Friday, December 27, 2019

Decadian ePistle

Famous First Words: Say, kids, what time is it? --Buffalo Bob It's Howdy Doody Time
It's About Time Week (25-31) One day a man met 3 beggars. To the first he gave a dime, to the second a dime, and to the third a nickle. It was a quarter to three. / Farmer Joan had a cow she claimed could time travel. She called her Doctor Moo.
..........That's just an unimportant technicality..........Gaylord & Magnolia …..Make Believe (Showboat)
Perceiving the need for healing and reconciliation in the world, the founders of IFOR formulated a vision of the human community based upon the belief that love in action has the power to transform unjust political, social, and economic structures.
It is late morning on the last Friday of 2019. The sky has just enough clouds to keep the sun from a full onslaught but shows through with a friendly blue. It is cold (27°F) but there is little wind to move the willow branches. Early morning was very black and moonless; but my second rising is sunny and bright. The world sounds of trash truck motors so Puck and I stay inside in the warmth. Second best about this morning is that I am sipping Moose Munch decaf, creamed and sweetened, desserty flavors that remind the nose of carnivals and the soul of good times. First best is sitting down to write to you.
Hope your weekend is an omen for a great new year, ePistliers, Happy New Decade
Run into a crowded store and ask “What year is it?” When someone answers, yell “it worked” and run out cheering. / We need to just enjoy the time that's hours.
..........You and me, we sweat an' strain........Joe …..Ol' Man River (Showboat)
Trivia Questions: 119 years ago, Carry Nation hacked up her first liquor barrel.
^ Any idea what Carry's birth name was?
^^ How about where she was born?
^^^ What does WCTU stand for?
^^^^ What movie star feuded with Carry?
^^^^^ How do you think the WCTU is doing today?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Everyone else is debating Merry Impeachment vs Happy Impeachment, and I'm over here all non-denominational like with Treason's Greetings. --Submitted by nm of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 89% of librarian's current bookmark is a receipt from the liquor store.
There was a goat who preformed in the circus eating anything and everything, car parts, toasters, cell phones. But he refused to eat clocks...too time consuming. / If time travel were possible, I'm sure my future self would have shown up by now to slap some sense into me or, at least, given me lottery numbers.
..........Fish got to swim, birds got to fly.........Queenie …..Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man of Mine (Showboat)
Moonbeam: Funny is funny. I dare anyone to look at Tim Conway and Harvey Korman doing the dentist sketch, which is more than 40 years old, and not scream with laughter. --Carol Burnett
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Flames

Big Hello: Labbay! - Uzbek (Russia)
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Do not drink and wrap presents. Also, if anyone gets a remote control for Christmas, I'm gonna need that back. --RHOZ
Chant at the Time Traveler's rally: What do we want. Time Travel When do we want it? Irrelevant. / 15 dogs chased a cat. Quarter after one.
..........Like the heroes bold in the books I've read.........Julie …..Bill (Showboard)
^ Carry Nation was born Carry Amelia Moore (11/25/1846).
Almanac: It is Friday, December 27, 2019. The moon was new Wednesday and is in Capricorn. It is National Fruitcake Day. In Australia, Canada, the Channel Islands, England, and Nauru it is Boxing Day. Bhutan experiences Day of 9 Evils; it is Independence Day (1949) in Indonesia and in Namibia and South Africa it is Family Day.
Among those born on this day were Johann Kepler (1571), Jean Bernoulli (1654), Louis Pasteur (1822), Sydney Greenstreet (1879), Oscar Levant (1906), William H. Master (1915), Cokie Roberts (1943), and James Sanford (1957).
On December twenty-seventh Carry Nation smashed her first bar (Wichita, 1900), the American Sociological Society opened its first annual meeting (1906), Show Boat premiered (1927), Radio City Music Hall opened (1932), the Howdy Doody Show was first telecast on NBC (1947), Apollo 8 returned to Earth (1968), the last Carol Burnett Show aired (1991).
Night Sky, 12/27: In twilight about 30 minutes after sunset, spot the thin crescent Moon low in the southwest. It's well to the lower right of Venus. Using binoculars, look for faint Saturn disappearing toward the horizon a few degrees lower right of the Moon. This is the last we'll see of Saturn in the evening sky until next summer.
Max Picture of the Week: Max the reindeer practicing his “ho, ho, ho”

This Week: Saturday, December 28 – Endangered Species Act Day & Pledge of Allegiance Day & Short Film Day
Sunday, December 29 – Tick Tock Day & YMCA Day
Night Sky, 12/29: Sirius and Procyon in balance? Sirius, the Dog Star, sparkles low in the east-southeast after dinnertime. Procyon, the Little Dog Star, shines to Sirius's left by about two fist-widths at arm's length.
Monday, December 30 – Bacon Day & No Interruptions Day
Tuesday, December 31 – Hogmanay & National Champagne Day & Look on the Bright Side Day
Night Sky, 12/31: Venus shines in the southwest in the evening twilight. Uranus & Neptune are visible right after dark high in the south-southeast. Mars is low in the east-southeast in early dawn. Mercury & Jupiter are hidden at the moment.
Wednesday, January 1 – New's Year Day & First Food Day & World Day of Peace
Thursday, January 2 – World Introvert Day & National Buffet Day & National Science Fiction Day & Happy Mew Year for Cats Day
Time really flies when you take two naps a day. / What if the CIA invented dinosaurs to discourage time travel?
..........After the dancers leaving.........Magnolia …..After The Ball (Showboat)
^^ Carry was born in Gerrard County, Kentucky on a share cropping plantation.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If the Millennium Falcon can be a piece of junk and fall apart continuously for decades and still be cool and kick ass then so can you. --Jeff Kramer --Submitted by dr of oh
Moonbeam: Nature uses as little as possible of anything. --Johannes Kepler
Classic Late Night Snacks of Healthcare Past: Senators are ready to pass the healthcare bill. Its the most important issue to Americans at least until American Idol. --David Letterman 12/21/09 / The Senate's healthcare bill is expected to pass on Christmas Eve. The healthcare overhaul will extend coverage to 30 million people who are uninsured, or as Wal-Mart calls them, "employees." --Jimmy Fallon 12/21/09 / The Senate is trying to pass healthcare by Christmas, and they took a rare vote last night at 1 am. They scheduled it for 1 am. because thats when John McCain gets up to visit the bathroom. --Conan O'Brien 12/21/09 / Meteorologists are calling this a record blizzard, which makes sense if you think about it. Republicans always said the Senate would pass healthcare when hell freezes over. --Jay Leno 12/21/09
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: The debate for the first time this cycle was on PBS, which means that instead of being surprisingly dull, it was expectedly dull. / The reviews have been mixed. On the one hand, Tyler Coates says "Cats" is, quote, the worst movie I have seen this year, end quote, while on the other hand, David Farrier said, quote, This is the worst thing I've ever seen. This is what death feels like, end quote. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me 12/21/19
IFOR members share a vision of a world where conflicts are resolved through nonviolent means, where systems that foster fear and hatred are dismantled, and where justice is sought as a basis for peace.
The physics grad student taught his cat to time travel in order to drive Schrodinger crazy. / Have you ever had a plan for your day and suddenly it's 5 pm and you have achieved literally nothing?
..........someone who can be unconcerned and free.........Chorus …..Till Good Luck Comes My Way (Showboat)
^^^ Carry helped to form the Women's Christian Temperance Union, a group of reformers who later brought about the 18th Amendment, (prohibiting alcohol) to the US constitution.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The first bar smashed by Carry Nation was at the Carey Hotel in Wichita, KS. The Carey was a beautiful 5-story Second Empire style, (on Douglas at St. Francis). Its bar was one of the most elegant in the mid-west. “The show saloon of Wichita” complete with a large nude painting, Cleopatra at the Bath, behind the bar.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I don't do Elf on the Shelf because if I want someone to sit in silent judgment of my family with a fake smile on their face, I'll just invite my mother over.
Weird Word of the Week: Yuleshard (n.) - Someone who still has things left to prepare and finish on Christmas Eve.

Weird Word2 of the Week: Shemomechama: To eat past the point of fullness because the food tastes so good.

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Used Christmas Trees: Trees, dead or alive, are good for gardens. Pine needles make fantastic mulch for plant beds, so those can be collected and spread around. Limbs and trunks can be sliced up and thrown into rougher garden areas to rot down over the coming year, which means they are naturally feeding the soil as opposed to becoming contaminated in landfills. If the neighbors are interested in splitting the cost, a rented wood chipper could make a lot of mulch out of the whole neighborhood’s trees, or there are often tree-cycling set-ups near recycling centers.
If time is money, why isn't the ATM a time machine? / Interested in Time Travel? Meet here last Thursday, 7 pm.
...........You drink champagne from a slipper.........Chorus …..Life Upon The Wicked Stage (Showboat)
^^^^ Mel Ferrer (Moulin Rouge, 1952) openly opposed prohibition and became Carry's enemy.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Please do not annoy the writer, she may put you in a book and kill you.. --Submitted by dr of oh
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: There are no science fiction conventions that I could find this weekend.
Actual Science Convention of the Week: International Conference on Applied Theoretical Organic Chemistry (26-27, Vienna, Austria) … figures, tables and references of novel research materials.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck taking the holiday from work to eat shrimp.

Dr Who: I don't always land where I'm supposed to but when I do it's not nearly as interesting. / Winter Solstice. If it got dark any earlier, we wouldn't have to get up at all. a lonely Punchinello.........Gaylord and Magnolia …..You Are Love (Showboat)
^^^^^ The WCTU remains an internationally active organization. Although "temperance norms have lost a great deal of their power" and there are far fewer dry communities today than before ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment, there is still at least one WCTU chapter in almost every US state and in 36 other countries around the world.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Until further notice – celebrate everything.
Today's Peace of History, December 27, 1914: The International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), an inter-religious peace group, was founded in Cambridge, England.
Attention: Tonight I will attempt to travel back in time and change history. You'll know I've succeeded if Germany loses WWII and Wednesday comes after Tuesday. / Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
..........After I have looked around.........Ellie & Frank …..I Might Fall Back on You (Showboat)
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle December 27, 2019, Decadian ePistle . Online at: Love, Laughs all the time Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Tanquam ex ungue leonem. One knows the lion by his claw. --Johann Bernoulli
Cost of War:
As of 12/26/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,987,402,910,376.
As of 12/19/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,985,397,593,204.
As of 12/26/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $939,584,580,517.
As of 12/19/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $938,221,759,822.
As of 12/26/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $730,849,015,295.
As of 12/19/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $729,135,006,406.
As of 12/26/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $321,738,873,169.
As of 12/19/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $321,349,187,379.
As of 12/26/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,979,575,687,161.
As of 12/19/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,974,105,330,519.
We educate, train, build coalitions, and engage in nonviolent and compassionate actions locally, nationally, and globally --The Fellowship of Reconciliation
..........So you're going away.........Frank & Ellie …..Goodbye, My Lady Love (Showboat)
The preacher said it was time for reflection, so I held my watch up to a mirror. / I'd like a watch that tells time. Don't you have a watch that tells time? No, you have to look at it.
Famous Last Words: Best time I ever had. --Carol Burnett's closing song, I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together
May Peace bless your minutes
And Joy fill your hours
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

Friday, December 20, 2019

Festive ePistle

Famous First Words: As far as my eyes can see... Alan Parsons Old and Wise
Happy Hanukkah (22-30) – Miriam goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Hanukkah cards. She says to the cashier, "Please may I have 50 Hanukkah stamps?" The cashier asks, "What denomination?" Miriam says, "Oy vey, has it come to this? Okay, give me 6 Orthodox, 12 Conservative, and 32 Reform."
..........I got to witness sometimes it's hard to be a Jew at Christmas..........M C Flow .....Pot In The Latkes
A human society obeys the dictates of reason and is guided and governed by a respect for justice. --Ferdinand-Èdouard Buisson France
It is very dark outside as Puck and I transport Jeff to his early morning job on campus. The ½ moon sheds very little light and the stars are simple dots against a black firmament. And yet the world seems lit up with Christmas lights on houses and businesses. Stop lights flash green and red and amber. Car lights shine white and red. A dark world artificially lighted. The little wind does not enforce the cold (38°F) and the darkness hides whether it moves tree limbs or hanging decorations. There is not much traffic and Puck and I return home quickly and enter a warm house filled with the smell of brewing coffee and the chaotic patterns of Christmas wrapping and recently opened boxes. I fix myself a cup of creamy artificially sweetened decaf and program some Christmas music into my computer. It is still dark outside, but you are in my heart and mind, bright and warm.
Hope your weekend is a holiday unto itself, ePistliers, the best to you during this holiday season.
My mother once gave me two sweaters for Hanukkah. The next time we visited, I made sure to wear one. As we entered her home, instead of the expected smile, she said, "Aaron, what's the matter? You didn't like the other one?" / Which hand is it better to light the menorah with? Neither, it's best to light it with a candle.
..........Put on your yarmulke here comes Hanukkah.........Adam Sandler …..The Chanukah Song
Trivia Questions: International Human Solidarity Day is, among other things, a day to celebrate our unity in diversity.
^ How many living languages are being spoken on earth today – more or less?
^^ How many living religions exist on the planet today – more or less?
^^^ Care to guess how many ethnic aka people groups there are?
^^^^ Is the earth really half male, half female?
^^^^^ How old are we as a population?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Look – impeachment is a process. It might take 10 or 15 flushes to get rid of him. --Submitted by sd of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: The 12% of librarians who will wear a Santa suit this week finally understand the jokes about “other duties as assigned”.
During the first day of Hanukkah, two elderly Jewish men were sitting in a wonderful deli frequented almost exclusively by Jews in New York City. They were talking amongst themselves in Yiddish. A Chinese waiter, who'd only been in New York for a year, came up and in fluent Yiddish with a perfect accent asked them if everything was okay and if they were enjoying the holiday. The Jewish men were dumbfounded. "Where did he ever learn such perfect Yiddish?" they asked each other. After they paid the bill they asked the restaurant manager, an old friend of theirs, "Where did your waiter learn to speak such fantastic Yiddish?" The manager looked around and leaned in so no one else could hear and said, "Shhhh.... He thinks we're teaching him English."
..........I am a latke and I am waiting for Chanukah to come..........Debbie Friedman …..The Latke Song
Moonbeam: I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business. --Harvey Firestone
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Elder Tree Flower

Different Kind of Worthless Fact of the Week: The Elder Moon (November 24-December 23) is the 13th Month in the Celtic Tree Calendar. (13 months of 28 days each and 1 day in between … a year and a day) Called Ruish (roo-esh) by the Celts it is a month of beginnings and endings, relaxation and renewal. Faerie friends may be close by,
Big Hello: Ässalamu äläykum – Uyghur (China)
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Newborn T-Shirt: Glad to be out. I was running out of womb.
Week of the Week: Saturnalia (17-21) --One of the oldest Roman jokes, which is based on a fictitious story and survived alive to this time, is told by Macrobius in his Saturnalia: (4th century AD, but the joke itself is probably several centuries older): Some provincial man has come to Rome, and walking on the streets was drawing everyone's attention, being a real double of the emperor Augustus. The emperor, having brought him to the palace, looks at him and then asks: -Tell me, young man, did your mother come to Rome anytime? The reply was: -She never did. But my father frequently was here.
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week2: Clinton: Gets impeached by Republicans over a blow job Trump: Gets blow job from Republicans during impeachment. --Submitted by Necessary Dissent
Christmas (25) – A Russian couple was walking down the street in St. Petersburg the other night, when the man felt a drop hit his nose. "I think it's raining," he said to his wife. "No, that felt more like snow to me," she replied. "No, I'm sure it was just rain, he said." Well, as these things go, they were about to have a major argument about whether it was raining or snowing. Just then they saw a minor communist party official walking toward them. "Let's not fight about it," the man said, "let's ask Comrade Rudolph whether it's officially raining or snowing." As the official approached, the man said, "Tell us, Comrade Rudolph, is it officially raining or snowing?" "It's raining, of course," he answered and walked on. But the woman insisted: "I know that felt like snow!" To which the man quietly replied: "Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!"
..........voices singing let's be jolly.........Brenda Lee …..Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
^ Roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today. Around 2,000 of them have fewer than 1,000 speakers. Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language with 1,213,000,000 speakers.
Almanac: It is Friday, December 20, 2019. The moon was last quarter yesterday and is in Libra. It is International Human Solidarity Day, Games Day, Mudd Day, and National Sangria Day. Because it is the third Friday it is also Underdog Day.
Among those born on this day were Bonnie Prince Charlie (1720), Thomas Graham (1805), Dr. Samuel A. Mudd (1833), Ferdinand-Edouard Buisson France (1841), Harvey Firestone (1868), Irene Dunne (1898), Max Lerner (1902), Patti Smith (1946), Alan Parsons (1948), and Chris Robinson (1966).
On December twentith the Corporation Act was first enforced in England (1661), Russia changed new year from September 1 to January 1 (1699), the Louisiana Purchase was formally transferred to the US (1803), Missouri imposed a tax on bachelors (21 to 50 years old, 1820), the Hawaiian post office was established (1850), the international cantilever railway bridge at Niagra Falls opened (1883), Phileas Fogg completed his round the world trip (1892), the pneumatic automoblie tire was patented (1892), Hilter was freed from jail (1924), the Ethel Barrymore Theater opened (1928), Harvey premiered (1950), Elvis received his draft notice (1957), Joe Walsh joined the Eagles (1975), Haldeman was released from jail (1978), Howard Cosell retired (1985), and Portugal returned Macau to China (1999).
Night Sky, 12/20: Have you ever watched a Sirius-rise? Find an open view right down to the east-southeast horizon, and watch for Sirius to come up about two fists at arm's length below Orion's vertical Belt. This will happen sometime around 8 pm, depending on your location. When a star is very low, it tends to twinkle quite slowly and often in vivid colors. Sirius is bright enough to show these effects well, especially with binoculars.
Max Picture of the Week: Max, aka Joe Cool

This Week: Saturday, December 21 – Solstice aka Yule & Humbug Day & National Ugly Sweater Day
Night Sky, 12/21: Tonight is the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere; the shortest night in the Southern Hemisphere. The solstice occurs at 11:19 pm EST (8:19 pm PST), marking the start of northern winter, when the Sun begins its six-month return northward in the sky of Earth.
Night Sky, 12/21: The Ursids are often neglected due to the fact it peaks just before Christmas and the rates are much less than the Geminds, which peaks just a week before the Ursids. Observers will normally see 5-10 Ursids per hour. There have been occasional outbursts when rates have exceeded 25 per hour. This shower is strictly a northern hemisphere event as the radiant fails to clear the horizon or does so simultaneously with the start of morning twilight as seen from the southern tropics.
Sunday, December 22 – Chanukah begins & Forefathers Day
Monday, December 23 – Festivus & Family Roots Day & Metric Conversion Day
Tuesday, December 24 – Egg Nog Day & Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 25 – Christmas Day
Thursday, December 26 – Boxing Day & Kwanzaa begins & Thank You Note Day
Night Sky, 12/26: An annular solar eclipse will occur on December 26, 2019. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the Sun for a viewer on Earth. Not visible in the USA.
This is my resting Grinch face. These puns sleigh me. Oh, deer, Yule be sorry. Wait, there's myrrh. It is, afterall, the most punderful time of the year.
..........Faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more........Judy Garland …..Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
^^ It is estimated that there are 4,200 religions in the world. It's very hard to get a number because every religion defines religion differently and lots of religions refuse to allow some faith systems to be called a religion. There are 5 big ones, 11 well known ones, and a few no one is sure about.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Since Russia will not be allowed to compete in the 2020 Summer Olympics, Donald Trump has invited them to take part in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Moonbeam: Either men will learn to live like brothers, or they will die like beasts. --Max Lerner
Late Night Snacks of the Week: Trump has called the process a “sham” that “started a long time ago, probably before I came down the escalator with the future first lady". Don’t say ‘I came down the escalator’ like you were George Washington crossing the Delaware. It wasn’t noble or cool – you rode an escalator to announce your campaign for president like you were at a Macy’s looking for men’s underwear. --Seth Meyers / The six pages decrying the impeachment process might be the most deranged letter to Santa ever. It is a long, stupid, disingenuous and incoherent defense signed by an angry gorilla with a Sharpie. I don’t even know how to describe the tone of it. I guess if you took the most privileged white lady ever and gave her a whole bottle of wine, and then asked her to write Yelp review of a restaurant that made her wait 40 minutes for a table and then got her order wrong twice. --Jimmy Kimmel / That’s right, not one Republican evidently has a problem with the president blackmailing a foreign government to get dirt on a political opponent. In a related story, the GOP has changed its mascot from an elephant to an ostrich. --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: What chance - you know what? There's, like, that - you don't have a snowball's chance in hell. It should be, like, you don't have a Bloomberg's chance of winning in Iowa. --Peter Grosz / The people they left out were all the women. There were no female nominees for Best Director, no movies nominated that had female directors. Now, the Golden Globes, if you don't know - they're considered the opening of awards season, which is just like baseball season. It's too long. It's somewhat predictable. And apparently, women are not allowed to play. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me 12/14/19
We must not forget that chemical warfare will sooner or later bring in its wake bacteriological warfare, pest propagation, typhus and other serious diseases. --Ferdinand-Èdouard Buisson France
Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. ‘In honor of this holy season’ Saint Peter said, ‘You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.’ The first fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. ‘It’s a candle’, he said. ‘You may pass through the pearly gates’ Saint Peter said. The next reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, ‘They’re bells.’ Saint Peter said ‘You may pass through the pearly gates’. The last man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women’s panties. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, ‘And just what do those symbolize?’ The man replied, ‘These are Carols.’ And So The Season Begins …
..........Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square in the frosty air.........Bobby Helms …..Jingle Bell Rock
^^^ An ethnic group is defined as a population that share a common cultural background. Estimates for how many such groups there are on the planet range from 13,000 to 24,000. So any answer above “a lot” is right.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The Ethel Barrymore Theater's first play was The Kingdom of God by Gregorio Martinez Sierra, produced by Lee Shubert and directed by E.M. Blyth. It ran for 92 performances.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If those men were so wise, why didn't they bring baby Jesus toys rather than all that other stuff. --Jeff Keane Family Circus
Weird Word of the Week: Verbigeration (soft g, like refrigeration) –senseless word salad or “the continual utterance of certain words or phrases at short intervals, without reference to their meaning”. ~~This is a particularly amusing definition, I recommend reading it – John Lithgow and all.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Make a back massager. Put several Wilson Tennis Balls inside a sock and tie at the end. This is frequently used by the labor coach to massage the back of a woman in labor.
Boxing Day aka St Stephen's Day (26) – The day after Christmas Good King Wenceslas decided that he was fed up with the food at the palace, so he phoned up his local Italian restaurant for a takeaway pizza. "Certainly, your Majesty" says the Manager, "Would you like your usual"? "Yes please," replied the King, "same as always - deep pan, crisp and even"
...........Ye who now will bless the poor shall yourselves find blessing.........John Mason Neale …..Good King Wenceslas
^^^^ In a study around 2002, the natural sex ratio at birth was estimated to be close to 1.06 males/1 female. Infant mortality is significantly higher in boys than girls in most parts of the world. Women tend to live longer than men. So, yeah, pretty much 50/50. These figures have not taken into account, hermaphroditism, transexuals, or gender identity.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A lot of people don't realize that the actor who played Wilson in Castaway is the same actor from the volleyball scene in Top Gun. --#RHOZ
Coincidence of the Week: Trump was impeached on International Migrants Day
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Con+Alt+Delete 2019 (20-22, Chicago) An anime convention ...a ton of panels, a ton of events
Actual Science Convention of the Week: Iris – Scientific Group Conference 2020 00 (21-23, Rome) 2nd Global Conference on Plant Science & Research. Academicians, plant scientists, and biochemists, oh, my.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck and his sidekick Justice searching for clues under the snow in the case of Avalanche Arf.

Yule aka Winter Solstice aka Hibernal Solstice (21) Blessed Be! –How many Sumerians does it take to screw in a light bulb? 13. One to hold the bulb and 12 to drink enough to make the room spin. / How many Traditional British Witches does it take to screw in a light bulb? Can't tell you. It's a third degree question./ How many Druids does it take to screw in a light bulb? Druids don't screw in light bulbs, they screw in stone circles.
..........The long night draws near all who need comfort are welcome by here.........Wyrd Sisters …..Solstice Carole
^^^^^ The global population breakdown by age shows that a quarter (26%) are younger than 14 years, 8% are older than 65, while half of the world population is the working age bracket between 25 and 65.
Month of the Week: December is Take A New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking (TANYRS) Month --Have you heard about the new Robin Williams anti-smoking movie? It's called I'm On The Patch, Adams. / I'm trying to quit smoking, so I'm looking for a new oral fixation, better watch out.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Be naughty, save Santa the trip.
Grammar Joke of the Week: I thought I'd be cute so I meowed to my cat. My cat was aghast and pointed out 7 grammatical errors I had made in just 1 meow. --Submitted by dr of oh
Today's Peace of History, December 20, 1999: The Vermont Supreme Court ruled in Baker v. State of Vermont that homosexual couples were entitled to the same benefits and protections as wedded couples of the opposite sex.
Today's Peace of Woman's History, December 20, 1990: Kansas reservist Dr. Yolanda Huet-Vaughn refused orders to serve in the first Gulf War (Desert Storm) and was later sentenced to prison.
Knock Knock, who's there? Yule. Yule who? Yule never know. / How long does it take to burn a candle all the way down? About a wick.
..........There's holly and ivy and white mistleberry..........Spiral Dance …..Solstice Evergreen
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle December 20, 2019, Festive ePistle. Peace, Love, & Holidays Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: I am neither an optimist nor pessimist, but a possibilist. --Max Lerner
Cost of War:
As of 12/19/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,985,397,593,204.
As of 12/12/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,983,531,095,259.
As of 12/19/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $938,221,759,822.
As of 12/12/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $936,953,248,123.
As of 12/19/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $729,135,006,406.
As of 12/12/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $727,541,373,156.
As of 12/19/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $321,349,1087,379.
As of 12/12/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $320,986,660,114.
As of 12/19/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,974,105,330,519.
As of 12/12/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,969,013,130,626.
From the day war conquered the skies, nothing could check its progress. --Ferdinand-Èdouard Buisson France
..........While the merry bells keep ringing.........Andy Williams …..Happy Holidays to You
Good tonics we bring, to you and your gin. / May your holiday be as extraordinary as you!
Famous Last Words: Well thanks, Harvey. I prefer you, too. --Elwood P Dowd Harvey
May Peace charm your holidays
And Joy fill your new year
prairie mama

Last Laugh: Submitted by the Baker Wetlands

Friday, December 13, 2019

ePistle eQuus

Famous First Words: Marley was dead, to begin with. Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
It is The National Day of the Horse. Did you hear about the man who was hospitalized with 6 plastic horses inside him. He's listed as stable.
..........Who could ask for anything more.........George Gershwin …..I Got Rhythm (An American in Paris)
Convinced that in the nuclear age lasting world peace can be based only on the attainment of the goal of general and complete disarmament under effective international control, …
Christmas Shopping Advise of the Week: Remember: A wife is for life not just Christmas. Propose Responsibly.
It is a cold (32°F) Friday morning. The sky is awash with lumps and clumps of grayish clouds attempting to hide a sun that is determined to shine. There is little breeze to help the cold, but little warmth to oppose it. A gentle frost covers brown grass and car windows; everything looks and feels like winter. Pucks is asleep in his little bed, content to dream of running outside. I sit at my computer sipping sweetened, creamed decaf and munching a blueberry muffin. The only sounds are keyboard clicks, dog snores, and the furnace humming off and on. Jeffrey's Christmas tree exudes pine smells into the blend of freshly brewed coffee and stale incense. Outside a car door slams shut and a motor roars into life. These sounds are muffled by the walls and seems distant. But the sudden dog barks speaks a little more of immediacy and actual living. I get up and find my sweater to pile on a little more warm and sit down to write to you. A pretty nice morning all in all.
Hope your weekend wears the roses, ePistliers.
A guy is walking through the country when he spots a sign that reads, “Talking Horse for Sale.” Intrigued, he walks up to the stable to check it out. “So what have you done with your life?” he asks the horse. “I’ve led a full life,” the horse answers miraculously. “I was born in The Andes where I herded for an entire village. Years later, I joined the mounted police force in New York and helped keep the city clean. And now, I spend my days giving free rides to underprivileged kids here in the country.” The guy is flabbergasted. He asks the horse’s owner, “Why on earth would you want to get rid of such an incredible animal?” The owner says, “Because he’s a liar! He never did any of that!”
..........There never was such a smile........George Gershwin …..I've Got Beginner's Luck (An American in Paris)
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to Dick Van Dyke. Do you know or can you guess which character or what movie/tv show the following quotes are from?
^ Gotta keep it moving, Larry. I'm pretty spry for an old man.
^^ This girl typed like the wind – she blew every word.
^^^ You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.
^^^^ There's the whole world at your feet. And who gets to see it but the birds, the stars, and the chimney sweeps.
^^^^^ Also it gives you 2 days away from the missus, once again, I'm sorry I introduced you in the first place.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Just got a Cheerio stuck between my toes walking through the kitchen. Clearly my dog isn't doing his part of the chores around here. --NRITH
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 49% of patrons looking at old maps are just looking for cool sea monsters to get for their new tattoo.
A pony goes to the doctor and tells him, “Doc, I think I’m dying. I have this terrible sore throat.” The doctor assures him, “It’s okay—you’re just a little horse.” / Lee Marvin used to drink a lot and when he did westerns he'd fall off his horse a lot.; but they still didn't let him star in Wine Stoned Cowboy.
..........My dear, it's four-leaf clover time........George Gershwin …..'S Wonderful (An American in Paris)
Moonbeam: When a nation starts to hug its own particularities to itself it is showing fear and it will soon cease having any characteristics worth saving. --R. A. MacAvoy
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Rare Cat-egory 3 purricane ~~I'm not sure this is really naturally occurring, but it is cute as all get out, and meets the definition of Mandala.

Big Hello: Āssālam 'alaykum - Urdu
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm so old that every morning when I wake up I feel like I'm procrastinating my own death.
Week of the Week: Computer Science Education Week (9-15) Prof. Jones was teaching Data Structures when he yelled at a student, “You know you can't sleep in my class, Mr. Gates.” Bill answered, “I know, but maybe if you were just a little quieter, I could.”
A Desperado rides into town and downs a few drinks at the saloon. When he steps outside again, he finds his horse has been stolen. The Desperado swears, steps back into the bar, and fires a round into the piano. The room goes dead silent. “I’m gonna have one more beer,” the Desperado bellows to the terrified crowd, “and if my horse ain’t back where I left him when I’m done, I’ll do here what I had to do in Houston.” The locals murmur uneasily as the Desperado sips his drink. Lucky for them all, when he steps outside again his horse has been returned. As the Desperado saddles up, a local can’t help but ask, “Sir, what exactly was it you had to do in Houston?” The Desperado narrows his eyes and hisses at the man, “I had to walk home.”
..........Not for a year but ever and a day........George Gershwin …..Love Is Here To Stay (An American in Paris)
^ Dick Van Dyke as Cecil in Night at the Museum, 2006
Almanac: It is Friday, December 13, 2019. The moon was full (Cold) on Wednesday and is in Cancer. It is Asarah B'Tevet, Pick A Pathologist Pal Day, National Day of The Horse, and the National Guard's Birthday. Malta celebrates Republic Day. Because it is the 2nd Friday in December it is also National Salesperson Day and Official Lost & Found Day.
Among those born on this day were Mary Todd Lincoln (1818), Curt Jurgens (1893), Van Heflin (1910), Lillian Roth (1910), Kenneth Patchen (1911), Dick Van Dyke (1925), Richard Darryl Zannuck (1934), Ted Nugent (1948), R.A. MacAvoy (1949), Steve Buscemi (1957), and Jamie Foxx (1967).
On December thirthteenth Francis Drake set sail on this around the world voyage (1577), the first music store in the new world opened (Philadelphia - 1759), A Christmas Carol was published (1843), the Wright Brothers flew (1903), the stolen Mona Lisa was recovered (1913), the clip-on tie was designed (1928), Gershwin's An American in Paris premiered (1928), and James Dean made his first career appearance (Pepsi commercial, 1950).
Night Sky, 12/13: The famous Geminid meteor shower will sling bright shooting stars this winter, though a just-past-full moon will make all but the brightest hard to see. The Geminids are considered one of the best meteor showers every year because the individual meteors are bright, and they come fast and furious. This year, because of the moonlight, around 20-30 may be visible per hour.
Max Picture of the Week: Max the pilot in his flight jacket with grandma

This Week: Saturday, December 14 – Gingerbread Decorating Day & Monkey Day & Yoga Day
Night Sky, 12/14: The waning gibbous Moon, in Gemini, rises after dinnertime below Pollux and Castor. To the lower right of the Moon, Procyon is soon on the rise. Off to the right of Gemini sparkles Orion.
Sunday, December 15 – Bill of Rights Day & Cat Herders Day & National Cupcake Day
Monday, December 16 – Barbie and Barney Backlash Day & National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day
Tuesday, December 17 – Clean Air Day & Wright Brothers Day
Night Sky, 12/17: Venus shines in the southwest in the evening twilight while Jupiter moves farther to the lower right of Venus. Saturn in also in Sagittarius.
Wednesday, December 18 – International Migrants Day & Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day
Thursday, December 19 – Free Shipping Day & National Re-Gifting Day
The owner of the Bar-None Stables used to braid green and red ribbons in the mane's of all his horses. He called in Ranch Dressing. / I have never fallen off a horse, however, I have dismounted with style a few times.
..........With a new step every day........George Gershwin …..I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise (An American in Paris)
^^ Dick Van Dyke as Rob Petrie in The Dick Van Dyke Show, 1961-1966
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Private Sign: Do Not Read
Moonbeam: The one who comes to question himself cares for mankind. --Kenneth Patchen
Late Night Snacks of the Week: The headlines make it sound like Elizabeth Warren was balling out of control but in reality, she earned $2m in over 30 years, which averages out to a modest 60k a year. That is the complete opposite of balling – at 60k a year, you aren’t popping champagne in the club; you’re carefully removing the cork, pouring it into the glass, and then saving the rest for the time you come back to the club. --Trevor Noah / GOP counsel Stephen Castor testified that “to impeach a president that 63 million people voted for over eight lines in a call transcript is baloney”. Ohhh, it’s, uh, baloney? Really loses the drama when the word you’re ramping up to is baloney. You never hear a detective in a mystery novel say ‘I’ve deduced the suspect’s alibi is baloney!’ --Seth Meyers / “The argument ‘why don’t you just wait’ amounts to this: why don’t you just let him cheat in one more election? Why not just let him cheat just one more time?” Schiff said. “Fun fact: ‘why not let him cheat just one more time’ was what Drumpf had inscribed on Melania’s wedding gift. --Stephen Colbert / Who would’ve ever imagined that the guy who bragged about being able to walk in on contestants in his beauty pageant while they were changing clothes would abuse his power? It’s shocking, really. If the House passes the articles, which seems all but certain given the Democratic majority, then impeachment will move to a trial held in the Senate and presided over by Chief Justice John Roberts. The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell has not indicated when the trial will be held or how long the trial will last, but he did announce that the verdict will be not guilty. --Jimmy Kimmel / Loud Offense or Kavanoise when white men who have done something awful shout into a camera until it goes away. --Samatha Bee
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Now, the Peloton company, you should know, is standing by the ad. They're defending it, even though - and this is true - their market value dropped nearly a billion dollars since the ad went viral. That, by the way...Is the first time an exercise machine bought at Christmas has caused the loss of anything. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me 12/7/19 The Commercial
Recognizing the urgent need to halt the arms race, particularly in nuclear weapons, ...
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Hey!”. The horse replies, “You read my mind, Mac”. / A visitor to the area asked a local about the Amish man who had his hand in a horse's mouth. “Oh,” the local replied, “he's a mechanic.”
..........How can anyone resist that rhythmical beat........George Gershwin …..Fidgety Feet (An American in Paris)
^^^ Dick Van Dyke as Caractacus Potts in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 1968
Worthless Fact of the Week: 28 months after Vincenzo Perugia snatched the Mona Lisa from the Louvre, he attempted to sell the painting to an art dealer in Florence who offered to try to secure the reward that has been offered. Half an hour later the police were at his door.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I hate people who can't let go of the past. Debt collectors are the worst.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Look at the size of your liver compared to your heart. Your're designed to drink more and care less. --Submitted by eb of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Upsidaisy (upsa-daisy, upsy-daisy, and oops-a-daisy) It is said to a child as encouragement to get up again after falling over, or when somebody is picking the child up Related to lackadaisical (lackaday ,,, shame to the day).
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Give yourself a foot massage. Roll you foot over a Wilson Tennis Ball.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If Republicans want to force pregnant women to view ultrasounds of their fetuses before having abortions, Republicans should be forced to push babies out their dicks before passing abortion laws. --Submitted by Necessary Dissent
Oceancookie was known as a Kentucky winner of many races and as a great hostess. She had Southern Horspitality down pat. / I named my horse flattery because he'll get you nowhere.
...........Hi-ho, alas, and also lack-a-day........George Gershwin …..But Not For Me (An American in Paris)
^^^^ Dick Van Dyke as Bert in Mary Poppins, 1964
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I need to stop complaining about my friends being awful photographers when the real problem in my face. --Shafeeq
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Sci-Fi Sea Cruise (13-22, boards in Miami, FL) –Miami, Labadee, Aruba, Conaiare, Curacao...
Actual Science Convention of the Week: Innovations in Encapsulation 2019 (13, London) - exploring innovations within the general field of encapsulated materials. Areas to be considered will include novel routes to their manufacture, the properties that such products exhibit, whether the shell protects the contents or provides controlled release or indeed the characterization of such materials.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Santa, oops, Puck has a brand new bag, oops, bed.

A tenderfoot went into a saddler's shop and asked for one spur. “Surely you mean a pair of spurs, sir,” the saddler said. “No, just the one”, he replied, “If I can get one side to go, the other is bound to come with it.”
..........The way your smile just beams........George Gershwin …..They Can't Take That Away From Me (An American in Paris)
^^^^^Dick Van Dyke as Dr. Townshend in Scrubbs, 2003
Month of the Week: December is National Write A Business Plan Month --When the office photo-copies began to look faint, the office manager called in a local repair service. The friendly technician after inspecting the equipment, informed the manager that the machine was in need of a good cleaning. The tech suggested that someone might try reading the operator’s manual and perform the job themselves, since it would cost $100.00, if he did the work. Pleasantly surprised by his candor, the office manager asks, “Does your boss know you are discouraging business?” “Actually, my boss demands we explain this to all our customers. After people try first to fix things themselves, we end-up making much more money on repairs”
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I never understood how the little drummer boy's parents could just send him outside alone at night to play his drum until my daughter brought a recorder home from school. --Simon Holland
Grammar Joke of the Week: The teacher asked Jenny to use the word “hyphenated” in a sentence. Jenny said, “There used to be a space between these two words, but there isn’t anymore because a hyphen ate it.”
Today's Peace of History, December 13, 1917: Denmark, which was not involved in World War I, recognized the right of conscientious objection (CO) to military service. Norway had done so in 1900, Sweden in 1920. The Netherlands went so far as to write it into their constitution in 1922, and Finland enacted it in 1931.
Don't worry, these horse jokes won't go on furlong. / Clouds and jockeys – they're all alike – they hold the reins.
..........Life is one long jubilee........George Gershwin …..Who Cares (An American in Paris)
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle December 13, 2019. ePistle eQuus. Peace, laughs, and horse sense. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: But two things I have ever respected are warmth and the ability to sit still. --R. A. MacAvoy
Cost of War:
As of 12/12/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,983,531,095,259.
As of 12/5/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,981,478,932,284.
As of 12/12/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $936,953,248,123.
As of 12/5/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $935,558,407,194.
As of 12/12/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $727,541,373,156.
As of 12/5/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $725,787,645,796.
As of 12/12/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $320,986,660,114.
As of 12/5/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $320,588,087,659.
As of 12/12/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,969,013,130,626.
As of 12/5/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,963,413,692,399.
Calls upon all nuclear-weapon States to agree to a freeze on nuclear weapons, which would, inter alia, provide for a simultaneous total stoppage of any further production of nuclear weapons and a complete cut-off in the production o nuclear weapons and a complete cut-off in the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes: ~~Today's quotes are from UN Resolution 119-17: A Freeze on Nuclear Weapons
..........I know we both won't say a word........George Gershwin …..The Man I Love (An American in Paris)
My race horse is such a sure bet I call her Strawberry Inc. / Did you hear about the Wookie who couldn't tell the difference between his two horses? His friend suggested measuring them, that didn't help though, he discovered that the brown horse was only an inch taller than the white one! ~~This was one of my dad's favorite jokes.
Famous Last Words: God bless us. Every One! --A Christmas Carol
May Peace be your jockey
And Joy be your purse
prairie mama

Last Laugh: