Friday, May 31, 2019

ePistle Tossing

Famous First Words: Don't forget me little darling while I'm growing old and gray... Johnny Paycheck On The Sunny Side of the Mountain
May is National Salad Month. This salad is so fresh it had to go live with its uncle and auntie in Bel Aire / This salad is so badly dressed it would even shock Lady Gaga.
..........When a new day's a dawning.........Peter , Paul & Mary …..Early In The Morning
There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance. --Walt Whitman
It is a cheery Friday morning. The sky is a pale blue that is made paler by a thin layer of cloud here and there. A light breeze blows around the willow limbs and busses the cheek with a cool kiss. 67°F is a near perfect temperature for a walk or sitting in the backyard. There is the usual birdsong and a new call, I'm not used to from a fully leaved tree so that I cannot see the source. Puck barks at the rabbits and the cat down the street who is just making its way home after a night in the park. The grass has been cut in the park, around the edges at least; the pond that hides under the tall weeds in the center is left in weeds surrounded by tire tracks. It gives off a smell of fresh mowing and dampness. Puddles and ponds are everywhere – wherever there is a low spot in sidewalk or pavement, whenever objects block the downward flow, and the ruts made by mower wheels or shoe heels. We return home. Jeff decides to walk further and Puck and I nap a little before we wake up to sweetened decaf and writing to you. Things are certainly looking bright.
Hope your weekend is crisp and cool, ePistliers.
What's green and sings? Elvis Parsley. / I eat my salad without dressing. Not for health reason, but because once I'm hungry I can't take time to put on clothes.
..........Lots of people talkin', few of them know..........Led Zeppelin .....Dazed And Confused
Trivia Questions: Ride, Lady, Ride
^ What did Lady Godiva do that makes her famous?
^^ More or less, what does her name, Godiva, mean?
^^^ Who proposed her famous ride?
^^^^ Any idea which American writer of children's books wrote a book about the Lady?
^^^^^ Know which early 21st century television series time traveled the Lady into the future?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Today I stopped at this roadside stand and the gal behind the counter shouted, “Lobster Tails $2”. So I paid my $2 and she said, “Once upon a time there was this lobster...”.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Surprisingly, 46% of librarians aren't wearing a cardigan--just a button-up shirt covered in a thin layer of pet hair.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I read that, by law, you have to turn on your headlights when it's raining in Sweden. How am I supposed to know if it's raining in Sweden? --Submitted by sb of ar
One of the issues with making salad is bland lettuce. It's a problem that need addressing. / Friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of life.
..........Painted wings and giant's rings make way for other toys.........Peter , Paul & Mary …..Puff, The Magic Dragon
Moonbeam: Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes. --Walt Whitman
Something to Think About of the Week: Geode

Big Hello: Sampurasun - Sundanese (Java)
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: For those that don't want ALEXA listening in on your conversations they're making a male doesn't listen to anything. --Submitted by ss of ks
Week of the Week: Scripps National Spelling Bee (28-31) –Your word is snorkdarf. Uh, could you please use that in a sentence? Sure: Snorkdarf is not actually a real word.
Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it enough. / Come in and try the Worst Salad one woman on Trip Advisor ever had in her life.
..........Keep it coolin', baby..........Led Zeppelin .....Whole Lot of Love
^ Lady Godiva was an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who, according to legend, rode naked through the streets of Coventry in England in order to gain a remission of the oppressive toll imposed by her husband on his tenants.
Almanac: It is Friday, May 31, 2019. The moon will be new on Monday and is in Taurus. It is World No-Tobacco Day (W.H.O.), National Macaroon Day, Heat Safety Awareness Day, and What You Think Upon Grows Day. In Botswana it is President's Day. Namibia and South Africa commemorate Union Day (1910) and Republic Day (1961) while in Zimbabwe it is Independence Day (1979) .
Among those born on this day were Walt Whitman (1819), Emily Bissell (1861), Norman Vincent Peale (1898), Don Ameche (1908), Scoop Jackson (1912), Robert A. Ley (1921), Jim Hutton (1934), Peter Yarrow (1938), Johnny Paycheck (1941), Joe Namath (1943), John Bonzo Bonham (1948), Rhea Perlman (1948), Tom Berenger (1950), Chris Elliott (1960), and Lea Thompson (1961).
On May thirty-first there was a "Women's Revolt" in Amsterdam (1531), the colony of Massachusetts annexed the colony of Maine (1634), Lady Godiva wrote through Coventry (1678**), US Copyright laws were enacted (1790), the New Orlean's mint closed (1861), Gilmore's Garden was renamed Madison Square Garden (1879), the first taxis picked up fares in NYC (1907), the 17th Amendment was ratified (direct election of senators, 1913), Lennon and Ono recorded "Give Peade a Chance" (1969), and Jim Wright resigned as speaker of the house (1989). **Actually there are lots of different dates for this event. 1078 being the favorite.
Night Sky, 5/31: Constellations seem to twist around fast when they pass your zenith — if you're comparing them to the direction "down," i.e. away from the zenith. Just a week and a half ago, the Big Dipper floated horizontally in late twilight an hour after sunset (as seen from 40° N latitude). Now it's angled diagonally at that time. In another week and a half it will be hanging straight down by its handle
Max Picture of the Week: Max has decided to be a lifeguard when he grows up.

This Week: Saturday, June 1 – Drawing or Pencil Day & National Go Barefoot Day & National Prairie Day
Sunday, June 2 – National Animal Rights Day & National Gun Violence Awareness Day
Night Sky, 6/2: "Cassiopeia" usually means "Cold!" Late fall and winter are when this landmark constellation, almost opposite the Big Dipper across Polaris, stands high overhead in the evening (seen from mid-northern latitudes). But even on warm June evenings, it still lurks low. As twilight fades out, look for it down near the north horizon: a wide, upright W, as shown here.
Monday, June 3 – Leave the Office Early Day & World Bicycle Day
Tuesday, June 4 – Hug Your Cat Day & World Hug Your Cat Day
Night Sky, 6/4: Bright Capella sets low in the northwest fairly soon after dark these evenings (depending on your latitude). That leaves Vega and Arcturus as the brightest stars in the evening sky. Vega shines in the east-northeast. Arcturus is very high toward the south.
Wednesday, June 5 – Festival of Popular Delusions & National Moonshine Day
Thursday, June 6 – Atheists Pride Day & Russian Language Day & Yo-Yo Day
This salad tastes like I'd rather be fat. / I hate it when my salad accidentally falls into the trash and a pizza slice suddenly appears on my desk.
..........How many times must the cannonballs fly.........Peter , Paul & Mary …..Blowin' In The Wind
^^ The Old English name Godgifu or Godgyfu meant "gift of God"; Godiva was the Latinized version. Since the name was a popular one, there are contemporaries of the same name.
Still 'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Your tattoos will look ugly when you're old. Bold of you to assume the planet will last that long.
Moonbeam: Re-examine all that you have been told...dismiss that which insults your soul. --Walt Whitman
Late Night Snacks of the Week: “I feel like Nancy Pelosi’s been spending a bunch of time with Maxine Waters, because now, every time she patronizes Drumpf – have you noticed – she seems more and more like a black auntie. First, she gave Drumpf the sideways clap. And now, she’s praying for him? That’s the blackest thing ever. It’s just like, ‘Lord, this crazy man needs Jesus!’ --Trevor Noah / Memorial Day, it’s the last summer holiday Drumpf’s not going to make about himself. Drumpf was planning to hold a rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial for Fourth of July and launch his re-election campaign on Father’s Day. Evidently, he thinks he’s America’s father, which explains why he only loves a third of us. --Stephen Colbert / First of all, if you want to talk about being afraid of the opposition, the Republican president’s own press secretary has done fewer briefing this month than Gene Simmons. Second of all, if you think Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are afraid of talking to anyone, have you met them? Fox News has openly disparaged the candidates, at one point saying Drumpf was more hip-hop than Harris. “Yeah, Jesse Watters knows hip-hop. He locks his car doors every time he hears it. --Samantha Bee / Drumpf’s border wall now includes collecting left-behind change from the airport security lines. The Department of Homeland Security wants to use the $3m collected to help pay for the wall. For those of you keeping track, we’re now officially at ‘the looking for money in the couch cushions’ portion of this plan. This is not a plan to strengthen border security; this is how a nine-year-old saves up to buy a skateboard. --Jimmy Kimmel
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: On Wednesday, President Trump stomped into a meeting he had called with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, yelled at them for trying to impeach him and stomped right out. Now, we have never identified with Donald Trump more than this moment because we are also always trying to get out of meetings. Now, the president, then, after he stomped out of the meeting three minutes after he walked in, went out to the Rose Garden to make a spontaneous appearance before the press - a spontaneous appearance they had scheduled before the meeting began...And for which his staff had printed up big posters. Now, to be fair, the White House always has a spare selection of posters just in case the president needs to rant...You know, the same way you always carry plastic bags when you take your dog for a walk. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me 5/25
The real war will never get in the books. --Walt Whitman

..........Hey, Hey, Mama..........Led Zeppelin .....Black Dog
^^^ Lady Godiva appealed again and again to her husband, Leofric, who obstinately refused to remit the tolls. Finally, he said to her he would do as she asked if she were to strip naked and ride through the town. She did so but issued a proclamation that all people should keep within their homes and shut their windows. She did the ride covered in only her long, golden hair.
Worthless Facts of the Week: The burgomasters of Amsterdam decided to build a storehouse for wool on The Holy Place (why was it Holy? In 1345, a dying man had just received the holy sacrament, and then vomited it right back up and the vomit was thrown into the fire and in the morning when the coals were raked over the sacrament was found to be still a prefect white and in tact making this location, The Holy Place). So when the government wanted to build this storehouse for wool in this very Holy Place...The pious women of Amsterdam petitioned the burgomasters not to commit this horror in The Holy Place. But, the burgomasters unmoved began to dig the foundation for the wool storehouse. And on this night, so very long ago, 300 pious women with shovels in hand refilled the foundation dirt back into the holes dug that day. And this was, The Women's Uprising of 1531 or revolt of 1531.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: My toddler called a fly an air spider, and now I'm convinced that toddlers should be allowed to name more things.
Obsolete Word of the Week: Brabble – to bicker loudly about nothing.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Make bubble bath. Mix 2 cups of Wesson Vegetable Oil, three tablespoons of liquid shampoo, and one-quarter teaspoon of your favorite perfume. Mix the solution in a blender at thigh speed.
Alcohol: Because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad. / Eve loved salads, but she kept eating Adam's laundry.
...........Young girls have picked them, everyone.........Peter , Paul & Mary …..Where Have All The Flowers Gone
^^^^ The Seven Lady Godivas: The True Facts Concerning History's Barest Family is a picture book of the tale of Lady Godiva, written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss. One of Seuss's few books for adults, the original 1939 publication by Random House was a failure and was eventually remaindered. However, it later gained popularity as Seuss himself grew in fame, and was republished in 1987.
First Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: England sent their religious nuts to America and their criminals to Australia. Aussies got the better deal.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself. --Timmy Post
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Deep South Con 57 aka ConCarolinas (31-2, Charlotte, NC). Axe throwing, concert, and a movie!
Actual Science Convention of the Week: 2019 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Systems (29-31, Shanghai, China) ISAS focuses on both theory and applications mainly covering the topics of artificial intelligence, control, automation, robotics and autonomous systems.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck with partner, Justice, greeting their new house mate Jeffrey's Jindo.

What do you call a hen staring at lettuce? Chicken sees a salad. / What you make with epileptic lettuce is seizure salad.
..........In the springtime of my loving..........Led Zeppelin .....The Rain Song
^^^^^ In the 'Charmed' episode "The Bare Witch Project", a student in Magic School accidentally conjures Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson out of a history book. Later, Phoebe, inspired by Lady Godiva, decides to ride naked through a crowded street in support of women's liberation.
Month of the Week: May is Older Americans Month –I called the Incontinence Hot Line they asked to to hold, please. / There is a reason “sixty” and “sexy” sound alike. It's because they hearing is the first to go.
First Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: So in your opinion, which of the ”seven deadly sins” does this president engage in least? --Submitted by ae of ks
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Stop naming hospitals after dead people, give us some hope. Like, where's the Keith Richards Memorial Hospital?
Grammar Joke of the Week: Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
Today's Peace of History, May 31, 1955: The US Supreme Court ordered (in a unanimous decision known as Brown II after the 1954 decision Brown v. Board of Education) that school integration be implemented “with all deliberate speed,” ordering the lower federal courts to require the desegregation of public schools.
Pandas: The living proof that you can be fat just by eating salad. / Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing you shouldn't put it in fruit salad.
..........Fill my cup again.........Peter , Paul & Mary …..Weave Me The Sunshine
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle May 31, 2019, ePistle Tossing. Online at: Generic Tag Line. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. --Walt Whitman
Cost of War:
As of 5/30/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,928,120,143,236.
As of 5/23/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,926,159,458,782.
As of 5/30/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $899,295,167,506.
As of 5/23/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $897,962,540,213.
As of 5/30/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $680,199,559,915.
As of 5/23/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $678,524,429,083.
As of 5/30/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $310,227,152,870.
As of 5/23/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $309,846,477,485.
As of 5/30/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,817,842,675,651.
As of 5/23/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,812,493,298,596.
Judging from the main portions of the history of the world, so far, justice is always in jeopardy. --Walt Whitman
..........I am a traveler of both time and space..........Led Zeppelin .....Kashmir
There's been a mistake: You've accidentally given me the food my food eats. / A double-wide salad is for people who can't afford the house salad.
Famous Last Words: And with a smile on his face. Johnny Paycheck The Fool Strikes Again
May Peace mix your days
And Joy dress your life
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

Friday, May 24, 2019

hEated ePistle

Famous First Words: …. . .-.. .-.. --- (Morse Code: Hello)
It is Heat Awareness Day. Are you aware it was so hot the squirrels were using potholders to collect their nuts... you can make instant sun tea.
Religious Shit: Taoism – Shit Happens
..........I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests.........Bob Dylan …..Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
We Christians forget (if we ever learned) that attempts to redress real or imagined injustice by violent means are merely another exercise in denial — denial of God and her nonviolence towards us, denial of love of neighbor, denial of laws essential to our being --Philip Berrigan
It is a muggy Friday (74°F, 81% humidity) morning. Clouds in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes are traveling north - silent but at a steady pace. There are big puffy-topped domes that are almost white and wispy little gray rags all moving at the same steady speed. Grass and pavement are wet but no raindrops fall on our heads. The rising sun is trying to break through but the clouds pay no attention and continue northward. Birds are out in force singing and talking and brightening the day. Chirp Chirp Pheeeew Pheeeew. The crows have come and gone. Puck barks at a bunny and smells every inch of sidewalk and curb and yard. The world still smells of dampness and mown grass and new growth; it is a heady aroma. We check the mailbox but it is empty so we return to our house, to fresh brewed coffee and saucers of milk, to silence and sleep. I take a long, hot gulp of sweetened, creamed decaf, stretch my arms and neck and sit down to write to you. Couldn't ask for a better morning.
Hope you weekend is a fever of fun, ePistliers.
Are you aware it was so hot a funeral procession pulled through a Dairy Queen...Lance Armstrong tested positive for Snapple.
Buddhism: If Shit happens, it really isn't shit.
..........I'm younger than that now.........Bob Dylan …..My Back Pages
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Methodists!
^ Know where John Wesley was born?
^^ When or where did United show up in the name?
^^^ Which famous Methodist educator was the only black woman at the founding of the United Nations?
^^^^ The Methodist logo is one of the most recognized around the world; what is it?
^^^^^ More or less when did Methodism come to the colonies?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I support a preemptive strike on John Bolton's mustache. --Submitted by cj of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 99% of librarians have a favorite humorous subject heading.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week 2: Questioning William Barr: When you're alone with the president and he farts loudly but he immediately denies it was him, do you then believe it was you who farted? --Submitted by sd of ks
Are you aware it was so hot Mormon missionaries started telemarketing...the beach turned to glass.
Hinduism: This Shit has happened before.
.........And the morning will be breaking..........Bob Dylan …..When The Ship Comes In
Moonbeam: To form a truly free constitution, that’s to say, truly just and wise, the first point, the main point, the capital point, is that all the laws be agreed on by the people, after considered reflection... --Jean-Paul Marat
Something to Think About of the Week: Nautilus

Big Hello: Hoj – Stellingwarfs (Dutch Low Saxon)
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You know it's gonna be a fun Friday night in Kansas when you see a storm chaser truck at the Sonic... --Submitted by ae of mo
Week of the Week: National Unicycle Week (19-25) --What's the difference between a well dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly dressed man on a unicycle? Attire / If you ever feel like a third wheel, just stop....You are not a third wheel. You are a majestic unicycle and they are your noble training wheels.
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week 2: If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu. --Elizabeth Warren
Are you aware it was so hot the devil was in Wal-Mart buying an air conditioner...the hot pockets started out that way.
Islam: If Shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
..........Well, she talks to all the servants about man and God and law.........Bob Dylan …..Maggie's Farm
^ John Wesley was born in 1703 in Epworth, 23 miles (37 km) north-west of Lincoln, as the fifteenth child of Samuel Wesley and his wife Susanna Wesley (née Annesley).
Almanac: It is Friday, May 24, 2019. The moon will be third quarter on Sunday and is in Aquarius. It is International Women's Day for Disarmament, Brother's Day, Don't Fry Day, Heat Awareness Day, International Tiara Day, Morse Code Day, National Escargo Day, and National Wig Out Day. In the Bahamas, Belize, Gibraltar, Lesotho, Turk & Caicos it is Commonwealth Day and in Bulgaria it is Education Day/Enlightenment & Culture Day.
Among those born on this day were George III (1738), Jean-Paul Marat (1743), Oliver Cromwell (1753), Thomas Duncan (1807), Samuel Newhouse (1895), Clifford Irving (1914), Tommy Chong (1938), Dixie Carter (1939), Bob Dylan (1941), Frank Oz (1943),Gary Burghoff (1943), Patti Labelle (1944), Priscilla Presley (1945), and Rosanne Cash (1955).
On May twenty-fourth the Methodist Church was established (1738), the first passenger rail line opened in the US (1830), the first telegraph message was tapped out (1844), the first black university in the US opened (Lincoln U, 1854), the Pottawatomie Massacre took place (KS, 1856), the Anti-Monopoly party and the Greenback party merged to become the People's Party (1884), the first auto repair shop in the US opened (Boston, 1899), Edison patented telescribe to record telephone conversations (1915), racial segregation in the District of Columbia was outlawed (1951), and Willie Mays joined the Giants (1951).
Night Sky, 5/24: The Summer Triangle is making its appearance in the east, one star after another. The first in view as night descends is Vega, the brightest star in the east-northeast. Lower left it (by two or three fists at arm's length) is Deneb. Farther to Vega's lower right is Altair, rising above the horizon not long after dark.
Max Picture of the Week: Max has decided he wants to be a farmer when he grows up.

Extra Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: In Kansas for Memorial Day weekend stay home, the lake will come to you this year. --RHOZ
This Week: Saturday, May 25 – National & International Missing Children Day & Cookie Monster's Birthday
Night Sky, 5/25: A large double asteroid is now approaching Earth’s vicinity and will pass by Earth safely on May 25, 2019. Closest approach is at 23:05 UTC (7:05 pm EDT) on May 25.
Sunday, May 26 – National Chardonnay Day & Neighbor Day
Night Sky, 5/26: A gigantic asterism you may not know is the Diamond of Virgo, some 50° tall and extending over five constellations. It currently stands upright in the south after the stars come out. Start with Spica, its bottom. Upper left from Spica is bright Arcturus. Almost as far upper right from Arcturus (as you face south) is fainter Cor Caroli, 3rd magnitude, almost overhead. The same distance lower right from there is Denebola, the 2nd-magnitude tailtip of Leo. And then back to Spica.
Monday, May 27 – Memorial Day & Hamburger Day
Tuesday, May 28 – Sierra Club Day & National Hamburger Day
Night Sky, 5/28: This is the time of year when Leo the Lion starts walking downward toward the west, on his way to departing into the sunset in early summer. Right after dark, spot the brightest star fairly high in the west-southwest. That's Regulus, his forefoot.
Wednesday, May 29 – World Otter Day & Learn About Composting Day
Thursday, May 30 – Mint Julep Day & National Creativity Day
Are you aware it was so hot cows were giving powdered milk...we renamed the pig “Bacon”.
Catholicism: Shit happens because you deserve it.
...........With no direction home........Bob Dylan …..Like A Rolling Stone
^^ The present denomination was founded in 1968 in Dallas, Texas, by a union of The Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Where is far, far away and how do I get there?
Moonbeam: When they put me in jail, that's when they turned me into an activist. Up until the time I went to jail, I was just a comedian. – Tommy Chong
Late Night Snacks of the Week: It’s still hard to tell you’re pregnant at the six weeks. You might have no symptoms or if you do, they are symptoms like fatigue or bloating and gas. On the other hand, it does explain PF Chang’s new motto: ‘Maybe, it’s not us. Maybe you’re pregnant. --Samantha Bee / Let’s see, it’s 2019, so by the time those doctors get out of jail in Alabama, it will be 1895.” The vote from the Alabama senate passed 25-6, with all yes votes coming from white Republican men, though it might be the last time those Republican men will be coming for a while. --Stephen Colbert / Just because you don’t hear the word ‘Russia’, doesn’t mean no one else uses it. For one thing, all you watch is Fox News, where I’m pretty sure they pretend Russia doesn’t even exist. When they show a map of Europe and Asia, they replace Russia with a graphic that says: ‘What about Hillary’s emails. --Seth Meyers
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Aer Lingus, the Irish airline, has offered a new perk for upscale passengers for only four times the normal ticket price. They guarantee you no seatmate. For only four times the normal price of a ticket. It's perfect for anyone who likes to spread out in privacy and also anyone who's too dumb to realize that for only twice the price of a standard ticket, you can buy the seat next to you. --Peter Sagal That's very cunning of Lingus, I think. --Roy Blunt Jr. Wait, Wait, Don't Tel Me 5/18/19 / On the pictures of the 25 Alabama senators voted for the Heartbeat Act: ...all men ...this looks like the cast for a lipitor commerical ...this looks like the mug shots of everyone arrested at a massage parlor --Leslie Jones Saturday Night Live 5/18/19
The state, conceived in violence, and backed by violence, will never achieve true peace. --Philip Berrigan
Are you aware it was so hot I saw a chicken lay an omelet...Tabasco sauce tasted mild.
Protestantism: Work harder or shit will happen.
..........Everybody must get stoned.........Bob Dylan …..Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35
^^^ Mary Bethune, founder of the Bethune School for Girls, traveled extensively, was a delegate to four Methodist General Conferences, advised five US presidents, and was the only black woman present at the founding of the United Nations in 1945.
Worthless Fact of the Week: Pottawatomie Massacre, (May 24–25, 1856), murder of five men from a proslavery settlement on Pottawatomie Creek, Franklin county, KS, by an antislavery party led by the abolitionist John Brown and composed largely of men of his family. The victims were associated with the Franklin County Court established by the proslavery territorial government.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Women are doing an awfully good job of not burning everything to the ground right now. --Submitted by eb of ks
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week Two: Sure sex is great but have you tried fantasizing about beating the shit out of Stephen Miller? --Submitted by sb of ar
Weird Word of the Week: Gorgonize – To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on someone. Early 17th century.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Moisturize skin. Massage Wesson Vegetable Oil into your skin, wait 15 minutes, remove the excess oil with Bounty Paper Towels, then take a hot-water bath.
Don't Try This At Home of the Week: There was one last use for common product, WD-40. If your tongue gets frozen to metal you can spray WD-40 around your tongue. However, two or three hardy breaths will also free it. Then you don't have to go into the garage and find it among the stuff on 7 shelves and open the lid and cross your eyes so that you can point the can and not poison yourself. How far can your tongue stretch?
Are you aware it was so hot corn on the stalks started popping...robins were eating roasted worms
Materialism: Whoever dies with the most Shit wins.
.........Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl...........Bob Dylan …..All Along The Watchtower
^^^^ The United Methodist church to God through Christ (cross) and the Holy Spirit (flame). The flame is a reminder of Pentecost when witnesses were unified by the power of the Holy Spirit and saw "tongues, as of fire" (Acts 2:3). ~~I've been seeing this logo since 1968 or 69 and I thought it was a cross and cloth and I never knew why the Methodist's cross had a cape. If I'd have known then that he was a 15th child, I would have assumed it was laundry.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Back when illegal immigrants were called Pilgrims.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: ConQuesT 50 (24-26, KCMO) Mad Science & Experimental Wizardry
Actual Science Convention of the Week: International Conference on Energy Management and Applications Technologies (24-26, Shanghai, China) All papers submitted to the conference will be subjected to the rigorous peer-review process.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck with his one eye covered, Veronica Lake look, in the case of the Shy Skye.

Are you aware it was so hot all chocolate is drinkable...everyone was sweating like Trump at a lie detector.
Atheism: I can't believe this shit.
.........His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean..........Bob Dylan …..Lay Lady Lay
^^^^^ The Wesley boys visited the Georgia Colony in 1735. In 1766 missionaries arrived in Newfoundland and soon after emigrated south. But it was not until 1784 that Methodist ministers with the authority to administer sacraments arrived in the new world.
Month of the Week: May is National Smile Month – Keep Smiling...and one day life will get tired of upsetting you.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Be careful out there. It's “drop a house on a witch” weather and some of you don't need to take any chances. --Real Housewives of Oz
Grammar Joke of the Week: What happened when the verb asked the noun to conjugate? The noun declined.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week 2: Over 130 tornados in five days. That is insane. I also feel bad for the land Oz . They probably have houses falling on them every 15 minutes. It's just witch funerals up there 24/7. I get killing the wicked ones but at some point it's just witch genocide. --Trevor Noah Daily Show 5/22
Today's Peace of History, May 24, 1968: Four protesters, including Phil Berrigan and Tom Lewis, were sentenced in Baltimore, Maryland, to six years each in prison for pouring blood on draft records.
Are you aware it was so hot we poached eggs in the swimming pool...automatic toast
Judaism: Why does this Shit always happen to us?
.........Morning came and morning went..........Bob Dylan …..You Ain't Goin' No Where
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, May 24 2019, hEated ePistle. Online at: Laughs, Peace, & Warmth. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: I was on a train of lies. I couldn't jump off. --Clifford Irving
Cost of War:
As of 5/16/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,926,159,458,782.
As of 5/9/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,922,451,509,187.
As of 5/16/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $897,962,540,213.
As of 5/9/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $895,442,716,965.
As of 5/16/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $678,524,429,083.
As of 5/9/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $675,356,438,705.
As of 5/16/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $309,846,477,485.
As of 5/9/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $309,126,444,292.
As of 5/16/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,812,493,298,596.
As of 5/9/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,802,377,962,456.
According to a University of South Carolina study, violence in America rose 42 percent during the Vietnam War. This is hardly surprising. Our leaders are lawless, so why not we?
.......We'll meet again someday on the avenue.........Bob Dylan …..Tangled Up In Blue
    Rastafarianism: Let' smoke this Shit
    --Submitted mja of ks
Are you aware it was so hot the car overheated before it was started...the campfire lit itself.
Famous Last Words: and spread the word! --International Tiara Day website
May Peace warm your body
And Joy warm your soul
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

Friday, May 17, 2019

Cached ePistle

Famous First Words: Commit to ride! Oh, and you could win a trip to Alaska! ~~But you have to bike there --Bike To Work Day Website
Happy Pack Rat Day! It takes hoarders years to do what my kids can do in 5 minutes. / Call me a hoarder if you want but don't come crying to me when you need a 3 foot tall stack of mayonnaise jar labels.
..........Champagne don't drive me crazy.........Taj Mahal …..Nobody's Business But My Own
As the world community develops in peace, it will open up great untapped reservoirs in human nature. --Emily Green Balch leader of WILPF
It is a beautiful (68°F) Friday morning. The sky is clear except for a few thin wisps here and there floating along on pleasant breezes which also spread the scent of honeysuckle and other unidentified florals. The sun rising brightens all the colors – purple velvet, pale and rich yellow, blue irises, white vine flowers, tiny purples in lawns and, of course, a thousand shades of green. Birds and rabbits are everywhere – sometimes in the same lawn, ignoring each other as they graze. Puck has a one-sided conversation with each one. A mourning dove sits on the wire above us but does not hoot as we pass. Robins are cleaning insects from yards in the neighborhood. The grass in the park at the end of the cul-de-sac is too tall for robins but the pond in the middle sports frogs to take up the bass. Squeaky sparrows carry the melody and unseen birds in trees and bushes add counterpoint, now and again. As we turn back north the breeze moves my hair and brushes my cheek; it makes me smile. Back home Puck takes a drink and settles into a morning nap. I prepare my customary decaf with sweetener and cream. It smells rich and it tastes good but the best part of the morning is still writing to you.
Hope your weekend piles up the fun, ePistliers.
Treat hoarders with crack, they'll sell off all their stuff. Boom, problem solved. / Purses are pretty bags that let us be portable hoarders.
..........My rig's a little old but that don't mean she's slow.........Taj Mahal …..Six Days On The Road
Trivia Questions: Welcome to Endangered Species Day
^ We are in the midst of a mass extinction. How many others have there been on Earth?
^^ How much of the current extinction is caused by humans?
^^^ What group of animals accounts for the highest rate endangerment?
^^^^ About what percentage of the Earth's species are invertebrates (butterflies, mollusks, corals, etc.)?
^^^^^ How are primate species faring in the extinction crisis?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: St. Peter at the Golden Gate: We had to put up concertina wire because of all the Trump Christians thinking they were going to get in. --Submitted by mja of ks **See Also Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 38% of librarians know exactly how many children fit into any given space.
Lord of the Libraries of the Week: "Before winning an Emmy for his work on Heroes, then a KU student, Chris Martin wrote and directed 2004's The Lord of the Libraries - a tale of action, adventure, and overdue books, parodying The Lord of the Rings."
What do you think, Henry? Would this plastic toy car balance on top of the seven-foot-high pile of clothes and garbage in my bathroom? / I have an entire closet filled with statements from banks that are no longer in business.
..........I tell all the colored folks to listen to me, don't try to find you no home in Washington, DC.........Taj Mahal …..Bourgeois Blues
Moonbeam: My first wish is for America to be free. --John Penn
Something to Think About of the Week: Spider Web

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Sign outside a bar: Booze & Calculus Don't Mix: Don't Drink & Derive --Submitted by msh of bc
Week of the Week: National Body Piercing Week (12-17) –Oh, you got your septum pierced. I didn't nose-tice. / This girl told me she got a nipple piercing. I asked her to prove it and she showed me the receipt.
If I worked on the set of Hoarders, I'd just set the house on fire...I'm not cleaning that up. / Is binge watching Hoarders a kind of hoarding?
..........Well alright, yeah alright.........Taj Mahal …..Bacon Fat
^ Our planet is now in the midst of its sixth mass extinction of plants and animals — the sixth wave of extinctions in the past half-billion years. We're currently experiencing the worst spate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
Almanac: It is Friday, May 17, 2019. The moon will be full (Flower) tomorrow and is in Scorpio. It is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (ITU), Endangered Species Day, International Virtual Assistants Day, NASCAR Day, National Bike to Work Day, National Defense Transportation Day, National Pizza Party Day, Pack Rat Day, Syttende Mai, World Hypertension Day, World Information Science Day, World Telecommunications Day, and World Neurofibromatosis Day (NF Day). Cuba commemorates Agrarian Reform aka Peasant Day and in Norway it is Independence Day aka Constitution Day (1814)
Among those born on this day were Botticelli (1444), John Penn (1741), Maureen O'Sullivan (1911), Archibald Cox (1912), Dennis Hopper (1936), Taj Mahal (1942), Sugar Ray Leonard (1956), and Bob Saget (1956).
On May seventeenth Halley's comet was recorded for the seventh time (218), the first merry-go-round was ridden (Turkey, 1620), Joliet & Marquette began their trip up the Mississippi (1673), the rubber band was patented (1845), the saxophone was patented (1846), the first Kentucky Derby was run (1875), Buffalo Bill Cody produced his first Wild West Show (1883), Alaska became a US territory (1884), the first weekly comic paper was published (London, 1890), Brown v Topeka Board of Education reversed the 1896 "separate but equal" Plessy v Ferguson decision. (1954), and Isreal and Lebanon signed a peace treaty (1983).
Night Sky, 5/17: The Moon, nearly full, shines in dim Libra. Binoculars will help you see through the moonlight to Beta Librae nearly 5° to the Moon's upper left (for North America), and Alpha Librae a similar distance to the Moon's lower right. Alpha is an easy binocular double star.
Max Picture of the Week: Max has decided to be an oceanographer when he grows up.

This Week: Saturday, May 18 – Do Dah Day & Morel Mushroom Day & The Running of the Preakness
Night Sky, 5/18: Full moon at exactly 5:11 pm (EDT). The moon rises around sunset and shines above the rising head of Scorpius.
Sunday, May 19 – Boys Club Day & National Scooter Day
Monday, May 20 – National Rescue Dog Day & Weights & Measures Day
Night Sky, 5/20: Vega is now well up in the east-northeast after dark. Look for its faint little constellation Lyra, the Lyre, hanging down from it.
Tuesday, May 21 – National Wait Staff Day & Sister Maria Hummel Day
Wednesday, May 22 – Canadian Immigrants Day & Harvey Milk Day
Thursday, May 23 – Emergency Medical Services Day & National Taffy Day & World Turtle Day
Instead of cleaning, I just watch an episode of Hoarders. Then I realize how fantastic my house really looks. / I'm not a fabric hoarder; I am the curator of an extensive private textile collection.
..........Believe me, baby, now I love you the best.........Taj Mahal …..The Calypsonians
^^ Unlike past mass extinctions, caused by events like asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, and natural climate shifts, the current crisis is almost entirely caused by us — humans. In fact, 99 percent of currently threatened species are at risk from human activities, primarily those driving habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global warming.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Dear Mexican Cartel, Sorry about marijuana, but if you want to make up for that lost revenue, we could really use some insulin. Grácias, The US
Moonbeam: Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities. --Sugar Ray Leonard
Late Night Snacks of the Week: While we were talking about the Mueller report, we found out that Drumpf lost over a billion dollars in 10 years. This is distracting. It's like everyone read a different book, they all talk at the same time, and instead of rosé, people do uncut cocaine while Skrillex plays. --Seth Meyers / The White House hosted some of the “Boston Red Socks” team. At least 10 members of the team declined the invitation, all of whom are Latino and/or African American. Apparently, they didn’t want to be in a place associated with racism other than Fenway Park. --Stephen Colbert / If they break up do you break up Facebook? Would they split it up with all the things that it does? So now, I’ll just have a Facebook that just reminds me when my friends’ birthdays are, and then a separate Facebook that gives me wrong news, and then one more Facebook that sells my data to Russia. --Trevor Noah / Representative Steve Chabot of Ohio called the findings of the Mueller investigation a “big fat zero”. Well, it’s a big fat zero plus a big fat 34 indictments plus a big fat 11 instances of possible obstruction of justice but it’s OK. We all round down to the nearest zero. --Samatha Bee
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: This is the first child of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan. The baby is, I'm sure you want to know, seventh in line to the throne after his grandfather, his uncle and his cousins. Really, to put it in American terms, it's like being the secretary of agriculture, right? --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me 5/11/19
Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world. --Jane Addams, founder of WILPF
My Hoarding Joke: It's in here somewhere. Oh, wait, I left in under the despair, next to the sadness. / Wealthy people who have multiple houses are really just hoarders that have found a loophole.
..........talking down in Kauai.........Taj Mahal …..Coconut Man
^^^ No group of animals has a higher rate of endangerment than amphibians. Scientists estimate that a third or more of all the roughly 6,300 known species of amphibians are at risk of extinction. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are disappearing because of habitat loss, water and air pollution, climate change, ultraviolet light exposure, introduced exotic species, and disease.
Worthless Facts of the Week: On May 17th the very first Kentucky Derby race was run. In front of a crowd of approximately 10,000 fans, fifteen three-year old Thoroughbreds raced for 1 and a half miles on a fast track at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. A chestnut Thoroughbred named Aristides won the race, finishing in just over 2 minutes and thirty-seven seconds. Aristides was ridden by a jockey, Oliver Lewis.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: My uterus has never shot anyone. And yet it gets more legislation than guns. --Submitted by ss of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Cockalorum – A little man with a high opinion of himself. (1710s).
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean crayon from a blackboard. Spray WD-40 on the crayon marks, let soak for 10 minutes, then blot clean with a cloth.
Being organized is for people who are too lazy to look for their stuff. / The Tooth Fairy soon realized that her collection of teeth had gotten out of hand. She was a hoarder and needed help.
...........Well, you know my baby, she's long, my baby she's tall.........Taj Mahal …..She Caught the Katy & Left Me a Mule to Ride
^^^^ Invertebrates are vastly diverse — and though no one knows just how many invertebrate species exist, they're estimated to account for about 97 percent of the total species of animals on Earth. Of the 1.3 million known invertebrate species, the IUCN has evaluated about 9,526 species; about 30 percent of them at risk of extinction. Freshwater invertebrates are severely threatened by water pollution, groundwater withdrawal, and water projects, while a large number of invertebrates of notable scientific significance have become either endangered or extinct due to deforestation, especially because of the rapid destruction of tropical rain forests.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Louisville, KY … The only place w here people party 2 weeks for a 2 minute horserace.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Keycon 36 (17-19, Winnipeg,MB) --Monty and Max and Vampyres! Oh, My!
Actual Science Convention of the Week:2019 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICNMM, 17-19, Bangkok) Seriously
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck stopping to smell the dandelions between cases.

It's not hoarding if it's Star Trek. / Pinterest is the “Hoarders” of the internet. / You're not buying all that fabric, are you? Yes, but look how much I'm leaving behind.
..........caught a nine pound catfish.........Taj Mahal …..Fishing Blues
^^^^^ About 90 percent of primates — the group that contains monkeys, lemurs, lorids, galagos, tarsiers, and apes (as well as humans) — live in tropical forests, which are fast disappearing. The IUCN estimates that almost 50 percent of the world's primate species are at risk of extinction. Overall, the IUCN estimates that half the globe's 5,491 known mammals are declining in population and a fifth are clearly at risk of disappearing forever with no less than 1,131 mammals across the globe classified as endangered, threatened, or vulnerable
Month of the Week: May is Mystery Month –How many mystery writers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two. One to screw it almost all the way in and the other to give it a surprising twist at the end.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Unnamed Mexican officials told San Diego’s KUSI-TV that 15 to 20 people have been arrested for stealing concertina wire from the U.S.-Mexico border and selling it to security-minded homeowners in Tijuana.
Grammar Joke of the Week: Never leave alphabet soup on the stove and then go out. It could spell disaster.
Today's Peace of History, May 17, 1954: In a major civil rights victory, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, ruling "separate but equal" public education to be unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment, which guaranteed equal treatment under the law. The historic decision, bringing an end to federal tolerance of racial segregation, specifically dealt with Linda Brown, a young African American girl denied admission to her local elementary school in Topeka, Kansas, because of the color of her skin.
Does anyone else have a plastic bag full of other plastic bags somewhere in their house, or is it just me? / I'm a hoarder. I take my problems and force them up in to a remote room in the corner of my brain to collect dust. A room I keep closed, locked, and bolted. It's kind of problem attic.
..........Oh, she rock to my soul.........Taj Mahal …..Queen Bee
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle May 17, 2019, Cached ePistle. Online at: Laughs, peace, and lots of stuff. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: I've just never been a person that was political or religiously savvy. Except for the fact that I was born Jewish. That gives me 10 circumcision jokes. --Bob Saget
Cost of War:
As of 5/16/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,924,171,215,855.
As of 5/9/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,922,451,509,187.
As of 5/16/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $896,611,621,701.
As of 5/9/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $895,442,716,965.
As of 5/16/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $676,826,128,978.
As of 5/9/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $675,356,438,705.
As of 5/16/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $309,460,500,368.
As of 5/9/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $309,126,444,292.
As of 5/16/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,807,070,229,299.
As of 5/9/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,802,377,962,456.
At the end of this war the world will have to decide which way it desires to go, towards disarmament or destruction, there will be no middle course. The choice is really between basing our civilization on faith or fear, and the question of armaments stands at the parting of the ways. --Marian Ellis Cripps, founder of WILPF
..........You will accompany me.........Taj Mahal …..Farther on Down the Road
My weight is a psychological problem. My stomach is a hoarder. / My parents were hoarders before hoarding was cool.
Famous Last Words: And the President of the United States shall make such regulations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. --The Organic Act of 1884 making Alaska a territory.
May Peace increase your security
And Joy collect your delight
prairie mama

Last Laugh: