Friday, March 13, 2020

ePistle zZzz

Famous First Words: It's a story they tell in the border country... Stephen Vincent Benet The Devil & Daniel Webster
It is World Sleep Day! Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake. / I'm so good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes closed.
..........Set them free at the break of dawn..........Nena …..99 Luftballons
Our peace movement denounces all acts of violence and believes that all those who promote acts of aggression must be held accountable,
It is a gray Friday morning. The sky is laden with clouds...a thick white layer with lumps of dark blue and under all that wispy gray strands. At ground level there is very little wind and the willow branches are still or wave so lazily it's hard to see them. 41°F is quite pleasant . Everything is turning green and today I saw yellows and purples bursting from the ground here and there about town. It suggests spring and I am very ready. New bird calls, spring bird calls, many bird calls fill the air announcing spring. Earth even smells like spring, like damp soil and growth and moss. And then home to sweetened Moose Munch and a cinnamon roll. Life is good, and the best part is now I get to sit down and write to you.
May your weekend be seeded number one, ePistliers ~~Change of greeting ...may your weekend be coronavirus free.
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: My leprechaun can't find his gold. My imaginary friend got kidnapped. The voices in my head won't talk to me. And my dragon flew away. Oh my, I'm going sane. --submitted by eg of mt
First Coronavirus of the Week: Looking to trade 3 rolls of 2 ply toilet paper and half a can of Lysol for a '68 Camaro. Message me! --Submitted by bu of ks
Time really flies when you take two naps a day. / I asked by doctor if I was getting enough beauty sleep and she suggested hibernation.
..........And everything's so deep..........The Cars …..You Might Think
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Uncle Sam !
^ Can you name either or both of the figures that Uncle Sam's appearance is based on?
^^ What British humour magazine helped define the Uncle Sam figure?
^^^ Which US political cartoonist created the figure we still know today?
^^^^ About when was the iconic Uncle Sam wants you recruitment poster first used?
^^^^^ Any idea who is the female counterpart of Uncle Sam?
Big Hello: Molo – Xhosa (South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho)
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Man with Corona virus seeks woman with Lyme disease. --Submitted by sh of bc
Second Coronavirus of the Week: That's odd: My facebook friends who were constitutional scholars just a month ago are not infectious disease experts... --R Mekel
2nd Second Coronavirus of the Week: Due to all the panic boying, Walmart announced a 2nd register will be open. --Submitted by ae of mo
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 26% of story time kids prefer the craft glue to whatever snack the library provides.
When my kids went to camp, I slept until 8 am. It felt as magical as riding out of my bedroom on a unicorn. / Sleep until you're hungry, eat until you're sleepy.
..........Well, I've been so many places.........Dwight Twilley …..Girls
Moonbeam: In all science, error precedes the truth, and it is better it should go first than last. --Hugh Walpole
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Melting Snow

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You can just start calling yourself an Olympic hopeful. You don't have to fill out a form or anything. --Simon Holland
Next Coronavirus of the Week: Symptoms of Coronavirus include: Chest Pain, Difficulty breathing, fever, and an urge to travel the world
2nd Next Coronavirus of the Week: How come the liquor stores don't have empty shelves? Are people not realizing they will be quarantined with their spouses and kids?
Week of the Week: Girl Scout Week (8-14) How's your Fantasy Girl Scout Cookie League doing? / Girl Scout Cookies are life's way of rewarding you for giving up on your new Year's Resolutions.
I have a sleep disorder. It's called children. / Why is it called beauty sleep when you wake up looking like a troll.
..........Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones.........Cindy Lauper …..Girls Just Want To Have Fun
^ Uncle Sam's appearance is derived from two earlier symbolic figures in American folklore: Yankee Doodle, a British-inspired nickname for American colonials during the American Revolution, and Brother Jonathan, a rural American wit who, by surprising displays of native intellgence, always triumphed over his adversaries in plays, stories, cartoons, and verse.
Almanac: It is Friday, March 13, 2020. The moon will be last quarter next Monday and is in Scorpio. It is Digital Learning Day, Donald Duck Day, Earmuffs Day, Good Samaritan Involvement Day, K-9 Veterans Day, Ken Doll Day, L. Ron Hubbard Day, National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day, Shabbat Across the US/Canada, and Smart & Sexy Day. In Liberia it is Decoration Day and in New Mexico it is Arbor Day. Because it is the 2nd Friday in March it is also World Sleep Day.
Among those born on this day were Richelieu (1696), Joseph Priestly (1733), Jozef II (1741), David Allan (1744), Percival Lowell (1855), Lizzy Ansingh (1875), Hugh Walpole (1884), Sammy Kaye (1910), LaFayette Ron Hubbard (1911), Allan Jaffee (1921), J D Slater (1929), Clarence Nash (voice of Donald Duck, 1936), Neil Sedaka (1939), Stephen Vincent Benet (1943), William H. Macy (1950), Robin Duke (1954), and Adam Clayton (1960).
On March thirteenth Halley's Comet was documented for the twelfth time (607), Cortez landed in Mexico (1519), Cambridge College was renamed Harvard (1639), Herschel discovered Uranus (1781), the Uncle Sam cartoon figure debuted (1852), Arkansas passed an anti-Klan law (1869), US adopted Standard Time (1884), Tennessee outlawed the teaching of evolution (1925), Pluto's discovery announced (1930), Same Time, Next Year premiered (1975), Konstantin Chernenko's funeral was held (1985), and the blizzard of '93 hit the northeast US (1993).
Night Sky, 3/13: Right after dark at this time of year, five carnivore constellations stand upright in a row (emerging from hibernation?), from the northeast to south. They're all seen in profile with their noses pointed up and their feet (if any) to the right. They are Ursa Major the Big Bear in the northeast (with the Big Dipper as its brightest part), Leo the Lion in the east, Hydra the Sea Serpent in the southeast, Canis Minor the Little Dog higher in the south-southeast, and bright Canis Major the Big Dog in the south.
Max Picture of the Week: Cowboy Max checking out the pasture.

This Week: Saturday, March 14 – Pi Day & Save a Spider Day & Write Your Story Day
Sunday, March 15 – Ides of March & Buzzards Day & World Consumer Rights Day
Night Sky, 3/15: At nightfall, the Big Dipper is high in the northeast and beginning to tip left. Look well to its left (about three fists at arm's length) for Polaris and the dim Little Dipper. Other than Polaris, all you may see of the Little Dipper through light pollution are the two stars forming the outer end of its bowl: Kochab (similar to Polaris in brightness) and below it, fainter Pherkad. Find these two "Guardians of the Pole" to Polaris's lower right, by about a fist and a half at arm's length.
Monday, March 16 – Black Press Day & Curlew Day & Panda Day
Tuesday, March 17 – Campfire Day & St. Patrick's Day & World Social Work Day
Wednesday, March 18 – Forgive Mom and Dad Day & Awkward Moments Day & National Public Defense Day
Night Sky, 3/18: Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are lined up diagonally low in the southeast as dawn begins.
Thursday, March 19 – Vernal Equinox aka Ostara & Data Innovation Day & World Storytelling Day
Sleeping is my drug. My bed is my dealer and the alarm clock is the narc. / It really hurts when someone you love says mean things to you like,”It's time to wake up”.
..........But can the people on TV see me or am I just paranoid...........Rockwell …..Someone's Watching Me
^^ Cartoonists such as Sir John Tenniel and John Leech of the British humour magazine Punch helped evolve the modern figure by drawing both Brother Jonathan and Uncle Sam as lean, whiskered gentlemen wearing top hats and striped pants.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Having trouble deciding on an accessory to wear to complete your look? A crow on your shoulder is unique, gender neutral, works with any outfit, and never goes out of style.
'Nother Coronavirus of the Week: The whole world is so paranoid about coronavirus not even my dog will shake hands with me.
Moonbeam: Living is a pretty grim joke, but a joke just the same. --L Ron Hubbard
Late Night Snacks of the Week: Much of Biden’s success could be attributed to other moderate candidates dropping out of the race and giving him their endorsement. Amy Klobuchar laid down her comb and stapler after throwing them at her staffers one last time, while Pete Buttigieg gave up his lifelong dream of becoming America’s first white Obama. All in the name of coalescing behind a candidate who’s…fine. --Samatha Bee / That was some truth that Elilzabeth Warren just dropped there. A woman addressing sexism or ignoring it while running for president is either going to be seen as a whiner or living on another planet. Which is unfair, especially since the president is already a whiner who lives on another planet. --Trevor Noah / You could tell things were going well for Biden because when he took the stage in LA to celebrate last night, he was so giddy he apparently confused his wife, who was on his right, with his sister, who was on his left. One of the first rules of politics: you never want to confuse your wife and your sister – unless you’re starring in a reality show on TLC. --Seth Meyers / Biden’s Super Tuesday was remarkable because he won in states where he didn’t campaign or have offices. In fact, in Minnesota, Biden’s entire ground operation was just this flyer: ‘Joe Biden Available to dog-sit or be president.’ --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Amazingly, Joe Biden came from nowhere and took back front-runner status from Bernie Sanders. It was just like that classic fable, "The Tortoise And The Slightly Older Tortoise." Biden now has to consolidate the splintered Democratic Party under his banner with the slogan, hey, America - get on my lawn. This is crazy because three weeks ago, Joe Biden was so out of it, we didn't bother making jokes about him. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me 3/6/20
Our peace movement is deeply concerned by the passage and enforcement of more than sixty-five Israeli laws that either explicitly discriminate or have in their implementation a significantly more disparate impact on Palestinian Arab Israeli citizens.
Only kids count sheep to fall asleep. Grown ups count debts, mistakes, or heartaches./ Cat's biggest dilemma: should I eat or should I sleep?
..........Don't look back you've been there.........Manfred Mann …..Runner
^^^ Probably the first U.S. political cartoonist to crystallize the figure of Uncle Sam was Thomas Nast, beginning in the early 1870s. By 1900, through the efforts of Nast, Joseph Keppler, and others, Uncle Sam was firmly entrenched as the symbol for the US.
Worthless Fact of the Week: Founded in 1636, Harvard University possesses the title of America’s oldest learning institution. At its inception, this university’s name was “New College,” and its purpose was mainly to educate clergy. On March 13, 1639, the school’s name became Harvard University, so named for the Rev. John Harvard who donated half of his estate and his entire library to the school upon his death.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: So the market fell so much it tripped a “circuit breaker” and suspended trading. That's cute. Shouldn't they really call it a panic button? Circuit breaker makes me think a union electrician could shout down Wall Street. --Submitted by ae of mo
Wicked Coronavirus of the Week: This morning at the post office while I was in line, two people with masks entered. Total Panic! Then they said: This is a robbery. And we all calmed down.
Weird Word of the Week: Larrikin –Larrikin is a quintessentially Australian term. It appeared in the 1860s for a street rowdy or urban tough. The writer Archibald Forbes described the larrikin as “a cross between the Street Arab and the Hoodlum, with a dash of the Rough thrown in to improve the mixture.”
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Remove dried glue and gum left from price tags and labels from glass, metals, and most plastics. Apply Wish-Bone Thousand Island Dressing and wipe clean.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract Covid-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. To be clear, WHO let the dogs out. --Liam Hacket --Submitted by ae of mo
Preantepenultimate Coronavirus Joke of the Week: Snow White is down to 6 dwarfs. Sneezy has been placed in quarantine. --Submitted by re of ??
Mornings comes in 3 sizes: 1) Early 2) Too Early 3) Way Too Early / Having trouble falling asleep. Decorate your bedroom like a church.
.......I can count the tears but I can't count the cost.........Christie McVie …..Got A Hold On Me
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I haven't lost all my marbles yet...but there is dcefinitely a small hole in the bag somewhere. --Submitted by sd of ks
Antepenultimate Coronavirus Joke of the Week: You might be a redneck if your mask is made of coffee filters and duct tape.
^^^^ During World War I, James Montgomery Flagg was appointed New York State military artist. His famous Uncle Sam image first appeared on the cover of the July 6, 1916, issue of Leslie’s Weekly magazine, with the headline “What are YOU doing for preparedness?” Flagg repurposed the painting for the U.S. Army the following year, and it was reprinted again during WWII. The famous recruitment poster saw a revival during the 1960s, though sometimes with a hint of that era’s irony.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I've done some terrible things for getting up early to go to work.
Penultimate Coronavirus of the Week: Now concerns of a global pandemic are growing, but fear not, the president knows he has a solemn duty to protect himself, referencing Trump’s worries about how coronavirus could affect his campaign. I look forward to that transcript being released: Hello, Ukraine? I need dirt on a ‘Hunter Coronavirus.’ --Stephen Colbert
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Geneva Steam Convention 2020 (13-15, Delavan, WI) – The Zozzling 20s Zozzled:A term used in the 1920's to describe a person who is inebriated
Actual Science Convention of the Week: ICAGRF 2020: International Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Regular Functions: (12-13, Miami) leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Algebraic Geometry and Regular Functions
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck asking when it's time for spring grooming in the case of the disheveled Dinmont.

A baby can sleep through vacuums, car horn, and telephone rings but wakes up the moment mom closes her eyes. / Jane the wood sculptor would work long into the night; they used to call her the slumberjack.
..........We hide our hearts & then we won't say why.........Dan Fogelberg …..The Language of Love
^^^^^ Columbia is the female personification of the US.
Month of the Week: March is Music In Our Schools Month –I keep hearing music coming from the printer. I think the paper is jamming./ How many piano teachers does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it takes four movements.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: They're going to hold Sunday's debate without a studio audience. They're just going to pipe in a laugh track. --Submitted by mm of mo
Final Coronavirus of the Week: I have a 24 pack of Aldi toilet rolls. Looking to swap for a 4 bedroom house. --#RHOZ
2nd Final Coronavirus of the Week:Go home. Read a book. The world is closed.
Today's Peace of History, March 13, 1942: Julia Flikke of the Nurse Corps, became the first woman to reach the rank of colonel in the US army.
A good sleep not only makes you live longer but also makes your work day shorter. / Cat: No, no, sleeping 18 hours a day really is a super power.
..........You won't know until you begin...........Van Halen …..Jump
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle March 13 2020, ePistle Zzzz. Online at: Laughs, peace, and naps... Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting point. --Percival Lowell
Cost of War:
As of 3/12/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,009,120,467,760.
As of 3/05/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,007,151,555,718.
As of 3/12/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $954,344,063,697.
As of 3/05/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $953,005,981,263.
As of 3/12/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $749,404,121,769.
As of 3/05/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $747,721,885,110.
As of 3/12/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $325,955,465,563.
As of 3/05/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $325,573,176,463.
As of 3/12/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,038,824,813,661.
As of 3/05/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,033,453,449,703.
We call on the international community to assert its influence and push for a renewed peace process based on respect and protection of human rights. --Statement by Pax Christi
Famous Last Words: ...until our bones are too brittle to risk contact. --George Same Time Next Year
..........Lose your blues..........Kenny Loggins …..Footloose ~~Today's songs are number 10 to 1 on the first ever MTV Top 20 Video Countdown March 13, 1984
I was almost always late for work until I took to sleeping in my garden. Now I always wake up on thyme. / Scout the skeleton was always tired. His mother called him the grim sleeper.
May Peace fill your sleep
And Joy occupy your dreams
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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