Friday, November 4, 2016

eLectoral ePistle

Famous First Words: Life is sweeter with easy-bake ..Hasbro Easy-Bake website
We've endured it for 15 months, but it's nearly over. August 2015: Hillary Clinton has a $350 billion plan that she says will make college more affordable. Which has to be better than my parents' plan to make college affordable: “Be good at sports.” --Jimmy Fallon / Donald Trump said today that he has made up with Fox News over his controversial comments toward Megyn Kelly. And if there’s anything Trump and Fox are great at, it’s making things up. --Seth Meyers / Liberal Democrat Bernie Sanders had a rally in Los Angeles last night attended by over 27,000 supporters. The rally set the world record for most Priuses in one parking lot. --Conan O'Brien
..........fell down on my knees asked the lord above for mercy.........Ry Cooder …..Crossroads
A heart of peace is always the best problem-solver. --Sri Chinmoy
It is a chilly Friday morning. There are no clouds in the sky and only a single star has the power to remain visible in the rising sunlight. No wind blows and no leaf holding on to its tree moves making the world look like a silhouette of cut paper against the pale golden east. A variety of bird calls fill the air, the harsh caw of the crow and the song birds greeting the day in the little wood across the street; none of it drowns the muffled motor sounds from streets unseen. The 44°F is a little cold, even without a breeze and I am bundled in sweater and cap. Puck just heads for the deck to keep his cute little feet out off the cold earth; he barks back at the distant greetings of other canine, also unseen. My breath comes in small, visible puffs that float away and disappear into the morning. We linger a while, I watching a plane fly from the west to the east (probably landing at MCI) and Puck making snuffling noises as he examines each corner of the deck for … something. So we return to a humid warmth and the sounds of the washer which is blending the smell of soap with my brewing coffee. They are nice rooms. And now I take a long swig of artificially sweetened, really creamed decaf and say good morning to you.
Hope your weekend is candidate free, ePistliers..
September 2015: Donald Trump said he would replace Obamacare with something called Donaldcare. He claims it would save billions by denying coverage to preexisting Hispanics. --Conan O'Brien / According to a New York Times report, Hillary Clinton's campaign is trying to put the whole email scandal behind her. They say they want to start bringing humor and spontaneity to her campaign. And nothing says spontaneity like announcing you're about to be spontaneous. “Here comes the spontaneity in 3, 2, 1 ... Boo!” --Jimmy Fallon / You're not just buying useless crap, you're doing your patriotic duty to buy useless crap. As Rand Paul says of his own online merchandise, “Thomas Jefferson would be proud.” So much better than Rand's original slogan, “Impress a slaveholder!” --Stephen Colbert
..........But I feel just like a lucky man........Ry Cooder …..Down in Mississippi
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to the lighthouse on Alcatraz.
^ Who or when or why was the island named Alcatraz?
^^ What was the first use of the island?
^^^ When did Alcatraz become a prison?
^^^^ Know anything about the escape from Alcatraz race?
^^^^^ Can you name any of Alcatraz's more infamous residents?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 24% of librarians wanted to live in Richard Scarry's Busytown as a child; 75% still want to drive a pickle car.
ePistlier Comment of the Week 1: So, I heard on the radio this morning that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are BOTH in Cedar Rapids today.(10/28) Did they go for the Sci-Fi convention? At least one of them should be going. And he doesn't even need a costume. He IS one! --mu of ks
Moonbeam: The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. --Eden Pillpotts
December 2015: The most popular reality TV show in America right now is Donald Trump's campaign for president. Trump, yesterday, proposed a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims coming into the United States. Even former Vice President Dick Cheney said the ban goes against everything we believe in. And this is a guy who shot one of his friends. --Jimmy Kimmel / Hillary Clinton recently started following a bunch of new people and organizations on Instagram, including the home improvement channel, HGTV. When asked why, Hillary was like, "Oh, I'm getting a new house soon." --Jimmy Fallon
..........the judge decreed it, clerk he wrote it down........Ry Cooder …..Viola Lee Blues
Something to Think About of the Week: Politics is really religion. Politics is about sacredness. Politics is about offering a vision that will bind the nation together to pursue greatness. --Jonathan Haidt
Big Hello:Mono – Himba (Namibia)
Week of the Week: National Fig Week (November 1-7) --Force of 1 kilogram of falling figs =1 Fig Newton"
ePistlier Comment of the Week 2: Grandpa Bender use to tease my Grandmother re Aunt Kate. I have traced my line back to 1620s to Kirchardt Germany. A lot of my ancestors were of 10, 11, 12 children, so who knows. My line went from Germany to Illinois to Kansas City to Independence, Galena, Chetopa and some them back to KC. I get a lot of teasing. --submitted by jbender of ks
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Pax Aus 2016 (November 4-6, Melbourne) It's merch. It's new. And it's headed your way... Gaming con

January 2016 Jeb Bush misspoke during a campaign event yesterday and mistakenly called President Obama’s daughter "Malala" instead of Malia. And THEN, when he tried to say Sasha’s name, it came out “I don’t want to run for president anymore.” --Seth Meyers / Hillary Clinton said she went to Donald Trump’s wedding but didn’t give him a gift. Trump said, "Just for that, you’re not coming to my next three weddings." --Conan O'Brien / Donald Trump announced that he's not going to participate in the Fox News debate tomorrow night. The other candidates are really excited to present their views in a serious, yet respectful manner — which means they haven't been told that nobody is going to watch this one. --Jimmy Fallon
..........Ain't no other man let me down.........Amy Madigan …..He Made a Woman Out of Me
^ In 1775, Spanish explorer Juan Manuel de Ayala mapped and named La Isla de los Alcatraces, Island of Pelicans, because so many lived there.
Almanac: It is Friday, November 4, 2016. The moon is first quarter tonight and is in Capricorn. It is National Chicken Lady Day, National Candy Day, National Easy-Bake Oven Day, Sausage and Kraut Day, and Use Your Common Sense Day.
Among those born on this day were William II (of Orange, 1650), Eden Phillpotts (1862), G.E. Moore (1873), James Fraser (1876), Will Rogers (1879), Pauline Trigere (1912),Gig Young (1913), Walter Cronkite (1916), Cameron Mitchell (1918), Markie Post (1950), and Ralph Macchio (1962).
On November fourth Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd (1842), the first nationally observed uniform election was held in the US (1845), the lighthouse was build on Alcatraz Island (1854), the University of Washington was founded (Seattle, 1861), Italy annexed Venetia (1866), the gold crown for the tooth was patented (1873), California repealed the ban on professional boxing (1924), Nellie Tayloe Roos was elected as the frist female governor in the US (WY, 1924), Eisenhower was elected (1952), the Philadelphia A's moved to Kansas City (1954), Ronald Reagan was elected (1980), and Nicaragua held its first free elections in 56 years (1984).
Tonight's Sky: Around a hour before sunrise look towards the East-Southeast, Jupiter is lying in Virgo. Orion rises on the eastern horizon about 9 pm.
This Week: Saturday, November 5 – Zero Tasking Day and Stout Day
Night Sky, November 5: The Leonids Meteor Shower begins tonight and peaks on November 17-18. Jupiter rises before the waning moon and then Venus and Mars show up.
Daylight Savings Time ends (2 am)
Sunday, November 6 – National Nachos Day & Saxophone Day
Night Sky, November 6: Mercury is close to the east-southeast horizon before sunrise.
Monday, November 7 – Employee Brotherhood Day & International Merlot Day
Night Sky, November 7: Saturn disappears very low in the southwest during twilight.
Tuesday, November 8 – ELECTION DAY ~~For God's sake we've endured hell while these idiots courted us – go vote for somebody. In a related story it is also Abet & Aid Punsters Day
Night Sky, November 8: The lone bright star in the south this evening is Fomalhaut – the Solitary One.
Wednesday, November 9 – World Freedom Day & X-Ray Day
Night Sky, November 9: Uranus and Neptune are high in the southeast and south respectively around 8 pm
Thursday, November 10 – Sesame Street Day & Veteran's Day
April 2016: Donald Trump said yesterday that acting more presidential would make his campaign “boring as hell.” Though if he gets elected, I suppose “boring” is the best version of hell we can hope for. --Seth Meyers / The director of the CIA says that no matter who the next president is, the agency will not use waterboarding ever again. Instead, he's come up with a new way to torture people: turn off the Wi-Fi when they visit their parents’ house. --Jimmy Fallon
..........On the full of the moon........Ry Cooder …..Cotton Needs Pickin'
^^ During the 1850s a fortress was constructed on Alcatraz and 100 cannons were installed around the island to protect San Francisco Bay.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: I thought getting old would take longer. --submitted by ca of ks
Moonbeam: Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. --Will Roger
ePistlier Comment of the Week 3: Re: famous Kansans - I was raised in Labette County (Oswego, to be precise, which is about 20 miles east of Cherryvale.) We heard about the Benders throughout our childhood, but I never knew the real story till I read it in your link in this week's epistle. How fun! --ab of ks ~~Fun isn't the word I would have used...
Late Night Snacks: It was announced that Shaquille O’Neal is now the owner of a Krispy Kreme Doughnuts franchise in downtown Atlanta. They serve all kinds of doughnuts, or as Shaq calls them, “frosted Cheerios.” --Jimmy Fallon / Today is a special day, today is Hillary Clinton’s birthday. You could email her a birthday card, or just send it straight to WikiLeaks. --Conan O'Brien / Last night Taco Bell did a promotion where if a player stole a base, everyone in America would get a free Doritos Locos Taco. And this is a great way for both players and fans to get a lot of runs. --James Corden / That’s right, there’s exactly one week until Election Day, and this is probably a bad sign, but that’s where the calendar just stops. --Seth Meyers / The Chicago Cubs are going to the World Series! The Cubs are playing another lovable loser, the Cleveland Indians. The two teams have a combined 176 years without a championship. To put that in perspective, that is almost as long as a baseball game feels. --Stephen Colbert
A warless world will come as men develop warless hearts. --Charles Wesley Burns
May 2016: Donald Trump observed Cinco de Mayo. He posted this on Facebook, “Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!” There you go. All is forgiven. He even built a little wall around the Mexican salad so it doesn't get on his American desk. --Jimmy Kimmel / A new poll shows Hillary Clinton just one point ahead of Donald Trump nationally. And now Canada is thinking about building a wall. --Seth Meyers / After Hillary Clinton declined to debate Bernie Sanders this month, there's now talk that Bernie might debate Donald Trump. No word on what the debate will be on, but I'm guessing mute. --Jimmy Fallon
..........I'm built for comfort, not built for speed........Ry Cooder …..Willie Brown Blues
^^^ By late in the 1850s the US army had begun holding prisoners on the island assuming that the strong waters of San Francisco Bay would render it un-escapable.
Worthless Fact of the Week: On November 4, 1861, the Territorial University of Washington began classes in a building located on a site now occupied by the Olympic Hotel. The University was on the outskirts of the village of Seattle, which had a population of 250. (The 1860 census identified 302 people in King County.)
Weird Word of the Week: Fletcherise – to chew thoroughly ...from Horace Fletcher, The Great Masticator. ...Eat somewhat less but eat it more...
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Mrs. Frankenstein, lissome and lean,
Had as perfect a bod as I’ve seen.
Husband Vic, from the start,
Took her hand, stole her heart,
And her liver, both lungs, and her spleen. --Tim James
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Protect your knees when scrubbing floors. Peel the adhesive strip from two Stayfree Maxi Pads and stick the pads to our knees for cushioned support.
July 2016: Donald Trump met with 200 House Republicans who were described as "nervous." And following the meeting, many of them were described as "Democrats." --Conan O'Brien / Hip-hop group the Wu-Tang Clan has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Which makes this the first presidential election where both candidates have been endorsed by a "clan." --Seth Meyers / Of course, it’s the Democratic Convention, which began last night. There were several big moments, and by the end, everyone was chanting "I'm With Her!" Unfortunately for Hillary, they were talking about Michelle Obama. --Jimmy Fallon
...........You better hush, hush, hush, hush........Ry Cooder …..Somebody's Callin' My Name
^^^^ The Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon is 1.5 mile swim to San Francisco, plus an 18 mile bike ride and and 8-mile run.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Compromise – to expose or make vulnerable to danger, suspicion, scandal, etc. The Merchant of Venice Act I Scene III –Shylock (When Laban and himself were compromised ...)
Diversion of the Week: The first presidential election in which I could vote was 1968. Humphrey and Muskie were running against Nixon and Agnew. I wrote in Pat Paulsen. (A common, ordinary, simple savior of America's destiny) Now I'm 72 and this could be my last presidential election (or not); I think I may write in Pat Paulsen.
Amazing Thing on the Internet of the Week: Watch hundreds of documentaries at You an search by subject or title.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck counting leaves as they fall in the case of the Autumn Ausky.
August 2016: President Obama piled on this morning, saying in a press conference he feels Trump is unfit to be president. America's first black president is begging you not to elect America's first orange one. --James Corden / Calling your opponent the devil, that's going to be tough to reel back in if he loses and has to make a concession speech. "Today I called the devil and congratulated her on her victory. I'm disappointed but we now unite behind our president the devil." --Jimmy Kimmel / Eric Trump appeared on CBS "This Morning" today and defended his father's ongoing feud with the family of a veteran, saying, “What I think this country needs is a fighter.” And to Donald Trump’s credit, he did bravely fight off all five of the Army’s attempts to draft him. --Seth Meyers
..........Don't you ever make such a bad mistake........Ry Cooder …..The Very Thing That Makes You Rich
^^^^^ Among the prisoners at Alcatraz were Al Capone, George “Machine Gun” Kelly, and the birdman (Robert Stroud).
Month of the Week: November is Adopt A Turkey Month –

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Can Anthony Weiner please send a dick pick to the Standing Rock protests so our mainstream media can start covering it? --Lucid Nation
Famous Kansans: Fred “Killer” Burke, a contract killer and a prime suspect in the St. Valentine's Day Massacres, was born in Mapleton in 1893.
Today's Peace of History, November 4, 2008: The first African American ever nominated by a major political party as candidate for president went before the electorate and won.

September 2016: A prominent Latino Trump supporter announced today he is withdrawing his support for Donald Trump. He said, "I would have done it sooner but I just came out of a year-long coma." --Conan O'Brien / Much of the criticism stemmed from Lauer not pressing Trump when he lied or didn't answer questions. My question is, how did Matt Lauer even end up with this job? Was there a conversation at NBC like, “You know who would be great for the presidential forum?” And they were like, “Oh, the guy on ‘The Today Show’ who excitedly announces they're now making pumpkin spice marshmallows.” --James Corden / Last night they held, like, an appetizer debate — an “amuse douche,” if you will. It was called the Commander-in-Chief Forum. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump answered questions about national security. It took place right here in New York on the aircraft carrier Intrepid. Once the two of them were on board, a lot of people were tempted to cut it loose and let it drift out to sea. --Stephen Colbert
..........I don't wanna be mistreated by no bourgeoisie.........Ry Cooder …..Bourgeois Blues
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle November 4, 2016 eLectoral ePistle. Online at: Retired News and Rehashed Jokes. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system. --Walter Cronkite
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 11/3/16: $753,156,817,977.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 10/27/16: $752,487,129,612.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 11/3/16: $819,944,003,198.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 10/27/16: $819,924,430,927.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 11/3/16: $12,135,852,913.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 10/27/16: $12,032,922,037.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 11/3/16: $133,720,522,745.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 10/27/16: $133,147,810,743.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 11/3/16: $1,722,647,053,927.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 10/27/16: $1,721,248,539,477.
If you want to end the war then instead of sending guns, send books. Instead of sending tanks, send pens. Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers. --Malala Yousafzai
..........Sometimes I take a great notion to jump in the river and drown........Ry Cooder …..Goodnight Irene
October 2016: Yesterday, LeBron James wrote an op-ed in which he endorsed Hillary Clinton. LeBron says he and Hillary are all about the same thing: taking forever to finally win something. --Jimmy Fallon / Over the weekend, three pages of Donald Trump's 1995 tax return were leaked, revealing that he declared a $916 million loss from his three Atlantic City casinos. That's right. Donald Trump lost money on casinos. You know what they say, "The house always loses." --Stephen Colbert / We're going to start by talking about everybody's favorite subject: taxes. Over the weekend, Donald Trump's private tax documents were leaked to The New York Times, showing that in 1995 he posted a loss of $916 million dollars. The only people with a more embarrassing loss in 1995 were the prosecution team in the O.J. Simpson trial. --James Corden / Tomorrow night is the vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Tim Kaine. Experts expect a record number of people not to watch it.--Conan O'Brien
Famous Last Words: And that's the way it is. --Walter Cronkite
May Peace grace your ballot
And Joy win your race
prairie mama

Last Laugh: Submitted by dg of oh 

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