Friday, June 10, 2022

Domesticated ePistle

 Famous First Words: God, grant me the serenity... Serenity Prayer AA

Happy Pet Appreciation Week! My pet snail Sammy recently took up racing but wasn't doing so well. So he decided to get rid of his shell so It would make him streamlined and faster. Instead it only made him sluggish. / My pet duck Douglas gets up at the quack of dawn.

..........What a rare mood I'm in.........Gene Kelly Almost Like Being IN Love (Brigadoon) ~~All of today's songs are from musicals composed by Frederick Loewe.

To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce. --The Equal Pay Act of 1963

It is a rainy Fri...oops, sunny Frida...oops..varied Friday morning. As we step out the front door for our walk it is raining and sunning at the same time – with NO rainbow. I feel cheated. Clouds are varied: thin streaks, piles of white with the top crown lit by a sun which may or may not be hiding behind clouds elsewhere in the sky. The 67°F temperature is lovely and the breeze is light but moves the leaves and branches in a late spring dance. The world smells of rain. Puck especially likes to sniff after a rain. I don't know whether it uncovers old smells or transports new ones from the sky and from further up the hill. The new generation from the mosquito farm is hatched and hungry. Mosquitoes buzzing near the ear adds to the birds' sounds that fill the air and disguise the distant sound of car motors. There are the squawks of grackles and the quarreling of sparrows, crows cawing in the distance, and the single sad hoot of the mourning dove, pacing the roof top three houses down. The sun, which had disappeared totally for a few minutes, is now out again illuminating the wonderful colors washed leaves and green grass, flowers of yellow and red...even the bike with the Spiderman helmet hanging on the handlebars add to the festive array. As we come back home, Puck lithely jumps a tiny stream of water slowly seeking the lowest point before it can rest. The clouds have moved on and now the sky is mostly sky – blue and clear. I sit at my computer with tasty creamy decaf and thoughts of you. Beautiful day.

Hope your weekend is loyal and loving – you, know, like your dog, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Because telescopes use mirrors, we'll never know about space vampires. --Weird Howard --Submitted by bc of tx

My pet goat Godfry has taken up martial arts. We call him the Karate Kid. / My pet frog Francis is very green and very loud. The neighbors call him Froghorn.

.......I talk to the stars but they never hear me........Clint Eastwood …..I Talk to the Trees (Paint Your Wagon)

Trivia Questions: Happy National Poultry Day !

  • ^ Speaking of chickens (gallus domesticus), to what other fowls are they most closely related?
  • ^^ Do chickens dream?
  • ^^^ How fast can a chicken run?
  • ^^^^ What is the biggest recorded egg size?
  • ^^^^^ Worldwide how many domesticated chickens do you think there are?

Big Hello: Häj ą dig – Elfdalian (Sweden)

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: All my passwords are protected by amnesia.. --Submitted by JM of ks

Max Picture of the Week: Max heels over head

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 29% of library staff have a repetitive use injury from frequently shaking their head ”no”.

My pet kangaroo Karen hates rainy days because the kids have to play inside. / My pet octopus Otis moved to Texas to live with his cousin Otto. He had heard that Texas is well armed.

..........When temptation comes you'll give right in.........Stanley Holloway …..With a Little Bit of Luck (My Fair Lady)

Moonbeam: A man, well, he'll walk right into Hell with both eyes open. But even the devil can't fool a dog. --Earl Hamner Jr.

Meditation of the Week: Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more?

Puzzle of the Week: Take a common abbreviation found in text messages. Reverse the first two letters, and the result sounds like something else often found in text messages. What are these things?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Compromise on assault weapons. If we can't just ban them, let's change the age you can buy them from 18 to 57. --Al Franken

Week of the Week: National Flag Week (12-18) - A visitor from Holland was chatting with his American friend and was jokingly explaining about the red, white and blue in the Netherlands flag. Our flag symbolizes our taxes," he said. "We get red when we talk about them, white when we get our tax bill, and blue after we pay them." "That's the same with us," the American said, "only we see stars, too." / Flying the Confederate flag doesn’t make you a racist. It’s usually the other way around.

My pet ewe Ewing and my pet porcupine Porsche fell in love. Now they have a kid that can knit her own sweaters. / My pet sheep Shelly committed a string of bank robberies and now she's behind baas.

..........I've seen how you sparkle.........Robert Goulet …..If Ever I Would Leave You (Camelot)

^ The chicken is actually a member of the pheasant family. Gallus domesticus is a domesticated subspecies of the red junglefowl. The red junglefowl is a member of the pheasant family that is native to Asia. Further genetic studies have found that the grey junglefowl also played a part in the evolution of chickens as we know them.

Almanac: It is Friday, June 10, 2022. The moon was in the first quarter last Tuesday and is in Libra. It is Alcoholics Anonymous (Founders) Day, Ballpoint Pen Day, Iced Tea Day, and Poultry Day. In the Azores it is Camoes Day (1580) and Portugal celebrates Day of Portugal (1580). Because it is the second weekend it is also Banana Split Days. National Lemonade Days, and Poultry Festival.

Among those born on the day were Gustave Courbet (1819), Immanuel Velikovsky (1895), Frederick Loewe (1904), Howlin' Wolf (1910), Terence Rattigan (1911), Saul Bellow (1914), Judy Garland (Frances Gumm, 1922), Earl Hamner, Jr. (1923), June Haver (1926), Maurice Sendak (1928), F. Lee Bailey (1933), Ron Glass (1945), Matthew Fisher (1946), and Timothy Van Patten (1959).

On June tenth the first Dutch settled on Manhattan (1610), Franklin's kite was struck by lightning (1752), NY passed laws regulating the medical profession (1760), The Continental Congress appointed a committee to write a Declaration of Independence (1776), the rubber tire was patented (1846), Tristan & Isolde was first performance (1865), the Elks were formed (1899), the first forest fire lookout tower was built (1905), Robert Smith and William Wilson formed Alcoholics Anonymous (1935), the Italian Republic was established (1946), Janis Joplin gave her first live concert (1966), and Coca Cola returned to its old formula (1985).

Night Sky, 6/10: Now Spica sparkles to the Moon's right after dusk. Look roughly twice as far lower right of Spica, and there are the four brightest stars of sail-shaped Corvus.

Image of the Week: Gas prices ($.14 or $.11 per gallon) in Kansas City in 1938. It's the corner of Shawnee Mission Parkway and Belinder

This Week: Saturday, June 11 – Artichoke Days & Young Eagles Day & World Gin Day

Sunday, June 12 – Race Unity Sunday & Loving Day & World Day Against Child Labor

Night Sky, 6/12: The Big Dipper hangs high in the northwest as the stars come out. The Dipper's Pointers, currently its bottom two stars, point lower right toward Polaris. Above Polaris, and looking very similar to it, is Kochab, the lip of the dim Little Dipper's bowl. Kochab stands precisely above Polaris around the end of twilight or a little after. How precisely can you time this event for your location, perhaps using the vertical edge of a building?

Monday, June 13 – Random Acts of Light & Roller Coaster Day

Tuesday, June 14 – Flag Day** & Family History Day & National Bourbon Day

** Flag Etiquette

Wednesday, June 15 – Magna Carta Day & Worldwide Day of Giving & Global Wind Day

Night Sky, 6/15: Mercury is deep in the glow of sunrise. Venus magnitude rises soon after the beginning of dawn. Look for it just left of due east. It's at least three fists at arm's length lower left of Jupiter. Venus will continue to rise around the beginning of dawn all the way through August.

Thursday, June 16 – Bloomsday & Fudge Day & Recess At Work Day

My pet mouse Mona drives a minivan. / My pet toad Tori dressed as Darth Vader for Halloween. Now I have star warts.

..........It's plain as it can be they thought of you and me.........Leslie Caron …..The Night They Invented Champagne (GiGi)

^^ Chickens experience REM sleep – which means they are capable of dreaming. I wonder what a chicken dreams about.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: We truly regret that gay marriage attacks the sanctity of your fourth marriage. --St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church --Submitted by 98%

Moonbeam: Don't be afraid to face the facts, and never lose your ability to ask the questions: Why? and How?" ~ Immanuel Velikovsky”

Video of the Week: Paddington Bear joins the Queen for afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace - YouTube

Quote of the Week: The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. --Edward O Wilson

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Peloton gave all 2,800 fired people a year long subscription... to each of them. Because there is nothing any laid off person likes more than spending hours a day staring at people still employed by the company yelling at them to work harder. --Bob Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 6/4/22

It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace. --Aristotle

My pet mouse Morris loves cheese so much we renamed him Julius Cheeser. / My pet calf Cadbury texts a lot but mostly he used emooojis.

..........A tenor sang. A baritone.........Hermione Gingold & Maurice Chevalier …..I Remember It Well (Gigi)

^^^ Chickens can run up to 9 mph.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A saint was asked – What is anger? The reply was “It is a punishment we give ourselves, for somebody else's mistake. --Submitted by HPF

Weird Word of the Week: Scacchic – pertaining to chess. from the Italian for chess, scacchi* World Wide Words: Scacchic

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie at the raindrop races

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Remove coffee or tea stains from china. Dip a damp cloth in baking soda, gently rub the china, and rinse clean. Arm & Hammer®: Wacky Uses

My pet cow Cora's favorite television program is Dr Moo. / My pet wasp Walter is really just a wanna bee.

...........What merriment is the king pursuing tonight..........Richard Harris …..I Wonder What the King Is Doing Tonight (Camelot)

^^^^ The largest chicken egg is reportedly 3.6 inches long and 2.5 wide and weighs a whopping 7 ounces making it three times heavier than a standard sized chicken egg. The proud owner resides in Heilongjiang Province, China. The same hen is reported to have once laid four eggs in a single day.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Me: Your shoes are on the wrong feet. 4 Year Old: I don't have any other feet. --Submitted by bc of tx

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Southwest Florida SpaceCon 2022 (11, Ft, Meyers, FL) General Admission: $15 / $12 for those in costume SWFL SpaceCon Fort Myers Science fiction/ comic / anime con gaming

Actual Science Conference of the Week: International Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (10-12, NYC ) Connect, Meet, and Build a Strong Network ICCIE (Jun 2022), International Conference on Computer and Information Engineering, New York USA - Conference (

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: OMG --> Emoji

My pet pig Peter wanted to sleep in bed with me, but he hogs all the covers. / I can stop my pet skunk Skoot from smelling by holding his nose.

..........In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire.........Rex Harrison & Audrey Hepburn …..The Rain In Spain (My Fair Lady)

^^^^^ At around 25 billion chickens in the world, there are more of them (all breeds combined) than any other bird species on the planet.

My Own Writing of the Week: When I was in high school, I babysat in a home with a wonderful, eclectic library. (They also had a full pipe organ in the basement...but that's another story) I found a sex manual from the 1920s. But it spoke of orgasms ... as something worth pursuing. The book became my porn. I read all about oral sex and simultaneous climaxes. I discovered that men came quicker than women (and mused that nature had somehow blown it there). I learned about multiple orgasms and anal sex. And I learned it all with cute little illustrations of a man and his wife (often in a cute little apron) kissing. Best of all, this small tome taught me that there is such a thing as researching the topic. It became a side quest of mine.

From the moment I was six I felt sexy. And let me tell you it was hell, sheer hell, waiting to do something about it. --Bette Davis

By tenth grade I had discovered that the bad girls were way more interesting than the rest of us. I began to think it might be worth looking into the bad side just for the personality enhancement and the catalog of conversational topics it would provide. Apparently, sex was much darker and more mysterious than my little book suggested, why else would grownups act so stupid about it? And yet they never spoke of it. Television refused even to hint at it; they made married couples, even married in real life couples, sleep in separate beds. --From Always Surrender: Memories, observations, micro-stories, fantasies, and tall tales from my life as an insurgent in the sexual revolution by Christine Smith

Quote of the Week: There are only five real people in Hollywood. Everybody else is Mel Blanc. --Jack Benny

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Maybe a new slogan for Fox News should be: For those who can't handle the truth. --Dan Rather

Today's Peace of History, June 10, 1963: The “Equal Pay Act of 1963” was passed and signed into law; it guaranteed women equal pay for equal work. The legislation was a result of the recommendations of President John F. Kennedy’s Commission on the Status of Women.

Our pet pig Pippa is so smart we call him Ein-swine. / My pet elephant Ella can't stop cleaning. We call her Cinderelephant.

..........And now I'm lost, so gol'darn lost not even God can find me.........Harve Presnell …..They Call The Wind Maria (Paint Your Wagon)

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle June 10, 2022, Domesticated ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: I refuse to lie to children. --Maurice Sendak

Cost of War:

  • As of 6/09/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $179,976,668,189
  • As of 6/02/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $179,416,434,538
  • As of 6/09/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,061,796,555,962.
  • As of 6/02/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,060,231,367,375.
  • As of 6/09/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,107,198,582,553.
  • As of 6/02/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,106,589,923,123.
  • As of 6/09/22 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,473,948,816,243.
  • As of 6/02/22 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,462,085,158.528.
  • As of 6/09/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,965,864,134,949.
  • As of 6/02/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,964,675,807,963.
  • As of 6/09/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,788,781,802,579.
  • As of 6/02/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,772,994,666,915.

"If you don't know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he's just like you. He has the same dreams, the same hopes, and fears. It's one world, pal. We're all neighbors." --Frank Sinatra.

Famous Last Words: ...and all the bitterness of loving. --Tristan and Isolde

..........who held out her hand and I stayed and stayed.........Jimmy Thompson …..I'll Go Home With Bonnie Jean (Brigadoon)

My pet shark Sherry's favorite snack is peanut butter and jellyfish. / My pet pig Hamm insisted we build his house out of mahogany.

May Peace attend your mind

And Joy befriend your heart

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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