Famous First Words: D'ye think you're gonna hang around those prize fighters every day? --Opening line of the very first Barney Google comic strip
Happy Hermit Day! A hermit is simply a person to whom civilization has failed to adjust itself. --Will Cuppy / I started a hermits association club in my neighborhood. It's really nice. Nobody ever turns up. I think I'm really on to something.
..........Where a little ball o' rhythm has a shoe-shine stand.........Red Foley …..Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. --John Wesley
It is late (after 11 am) and already fairly hot (90°F) and humid (45%). I am late because I have been to the doctor – routine checkup, I'm okay. Biggest news there is that the office got a cat. She's very gentle and comes and lays at your feet, but doesn't really want you to pet her. Ideal. We also have 9 mph winds which don't do a whole lot to cool it off, but it does make the tree limbs dance around nicely. There are no actual clouds in the piece of sky that I can see from here; but there is so much moisture that it looks like there are foggy spots in the sky. Puck is laying at my feet – keeping cool. I'm listening to Maria Muldar on the earphones and drinking diet cola...because I had to fast until I got to the doctor for blood work, so no coffee. But here I am cozy and cool, certified to be still alive, in a room with a floor, and you to write to, what more do I need...
Hope your weekend has the peace of the hermit and the joy of the sophomore party goer, ePistliers
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal. --Groucho Marx
Hermit crabs have been known to have symbiotic relationships with sea anemones. Crabs allow them to ride around on their shells and will even share food with them. You know the old adage: keep your friends close and your anemones closer. / Ideologies, like dogs, remain just outside the hermit's door. --Sylvain Tesson
..........Go jump on my train when I'm outta sight.........James Brown …..Soul Power
Trivia Questions: Happy Republic Day, Iceland !
- ^ Iceland has the world's oldest parliament? How old is it?
- ^^ How densely populated is Iceland?
- ^^^ How big is Iceland's standing army?
- ^^^^ What cheeseburger is on display in the National Museum?
- ^^^^^ What event does Icelandic Beer Day celebrate?
Big Hello: Hello – English (Britain) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I don't always make the right decisions, but when I do, it's eventually. --Submitted by ea
Max Picture of the Week: Max and the very blue tongue
Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 44% of librarians can never find their keys but they can recall intricate plot detail for books they read in middle school https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
Some guy on my Minecraft server thought that I was a hermit. How dare she make such baseless accusations. / Hummingbirds obviously can't remember the words, but hermit hummingbirds can't remember the tune either.
..........Morning, just another day..........Barry Manilow …..Mandy
Moonbeam: Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal. --Igor Stravinsky
Meditation of the Week: Can people ever truly change?
Puzzle of the Week: What is the name of a country that contains a deodorant and an air freshener in consecutive letters.
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I ate a Popsicle and ended up with $38.00 in lumber. ---Submitted by RHOZ
Week of the Week: National Week Of Making (17-23) --I heard the man who invented Autocorrect died; may he wrist in peach. / When the chair was invented, the inventor's friend wanted to know what it did. The inventor replied: “You might want to sit down for this.”
A man lost everything in his life...he just lost his job, his house, his car, and the wife left with the kids. All that is left is $50 from his pocket. Lost and wandering around, he stumbled upon an old hermit. The hermit asked him what was wrong and he told his story. The hermit offered him a book, told him it's the "Book of Secrets", and it would change his life blah blah blah. He said he could have it for $50 since he seemed to be a good guy. The man was desperate, so he gave his last $50. The hermit taught him how to use the book, to follow all instructions except for one, that whatever happens, don't look at the last page. The hermit left, the man started reading the book, but because of curiosity, he couldn't help but read the last page. Sadness took the man as he read the last page, tears fell in his eyes. The last page said "Goodwill Bookstore 50¢".
..........Come here, mama, and dig this crazy scene.........James Brown …..Papa's Got A Brand New Bag
^ Dating all the way back to the year 930, the first national parliament was founded in Thingvellir, which is now a national park .
Almanac: It is Friday, June 17, 2022. The moon was full (Strawberry) last Wednesday and is in Aquarius. The United Nations has declared this World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. It is Eat Your Vegetables Day, Stewart's Root Beer Day, Work@Home Father's Day. In Iceland it is Republic Day (1944) and in Japan they celebrate the Lily Festival. Because it is the third Friday it is also Ugliest Dog Day and National Flip Flop Day ( Shoes).
Among those born on this day were Edward I (1239), John Wesley (1703), Jon Sigurdsson (1811), John Robert Gregg (1867), Igor Stravinsky (1882), Sammy Fain (1902), Ralph Bellamy (1904), Red Foley (1910), Stringbean (David Akeman, 1915), Crazylegs Hirsch (1923), James Brown (1928), Barry Manilow (1946), David Concepcion (1948), Joe Piscopo (1951), and Michael Gross (1964).
On June seventeenth Drake landed in California (1579), Goodyear obtained his first patent (1837), the Republican Party opened its first convention (1856), the Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC (1885), the Barney Google cartoon strip debuted (1909), the first kidney was transplanted (1950), Julius and Ethel Rosenberg received a stay of execution (1953), Blacks began boycotting city stores in Tuskegee (1957), Brazil won the 7th World Cup (1962), Bible reading and prayer in public schools was outlawed (1963), and 5 people were arrested burglarizing Democratic Party Headquarters at Watergate (1972).
Night Sky, 6/17: The waning gibbous Moon rises around midnight with Saturn glowing steadily about 7° to its left. Saturn is magnitude +0.7. Partway between it and the Moon look for Delta Capricorni, magnitude +2.8. By the beginning of dawn Saturday morning this array is high in the south, now aligned more upright. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Image of the Week: Happy Flip Flop Day – Texas style
This Week: Saturday, June 18 – International Surfing Day & International Sushi Day & World Juggling Day
Sunday, June 19 – Juneteenth & World Sickle Cell Day & World Sauntering Day
Night Sky, 6/19: The Big Dipper hangs down by its handle high in the northwest. Spot the star at the end of its handle, the highest one. That's Alkaid, the tail of Ursa Major. Spot the Sickle of Leo much lower in the west. The brightest star about two fists upper left of the Sickle is Denebola, the tail of a different carnivore: Leo. About a third of the way from Alkaid to Denebola is a fainter star: Cor Caroli (Alpha Canum Venaticorum). And what is two thirds of the way along that line? Nothing? Look again, maybe in a darker sky or with wide-field binoculars. You're looking into the big, dim Coma Berenices star cluster. The cluster's brightest members form a sort of upside-down Y. The entire cluster is about 4° wide — a big, dim, irregular glow in a fairly dark sky, roughly the size of a ping-pong ball at arm's length. It nearly fills a binocular view.
Monday, June 20 – National Hike With A Geek Day & Flitch of Bacon Day
Tuesday, June 21 – Midsummer Day & Make Music Day & World Giraffe Day
Wednesday, June 22 – International Day of Radiant Peace & World Rain Forest Day
Night Sky, 6/22: Mars and Jupiter, very different at magnitudes +0.6 and –2.3 respectively, shine in the east-southeast before and during early dawn. From Jupiter, look for little Mars 8° to the lower left on the morning of June 11th. Their gap widens to 12° by the 18th. t at magnitudes +0.6 and –2.3 respectively, shine in the east-southeast before and during early dawn. From Jupiter, look for little Mars 8° to the lower left on the morning of June 11th. T
Thursday, June 23 – Let It Go Day & Pink Flamingo Day & Typing Day
A traveler meets a blind hermit who tells her:"There's a clear distinction between us, young woman", to which the traveler responds thoughtfully: I see.. " / A hermit Ibis and a seagull are flying over Germany. The seagull asks, "Hey, do you speak any German?" The other answers, "ibis-chen."
..........The moment you danced by, I felt a thrill.........Sammy Fain …..That Old Feeling
^^ Iceland has an average of about 8 people per square mile (or 3 people per kilometer). Like many sparsely populated countries, most of Iceland’s people reside in cities: Reykjavik houses roughly 1/3 of the country’s population. Iceland’s population is about 300,000 people, which is about 1/10th the population of San Francisco.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you wanna make it harder to buy a gun, we gotta make it harder to buy a politician. --Tea Pain --Submitted by 98%
Moonbeam: Hollywood made a movie of my life; the film had me proposing to my wife on the football field...I would never misuse a football field that way. --Elroy “Crazylegs” Hirsch
Video of the Week: David 'StringBean' Akeman - It's Mighty Dark To Travel - YouTube (1968)
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: The only thing worse than major corporations ignoring important advances in civil rights is them trying to help. For example, in Australia, Burger King introduced the Pride Month Whopper which is a standard whopper only the bun is now either two tops or two bottoms. --Peter Segel Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 6/11/22
The antidote to despair is action. --Justin McElroy
Hermit crabs call their utility bills Shell Fees. / The league of hermits is so NEET. ~~Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
..........When there's no destination.........James Brown …..Living In America
^^^ In fact, Iceland is the only NATO country not to have a standing army, air force, or navy. It does have a Crisis Response Unit (ICRU), which is a small, peacekeeping force of about 200 staff. These employees do not carry arms or wear a uniform in most circumstances. There’s also a national coast guard and air defense system. However a lack of a standing army means there is no permanent, professional, full-time military force.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Bourbon has never been recalled for e-coli. Suck it lettuce.
Weird Word of the Week: Sardoodledom - It commemorates the French playwright Victorien Sardou. His plays were extravagant spectaculars, full of contrivance and written to a mechanical formula, often being designed as vehicles for famous actors and actresses of the day.
Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie and the Seven League Boots
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Minimize the smell of dirty laundry. Sprinkle some baking soda into your hamper or launder bag. Arm & Hammer®: Wacky Uses
You probably haven't heard the one about the hermit and the agoraphobic; it was an inside joke. / Judy has a hermit hummingbird feeder. One day she put Red Bull in it and she's pretty sure the birds fluttered back in time.
...........Oh, my music makes you dance........Barry Manilow …..I Write The Songs
^^^^ Along with armed forces, another thing you’re unlikely to see in Iceland is a Big Mac. The last cheeseburger sold in Iceland is still on display as a museum exhibit. Visitors to the National Museum in Iceland can see the meal, dating back to 2009, encased in glass.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Hot take: people only like summer because it was our only time off for like 12 years and it's ingrained in our minds to like it. The actual season is fucking atrocious. --Uni --Submitted by ar of ks
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: LibertyCon 34 (17-19, Chattanooga, TN) LibertyCon had its first convention back in 1987. We have a copy of every single program book we have used throughout the years. Home | LibertyCon
Actual Science Conference of the Week: TNW Conference (16-17, Amsterdam) –TNW Conference is like Woodstock for innovators. TNW Conference – June 16 & 17 • Amsterdam • Europe's leading tech event (thenextweb.com)
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Bangladesh (Band + Glade)
Sorry, I've been such a bad friend lately. But I am becoming an awesome hermit. / I climbed the mountain to find the hermit of wisdom, but all I found was a Starbucks.
..........In that small cafe, the park across the way..........Sammy Fain & Irving Kahal …..I'll Be Seeing You
^^^^^ Beer Day, March 1st, is an unofficial celebration of the end of Beer prohibition in 1989. This is no time for judgment: Beer was banned for over 74 years, so they’re making up for lost time!
My Own Writing of the Week: The punishment for being a bad girl was that no one would want to marry you. She's not the kind of girl you take home to meet your mother, ha ha ha. I'm not sure I ever thought that was a real punishment. I was content with the thought of making cookies for nieces and nephews. But, women didn't have the employment opportunities or the wage levels of men. Many women felt they needed to be provided for because the labor market didn't let them provide for themselves.
By the way, the same people that said real women didn't like sex told women to relax and enjoy it if they were being raped. A sentiment that I heard repeated as late as the 90s by one of those politicians who doesn't believe that rape should be a crime. It is always passed off as a joke, later. ~~~~because a woman who has just been raped always enjoy a good laugh. --From Always Surrender: Memories, observations, micro-stories, fantasies, and tall tales from my life as an insurgent in the sexual revolution by Christine Smith
Quote of the Week: I told him that the stuff his people were shoveling out to the public was bullshit. --William Barr, former attorney general
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I can't go to Hell. I'm all out of vacation days. --Burgerpants, Undertale
Today's Peace of History, June 17, 1873: The trial began for Susan B. Anthony, charged with voting (knowingly casting an illegal vote) without the right to do so because of her being a woman. It was tried in Judge Ward Hunt’s Canandaigua, New York, federal courtroom with, among others, former President Millard Fillmore in attendance. Anthony thought she could vote, however, because she registered four days before the election and, no objections being raised, was added to the voter rolls. She based her right to vote on the 14th amendment to the constitution, passed and ratified recently in the wake of the Civil War.
I was halfway up the mountain to visit the wise hermit when I saw this sign that said, “Please Don't Bother Me. Answers to your question will be included in next week's podcast. / Peter Noone, who was Herman of Herman's Hermits, has invented a combination rocking chair and wheelchair. He calls it rock and roll.
..........When I was young I had an automobile.........Red Foley …..Too Old To Cut The Mustard
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, June 17, 2022, Reclusive ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS
Moonbeam: Twitter is somewhat important in telling you what you should want. --Michael Gross
Cost of War:
- As of 6/16/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $180,535,170,320
- As of 6/09/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $179,976,668,189
- As of 6/16/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,063,356,213,834.
- As of 6/09/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,061,796,555,962.
- As of 6/16/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,107,802,163,627.
- As of 6/09/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,107,198,582,553.
- As of 6/16/22 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,485,713,092,430.
- As of 6/09/22 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,473,948,816,243.
- As of 6/16/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,967,048,388,785.
- As of 6/09/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,965,864,134,949.
- As of 6/16/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,804,523,483,765.
- As of 6/09/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,788,781,802,915.
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. --Christopher Robin
Famous Last Words: I lift my lamp beside the golden door. --Emma Lazarus The New Colossus (engraved on the Statue of Liberty)
..........Oh, no, no, no, ain't no use.........James Brown ,,,,,Give It Up or Turn It Loose
I do love being a recluse and living in the cave in the mountain, but the internet service is really slow. / Recently a hermit crab became a star rapper under the name Dr Shell. He is clawsome.
May Peace point the way
And Joy blaze the trail
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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