Friday, October 5, 2018

Denim ePistle

Famous First Words: The holy, great and universal synod... papal Encyclical of the 4th Council of Constantinople
Happy Lee's National Denim Day! I got some new jeans yesterday, until I realized they didn’t fit me around the waist so I went looking for a belt. I couldn’t find one. Then I had a really good idea. I could attach a ton of watches together to make a belt! But then I just thought it was a waist of time.
..........Life's a holiday, whoa yeah........Steve Miller Band …..Good Morning
The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one's life. --Peace Pilgrim
It is a gray Friday morning. One solid cloud covers the sky without break or texture. 56°F suggests a jacket but there is no wind to make it seems colder, or to make the willow dance, or to carry the cry of the crows over distance. The cloud is thick enough to dim the light and make one think it is much earlier than it really is. I hear a prop plane above it all. Far up in the sky a flock of several dozen small birds fly silently eastward. But there is bird song down here, close and busy. Puck and Justice sit in the back corner of the lawn waiting for Bruno – ever the late riser and roll around in the newly mown grass; the yard still faintly smells of it. Apparently, however, if you stick your nose into the grass there is much more to smell than grass. But my room smells of last night's incense and this morning's coffee. I take it is gulps – artificially sweetened and naturally creamy. Best of all, I get to sit here at my computer writing to you and looking out the open back door into autumn.
Hope your weekend is less faded than your jeans, everybody.
My sister was the athletic sort. She ran track and lifted weights. Now she just pushes a pair of jeans to the absolute limit.
My favorite color is October.
..........And the same old story with a new set of words........Steve Miller Band …..Space Cowboy
Trivia Questions: It's World Smile Day !
^ What's the difference between a sincere and a social smile?
^^ About how many times do you smile during the day?
^^^ About how many years can smiling add to your life?
^^^^ Any idea why women smile more than men?
^^^^^ How many muscles does it take to smile anyway?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Southern Belle Lindsay Graham is overwhelmed with a case of “the vapors”. Somebody get her a lemonade and some shade. --Submitted by abf of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 72% of librarians have an archenemy.
Of course Americans are a little crazy, they have an obesity epidemic and a skinny jeans fad going at the same time.
Never jump into a pile of leaves holding a wet sucker –Linus (Peanuts)
..........She spread hers wings and shes free.........Steve Miller Band …..Quicksilver Girl
Moonbeam: Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected. --Jonathan Edwards
Something to Think About of the Week:

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Any book worth banning is worth reading.
Week of the Week: National Walk Your Dog Day (10/1-7) –I named my dog “5 miles” so I can tell people I walk 5 miles every day.
The scarce crow used to say: This job isn't for everyone, but,'s in my jeans.
My favorite season is the fall of the patriarchy
..........I'm a midnight toker..........Steve Miller Band …..The Joker
^ Whenever we smile, there are 2 potential muscles we activate. The first one is the zygomaticus major and it controls the corners of your mouth. Whenever this muscle only is activated, it’s not actually a genuine smile. Scientists call this also the “social” smile. The second muscle, known to show sincerity is the obicularis occuli and it encircles our eye socket. The true smile also called the duchenne smile, named after the famous scientist who first separated the “mouth corners”-only smile, from the “eye socket” one.
Almanac: It is Friday, October 5, 2018. The moon was last quarter last Tuesday and is in Virgo. It is World Smile Day, National Story Telling Festival, Lee's National Denim Day, National Diversity Day, Walk to School in the USA Day, and World Teachers Day. The Azores, Guinea-Bisau, Maderia, Portugal all celebrate Republic Day (1910) while Bulgaria calls it Independence Day (1908). It is also sports Day in Lesotho.
Among those born on this day were Jonathan Edward (1703), Chester A. Arthur (1830), Robert Goddard (1882), Ray Kroc (1902), Joshua Logan (1908), Allen Ludden and Donald Pleasence (1919), Philip Berrigan and Glynis Johns (1923), Bill Dana (1924), Barry Switzer (1937), Steve Miller (1943) and Michael Andretti (1962).
On October fifth the fourth Council of Constantinople opened (869), Orfeo Ed Euridice was first produced (1762), the first non-stop transpacific flight from Japan to Washington landed (1931), Meet the Press debuted on radio (1945), the first televised presidential address aired (1947), Earl Warren was sworn onto the Supreme Court (1953), the Beatles released their first record (Love Me Do, 1962), PBS became a network (1970), and Lech Walesa won the Nobel Peace Prize (1983).
Night Sky, 10/5: These evenings the Great Square of Pegasus stands high in the east, still tipped onto one corner. It's a little larger than your fist held at arm's length. From its left corner runs the line of three similarly bright stars marking the main line of Andromeda. As evening grows late, the Square's upper-right side points far down to Fomalhaut on the rise (four or five fists distant).
Max Picture of the Week: woke angel

This Week: Saturday, October 6 – American Libraries Day & Frugal Fun Day & World Porridge Day
Sunday, October 7 – Change a Light Day & Blessing of the Fishing Fleet Day & National Forgiveness Day
Night Sky, 10/7: Vega is the brightest star very high in the west right after nightfall. Arcturus, equally bright, is getting low in the west-northwest. The brightest star in the vast expanse between them, about a third of the way from Arcturus up toward Vega, is Alphecca, the crown jewel of Corona Borealis. Alphecca is a 17-day eclipsing binary, but its brightness dips are too slight for the eye to see reliably.
Monday, October 8 – National Salmon Day & World Octopus Day
Tuesday, October 9 – National Chess Day & National Face Your Fears Day
Night Sky, 10/9: Venus (magnitude –4.8, still at its peak brilliancy) shines very low in the west-southwest after sunset and sets in mid-twilight. Don't confuse it with Jupiter, which will catch your eye first. Venus is 14° to Jupiter's lower right. In a telescope Venus is an increasingly striking crescent, enlarging as it approaches Earth. It's now about 20% sunlit and 46 arcseconds tall. For better telescopic seeing, catch Venus higher in a blue sky long before sunset.
Wednesday, October 10 – International Top Spinning Day & Squid and Cuttlefish Day
Thursday, October 11 – International Day of the Girl Child & World Sight Day
My daughter is the world's leading expert on denim; they call here a jeanius.
I love fall colors; they make my dead grass look seasonal.
..........Feed the babies who don't have enough to eat.........Steve Miller Band …..Fly Like An Eagle
^^ We often feel happier around children – they smile more. On average, they do so 400 times a day. Whilst happy people still smile 40-50 times a day, the average of us only does so 20 times.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I think youngsters need to start thinking about what kind of world they are going to leave for me and Keith Richards. --Willie Nelson -_Submitted by ck of nm
Moonbeam: Just remember – when you think all is lost, the future remains. --Robert Goddard
Late Night Snacks: Melania Drumpf has the right idea. With everything that's going on, she's getting the hell out of town. Our first lady is headed overseas next week as part of her "Be as Far Away From My Husband as Possible" campaign. She's going to Africa. Melania feels a strong connection to Africa because she's married to the Lyin' King. --Jimmy Kimmel / Yesterday, Robert Mueller was spotted at an Apple store. When he said his computer is really slow, the employee said, "Like 'normal' slow or 'your investigation' slow?" --Jimmy Fallon / Los Angeles International Airport has updated its policy to allow travelers to pack marijuana when flying. And every person who was happy to hear that missed their flight. --Seth Meyers / The nation was gripped today by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's emotional testimony on Capitol Hill against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. As Dr. Ford was speaking, Brett Kavanaugh was reportedly preparing for his own testimony in Vice President Mike Pence's office. Out of habit, Kavanaugh brought a keg. --James Corden / Two new words — "OK" and "Ew." OK and Ew have been added to SCRABBLE. Coincidentally, OK and Ew are the two words the Senate will use when voting on Kavanaugh. --Conan O'Brien / Today Bill Cosby was sentenced to three to 10 years in state prison for sexual assault. Incredibly sad story. At this point, obviously no one can defend Bill Cosby, unless you are his publicist. "This has been the most racist and sexist trial in the history of the United States. They persecuted Jesus, and look what happened." Oh, no! Because if Cosby is like Jesus, that means in three days, he'll be back prowling the streets. --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks: On Thursday Judge Kavanaugh and Dr Christine Blasey Ford testified before the senate judicary committee. And it was riviting. People across the country were glued to their televisions. So much so that for the first time in weeks six hours passed without a single new person coming forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual harassament. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
Ah! when shall all men's good be each man's rule, and universal peace lie like a shaft of light across the land. --Alfred Lord Tennyson

You can tell it's fall in Arizona because the license plate colors begin to change.
..........I've been working all week in the noonday sun.........Steve Miller Band …..Dance, Dance, Dance
^^^ The baseball card study found a clear correlation between how big a smile someone made on a baseball card photo and how long they would live. The people who smiled the most turned out to live 7 years longer than those who didn’t. ~~correlation not causation
Worthless Fact of the Week: More than 41 hours after departing Japan, Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon Jr. performed a controlled crash landing near Wenatchee, Washington. After the dust settled, they emerged from the airplane to complete the first-ever nonstop flight across the Pacific Ocean.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Guess we can retire the expression “sober as a judge”. --Submitted by ra of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Cadastral – large scale. A cadastral survey is one on a scale sufficiently large to accurately show the extent and measurement of every field or other block of land.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Remove lipstick stains from linen napkins. Apply Vaseline Petroleum Jelly before washing.
He tried to justify the holes in his brand new jeans to his father by saying, I got it half price.
Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year. --Chad Sugg
...........Don't carry me too far away.........Steve Miller Band …..Jet Airliner
^^^^ Here is something interesting. Researcher LaFrance concluded that, overall, women smile a lot more than men. This comes not just from the fact that they might be happier, but also, that socially, it is more acceptable for women to smile. And in general women are more accurate than men in detecting what is really going on with someone by looking at their face and listening to their voice. Women are more likely to tell the difference between a felt and a fake smile.” ~~These first 4 answers are from The Science of Smiling
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I've been hiding from exercising. I'm in the Fitness Protection Program. --Submitted by cm of ks
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Continuum 2018 – Darkness Descending: THE CONTINUUM, celebrates Fantasy and Science Fiction in all its forms. (10/5-7, Detroit, MI)
Actual Science Convention of the Week: Advances in Chemical Engineering & Technology: 5th International (10/4-5, London, UK) “Exploring the latest trends in Chemical engineering: Eurochemical Engineering”.
Old Memory and New Analysis of the Week: When I went to college they locked up girls at 10 pm to protect them from, basically, boys. I have long maintained that if they had locked up freshmen boys at sunset, women would have been safe. I see now, I was wrong; they need to lock up all the boys around 4:30.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck chairing an agents meeting in the case of the Squirming Squirrel.
Kavanaugh was so drunk he couldn't get his “guess” jeans up because he didn't know the answer.
Autumn is the season of liberty. Instead of being green,leaves can choose between yellow,red,brown,orange.
..........And the music's callin'.........Steve Miller Band …..Swingtown
^^^^^ Some claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile but you might be surprised to learn it takes 26 to smile and 62 to frown. ~~This site offered no evidence and recognized no difference between sincere and social smiles.
Month of the Week: October is American Pharmacist Month - A man goes into a drugstore and asks the pharmacist if he can give him something for the hiccups. The pharmacist promptly reaches out and slaps the man's face. "What did you do that for?" the man asks. "Well, you don't have the hiccups anymore, do you?" The man says, "No, but my wife out in the car still does!"
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Without art, we are but monkeys with car keys. --Submitted by lk of ny.
Grammar Joke of the Week: Falling slowly, slowly falling, the chiasmus collapses to the bar room floor.
Today's Peace of Woman's History, October 5, 2012: The National Fannie Lou Hamer Memorial Statue was dedicated and unveiled in Rulesville, Ms Fannie Lou was the spokeswoman for the Freedom Democratic Party in 1964 and ~~a personal hero of mine.
Knock Knock: Who's there? Euripides. Euripides who? Euripides jeans, you pay for 'em.
Happy Fall of the Bourgeoisie
..........Show the lightning in your eyes.........Steve Miller Band …..Cool Magic
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle Denim ePistle, 2018. Online at: Peace, Laughs, & Comfortable Clothes. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Well, there doesn't seem anything else for an ex-President to do but to go into the country and raise big pumpkins. --Chester A Arthur
Cost of War:
As of 10/4/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,860,992,235,435.
As of 9/27/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,855,108,818,518.
As of 10/4/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $853,674,274,500.
As of 9/27/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $852,309,160,928.
As of 10/4/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $622,847,586,378.
As of 9/27/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $621,131,437,617.
As of 10/4/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $297,192,610,678.
As of 9/27/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $296,802,577,437.
As of 10/4/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,634,707,249,720.
As of 9/27/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,629,227,551,852.
If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another. If you wish to know that you are safe, cause another to know that they are safe. --Dalai Lama XIV
..........Just an eeny-weeny bit of your love.........Steve Miller Band …..Just A Little Bit
Jean-Paul Sartre is sitting at a French cafe, revising his draft of Being and Nothingness. He says to the waitress, "I'd like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream." The waitress replies, "I'm sorry, Monsieur, but we're out of cream. How about with no milk? ~~Sorry, the existentialist in me couldn't resist.
Famous Last Words: That's all for today. --Meet the Press
May Peace be your teacher
And Joy be your knowledge
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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