Friday, July 19, 2024

dUal aCtion ePistle

 Famous First Words: This book was written in the hope... Herbert Marcuse On Dialectics

Happy Robin Hood Days! Those wanted posters that were up all over Sherwood Forest, they were printed in Serif of Nottingham font. At one time July 19th was St Vincent de Paul Feast Day. Vincent de Paul was a 17th century priest who cared for the poor and marginalized. In my lifetime they ran thrift stores. I thought the movie Good Will Hunting was about thrift stores. Spoiler alert, it's not.

..........I tell myself, “What's done is done”.........Vikki Carr …..It Must Be Him

The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman... --Declaration of Sentiments Seneca Fall Women's Rights Convention 1848

It is a beautiful Friday morning. 65°F is just a little cool and a 2 mph breeze is just enough to emphasize the “not quite cold”ness of it. Our willow tree is hardly moving at all and the mulberry waits for squirrels and birds to create motion, light and bouncy under the fat robin but rapid and unpredictable with the squirrel brothers. The sky is absolutely blue without a cloud or a jet trail for contrast. A mourning dove sits on the utility wires and mourns for us while a variety of unseen species sing praises to the newborn sun. I take a long sip of decaf and listen as Veronica the cat bats a jingling ball down the hallway and silently paces after it. A pine incense smoulders in the waterfall burner and the smoke snakes down the levels looking, indeed, like water dripping down a tiny rock ledge. What a comfortable morning. Happy Today!

Hope your weekend is first hand fun, ePistliers.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Snoring is basically bragging about being asleep, so loudly, that it stops other people from sleeping. It's like lying there screaming, “I'M HAVING A LOVELY SLEEP”. --Chris Ramsey --Submitted by SH

Legolas and Robin Hood were seen running from the Olympics. It makes them deparchers. Yesterday there was a fire at the Vincent de Paul store in Armourdale; one of the spectators died of second-hand smoke.

..........We'll have to pay for the love we stole.........Flying Burrito Brothers with Bernie Leadon …..Dark End Of The Street

Trivia Questions: Happy National Pajama Day!

  • ^ Where did pajamas originate?
  • ^^ When did pajamas come to the west?
  • ^^^ What do you know about the word pajama?
  • ^^^^ Where did footie pajamas come from?
  • ^^^^^ In the US, what percentage of people wear pajamas to bed.

Big Hello: Salibonani – Ndebele (Northern Zimbabwe) (How to Pronounce Ndebele (

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The world would be a better place if we all raised vegetables instead of voting for them.

Image of the Week: Puck - Before be continued

Library Laugh of the Week: Let's turn an old bus into a mobile library, fill it with banned books, drive to conservative areas, and give them to the kids. We could call it “Banned on the Run” Facebook

Robin Hood had many arrow escapes. You know you're a thrift-store-aholic when the highlight of your vacation is shopping at strange new thrift stores in new exotic cities.

..........Your prison is walking through this world all alone.........Eagle with Bernie Leadon …..Desperado

Moonbeam: Worry is evidence of an ill-controlled brain; it is merely a stupid waste of time in unpleasantness. --Dr Charles W Mayo

Blasphemy of the Week: If God made a man in his own image, why aren't we all, like......invisible? --Father Guido Sarducci --Submitted by rg of kc

Puzzle of the Week: From Dan Pitt, of Palo Alto, CA: Think of something in two words (7,5) that you might take camping. The phrase has seven consonants, which are all different and appear in alphabetical order through the phrase. What camping item is this?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I heard that Project 2024 is a lot easier to understand in the original German. --Occupy Democrats --Submitted by jm of ks

I overheard the sheriff of Nottingham complaining that Robin Hood was dominating the 24-Hour news cycles. The Salvation Army has started a new nationwide 12-step program for thrift-store addicts.

..........Ooo I like the way it feels..........Nitty Gritty Dirt Band with Beanie Leadon …..One Step Over The Line

^ Pajamas are soft garments which were adopted in the Western world as nightwear. These soft garments originated in India and southern Iran

Almanac: It is Friday, July 19, 2024. The moon will be full (Buck) on Sunday (7/21) and is in Capricorn. It is Celebration of The Horse Day, Hemingway Look-Alike Day, and Words With Friends Day. It is also Robin Hood Days (19-20). Because it is the 3rd Friday it is National Pajama Day and Parks & Recreation Professionals Day.

Among those born on this day were Edgar Degas (1834), Lizzie Borden (1860), Charles Mayo (1865), Herbert Marcuse (1898), George McGovern (1922), Vikki Carr (1938), Roy D. Bridges (1943), Bernie Leadon (1947), Brian May (1947), and Kathleen Turner (1954).

On July nineteenth Egyptian calendar was instituted (2781 BCE), Lady Jane Grey was deposed (1554), the first woman's rights convention opened (1848), the railroad finally reached Kansas (1860), the first Wimbledon championship was held (1877), the San Francisco public library began lending books (1880), Ty Cobb got his 4,000th hit (1927), fiberglass sutures were first used (1939), the Apollo spacecraft went into lunar orbit (1967), the Moscow summer olympic opened (1980), Geraldine Ferraro won the nomination of Democratic VP (1984), and the Richard Nixon library opened (1990).

Night Sky, 7/19: The nearly full Moon tonight shines in the handle of the Sagittarius Teapot. Cover the Moon with your fingertip to help reveal the stars near it.

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Ollie and Max literally hanging out

This Week: Saturday, July 20 – Moon Day & Space Exploration Day & World Chess Day & World Jump Day

Sunday, July 21 – National Ice Cream Day & National Be Someone Day

Night Sky, 7/21: The low Moon this evening forms a huge, nearly vertical line with Altair about three fists above it and Vega the same distance above Altair, near the zenith. Look just a finger-width at arm's length above Altair for its eternal little sidekick Tarazed (Gamma Aquilae), a modest magnitude 2.7 compared to Altair's showy 0.7. But looks are deceiving. Altair looks so bright because it's one of our near neighbors, just 17 light-years away. Tarazed is an orange giant star about 380 light-years farther in the background — and it's 170 times more luminous than Altair!

Monday, July 22 – Casual Pi Day & National Mango Day & Spooners aka Spoonerisms Day

Tuesday, July 23 – Gorgeous Grandma Day & Hot Enough For Ya Day & National Sprinkle Day

Wednesday, July 24 – Cousins Day & Tell An Old Joke Day

Night Sky, 7/24: Neptune, magnitude 7.9 in Pisces, is 12° east of Saturn before dawn begins — easier if you have large binoculars or a telescope. Neptune's disk is a mere 2.3 arcseconds wide, hardly more than the size of a star's seeing disk during ordinary seeing.

Thursday, July 25 – Carousel Day & Hire A Veteran Day & National Refreshment Day & Wine and Cheese Day

Robin Hood on LinkedIn: Activist/Chief fundraiser at Nottingham. I may be a beginner at some things, but I've got a black belt in thrift store shopping.

..........Will you do the Fandango.........Queen with Brian May …..Bohemian Rhapsody

^^ One of the earliest known references to pajamas dates back to the 1600s when a Frenchman named Jean de Thevenot mentioned the Portuguese wore them when going to bed in his travelogue.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one. --Submitted by ff of ks

Peace is the only adequate war memorial.

Moonbeam: Study well and travel to the stars. --Roy D Bridges Jr

Reader Response: A video of rodeo jokes and a song. Robert Earl Keen - Copenhagen (Live in Dallas) (Official Audio) ( --Submitted by vr of +66

Video of the Week: 7 ½ Cents – A union song from the musical The Pajama Game The Pajama Game | 7 1/2 Cents (Seven and a Half Cents) | Motion Picture #pjgame - YouTube --Doris Day, Jack Straw, and the Chorus (3:44)

In entering upon the great work before us, we anticipate no small amount of misconception, misrepresentation, and ridicule; but we shall use every instrumentality within our power to affect our object. --Declaration of Sentiments Seneca Fall Women's Rights Convention 1848

Robin Hood's doctor diagnosed him; it's menintightis. I finally gave up and joined TA, Thrifters Anonymous.

..........Gonna take on the world someday..........Queen with Brian May …..We Will Rock You

^^^ The word “pajamas” is used in America, which comes from the word “pae-jama” in Hindi which means leg clothing or leg garment and dates as far back as the 13th century Ottoman Empire. The British and Australians spell it pyjama.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The forest holds many secrets … and many ticks. So many damned ticks.

Weird Word of the Week: oojah ('u:dʒa:) useful device which doesn't have a name, or something which does have a proper name but which you've temporarily forgotten (aka thingumabob, doohickey or whatchamacallit) Oojah (

Dragon of the Week: The Jade or Sherwood Dragon – some say it originated in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire.

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Prewash stains on clothes. Wet the fabric, and sprinkle Cascade on the stain. Scrub gently with an old toothbrush, rinse, and run through the regular wash cycle. Cascade®: Wacky Uses

Robin Hood laundred his money through a small business, Sherwood Florist. I like to take long romantic walks through thrift stores.

...........But the weather forecast is plain.........Nitty Gritty Dirt Band with Bernie Leadon …..Brass Sky

^^^^ The Chinese created footie pajamas, which are still made, proving popular with parents of babies and toddlers who won’t keep their covers on.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Unlike the brain, the stomach alerts you when it's empty. --African Proverb --Submitted by ma of va

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: JoMoCon (20, Joplin, MO) ...passions of the nerdverse... JoMoCon - Home

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Earth Educators Rendezvous 2024 (15-19, Philadelphia, PA) On the Cutting Edge Rendezvous 2024 (

Distant Cousin of Image of the Week: After

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Coleman Stove (c..l..m..n..s..t..v)

Robin Hood was on his deathbed in his little house in Sherwood Forest. Maid Marian, Friar Tuck, and the rest of the Merry Men gathered at his side. Robin whispered, "Bring me a bow and arrow. I'll shoot into the forest and wherever the arrow lands, that is where you must bury me". The bow duly arrived and Robin shot an arrow for the very last time. And so, with heavy hearts and many tears, Robin's friends buried him on top of the wardrobe.

..........She's got the moon in her eyes.........Eagles with Bernie Leadon …..Witchy Woman

^^^^^ A survey suggested that 74% of us wear pajamas to bed, 8% sleep nude, and the rest are clothed in something else.

Conspiracy Theory of the Week: Teletubby Recruiters: Jerry Falwell saw something off about Tinky Winky, the largest pal in Teletubbyland. “He is purple—the gay pride color, and his antenna is shaped like a triangle—the gay pride symbol,” Falwell wrote in an issue of his own magazine. The character had a boy’s voice, he continued, but he often carried a red purse—ahem. The article was titled “Parents Alert: Tinky Winky Comes Out of the Closet.” Jerry Falwell and Tinky Winky, the gay Teletubby. (

Quote of the Week: That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest. --Henry David Thoreau

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Pre means before. Post means after. To use both prefixes together would be preposterous... --Submitted by Laughing Librarian

Today's Peace of History, July 19, 1958: Several black teenagers, members of the local NAACP chapter (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), entered downtown Wichita’s Dockum Drug Store (then the largest drugstore chain in Kansas) and sat down at the lunch counter. This was the first instance of a sit-in to protest segregationist policies. ~~It lasted 2 weeks and was totally successful.

Robin Hood's favorite television show is Archer. Captain Hook got his hook at the second-hand store.

..........No sweeping exits or offstage lights.........Flying Burrito Brothers with Bernie Leadon …..Wild Horses

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, 2024, dUal aCtion ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. --George McGovern

Cost of War:

  • As of 07/18/24 State Department Costs: $241,167,455,132.
  • As of 07/11/24 State Department Costs: $240,602,272,421.
  • As of 07/18/24 Homeland Security: $1,173,664,695,216.
  • As of 07/11/24 Homeland Security: $1,173,050,798,411.
  • As of 07/18/24 Interest on War Debt: $1,232,709,317,418.
  • As of 07/11/24 Interest on War Debt: $1,231,130,764,111.
  • As of 07/18/24 Military Costs: $3,095,631,242,609.
  • As of 07/11/24 Military Costs: $3,094,432,756,599.
  • As of 07/18/24 Veterans Care: $3,769,513,972,329.
  • As of 07/11/24 Veterans Care: $3,757,549,638,276.
  • As of 07/18/24 Total Cost of Wars: $9,512,687,051,250.
  • As of 07/11/24 Total Cost of Wars: $9,496,768,171,921.

Firmly relying upon the final triumph of the Right and the True... --Declaration of Sentiments Seneca Fall Women's Rights Convention 1848

Last Minute Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Why didn't I think to invest in Confederate Ear Bandages? --Submitted by mm of ia

Famous Last Words: ...but my soul will be justified before God. --Lady Jane Grey

..........You're just too good to be true.........Vikki Carr …..Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

Robin Hood never missed; he was an arrow-dynamic shooter. May the thrift shop odds be ever in your favor.

May Peace be your mission
And Joy be your legacy
prairie mama

Last Laugh: Salute to Parks & Recreational Professionals on their day

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