Friday, June 22, 2018

Early Bath ePistle

Famous First Words: To provide Federal Government aid... Servicemen's Readjustment Act aka GI Bill of Rights
It's World Cup Time again. -- When footballers get too hot they stand by their fans. / Grasshoppers don't generally watch football, they prefer cricket.
..........We got the bubble headed bleached blonde comes on at five.....Don Henley …..Dirty Laundry
To replace the old paradigm of war with a new paradigm of waging peace, we must be pioneers who can push the boundaries of human understanding. We must be doctors who can cure the virus of violence. We must be soldiers of peace who can do more than preach to the choir. And we must be artists who will make the world our masterpiece. --Paul Chappell
In world football an early bath is an amusing way of saying a RED CARD, because you are sent back to the Locker Room before the other players.
It is a cool (67°F) Friday morning. The sky is almost completely covered with cloudsw that look like rain without looking threatening. Big puffy globs hurrying to the southwest. Here and there a patch of blue sky can be seen and the brilliant reflection of sun through the hole. The breeze tickles the cheek and spreads the scents of summer – floral mostly and damp soil and dogs. The birds are enjoying the cool temperatures and singing in large choirs that spread from the tree next to me to the little wood across the street and rooftops up and down the blocks, cheeping and hooting and actual song. Puck sits like a mini sheep dog watching the neighborhood for squirrels and bicycles. Cy and Cooper are lounging near the fence content to let Puck do the guarding duties. They are all three listening to the birdsong without joining in. The sheer beauty of the morning makes me reluctant to return to the indoors. I stay breathing in early summer but thinking about coffee. So here I am mouth full of sweet tartness and thoughts of you in my head. Hope your morning is a wonderful.
Hope your weekend is more exciting than a World Cup game, ePistliers.
At the very first World Cup in 1930 the ball quit mid-games because it was so tired of being kicked around. / Nigeria was ranked so low, the manager gave pencils and paper to all the players hoping for a draw.
..........You keep telling yourself you can take it.....Don Henley …..You're Not Drinking Enough
Trivia Questions: Happy Re-Birthday, Arkansas !
^ In what year, more or less, did Arkansas join the union for the first time?
^^ Can you name any of the notable things about Hot Springs?
^^^ Arkansas calls itself the Natural State. Know why?
^^^^ Know which Arkansas city offers one the the nation's largest municipal parks?
^^^^^ And if you want to picket Walmart Headquarters to which Arkansas city would you travel?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: There is No King James Version of the Constitution.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Library staff spending makes up 63% of income at library book sales
During the 1938 World Cup in France what did they call the one who's inside the goalpost stopping the ball from rolling away? Annette / Charlie played goalkeeper for so long he didn't stop even after he died. They called him ghoulkeeper.
..........But I think it's about forgiveness.....Don Henley …..Heart of the Matter
Moonbeam: Operationally, God is beginning to resemble not a ruler, but the last fading smile of a cosmic Cheshire Cat. --Julian Huxley
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: Goddag – Norwegian
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Oh what, so Sleeping Beauty can sleep for days and years and she's a “beautiful princess,” but when I do the same thing I'm “clinically depressed?”
Week of the Week: Old Time Fiddlers Week (June 14-23) --Okay, I just thought of one. This classically trained violinist tries to play a fiddle song and...hey! What'd I say? Why are so many people upset?
In 1974 when it rained so hard the pitch was covered in water, the German manager sent in his subs. / Cinderella tried out for the French team but she didn't make the cut. She kept running away from the ball.
..........They're pickin' up the prisoners and puttin' 'em in a pen.....Don Henley …..All She Wants to Do Is Dance
^ Arkansas became the 25th state (13th slave state) on June 15, 1836.
Almanac: It is Friday, June 22, 2018. The moon was first quarter on Wednesday and is in Scorpio. It is National Chocolate Eclair Day, Stupid Guy Thing Day, Take Your Dog to Work Day, Ugliest Dog Day, and ARRL (American Radio Relay League) Field Day (23-24). In El Salvador it is School Teacher's Day aka Dia del Maestro. Haiti celebrates Sovereignty Day aka President's Day. In the Virgin Islands it is Organic Act Day (1954) and Yemen PDR commemorates Corrective Move Day.
Among those born on the day were George Vancouver (1757), H. Rider Haggard (1856), Puccini (1858), Julian Huxley (1887), Erich Maria Remarque (1898), John Dillinger (1903), Billy Wilder (1903), Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1907), Gower Champion (1921), Bill Blass (1922), Orson Bean (1928), Dianne Feinstein (1933), Kris Kristofferson (1936), Don Henley (1947), Todd Rundgren (1948), Meryl Streep (1949), and Freddie Prinze (1954).
On June twenty-second the First Council of Ephesus opened (3rd ecumenical council, 431), Bilbo Baggins returned home (1342), Henry Hudson was set adrift (1611), slavery was outlawed in England (1772), Zebulon reached Pike's peak (1808), the doughnut was created (1847), Arkansas reentered the union (1868), congress created the Department of Justice (1870), George V was crowned king of England (1911), and FDR signed the GI Bill of Rights (aka Servicemen's Readjustment Act), 1944.
Night Sky, 6/22: The waxing gibbous moon this evening shines with bright Jupiter to its lower left and fainter spica to its lower right.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: PortConMaine (June 21-24, Portland, ME) Maine's first, longest running, and largest convention celebrating the hobbies that enrich our lives.
Actual Science Convention of the Week: Low-dimensional topology and its interactions with symplectic geometry. (June 20-22, Princeton, NH) The first Summer 2018 Geometry/Topology RTG mini-conference
This Week: Saturday, June 23 – Pink Flamingo Day & Great American Backyard Camp-out Night
Sunday, June 24 – International Fairy Day aka Faerie Day & Stonewall National Monument Day
Night Sky, 6/24: If you have a good view of the west-northwest horizon (from mid-northern latitudes), mark precisely where the Sun sets. In a few days you should be able to detect that it's again starting to set a little south of that point.
Monday, June 25 – Global Beatles Day & Day of the Seafarer & National Catfish Day
Tuesday, June 26 – National Canoe Day & National Columnists Day
Night Sky, 6/26: This is the time of year the two brightest stars of summer, Arcturus and Vega, are about equally high overhead soon after dark: Arcturus toward the southwest, Vega toward the east.
Wednesday, June 27 – Industrial Workers of the World Day

Thursday, June 28 – National Hand Shake Day & International Body Piercing Day
During the 1950 World Cup in Brazil the manager of the English team caught two fans climbing over the stadium wall. He was angry with them and grabbed them by their coat collars and demanded they go back in and watch the game until it finished. (England lost 0-1 to the US). / The most popular beverage at the World Cup is Penal-tea!
..........Government conspiracy; cover-ups and lies.....Don Henley …..They're Not Here and They're Not Coming
^^ 1) It has a hot springs. Since the 1830s the area now known as 2) Hot Springs National Park has bathed 3) notables as diverse as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, and Al Capone. The park is entirely surrounded by the city of Hot Springs, the 4) boyhood home of President Bill Clinton.
'Norther Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Have ye ever listened to some folks for a minute and thought...their cornbread ain't done in the middle.
Moonbeam: Life did not intend to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect belongs in a museum. --Erich Maria Remarque
Late Night Snacks: President Trump said Russia should not be punished for seizing parts of Ukraine because they speak Russian there. Which explains why today, Mexico announced plans to take back California. --Conan O'Brien / 72 years ago today in the borough of Queens, in the state of New York, a pumpkin got trapped in a tanning bed. And Donald J. Trump was born. --Jimmy Kimmel / In November, people in California will vote on whether they want to break the state up in to three smaller states. The states would be Northern California, Southern California, and Kardashistan. --Jimmy Fallon / Some meteorologists are worried that London could be so hot this summer that Leonardo DiCaprio will try to have sex with it. That's how hot it is. --James Corden / The Cheesecake Factory has been fined $4.6 million for wage violations with their janitorial staff. And now to save money they have to remove the last 40 pages of their menu. --Seth Meyers / There is huge news in the Mueller investigation. Sources say that ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is likely to cooperate with federal prosecutors. Yes, Michael Cohen is going to sing like a canary — which is ironic because it's Trump that looks like one. --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks: Peter Sagal: Trump's aides jokingly call his habit of tearing up all these papers after he's read them - they call it, quote, Trump's filing system. Because that sounds a lot cuter than calling it, quote, "destroying evidence." Roy Blunt, Jr: If he didn't tear them up, how would he know that he's read them? Sagal: This is, - by the way, this is a Trump habit left over from the days when he needed all those torn-up paper scraps to line Steve Bannon's cage. Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Love is the vital essence that pervades and permeates, from the center to the circumference, the graduating circles of all thought and action. Love is the talisman of human weal and woe –the open sesame to every soul. --Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In 1962 when the games were in Chili, the Czechoslovakian team visited an orphanage. It was heart-breaking to see their sad faces with no hope, “ said João, age 6. / What do you call a player in the knockout stages of the World Cup? A referee
..........Dust devils whirlin' on the first day of July.....Don Henley …..Praying for Rain
^^^ Naturally, Arkansas contains over 600,000 acres of lakes and 9,700 miles of streams and rivers. The state contains six national park sites, two-and-a half million acres of national forests, seven national scenic byways, three state scenic byways, and 50 state parks.
Worthless Facts of the Week: If you’ve enjoyed a doughnut at the Summit House atop Pikes Peak, then you’ve accomplished two things the great Zebulon Pike never did. He never reached the top of his mountain, and the doughnut was invented in 1847, 34 years after Pike’s death.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. – Mark Russell
Weird Word of the Week: Orismology – the science of defining technical terms or terminology. The first persons to use it were the pre-eminent experts on insects in the early nineteenth century, William Kirby and William Spence. They didn’t like the way that in terminology a Latin stem had been joined to a Greek suffix, so in their textbook in 1816 they created orismology as an alternative.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Repair stains, rings, and minor scratches in wood furniture. Cover each scratch with a liberal coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, let sit for 24 hours, rub into wood, wipe away excess, and polish as usual.
What's the difference between the US Soccer team and a teabag? The teabag stays in the cup. / France is the best chance Africa has at winning the world cup. (2018)
...........Because love is mainly just memories.....Don Henley …..The Brand New Tennessee Waltz
^^^^ Burns Park is a 1,700-acre park in North Little Rock, Arkansas. The park features two golf courses, Funland Amusement Park, sports facilities, and a camping area.
Dead Joke of the Week: Zeuxis, a 5th-century BC Greek painter, is said to have died laughing at the humorous way he painted the goddess Aphrodite – after the old woman who commissioned it insisted on modeling for the portrait
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Now that Canada has legalized marijuana the reasons to go to war with them and lose become even more enticing. We could get both healthcare and high.
Science on the Internet of the Week: Milk Art - The results are not only dramatic but are beautiful too -
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Being neither mad nor English here's our fearless Puck out of the Kansas noonday sun in the case of the Indoor Imo.
At the 1978 World Cup in Argentina Poland was losing to Brazil when a handful of Argentinean pesos were thrown onto the field. The police and the referees are still not sure whether they were missiles or a takeover bid. / The football fan bought his squeeze a goalie jersey so he could tell people his girl was a keeper.
..........That sweet, delicious, but not-so-original sin.....Don Henley …..The Genie
^^^^^ Sam Walton founded his Wal-Mart stores in Bentonville. Click Here for a map.
Month of the Week: June is Zoo and Aquarium Month – You don't see many reindeer in zoos, do you? No, generally they can't afford the admission. / You're just telling this bad fish joke for halibut.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Interesting. The anti-science, anti-education administration wants a Space Force. How are they going to get there. Thoughts and prayers? --Rex A Jones --Submitted by sd of ks
Most Beautiful Thing in American Samoa: Two Dollar Beach - This well-maintained strip of white sand sits beside calm, shallow water that's great for snorkeling. There's a small rocky island just offshore for exploring. (Head's Up – it's $5 now)
Today's Peace of History, June 22, 1987: At least 8000 peace protesters formed a 10-mile human chain around the US air base on Okinawa, an island that is part of Japan. Subsequent demonstrations and negotiations between the U.S. and Japan have led to the prospective closing of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futemma Air Station.
I was so excited about going to Russia for this year's cup that I left two tickets on the dashboard of my car while I was shopping. When I got back someone had broken the window and left two more. / The difference between Portugal and an albatross is that the albatross has two good wings.
..........When a stranger appears in a cloud of smoke.....Don Henley …..Garden of Allah
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle June 22, 2018, Early Bath ePistle. Online at: Peace, Laughs and Football. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: I do not believe in violence; it is the last resort of fools. --H. Rider Haggard
Cost of War:
As of 6/21/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,831,339,312,357.
As of 6/14/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,829,362,609,200.
As of 6/21/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $833,522,015,596.
As of 6/14/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $832,178,550,931.
As of 6/21/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $597,513,465,142.
As of 6/14/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $595,824,571,739.
As of 6/21/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $291,434,892,907.
As of 6/14/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $291,051,058,248.
As of 6/21/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,553,810,637,675.
As of 6/14/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,548,417,643,042.
As they used to say 'What if they gave a war and nobody came?' How worthwhile if they declared a day of peace and everybody came. --Ed Asner
..........And let me take a long last look before we say goodbye.....Don Henley …..End of the Innocence
God and the devil were having an argument, and Satan proposed a football game between heaven and hell to resolve the dispute. God, in his eternal goodness, pointed out that it wouldn’t be a fair match because all the ‘good’ players go to heaven. The devil smiled, replying, “Yes, but we’ve got all the refs.” / You're right – that World Cup game you watched as an impressionable youth really was “the best” ever.
Famous Last Words: “Thank goodness!” said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar. The Hobbit
May Peace be your cross
And Joy your trap
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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