Friday, August 9, 2019

Diviner ePistle

Famous First Words: When I wrote the following pages... Henry David Thoreau Walden
It is National Psychic Week (4-9) –Advertisement: We welcome talented magicians, clairvoyants, psychics, and mediums for creative and highly paid work. The time and place you already know.
..........About a funny old world that's coming along.........Bob Dylan …..Song To Woody
I raise my voice not so that I can shout but so those without a voice can be heard. --Malala Yousafzai
It is a gorgeous Friday morning. 69°F is cool and refreshing. The sky is smeared with pure white swirls and dots barely moving across as azure sky. Grass is green and the flowers of various colors are nestled here and there as if painted by a large hand. Birds supply a sound track of chirps and cheeps with the local murder of crows singing bass. Rabbits flee before the mighty Puck who, after an initial warning, does not continue to bark. He does bark at the three little dogs who have moved into the corner house. They have a newly constructed fence and can run into the yard and bark directly at Puck who, of course, barks back - he loves the sound of his own voice. We make our way to the end of the cul-de-sac and start back. We breathe in the smell of damp soil and floral scents and mown grass that change with each yard we pass. And so we make it back home..home to the smell of brewing coffee and spent incense. I sit now, my decaf sweetened and creamed and ready at my right hand. But best of all I have you on my mind. What a great day!
Hope your weekend is unforseeably wonderful, ePistliers
I was thinking of going to this psychic that opened an office down the block. But I changed my mind, because, you know, it's a psychic? Then I got the text message that said, "Too bad”.
..........I can see through your masks.........Bob Dylan …..Masters of War
Trivia Questions: Today is the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
^ Who designated August 9th as Indigenous Peoples Day?
^^ Any idea how many people are identified as “indigenous”?
^^^ What part of the world has the most “indigenous” groups?
^^^^ And how many languages do they speak?
^^^^^ More or less, how many indigenous folks does the US have?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I tell them my name is Impeach at Starbucks so they yell out Impeach when my coffee is ready. Sometimes I wait till they say it a few times because I like the sound of it. --Lisa --Submitted by ksz of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 95% of public librarians swear they're sad when summer reading is over ... When asked by the public.
I called the Clairvoyance Services company in the phone book and got hold of Alex. I asked if it was possible to get a 2 o'clock appointment next Thursday but he said it wouldn't work because I would break my leg on Tuesday.
..........Someone to open each and every door.........Bob Dylan …..It Ain't Me Babe
Moonbeam: I have laid aside business, and gone a-fishing. --Izaak Walton
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Human Fingerprint

Big Hello: Elo – Tetum (Timor Island)
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Moscow Mitch: I can see Russian from my bank account. --Submitted by sd of ks
Week of the Week: National Farmers Market Week (4-10) –The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total, 26, 911 words.
The fortuneteller took my hand and exclaimed, “You will be quartered, salted, and eaten up!” Oh, wait, let me take off my pigskin gloves.
..........And admit that the waters around you have grown.........Bob Dylan …..The Times They Are A-Changin'
^ The United Nations declared August 9th International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. The date marked the inaugural session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations in 1982.
Almanac: It is Friday, August 9, 2019. The moon was first quarter on Wednesday and is in Sagittarius. As well as being International Day of the World's Indigenous People, it is also Veep Day, and Worldwide Art Day. This weekend is Kool-Aid Weekend.
Among those born on this day were Izaak Walton (1593), Jean Piaget (1896), William A. Fowler (1911), Bob Cousy (1928), Sam Elliot (1944), Melanie Griffith (1957), and Whitney Houston (1963).
On August nineth Walden was published (1854), Betty Boop debuted (1930), South African women demonstrated against Pass Laws (1956), Robert Zimmerman legally changed his name to Bob Dylan (1962), and Richard Nixon resigned (1974).
Night Sky, 8/9: The waxing gibbous Moon shines with Jupiter this evening. Jupiter's own four big moons, roughly similar in actual size to ours, show as pinpoints in a small telescope or good binoculars; they're lined up east and west of the planet.
Max Picture of the Week: Max and Smaug take a selfie.

This Week: Saturday, August 10 – National Bowling Day & National Shapewear Day
Night Sky, 8/10: The annual Perseid meteor shower should peak late on the night of August 12-13, but the waxing gibbous Moon won't set until just before the beginning of dawn. You may do better before that, if you catch the hour or so of dark sky between moonset and the beginning of dawn (for North America).
Sunday, August 11 – National Hip Hop Day & The Spirit of '45 Day
Monday, August 12 – International Youth Day & Milkman Day & World Elephant Day
Night Sky, 8/12: No matter where you live worldwide, the 2019 Perseid meteor shower will probably produce the greatest number of meteors on the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13.
Tuesday, August 13 – International Lefthander's Day
Wednesday, August 14 – National Navajo Code Talkers Day
Thursday, August 15 – Best Friends Day & National Relaxation Day & National No SpongeBob Day
Alice went to see a fortune teller who told her two men were madly in love with her. Of course, she asked, “So, who'll be the lucky one?” The fortune teller answered, “you'll marry Michael, but Shawn will be the lucky one.”
..........I'm on the pavement, thinking about the government.........Bob Dylan …..Subterranean Homesick Blues
^^ There are approximately 370 million indigenous people in the world belonging to 5,000 different groups.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: What rhymes with orange? No, it doesn't. --Submitted by msh of bc
Drink of the Week: Moscow Mitch –Russian Vodka, Kentucky Sour Mash, and a couple twists of orange. --Submitted by ra of hi
Moonbeam: God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. --Izaak Walton
Late Night Snacks of the Week: Being a racist monster isn’t a mental illness – in fact, you can be one and be a very stable genius. --Samantha Bee / Yes, I believe my rhetoric brings people together into a huge, angry mob chanting ‘Send her back,’ And it’s not easy to get a group of old white people to chant in rhythm. --Stephen Colbert / This is something we hear about a lot, that we need to find something that we agree on. Well here’s something we can agree on: too many people are being shot with high-powered weapons.Tell Mitch McConnell, this evil, soulless old creep, we have some good news. Call him and tell him that we agree on something for a change – we agree that he needs to drag his bony gray ass back to work to vote on these bills. --Jimmy Kimmel / Every hall of every mall? That sounds like the bleakest Dr Seuss book ever: In every hall of every mall, on every floor and every door, we need a guard in every room or we’ll end up in the tomb. --Trevor Noah / You can’t say someone urged something when they do it completely without urgency. Drumpf is already back to quoting Fox News and attacking people on Twitter again today. A better headline would’ve been: ‘Teleprompter urges unity while old man watches. --Seth Meyers
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: It was the second round of the Democratic debates this week, and despite the efforts of many people doing a lot of work, after the first round, we weren't able to get rid of any of those people. At the Wednesday debate - there were two, Tuesday and Wednesday - at the Wednesday debate, everybody went after Biden. And his main response was, hey, but Obama liked me. Come on, that was years ago. It's like the old guy who won't stop talking about high school, right? Hey, I was vice quarterback of the football team. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me 8/3/19
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right. --Martin Luther King, Jr.
You don't see psychics winning the lottery for the same reason you don't see faith healers working in hospitals.
..........he's not selling any alibis.........Bob Dylan …..Like A Rolling Stone
^^^ While Indigenous People live in every region of the world, about 70% of them live in Asia.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The South African Pass Act of 1956, aka The Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act removed all legal recourse for objecting to the removal of Black people from certain residential areas. The Urban Areas Act limited Black people to 72 hours in an urban area without permission from a specific municipal officeholder.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator...only a fraction of people will find this funny. --Submitted by ag of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Charabanc ( ʃærəbæŋ ) -an early form of bus, used typically for sightseeing trips. From the french char-à-bancs – carriage with benches.
Weird Word of the Week2: Satyagraha ( suh-TYAH-gruh-uh ) - The policy of passive nonviolent resistance as a protest against injustice.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Remove decals. Saturate the decal with Wesson Vegetable Oil.
If someone tries to communicate with me through a psychic, I will never speak to them again for the rest of my afterlife.
...........everybody must get stoned........Bob Dylan …..Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35
^^^^ There may be more than 7,000 languages though many of them have not been recorded because tribes are not easily accessible. Since 1600, at least 52 Native American languages have disappeared.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm hoping Satan runs in 2020 and splits the Republican vote. --Submitted by ae of mo
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Myths & Legends Con (9-11, Denver, CO) –Back to our roots, focusing on Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Firefly... ~~Roots – Harry Potter was published in 1997; how deep a root is that?
Actual Science Convention of the Week: 15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project: Theory and Practice: An Interface of A Great Divide? (4-9, Kildare, Ireland) encourage innovation in mathematics, statistics, science & computer education.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's detective, Puck, junior partner, Justice, and Morningside Street Irregular, Bruno, discussing the case of the Visiting Collie Three Doors Down.

Once I almost had a psychic boyfriend; but he left me just before we met.
..........No reason to get excited.........Bob Dylan …..All Along The Watchtower
^^^^^ In the US, the combined populations of Native Americans, Inuit, and other indigenous designations totaled 2,786,652 (constituting about 1.5% of 2003 US census figures). Some 563 scheduled tribes are recognized at the federal level, and a number of others are recognized at the state level.
Capitalism Meme of the Week: Do Communists have “in capitalist America” jokes? In capitalist America, banks rob you.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If parenthood came with a GPS it would mostly just say … RECALCULATING
Grammar Joke of the Week: Saver: I'd like to open an account. Teller: Who cares? Interest-Free Checking:
Today's Peace of History:, August 9, 1995: Roberta Cooper Ramo became the first woman to hold the office of president of the American Bar Association.
How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hand.
..........His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean.........Bob Dylan …..Lay Lady Lay
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle August 9, 2019, dIviner ePistle. Online at: Laughs, peace, and future tripping. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Angling may be said to be so like the mathematics that it can never be fully learned. --Izaak Walton
Cost of War:
As of 8/8/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,947,892,957,974.
As of 8/1/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,945,895,251,040.
As of 8/8/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $912,733,458,463.
As of 8/1/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $911,375,477,921.
As of 8/8/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $697,093,622,774.
As of 8/1/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $695,386,471,317.
As of 8/8/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $314,066,747,482.
As of 8/1/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $313,678,725,843.
As of 8/8/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,871,035,102,045.
As of 8/1/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,866,336,632,281.
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. --Albert Einstein
..........Everybody's gonna jump for joy.........Bob Dylan …..The Mighty Quinn
Swami Fred was so fat they called him the four chin teller.
Famous Last Words: May God's grace be with you in all the days ahead. --Richard Nixon Resignation Speech
May Peace divine your future
And Joy define your present
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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