspoons of blood a night with their tongues. The blood moves
through the bat’s mouth in two channels under its tongue. Its body
uses only red blood cells, and within two minutes of starting to eat,
the bat’s body rids itself of blood plasma in the form of urine.
Joke of the Week: At
the end of the day, a cliché walks into a bar -- fresh as a daisy,
cute as a button, and sharp as a tack.
on the Internet:
The Mars Rover, Curiosity, found and unexplained object. NASA has
figured it out … and a lot of other stuff too. Mars
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Starting your day with an early morning run is a great way to make
sure your day can't get any worse than it started.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck pacing the patio in the case of the
Neighborly Nebelung.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week2:
You're all attacking him but Trump is one of the few employers out
there willing to provide employment for convicted felons. --Peter
House Risk Assessment: If
a Waffle House store is open and offering a full menu, the index is
green. If it is open but serving from a limited menu, it’s yellow.
When the location has been forced to close, the index is red. Because
Waffle House is well-prepared for disasters… it’s rare for the
index to hit red.
is the language that they taught you.........Van Morrison
…..Educating Archie
scientific name for bats, Chiroptera,
is from the Greek cheir
hand + pteron
wing, or “hand wing.”
of the Week: Arrr-gust is International
Pirate Month --When Bluebeard the pirate fell overboard into the Red
Sea he was marooned. / What did the Dyslexic Pirate say as he fell
overboard? RRRRRRRA!
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If
Trump wants a big parade in his honor, all he has to do it resign.
--Submitted by bm of ga
Peace of History, August 24, 1970:
United Farm Workers Organizing Committee
(UFWOC) leader Cesar Chavez called for a consumer boycott of lettuce
to support the strike against lettuce growers who would not negotiate
contracts with the farm workers for decent wages and working
are like baseball teams, they start with a good batter. / I was at
the gym working my pancake into waffle.
on the waffle iron.........Gutterball …..Lester Young
of the Week:
Friday ePistle, August 24, 2018, Elusive ePistle. Online at:
Peace, Laughs, and Snacks. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800
Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
--Jorge Luis Borges
of War:
of 8/23/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,849,170,607,358.
of 8/16/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,847,123,841,080.
of 8/23/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $845,640,156,279.
of 8/16/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $844,249,157,200.
of 8/23/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $612,747,785,570.
of 8/16/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $610,998,847,911.
of 8/23/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $294,897,162,728.
of 8/16/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $294,499,715,649.
of 8/23/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,602,456,278,251.
of 8/16/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,596,872,233,132.
is no trust more sacred than the one the world holds with children.
There is no duty more important than ensuring that their rights are
respected, that their welfare is protected, that their lives are free
from fear and want and that they grow up in peace. --Kofi
never find a batter any better in this whole stinkin'
town..........Al Yankovic …..Waffle King
it involves dungeons and dragons, sci-fi, or waffles, count me in. /
I understand Lay's is coming out with a Chicken & Waffles
flavored potato chip.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week2:
Don's Cons … Full Court Press --New York Post
Last Words: My only friend, the end. The End The
Peace beat your batter
Joy flip your cake
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