Friday, May 15, 2020

Pundamental ePistle

Famous First Words: In the name of the most holy and undivided trinity.... Peace Treaty of Paris
This year the O'Henry Pun Off was Put Off punding the end of the Punoramic Pundemic. So we'll just have to recycle last year's pundamonium...This is dedicated to my wife, who is from Wisconsin. She’s not been feeling dairy well, and she’s rather feta up with the isolation. I told her I didn’t give edam about the cost, I wanted to show her a gouda time. --Jake Morrison 2017
Puns about puns are punishingly bad.
..........I wanna know if love is wild.........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Born To Run
No thank-you; you can't overcome hatred with more hatred. Force can kill the liar but not the lie, the hater but not the hate, and the violent but not the violence. Hate begets hate, violence begets violence, and war begets war.” ― Joss Sheldon, 'Involution & Evolution': A rhyming anti-war novel
It is a warm (66°F), gray Friday morning. The sky is a slate gray without variation or texture. Clouds are so thick the light itself is dimmed and shadowy. A breeze gently saves the willow branches in a graceful slow dance. An affliction of starlings is making its way from backyard to backyard looking for breakfast and discussing the morning news. There are other birds about, but they are silent, listening to the chatter of the bigger, blacker birds. I have left the backdoor open slightly ajar for us to appreciate the season, but Puck finds things that annoy him and he barks at what appears to be nothing at all. So I close the door and he drinks his morning bowl of milk and settles into his bed for an early morning nap. It's a dog's life. I fix myself a cup of Moose Munch, warm, creamy, sweet, and strong. I lift the cup to my face and breathe in the fragrant mist to clear the night from my mind and replace it with a picture of your face. How pleasant.
Hey, ePistliers, hope your weekend puns the gambit.
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The Illuminati has planted facial recognition cameras everywhere. Only wearing a cloth face covering in public can stop them from tracking you. Tell Everyone. --Submitted by rl of ca
One day I went to MEET a BEEFy guy named CHUCK. “Thanks for coming BISON,” he said. He’d been BACON a pie and offered me a slice. He wanted to TACOver something with me. He asked me, “You want to go to VENICE-SON?” He had an idea to rob a British nobleman named Sir LLOYN at his Italian estate. --Chris McNett 2017
Do you have something against puns? No, I'm not homophonic.
..........I just can't face myself alone again........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Thunder Road
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to the US Agriculture Department!
^ About how many people are employed in the agriculture industry in the US?
^^ About how many breeds of sheep are there in the US?
^^^ About how much milk does a cow produce per day?
^^^^ About how much yarn does a pound of wool make?
^^^^^ About how many crayons can an acre of soybeans make?
Big Hello: БЗИa Зϭωa – Abkhaz (Republic of Georgia)
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If this were 1692, some of you would be completely convinced that witches were to blame for this and it shows. --Submitted by nd
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Names of librarian home networks: 10% Author Names / 18% A cat (living or deceased) / 16% Ice Cream Flavors / 20% Characters from literature / 36% Passive Aggressive swipe at the annoying neighbor next door.
Batman challenged me to a battle of the billionaires. Ha! I don’t want to Bruce his ego, but he’s Wayne over his head. He should just mind his Manors. He asked me to help him clean up Gotham, but I’ve Bane there for like three months and no-one is willing Two Face me. --Sean Casey 2017
O'Henry's favorite movie, It's a Punderful Life.
..........You better get it straight, darlin'........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Badlands
Moonbeam: It's a man's world, and you men can have it. --Katherine Anne Porter
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Sticktight Flower

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I really don't mind getting old, but my body is taking it badly.
Week of the Week: National Hospital Week (10-16) --The coolest person in the hospital is the Ultra Sound Tech. / A man goes to the hospital and says, “Doctor, I think I’m a bit hard of hearing”. The doctor replies “Can you describe the symptoms?” The man says “Sure. Marge has blue hair, Homer is fat and bald”.
So a little bird told me this story… but owl sparrow you the details. The weather’s quite pheasant on this Hawk-tober day in Phoenix. There’s a footrace going on, with a full rooster of competitors. They stand at the starling line. The ref cocks his ibis-tol, says “on your lark,” and flyers! Hen they’re off! --Arum Debray 2017
O'Henry wanted to be an acu-pun-cturist.
..........I got a union card and a wedding coat........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..The River
^ Agriculture is one of the United States’ most important industries, employing more than 24 million workers or 17 percent of the country’s total work force.
Almanac: It is Friday, May 15, 2020. The moon was last quarter yesterday and is in Pisces. The United Nations has declared this International Day of Families. It is also Isra Al Mi'Raj, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, International MPS Awareness Day, National Tuberous Sclerosis Day, Nylon Stockings Day, Peace Officer Memorial Day, and Straw Hat Day. In Austria it is Independence Day (1955). Finally because it is the third Friday it is also Endangered Species Day, O. Henry Pun-Off , NASCAR Day, National Bike to Work Day, National Defense Transportation Day, and National Pizza Party Day.
Among those born on this day were Glaudio Monteverdi (1567), L Frank Baum (1856), Pierre Curie (1859), Bessie Hillman (1889), Kathernie Anne Porter (1890), Richard J. Daley (1902), Clifton Fadiman (1904), Joseph Cotten (1905), Richard Avedon (1923), Jasper Johns (1930), Chazz Palminteri (1946), and George Brett (1953).
On May fifteenth Anne Boleyn was accused of adultery (1536), Mary, Queen of Scots, married the Earl of Bothwell (1567), Kepler discovered the harmonics law (1618), Massachusetts enacted the first copyright law (1672), the Peace Treaty of Paris was signed (France & Sardinia, 1796), John the Baptist ordained Joseph Smith (1829), the Department of Agriculture was created (1862), the National Woman Suffrage Association formed (1869), Kappa Alpha Psi incorporated (1911), Mickey Mouse first appeared (1928), Nylon stockings went on sale (1940), Rationing of gasoline began (1942), the Warsaw ghetto uprising ended (1943), the Beach Boys release Carl and the Passions: So Tough (1972), the Harlem Globetrotters appear on Gilligan's Island (1981), and Nils Lofgren replaced Steve Van Zant in Springsteen's E Street Band (1984)
Night Sky,5/25: A naked-eye Venus challenge! The large, thin crescent of Venus is easy to see this coming week with even a very small telescope or good, steadily braced binoculars. But can you resolve its crescent with your unaided eyes? Mere 20/20 vision isn't good enough; success may await the eagle-eyed with 20/15, 20/12, 0r (rare) 20/10 vision. Try during different stages of twilight. Look long and carefully and report your results to Sky & Telescope's Bob King, You may improve your chances by sighting through a clean, round hole in a stiff piece of paper 1 mm or 2 mm in diameter (try both). This will mask out optical aberrations that are common away from the center of your eye's cornea and lens. One person who apparently succeeded was Edgar Allan Poe. An amateur astronomer since boyhood, he used a naked-eye sighting of Venus's crescent as the central event in his poem "Ulalume" (1847)
Max Picture of the Week: Max and mom working from home.

This Week: Saturday, May 16 – Armed Forces Day & Biographer's Day & Do Dah Day
Sunday, May 17 – World Hypertension Day
Night Sky, 5/17 : These dark spring evenings, the long, dim sea serpent Hydra snakes level far across the southern sky. Find his head, a rather dim asterism about the width of your thumb at arm's length, in the southwest. It's upper right of Procyon, the brightest star due west, by about a fist and a half. The brightest star of Hydra is Alphard, his 2nd-magnitude orange heart, a fist and a half left of his head.
Monday, May 18 – Buy A Musical Instrument Day & Supply Chain Professional Day & Visit Your Relatives Day
Tuesday, May 19 – May Ray Day & National Scooter Day
Wednesday, May 20 – National Rescue Day & Weights & Measures Day & World Bee Day
Thursday, May 21 – End of the World Day & National Wait Staff Day
Night Sky, 5/21: Annular Solar Eclipse - The annular phase of this solar eclipse is visible from parts of Africa including the Central African Republic, Congo, and Ethiopia; south of Pakistan and northern India; and China. Weather permitting, people in these areas will see the characteristic ring of fire.
Tomorrow’s Mother’s day, so give me a wide birth from this gestation, period. Not to bore children, crown around, or stirrup trouble, but to breech a little spermon induce labor-ious minutes for my mom and all Lamaze newborn not. I’m gonna trimester to come to term with it all, but I’m tearing up already. Mom, thank you for giving me womb to grow. --Southpaw Jones 2017
O'Henry was great at puns but lousy at punctuation.
..........I took a wrong turn and I just kept going........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Hungry Heart
^^ There are 47 different breeds of sheep in the US.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Atheists don't solve exponential equations; they don't believe in higher powers. --Submitted by 50nerdsofgray
Moonbeam: It is such a relief to be told the truth. --Katherine Anne Porter
Late Night Snacks of the Week: Wearing goggles in a mask factory is like walking into the bedroom with a condom on your nose. --Stephen Colbert / I gotta say that revolting against the government because of brunch has got to be one of the whitest things I've ever seen. This is like a kacki shorts sale at a hockey game. --Trevor Noah / The pivot to Obama above all else demonstrates how Republicans and Fox News would rather live in an alternate universe where Obama was president and not Trump, because then they could at least lie and tell themselves they were a ragtag band of rebels instead of the marketing department for the Death Star. --Seth Meyers / Despite Trump’s declaration Monday that the US has “prevailed” over coronavirus, infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci warned Congress in a televised hearing on Tuesday that reopening the country too soon would lead to “needless suffering and death”, which I think is Trump’s new campaign slogan, --Jimmy Kimmel
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Major fashion houses are now making masks, so now you don't only have to worry about looking silly; you have to worry about looking cheap. And it's one more thing that they'll be able to do on the red carpet with all the stars who'll be wearing, you know, designer face masks. First, who are you wearing? And second, who are you? --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me
I am a human being who does not believe in killing my fellow man for insufficient reason.” ― Theresa Breslin, Remembrance
To the 115th United States Congress: There’s something we need to address. We are facing the greatest healthcare crisis of our attire lives. The recent House vote was a sock to the gut. They — very shorts-ightedly — gartered enough votes to repeal the ACA. Kicking 24 million people off insurance is sarong! --Annica Eagle 2017
O'Henry's best trait was pun-ctuality.
..........But I got debts that no honest man can pay........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Atlantic City
^^^ The average dairy cow produces seven gallons of milk a day, 2,100 pounds of milk a month, and 46,000 glasses of milk a year.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The heart of the shrimp is located in its head. --ll
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Turns out my top 3 hobbies are: 1) Eating at restaurants 2) Going to nonessential businesses, and 3) Touching my face. --Submitted by nrith
Weird Word of the Week: Usufructuary – right of temporary possession and enjoyment of something that belongs to somebody else. Many Native American groups hold land on a usufruct basis, with rights to enjoy the renewable natural resources of the land for hunting and fishing.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Prevent your eyes from tearing while chopping onions. Chewing a piece of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum while peeling and chopping onions can help prevent your eyes from watering.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Remember when you said I'd rather die than vote for Hiliary. Well, here we are.
Have you been reading volcanoes monthly? It’s a great magmazine. It’s taking a Krakatoa-d subjects, making a dormant discussion active. It’s really blowing up the newsstands! A Lava people have been reading it, obsidian amounts of people --Caitlin Teasdale 2017
It was O'Henry who teamed with Richard Rodgers to write My Punny Valentine.
...........You can't start a fire without a spark........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Dancing In The Dark
^^^^ One pound of wool can make 10 miles of yarn. There are 150 yards (450 feet) of wool yarn in a baseball.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Marijuana is legal. Haircuts are not. It took fifty years, but the hippies have finally won. --Submitted by pj of ks
Science Fiction Convention Joke of the Week: Yoda was the guest of honor at this year's Star Wars Convention. When asked why episodes 4,5, & 6 were released before episodes 1, 2, & 3 he answered: In charge of the schedule I was.
Actual Science Convention Joke of the Week: A mathematician, an engineer, and a computer scientist are traveling together to a technology conference. They are riding in a car, enjoying the countryside, when suddenly the engine stops working. The mathematician: "We came past a gas station a few minutes ago. Someone should go back and ask for help." The engineer: "I should have a look at the engine. Perhaps, I can fix it." The computer scientist: "Why don't we just open the doors, slam them shut, and see if everything works again?"
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck with a wild look in his eye in the case of the Bewildered Beauceron.

You know what really bugs me about our electoral system? There’s always so many blood-sucking parasites – all these poly-ticks! And last election, we had to choose between the lesser of two weevils! In the end, Trump won, and orange you glad he did? The Republicans invited him to comb over to their side, and even then, he only won by a hair. --Diana Gruber 2017
O'Henry played college football, he was the punter.
..........Nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..Born In The USA
^^^^^ Soybeans are an important ingredient for the production of crayons. In fact, one acre of soybeans can produce 82,368 crayons
Month of the Week: May is National Bike Month –As a child, Trump buried bicycle wheels in the pansy bed in order to grow bike tires. / The sculptor who made this Madonna out of bicycle parts is named Cycleangelo.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Did Jesus pay for our sins with cash or credit? He used praypal. --Submitted by 50nog
Today's Peace of History, May 15, 1869: The National Woman Suffrage Association was created in response to a split in the American Equal Rights Association over whether the woman's movement should support the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Its founders, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, opposed the Fifteenth Amendment unless it included the vote for women.
It feels like our country is on trial so here is my OPUNNING STATEMENT. I’m calling you out, Trump. You say that you’re the President but you’re taking us over ALLEGE like we slipped on APPEAL and we’re not going to LAWYER round and take it. --Toby Miceli-Gwiazdowski
It's hard to try to be funny in really hard times, punemployment, pundemic, leaves us all puniless.
..........There was nothing you could do........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..My Hometown
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, May 15, 2020, Pundamental ePistle. Peace, Love, and Groaners Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Human life itself may be almost pure chaos, but the work of the artist is to take these handfuls of confusion and disparate things, things that seem to be irreconcilable, and put them together in a frame to give them some kind of shape and meaning. --Katherine Anne Porter
Cost of War:
As of 5/14/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,026,898,238,451.
As of 5/7/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,024,915,033,319.
As of 5/14/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $966,426,060,971.
As of 5/7/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $965,078,247,946.
As of 5/14/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $764,592,828,780.
As of 5/7/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $762,898,443,2445.
As of 5/14/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $329,407,491,717.
As of 5/7/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $329,022,390,875.
As of 5/14/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,087,325,438.930.
As of 5/7/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,081,915,190.329.
It was the fact that I didn't want to kill anyone. I wasn't put on this earth to murder my fellow man. I'd grown up with violence - can't you see that? I can't bear it.” ― John Boyne, Stay Where You Are and Then Leave
Famous Last Words: Now I can cross the shifting sands. --L Frank Baum's dying words
..........The moon is high and here I am........Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band …..The Long Goodbye
Hope you've enjoyed this pundle of homespun puns.
Your eph-Emerald works give your Ma Turquoise to drink Quartz of ink. Jewel Ruby-ing low Cassiterite Onyx surface, But jabs Sardonyx serve no purpose. Don’t act a Fool’s Gold me if you Muscovite Olivine Opals Ore for a ci-Garnet-flix night. I’ll be at the convent on Co-Malachites I’ll fly. A bien-Topaz to you. --Kate Howard 2017
May Peace seed your path
And Joy light your way
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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