Famous First Words: These eyes cry every night... Guess Who These Eyes
It's American Library Week. A clever librarian put books that had been recently weeded from the collection into brown paper bags and offered them free to patrons as “Blind Book Dates”. / The Librarian is a member of a small elite group of senior Librarians of Time and Space who have the knowledge and ability to travel through L-Space, an extra-dimensional space that connects all libraries and other large accumulations of books. --Terry Pratchett A description of the librarian at Unseen University for Wizards.
..........They have their silent noons, tearful nights, angry dawns.........Carly Simon …..That's The Way I've Always Hear It Should Be
“‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.’” --George Orwell
It is a cloudy Friday morning. The air is cool (76°F) but moisture laden and there is a thick layer of grayish white without texture or mark across the sky. Underneath that are groups of small gray lumps that look as if they are fresh out of the cloud-biscuit oven. They travel – very slowly in groups of a dozen or so. A light, almost fragile breeze drifts by now and again; it kisses the cheek and travels on without moving clothing or tree branches. The world is green – a dozen shades of it are visible no matter which direction I look; and it is broken up by a dozen other colors...white clover flowers, orange trumpet flowers, a rainbow wading pool, the saga blue of the finally finished storage shed. Puck barks at rabbits and squirrels and other dogs and even at nothing. He is so happy to wander about telling the world good morning or go to hell, it's hard to say which. We finish our walk and return indoors. Puck drinks an amazing amount of water and I doctor my cup of decaf to make it creamy and sweet. Puck comes to me for a little love and then settles into his early morning nap. I sit down at my computer and think about you. All this suggests it will be a very good day.
Hope your weekend fills a book, ePistliers
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: In 30 years, I've moved from being a moderate Democrat to a flaming socialist ultra-liberal without changing one position. --Submitted by bu of ks
Our most popular title on the subject is Cases of Amnesia. The library owns 10 copies of it because it seems to take readers about 3-6 months past the due date to return it. / Cutting libraries during a recession is like cutting hospitals during a plague. --Eleanor Crumblehulme
..........And I tell you how easy it feels to be with you.........Carly Simon …..Anticipation
Trivia Questions: Custer last stood...
^ By what name is the Battle of Little Bighorn known to the Lakota?
^^ Who were the indigenous forces that Custer faced?
^^^ Where is the Little Bighorn, more or less?
^^^^ How many men did Custer command and how many did he lose?
^^^^^ The Battle of Little Bighorn was one battle in what war?
Big Hello: Kuzu zangpo la – Dzongkha (Tibet) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: How soon after waking up is it okay to take a nap? --Submitted by INRITH
Max Picture of the Week: Here's Max the stocking footed fireman in what appears to be a jack-o-lantern shirt. I'd let him rescue me any day.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Top items librarians name after literary characters: 3. cats 2. children 1. body parts. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
Our local library has just added a Stranger Than Fiction section. They shelved it on the far side of fiction. Most of the titles are political history. / You're right. No human being would stack books like this. --Dr Peter Venkman Ghostbusters
..........a hero in the footlights.........Carly Simon …..Legend In Your Own Time
Moonbeam: Canada is the essence of not being. Not English, not American, it is the mathematics of not being. And a subtle flavour - we're more like celery as a flavour. --Mike Myers
Meditation Seed of the Week: If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth?
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: From a programmer's point of view, the user is a peripheral that types when you issue a read request. --Peter Williams
Week of the Week: Old Time Fiddlers Week (21-26) --What's the difference between a fiddle and a violin? 1) A fiddle is fun to listen to. 2) Nobody minds if you spill beer on a fiddle. / Fiddle players motto: It's better to be sharp than out of tune.
Have you seen the library's new Books on Tape Section? It has Duct and Masking and Packing. / I really didn't realize that librarians were, you know, such a dangerous group. They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like, plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them. ---Michael Moore
..........We could have shown them all.........George Michael …..Kissing A Fool
^ It is known as the Battle of the Greasy Grass from the Lakota. The “greasy” appearance of the grass in the waters near the battle site gave rise to this name.
Almanac: It is Friday, June 25, 2021. The moon was full (Strawberry) yesterday and is in Capricorn. It is Color TV Day (CBS), Day of The Seafarer, Global Beatles Day, Global Smurfs Day, Leon Day, National Catfish Day, National Police Community Cooperative Day, and Take Your Dog To Work Day. Because it is the fourth Friday, it is International Rose Day. And because it is the last Friday in June, it is also Drive Your Corvette to Work Day and National Food Truck Day.
Among those born on this day were Antonio Gaud (1852), Robert Henri (1865), George Orwell (1903), Peter Lind Hayes (1915), Sidney Lumet (1924), June Lockhart (1925), Robert Venturi (1925), Gary Crosby (1933), Carly Simon (1945), Jimmie Walker (1949), George Michael (1963), and Mike Myers (1963).
On June twenty-fifth the fork was introduced to American dining (1630), the first recorded monthly Quaker meeting was held (Sandwich, MA, 1672), Virginia became the 10th state to ratify the US constitution (1788), Congress passed the Alien Act (1798), Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina were readmitted to the US (1868), Die Valkyrie premiered (1870), Custer was defeated at Little Bighorn (1876), Boulder aka Hoover Dam was authorized (1929), the first commercial color television show was broadcast (Arthur Godfrey, 1951), The Guess Who release These Eyes (`1969), Mozambique gained independence from Portugal (1975), and the Supreme Court upheld male-only draft registration (1981).
Night Sky, 6/25: Leo the Lion is mostly a constellation of late winter and spring. But he's not gone yet. As twilight ends look due west, somewhat low, for Regulus, his brightest and now lowest star: the forefoot of the Lion stick figure. The Sickle of Leo extends upper right from Regulus. The rest of the Lion's constellation figure runs upper left from there for a couple of fist-widths, to his tail star Denebola, the highest. He'll soon be treading offstage into the sunset. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Image of the Week: Sha'Carri Richardson qualified for the US Olympic team. She won in the 100 meter.
This Week: Saturday, June 26 – Harry Potter Day & National Canoe Day & Same Sex Marriage Day
Sunday, June 27 – Celebrate Joy Day & Descendants Day & IWW Day
Night Sky, 6/27: On the eastern side of the sky, the big Summer Triangle holds sway after dark. Its top star is Vega, the brightest in all the east. The brightest to Vega's lower left is Deneb. Farther to Vega's lower right is Altair. The Milky Way (if you have a dark sky) runs a little inside the Triangle's lower edge.
Monday, June28 – National Logistics Day & Please Take My Children To Work Day
Tuesday, June 29 – International Day of the Tropics & World Camera Day & International Mud Day
Wednesday, June 30 – Asteroid Day & National Meteor Watch Day & NOW (National Organization for Women) Day
Night Sky, 6/30: Venus (in Gemini) shines low in the west-northwest during twilight. Mars (in Cancer) glows very modestly in late twilight low in the west-northwest, upper left of Venus. Jupiter and Saturn (in Aquarius and Capricornus, respectively) rise in the middle of the night, Jupiter about an hour after Saturn. Uranus (in Aries) is low in the east just before dawn begins. Neptune (in Aquarius 20° east of Jupiter) is well up in the southeast before dawn.
Thursday, July 1 – Canada Day & Medicare Birthday & Zip Code Day
My son left me a note saying he was going to the Lieberry. Later, when I told him he had misspelled Library, he said, “No, I meant I was going to the fiction section.” / A trained librarian is a powerful search engine with a heart. --Sarah McIntyre
..........Opp de doop, the world a merry-go-round.........Peter Lind Hayes …..The Little Tune That Ran Away
^^ Custer's Last Stand was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapoho tribe and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the US Army.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: How To Workk From Home wth Yor Chil,d SittiNG ON Yoour/ Lappppppp --Submitted by McSweeney's
Moonbeam: All good work requires self-revelation. --Sidney Lumet
Video of the Week: Peter Lind Hayes and his wife Mary Healy singing Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends My mother used to sing this song – but only the last chorus.
Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Vintner Ollie stomping grapes
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: President Biden and Vladimir Putin met in Geneva on Wednesday for another important summit where the U.S. and Russia ask each other to stop doing something. And then they both laugh and keep doing that thing. As always, these summits aren't about issues but stagecraft and dominance displays. Biden scheduled his arrival after Putin, so Putin couldn't keep him waiting, then very deliberately put out his hand and made Putin step forward to shake it, right? In response, Putin then urinated on Air Force One. And both of them inflated their throat pouches to appear larger. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 2/19/21
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. --George Orwell
I don't always go to the library, but when I do I use the receipt as a bookmark. / In the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us to swim. --Linton Weeks
..........A day I hear a different story.........Wham with George Michael …..Wake Me Up Before You Go-go
^^^ The battle took place along the Little Bighorn River in the Crow Indian Reservation in southeastern Montana Territory. It is in the southeast corner of Montana.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Walmart has Father's Day cards in packs of 5. --Submitted by INRITH
Weird Word of the Week: Ostrobogulous – something weird peculiarity if it is mildly risqué, indecent, or pornographic. World Wide Words: Ostrobogulous
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean scuff marks from shoes. Spray a little Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on the mark and rub forcefully with a towel or washcloth. Alberto VO5® Hair Spray: Wacky Uses
Puzzle of the Week: This week's challenge comes from listener Sandy Weisz, of Chicago. Name a famous woman in American history with a three-part name. Change one letter in her first name to a double letter. The resulting first and second parts of her name form the first and last names of a famous athlete. And the last part of the woman's name is a major rival of that athlete. Who are these people? --NPR Sunday Puzzle 6/20/21
So many people come in and don't know the name or the author but they remember the cover was blue and it was really thick. Should we start shelving books by color and size? / Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation. --Walter Cronkite
...........You know what? In second gear this rod will clock at eighty.........Peter Lind Hayes …..I Want To Be A Car
^^^^ The U.S. 7th Cavalry, a force of 700 men, suffered a major defeat while commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer. Five of the 7th Cavalry's twelve companies were annihilated and Custer was killed, as were two of his brothers, a nephew, and a brother-in-law. The total U.S. casualty count included 274 dead and 49 severely wounded.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I got myself a seniors' GPS. Not only does it tell me how to get to my destination, it tells me why I wanted to go there.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Villicon 2021 (26, Orlando, FL) Unleash Your Darker Side Villicon 2021 Information | SciFiCons.com
Actual Science Conference of the Week: NanoMatEn 2021 (23-25, Paris, France) Meet the potential future challenges that humankind will face... NanoMaterials for Energy & Environment, NanoMatEn 2021 (setcor.org) ~~One wonders how many of those challenges will be caused by science.
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Lady Bird Johnson --> Larry Bird, (Magic) Johnson
During the pandemic our library was open by appointment only. I tried to get in four times but they were overbooked. / When in doubt, go to the library. --J K Rowling
..........Let the dreamers wake the nation.........Carly Simon …..Let The River Run
^^^^^ The engagement was one in a series of battles and negotiations between Plains Indians and US forces over control of Western territory, collectively known as the Sioux Wars.
Quote of the Week: Binden and Putin met at this Swiss estate. You may recognize it as the haunted asylum in every horror movie. --Jimmy Fallon Here's a picture.
Extreme Topiary of the Week:
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: There's a new guy at work called Wayne Bruce and I said “Ah, my old nemesis ManBat” and nobody got it. Honestly, I am wasted here. --Submitted by INRITH
Today's Peace of History, June 25, 1903: Marie Curie successfully defended her doctoral thesis on radioactive substances becoming the first woman in France to receive a doctoral degree.
I have a cousin who is a librarian. He decided he needed to be more “street” so he formed a gang but it turned into a book club. / I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of a library. --Jorge Luis Borges
..........Why'd you have to be so good.........Carly Simon …..Nobody Does It Better
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle June 25, 2021, ePistle Bibliotek. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/
Moonbeam: If you're lucky you live long enough to see the bad results of your good ideas. --Robert Venturi
Cost of War:
As of 6/24/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,141,463,900,815.
As of 6/17/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,139,607,915,823.
As of 6/24/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,044,286,109,218.
As of 6/17/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,043,024,855,398.
As of 6/24/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $862,473,895,768.
As of 6/17/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $860,888,566,411.
As of 6/24/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $351,653.141,769.
As of 6/17/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $351,292,835,858.
As of 6/24/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,399,877,901,927.
As of 6/17/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,394,814,003,758.
In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. --George Orwell
Famous Last Words: ...the fire never passes through. --Wotan The Valkyries
..........I bet you think this song is about you.........Carly Simon …..You're So Vain
People become librarians because they know too much. / Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one. --Neil Gaiman
May you practice Peace
And learn Joy
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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