Friday, October 2, 2020

Anodal ePistle

 Famous First Words: Well! Here comes ol' Charlie Brown --Charles Schulz First Peanuts strip published 10/2/50

October is Positive Attitude Month -- I have PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) I'm positive I'm mental and I know I have attitude.

..........I can't remember if I cried.........Don McLean …..American Pie

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. --Mahatma Gandhi

It is a beautiful fall morning. The temperature is 45°F and there is no breeze. All the foliage is still except the very ends of the willow branches which are moving very slightly. The sky is a pale blue with friendly puffs of white here and there. The newly risen sun seeks out and brightens patches of lawn and sides of houses. Birdsong sounds distant and is still hidden beneath the full complement of leaves and brush. It is a scene of peace and lush abundance. Yet, Puck does not stay long outside. He returns to sip milk at my feet and to forge his several blankets and pillows and bed into a comfortable spot for a morning nap. Even though it is after 9, I am only just out of bed and drinking sweet, hot coffee to wash sleep from my eyes. Bruno's yard is alive with squirrels that are hurrying somewhere. Their playful days are being replaced with work days. What a very pleasant morning.

Hope your weekend is positively terrific, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you ever feel useless, remember that Galadriel had a husband.

Think Positive: For Example: I fell down the stairs today and thought, “Wow! I sure fell down those stairs fast!”

..........History's lessons drowned in red wine.........Sting …..Children's Crusade

Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to Spanky McFarland! And a nod to the Gang

^ Do you know Spanky's real name?

^^ Which Little Rascal appeared as him/herself on Cheers?

^^^ Would you care to guess in how many episodes Spanky appeared?

^^^^ How about the number of child actors who were in the gang through the years?

^^^^^ Is there a difference between Our Gang and the Little Rascals?

Big Hello: Werte - Arrernte (Australia)

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Chris Wallace's debate performance tonight is a great reminder that kindergarten teachers are underpaid. --The Daily Show **Submitted by jg of ks

Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 75% of librarians purposefully shop at liquor store a minimum of two towns away. ~~I think this joke also applies to Baptists.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

..........Flaming flowers that brightly blaze.........Don McLean …..Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)

Moonbeam: The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. --Ferdinand Foch

Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Fall Leaves

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I never want to hear that women are too emotional to be president ever again. –Lia Towers **Submitted by sd of ks

Wow! I Did Learn Something From the Debate of the Week: During the first presidential debate, Trump was being pressed about releasing his taxes and Biden jumped in asking, “When inshallah?” Inshallah” is the Arabic phrase for “God willing,” which is often comically used by speakers that want to delay deadlines and decisions. --The Crescent Peace Society of KC

Week of the Week: National Walk Your Dog Week (1-7) --I was walking my dog in the park when this young woman came over and said, “What a beautiful dog! Is it purebred?” I told her, “No, it's pure dog.” / I've been walking the dog recently and I've already lost 50 pounds. Can't find the dog anywhere.

People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

..........Only hope can keep me together.........Sting …..Message In A Bottle

^ Spanky was born George Robert Phillips McFarland.

Almanac: It is Friday, October 2, 2020. The moon was full (Harvest) yesterday and is in Aries. It is International Day of Non-Violence (United Nations: A/RES/61/271), Guardian Angels Day, National Custodial Workers Day, Phileas Fogg's Wager Day, and World Farm Animals Day. Guinea celebrates Independence Day . Because it is the first Friday in October it is also Lee's National Denim Day, National Diversity Day, and World Smile Day

Among those born on this day were Nat Turner (1800), Ferdinand Foch (1851), Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869), Cordell Hull (1871), Julius "Groucho" Marx (1890), H V Porter (1891), Bud Abbot (1895), Graham Greene (1904), Spanky McFarland (1928), Maury Wills (1932), Yuri Glazdov (1939), Don McLean (1945), Persis Khambatta (1950), Mike Rutherford and Sting (1951), and Kelly Ripa (1970).

On October second Cartier “discovered” Monteral (Mount Royal, 1535), the first modern reflecting telescope was completed (1608), the NY Anti-slavery Society was organized (1833), the first Pan American conference opened (DC, 1889), Eddie Grant (Phillies) went 7 for 7 in a doubleheader (1907), President Wilson suffered a stroke (1919), the Hayden Planetarium opened (1935), the first alcohol power plant was established in Atchison , KS (1936, Because this was the best thing Kansans could think up to do with alcohol), the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated (Chicago, 1942), Yogi Berra became the first pinch hitter in a world series (1947), "Peanuts" first appeared in newspapers (1950), Alfred Hitchcock Presents premiered (1955), Twilight Zone began airing (1959), the Grateful Dead was busted for possession (1967), Bob Gibson set a world series record of 17 strikeouts (1968), the plane carrying the Wichita State University football team crashed (1970), and three cosmonauts returned after a record 237 days in orbit (1984).

Night Sky, 10/2: Moon and Mars. The Moon, a day past full, rises in mid-twilight with bright Mars by its side! After dark they make a striking pair, only 1° or 2° apart for North Americans. Think photo opportunity. Later in the night, watch them draw farther apart. Although they look like companions, Mars is 155 times farther away tonight. Mars looks tiny, it's twice the Moon's diameter.

Max Picture of the Week: Scientist Max and the Great Color Experiment aka Calaveras County Unicorn Spitting Contest See the Video

This Week: Saturday, October 3 – Frugal Fun Day & National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day & Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Day

Sunday, October 4 – Inter-Generation Day & Pickle Day & Vodka Day & World Communion Day

Night Sky, 10/4: With fall well under way, Algol is well up in the northeast after dark. Normally it shines at magnitude 2.1, but this evening it has one of its periodic self-eclipses: It should be as faint as magnitude 3.4 for a couple hours centered on 8:48 pm. It takes several additional hours to fade and to rebrighten.

Monday, October 5 – Get Funky Day & World Habitat Day & World Teachers Day

Tuesday, October 6 – American Libraries Day & National Noodle Day

Wednesday, October 7 – Coffee With A Cop Day & Balloons Around the World Day & Walk To School Day

Night Sky, 10/7: Procyon shines high to Venus's upper right (by three or four fists at arm's length). To the lower right of Procyon, by two or three fists, lies effulgent Sirius — the brightest star in the sky but no match for Venus.

Thursday, October 8 – National Salmon Day & World Octopus Day

Everyday I get up with good intentions and a great attitude, but at some point during the day, idiots happen.

..........I wouldn't talk down to you.........Sting …..Roxanne

^^ Spanky. George McFarland got to do a walk-on cameo as himself on the TV-Series "Cheers" with John Ratzenberger and George Wendt on April 22, 1993 (Episode: "Woody Gets An Election"). It was a true highlight for the week; George (M) confessed getting the cameo was a major thrill in his life.

'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you thought he was a good con man, you should meet the hair stylist who charged him 70 grand for that thing. --Submitted by gr of oh

Moonbeam: Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. --Groucho Marx

Late Night Snacks of the Week: Wildfires - the Corona virus of the forest. So many beautiful wineries are being destroyed by these wildfires...And you know who I feel really bad for, America's book clubs, because without wine they're gonna have to discuss books sober. That's just English class. --Trevor Noah / Tonight saw the best minds of our generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the angry streets looking for the mute button. --Stephen Colbert

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Max attempting to spring Ollie from the pen.

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: This week, a man in Wales discovered that for over a year, every time he turned on his TV, he accidentally shorted out the entire town's Wi-Fi. The Welsh town was without Internet for 18 months because of this man's vintage TV set. It kept interrupting the Wi-Fi signals. Authorities finally figured it out by using a device to scan for signal disruptors, which seems like a great first or second-day solution, not something you try at month 18. The Wi-Fi is now fixed. Unfortunately, no one can log on because the password is in Welsh, so no one can spell it. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me 9/6/20

Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong. --Mahatma Gandhi

Sometimes the best part of the job is that the chair swivels.

..........Growing towards the sunshine.........Don McLean …..Mother Nature

^^^ Excluding cameos, Allen Hoskins played Farina in 105 shorts. George McFarland as Spanky made 95 shorts, William Thomas Jr. as Buckwheat shot 92 shorts.

Worthless Fact of the Week: Babies have around 100 more bones than adults. Babies have about 300 bones at birth, with cartilage between many of them. This extra flexibility helps them pass through the birth canal and also allows for rapid growth. With age, many of the bones fuse, leaving 206 bones that make up an average adult skeleton.

Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Tips to becoming a better conversationalist #10: Ask people questions that give them a chance to talk about themselves. “What the hell is wrong you?” --Doug Savage **Submitted by llr of ks

Famous Middle Words of the Week: Will you shut up, man? --Joe Biden

Weird Word of the Week: Kakorrhaphiophobia (n) fear of failure

Wacky Uses for Common Products of the Week: Pack seasonal items away. Store leftover holiday greeting cards, valentines, and Halloween decorations in Ziploc Storage Bags. Last week's Wacky Use didn't have the product name. I didn't realize this until it was pointed out to me. I looked it up and it didn't have the product name (Ziploc Storage Bags) in the blurb. How cocky can you get?

If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for 8 years, you can believe in yourself for 5 minutes.

...........I'll be watching you.........Sting …..Every Breath You Take

^^^^ Across 220 short films and a feature-film spin-off, General Spanky, the Our Gang series featured over 41 child actors as regular members of the cast.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you or a loved one watched the 2020 Presidential Debate, you may be entitled to compensation Call now – (983) 917-That Again...that number is: (WTF) WAS-THAT

Science Fiction Joke of the Week: Barbara Walters: "But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" Isaac Asimov: "Type faster"

Actual Science Joke of the Week: If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research. --Albert Einstein

Mild Mannered Curse of the Week: May you forever feel your cell phone vibrating in the pocket it's not even in.

I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that won't work.

..........And there's nothing to begin.........Don McLean …..Oh My What A Shame

^^^^^ Our Gang was the name of the short films that were originally released theatrically. The title became The Little Rascals when the films were syndicated to television in the 1950s.

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: That debate was the worst thing I've ever seen & I was in The Star Wars Holiday Special – Mark Hamill

Recreating Famous Paintings With Anything You Can Find of the Week:

Today's Peace of History, October 2, 1967: Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, the first African American on the nation's highest court.

I've learned so much from my mistakes. I'm thinking of making a few more.

..........Sometimes it's not so easy.........Sting …..Don't Stand So Close To Me

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle October 2, 2020, Anodal ePistle. Positively Peace & Laughs. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047

Moonbeam: There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in. --Graham Greene

Cost of War:

As of 10/1/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,066,417,343,913.

As of 9/24/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,064,452,875,618.

As of 10/1/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $993,283,694,104.

As of 9/24/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $991,948,961,462.

As of 10/1/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $798,356,737,188.

As of 9/24/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $796,678,375,698.

As of 10/1/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $337,081,091,730.

As of 9/24/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $336,699,661,864.

As of 10/1/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,195,139,639,430.

As of 9/24/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,189,779,812,533.

The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane. --Mahatma Gandhi

Famous Last Words: Good evening. --Alfred Hitchcock Alfred Hitchcock Presents

..........Oh, but how can words express the feel of sunlight.........Don McLean …..Castles In The Air

I almost showed up at work today with a positive attitude, but sarcasm stepped in and saved the day.

May Peace guard your steps

And Joy protect your stops

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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