First Words: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution...
Proposed ERA Amendment to the US Constitution
Mother's Day! Hey, mom, how does it feel to have the world's
greatest daughter? Gee, I don't know, you'll have to ask your
grandma. / It's never easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers
would do it.
the roses so red and the lilies so fair.........Mother Maybelle
Carter …..Wildwood Flower
love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.
--Eric Fromm
is a chilly (41°F) but sunny Friday morning; yet we have not walked.
My nephew, Jeffrey is visiting from North Carolina and my brother
and wife, Fletcher and Sandra, are here from Arizona and we have had
a wonderful week. The sad part came from spreading my sister (Jeff's
mother's) ashes on the graves of my grandmother and grandfather and a
niece who died as a baby. They are the same graves that received my
mother's ashes. It was a very nice, informal service with friends
and family followed by going out to eat. We've done that a
lot...Ladybird Diner, Cinzetti's, Salty Iguana... Today we are going
to Union Station and Crown Center in KC. It has been a wonderful
visit. We haven't seen Jeffrey in years and he is joy. But I am
hurrying a bit to be ready for KC. Love you all. **It is quiet
here this morning. I hear only a low whir of computer and the
snuffling of a dog of small nose sleeping. A pleasant place from
which to write to you...
yours is the mother of all weekends, ePistliers.
the park one day I said to my 5 year old, “Look at that kid over
there; he's not misbehaving.” My kid replied, He probably has good
parents, then.” / The best way to get you child's attention is to
sit down and look comfortable. --Lane
I look out my window, many sights to see.........Donovan …..Season
of the Witch
Questions: On this day in 1872 Victoria Woodhull became the
first woman presidential candidate.
Any idea what Woodhull's first business venture was?
Know anything about Woodhull's association with Cornelius Vanderbilt
and Wall Street?
What newspaper did Woodhull create?
What was the legal argument that Woodhull gave for women's suffrage?
Which party nominated Victoria Woodhull for president?
Thing I Read of the Week: Stop
regretting the past and start doing what you'll regret tomorrow.
--Mark Stivers --Submitted by dr of oh
Library Statistic of the Week:
books are so dirty that 65% of library staff wash their hands before
using the restroom.
Story: When my little brother was actually little, he asked our mom
where she learned to be a mother. Mama got all giddy and said, “At
Mother's School”. To which my brother replied, “Didn't the teach
you to make your little boy's bed?”
human upon the sand.........Donovan …..Happiness Runs
Tell my mother I died for my country...useless...useless --John
Wilkes Booth
to Think About of the Week: Mushroom – Agaricus Campestris
In the products of the unconscious we discover
mandala symbols. --Carl Jung
Hello: Buaregh –
Southern Sámi ( Norway)
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Impeachment: It's not just for blowjobs anymore. --Nancy Lee
--Submitted by sd of ks
of the Week: National Hug Holiday Week
(5-11) –If you hug your cat while you're doing crunches, you'll get
purrfect abs. / I can tell how uncomfortable a person is just by
hugging then for 18 minutes.
If you fall out of that tree and break your leg, don't come running
to me. / Of course carrots are good for your eyes, have you ever seen
a rabbit wearing glasses? / Would you like a little cheese with that
lock upon my garden gate's a snail, that's what it is.........Donovan
…..There Is a Mountain
In 1860 Victoria and her younger sister Tennie set up practice as
mediums. They worked NYC, Chicago, Cincinnati, “traveling to keep
ahead of complaints and legal proceedings”
It is Friday, May 10, 2019. The moon will be first quarter tomorrow
and is in Leo. It is Clean Up Your Room Day,
Fintastic Friday (Giving Sharks A Voice), Lupus Day, Military Spouse
Appreciation Day, and Windmill Day. Thailand
commemorates the Ploughing Ceremony and US-Indians celebrate Native
American Day.
those born on this day were John Wilkes Booth
(1838), Karl Barth (1886), Olaf Stapleton (1886), Fred Astaire
(1899), David O. Selznick (1902), Maybelle Carter (1909), Ella Grasso
(1919), Nancy Walker (1921), Fats Domino (1929), Barbara Taylor
(1933), and Donovan Leitch (1943).
May tenth Amerigo Vespucci left on his first voyage to the new world
(1497), Ben Franklin tested his first lightning rod (1752), the
second Continental Congress convened (1775), the golden spike was
driven completing the transcontinental railroad (1869), Victoria
Woodhull became the frist woman nominated for US president (1872),
Mother's Day was first officially observed (1908), Six
Characters in Search of an Author
premiered (1921), WHB-AM began broadcasting in KCMO (1922), ~~It
stood for World's Happiest Broadcasters at one point in my youth, J.
Edgar Hoover was appointed head of the FBI (1924), the first US
planetarium opened (Chicago, 1930), Vietnam peace talks began (1968),
Francois Mitterrand was elected president of France (1981) and
Laverne and Shirley
aired its last show (1983).
Sky, 5/10: The
Moon, nearly first quarter, crosses the Beehive star cluster (M44)
this evening for much of North America. In the western sky after dusk
the nearly first quarter moon will pass almost directly through the
large open star cluster in Cancer known as the Beehive, Praesepe, and
Messier 44. The moon will be centered on the cluster at approximately
10 pm EDT. Binoculars or a telescope at low magnification (orange
circle) will show both the moon and the cluster at the same time. To
better see the clusters' stars, try to position the moon just outside
of your optics' field of view.
Picture of the Week:
Max has decided to be a fireman when he grows up. (He looked happier
as a bee)
Week: Saturday, May 11 – Baby
Sitters Day & International Migratory Bird Day & Mother Ocean
Sky, 5/11: First-quarter Moon (exact at 9:12
p.m. Eastern Daylight Time). The Moon shines some 10° to the right
of Regulus. Above Regulus is Algieba (Gamma Leonis), only a little
fainter. They're the two brightest stars of the Sickle of Leo.
May 12 – Native American Rights Day & Hug Your Cat Day &
Odometer Day
May 13 – Accountant's Day & Frog Jumping Day &
Hummus Day
Sky, 5/13: Mercury and Uranus are lost in the
glare of sunrise. Neptune barely rises before dawn begins. Venus is
very low in the brightening dawn.
May 14 – National Decency Day
Sky, 5/14: Mars is getting low in the west
during and after dusk. Jupiter rises in the southeast around 11 pm.
Saturn rises around 1 am.
May 15 – International Day of Families & Peace Officer
Memorial Day & Straw Hat Day
May 16 – National Piercing Day & Mimosa Day &
Biographer's Day
Super Powers: The ability to detect a lie, hear the smallest noises,
and see out of the back of her head. / Can hear a sneeze through 3
closed doors while dad snores on.
do it in style.........Donovan …..Sunshine Superman
In New York City, Woodhull and her sister Tennie
Claflin became spiritual advisers to 76-year-old Cornelius
Vanderbilt, whose wife had just died. The sisters served as mediums
to help him contact the spirit of his dead wife, and he also used
their talents to gain financial insights from the spirit world.
Vanderbilt bankrolled Victoria and Tennie's financial ventures on
Wall Street, where they began to make money in the stock market. They
opened their own brokerage house - Woodhull, Claflin & Company -
in 1870 and made a fortune at the New York Stock Exchange.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Child: Mommy, am I adopted?
Mommy: No, sweetie, we haven't managed to find someone to take you.
Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. --Karl Barth
Night Snacks of the Week: Yes, when the
attorney general lies to Congress, it is a crime. When the president
does it, it’s the State of the Union. Anyway, Barr lied to the
Senate. And today, he was scheduled to lie to the House of
Representatives. But he did not show up. --Stephen Colbert / Rudy
Giuliani always looks like the last frame of a clip from America's
Funniest Home Videos. --Seth Meyers / “America, I feel like I
found a fundamental flaw in your democracy: You have no defense
against someone just being a dick.” --Trevor Noah
So Late Night Snacks of the Week: This week,
Norwegian fishermen spotted this beluga whale when they noticed it
had this equipment harness on it that was labeled St. Petersburg.
Further evidence it was a spy came when they asked for its species
and it said whale, beluga whale.
They said they tried to get the whale to talk by waterboarding and,
man, was that not effective. --Peter Sagal Wait,
Wait, Don't Tell Me 5/4/19
was always at peace because of the way my mom treated me. --Martina
evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?
--Milton Berle / I want my children to have all the things I couldn't
afford. Then I want to move in with them. --Phyllis Diller
sky, rose carmethene, alizarin crimson.........Donovan …..Wear
Your Love Like Heaven
Woodhull used the money they had made from their
brokerage to start a newspaper, Woodhull &
Claflin's Weekly, which published for the
next six years. The newspaper addressed issues that concerned women
with unusual frankness, and advanced the editors' vision that women
could live as men's equals in the work place, the political arena,
and the family circle.
Facts of the Week: Vespucci's historical
importance may rest more in his letters (whether or not he wrote them
all) than in his discoveries. From these letters, the European public
first learned about the newly discovered continents of the Americas;
their existence became generally known throughout Europe within a few
years of the letters' publication.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Thank goodness it's raining again...my mud was getting dehydrated.
--Submitted by ae of ks
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Republicans: Corporations should rule over every aspect of society.
Democrats: Yes, but they should be more polite about it. --Submitted
by ae of mo
& Obsolete Word of the Week:
Apricity – the sun's warmth on a cold winter's day
Uses for Common Products:
Polish wood furniture. Spray WD-40 on a cloth and wipe.
are so smart because they listen to their motherboards. / I have the
perfect son. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't drink. He never stays out
late. He'll be 6 months next Wednesday.
how just lately this happy song, it came along..........Donovan
…..Jennifer Juniper
A year after she set up shop on Wall Street, Woodhull
addressed the House Judiciary Committee on behalf of women's
suffrage. Her Lecture on Constitutional Equality attracted thousands.
Woodhull argued that women already had the right to vote - all they
had to do was use it - since the 14th and 15th Amendments granted
that right to all citizens. (Gender was not specified in either
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Is it
rude to toss a Xanax in someone's mouth while they're talking?
--Submitted by nm of ks
Fiction Convention of the Week:
VisionCon 2019 (10-12, Branson, MO). Missouri's Premier Pop Culture
Con Since
it started, Visioncon has had two main goals: offer a fun convention
for all ages and to raise money for local charities. More than 25
years later, Visioncon has given tens of thousands to area
Science Convention of the Week:
International Conference on Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis.
(10-11, Montreal) Theme:
Modern Innovation to Breast Cancer Research.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck shadowing in the case of the Looming Löwchen
n.: garment worn by a child when its mother is feeling chilly.
--Ambrose Bierce / Having kids makes you look stable
to the people who thought you were crazy and crazy to the people who
thought you were stable. – Kelly Oxford
velocity nil..........Donovan …..Mellow Yellow
She was nominated for President of the United States
by the newly formed Equal Rights Party on May 10, 1872, and her
nomination was ratified at the convention on June 6, 1872. They also
nominated the former slave and abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass
for Vice President, but he never acknowledged the nomination.
of the Week: May is Tennis Month –
Spiders make such good tennis players because they have great
topspin. / What do you call a girl standing in the middle of the
tennis court. Annette
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: My
wildest fantasy? 14 hours of sleep followed by a buffet
breakfast.--Ali Kolbert
Joke of the Week: Egyptian
Grammar: It's eye before flea except after sea.
Peace of History, May 10, 1980: NOW (National
Organization for Women) organized 85,000 people to march in Chicago
in support of Illinois's ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
to the US Constitution.
what's a mother's counterpart to the dad joke? Look in the mirror. /
A mother's biggest sacrifice isn't the act of giving birth, it's nine
months without any wine.
through crystal spectacles.........Donovan …..Epistle to Dippy
of the Week:
Friday ePistle May 10, 2019, Rearing ePistle. Online at:
Mom's love and laughter too. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511
Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
I can only point out that, the higher a mind’s
development, the more it discovers in the universe to occupy it.
--Olaf Stapleton
of War:
of 5/9/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,922,451,509,187.
of 5/2/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,920,214,905,402.
of 5/9/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $895,442,716,965.
of 5/2/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $893,922,814,685.
of 5/9/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $675,356,438,705.
of 5/2/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $673,445,899,724.
of 5/9/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $309,126,444,292.
of 5/2/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $308,692,267,518.
of 5/9/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,802,377,962,456.
of 5/2/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,796,276,821,943.
is a price for enlightenment, what we pay is attention. --Stephen
wind in the willow played love's sweet melody.........Fats Domino
…..Blueberry Hill
the difference between mothers and superheros? Superheros are only
super now and then, mothers are super all the time. / I asked my mom
what she wanted for Mother's Day and she said, “a bit of care and
comfort”, so I put her in a nursing home.
Last Words: I've lost a whole day over these people, a whole
day! The Manager Six Characters In Search Of An Author
Peace nurture your body
Joy cuddle for your soul
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