Famous First Words: Besame, Besame Mucho !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4ExrX-DN3k
Happy International Kissing Day !! I used to kiss him on the lips, but now it's all over. / People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy. --Bob Hope
..........put your glad rags on and join me, hon..........Bill Haley & the Comets …..Rock Around the Clock
If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work. --Nhat Hanh
It is a humid (90%) Friday morning. The sky has clothed itself in every kind of cloud from thin wisps that show the blue sky through to thick clumps that are dark and sinister on the bottom. The world is very quiet. Birdsong is around but not near and comes in jingles and ditties rather than tunes and symphonies. The distant motor sounds are muffled or very distant. It is so quiet that I can hear the maple leaves giggling as the wind tickles them. Puck sits quietly too. He does not walk the perimeter; I think he has given this job to Cy with the longer stride and quicker gait. But he sits alone this morning enjoying the yard and the breeze. Pink and orange are the colors dotting the everywhere greens, tea roses and lilies mostly. A dot of purple down the block is too far away for me to tell the species, but the blooms are large and puffy. The rumpling recycle truck comes by and all the little sounds a eaten up. I return to our rooms which smell of freshly brewed coffee and toast. Puck stays out to wait for morning greetings with the dogs upstairs. Until he bustles his way through the upstairs and greets me at the landing. He tries to tell me that he felt abandoned and I should stop and pet him...endlessly. He settles for a short pet. So I doctor my decaf, find my file and sit down to write to you. What a gas! Hugs and kisses !!
Hope your weekend is a buss, ePistliers.
I wasn't kissing her...I was whispering in her mouth. --Chico Marx / Accounting: A kiss is a credit that produces profit when it is returned.
..........No summer nights to make me dream as I do...........Della Reese …..And That Reminds Me
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Medal of Freedom!
^ What the heck is the Medal of Freedom anyway?
^^ Who created the medal?
^^^ Which president received the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
^^^^ Who is eligible to receive the award?
^^^^^ To whom has Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I spend 3 minutes every day choosing a TV channel to leave on for my pet, then I go to work and people take me seriously as an adult.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 80% of librarian couples celebrate important relationship milestones by quietly reading separately, but in the same room. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
Right now, 25,000 people are kissing, 50,000 people are hugging, 14,000 people are having sex and you...you're reading the ePistle. / Physics: a kiss is the contraction of the mouth due to the expansion of the heart.
..........K for the kick of a rim shot, baby..........Bill Haley & the Comets …..R.O.C.K.
Moonbeam: I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty. --Nancy Reagan
Something to Think About of the Week:
Big Hello: Aniin - Ojibwe https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I asked the librarian if the library had any books about paranoia. She whispered: “They're right behind you...” Sumbitted by vr of thailand
Week of the Week: Be Nice To New Jersey Week (July 1-7) – New Jersey is called the Garden State because “Oil, Petroleum, Nuclear, Land Fill & Toxic Waste State” doesn't fit on a license plate. / What do you call someone who dies in a New Jersey traffic jam? A corpus Christie.
According to a new study, the Zika virus can be passed on by kissing. Yeah, you have to really shove your tongue down that mosquito's throat. --Conan O'Brien / Algebra – a kiss is 2 divided by nothing.
..........I'm under your spell..........Della Reese …..Don't You Know
^ The Presidential Medal of Freedom is an award bestowed by the President of the United States and is—along with the comparable Congressional Gold Medal—the highest civilian award of the United States.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 6, 2018. The moon is last quarter today and is in Pisces. It is International Kissing Day aka World Kiss Day and Take your Webmaster to Lunch Day. Malawi celebrates Independence Day (1964) and Republic Day (1966).
Among those born on this day were John Paul Jones (1747), Tsar Nicholas I (1796), Nancy Davis Reagan (1923), Bill Haley (1925), Merv Griffin (1925), Janet Leigh (1927), Della Reese (1932), Ned Beatty (1937), and Sylverster Stallone (1946).
On July seventh Sir Thomas More was executed (1535), Newton published Principia (1687), the Declaration of Independence was published on the front page of the Pennsylvania Evening Gazette (1776), the National Black Convention met (1853), first Republican state convention (WI, 1854), the first all talking motion picture was shown (1928), Nicaragua became the first nation to formally accept the UN charter (1945), Truman established the Medal of Freedom (1945), and Hard Day's Night premiered (1964).
Night Sky, 7/6: Three doubles at the top of Scorpius. The head of Scorpius — the nearly vertical row of three stars upper right of Antares — stands due south after dark, about two fists at arm's length to the left of bright Jupiter. The top star of the row is Beta Scorpii or Graffias, a fine double star for telescopes. Just 1° below or lower left of it (a fingertip at arm's length) is the very wide naked-eye pair Omega1 and Omega2 Scorpii, not quite vertical. Binoculars show their slight color difference. Upper left of of Beta by 1.6° is Nu Scorpii (Jabbah), another fine telescopic double. High power in good seeing reveals that Nu's brighter component is itself a close binary, separation 2 arcseconds.http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: This weekend Denver is hosting 2 science fiction conventions Westercon 71 and Malcon 6. (July 4 – 8, Hyatt Regency Tech) ….celebrates our modern myths and legends. We believe that the only difference between stories of Hercules and Harry Potter or the fall of Troy and Mordor is time. https://www.malcondenver.org/
Actual Science Convention of the Week: EMBL: Shift your DNA and RNA Sequencing Library Preparation into Hyper-Drive (July 2-6, Heidelberg, Germany) ~~I found no catchy tag lines about this conference.https://www.frontiersin.org/events/EMBL_Course_Shift_Your_DNA_and_RNA_Sequencing_Library_Preparation_into_Hyper-Drive/5090
This Week: Saturday, July 7 – Global Forgiveness Day & Hop a Park Day & International Day of Cooperatives
Sunday, July 8 – SCUD (Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama) Day
Night Sky, 7/8: If you have a dark enough sky, the Milky Way now forms a magnificent arch high across the whole eastern sky after nightfall is complete. It runs all the way from below Cassiopeia in the north-northeast, up and across Cygnus and the Summer Triangle in the east, and down behind Saturn and the spout of the Sagittarius Teapot in the south.
Monday, July 9 – International Town Criers Day & National No Bra Day
Tuesday, July 10 – Teddy Bear's Picnic Day & US Energy Independence Day
Wednesday, July 11 – Cheer Up The Lonely Day & Make Your Own Sundae Day
Night Sky, 7/11: The Big Dipper, high in the northwest after dark, is beginning to turn around to "scoop up water" through the evenings of summer and early fall.
Thursday, July 12 – Simplicity Day
The kiss is a wordless articulation of desire whose object lies in the future, and somewhat to the south. --Lance Morrow / Kiss me somewhere I've never been kissed before. --Amy Fowler Like Salt Lake City? --Shelton Cooper
..........Where the waves roll up on the golden sand..........Bill Haley & the Comets …..Mambo Rock
^^ The MoF was established in 1963 by President John F. Kennedy, superseding the Medal of Freedom that was established by President Harry S. Truman in 1945 to honor civilian service during World War II.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Child's T-Shirt: I (heart) Frozen but hate I.C.E.
Moonbeam: I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way. --John Paul Jones
Late Night Snacks: After 30 years on the bench, Kennedy is retiring from the Supreme Court. He's 81 years old, so he's going to go from sitting around in a robe all day to sitting around in a robe all day. --Jimmy Fallon / Now, in a letter to President Drumpf, Justice Kennedy wrote, "This letter is a respectful and formal notification of my decision, effective July 31 of this year, to end my regular active status as an associate justice of the Supreme Court." OK, "effective July 31." So, enjoy your gay marriages now, because as of August 1, you're back to being roommates. --Stephen Colbert / Today is also the first official day of summer. The first day of summer, the summer solstice as they call it, is the longest day of the year. Every day since Donald Drumpf was elected is the longest day of the year. --Jimmy kimmel / Canada has just announced that they will become the second country in the world to legalize marijuana. So while it's been wonderful to be back here in London, I can officially announce next year we will be taking the show to Toronto. -- James Corden / Mitt Romney won last night’s Utah Republican Senate primary. Romney celebrated by going to a victory party and turning the music down. --Seth Meyers
Not So Late Night Snacks: With every new discovery the T-Rex seems to get less scary; it has those little arms, now it has a tongue that can't come out, it has feathers, maybe, next will find out it like Ed Sheeran music. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me
I try to make my mood uplifting and peaceful, then watch the world around me reflect that mood. --Yaya DaCosta
My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass. --Rodney Dangerfield / The reward for kissing a bird is a peck on the cheek.
..........I'll do the cooking, honey, I'll pay the rent..........Della Reese …..Won't You Come Home, Bill Bailey
^^^ The first recipients, selected by Kennedy, received their medals from his successor, LBJ, on Dec. 6, 1963. Kennedy, who had been assassinated the previous month, was added to the list and granted the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously.
Worthless Fact of the Week: Earth is at the aphelion of its orbit today, it's farthest from the Sun for the year, 3% farther than at perihelion in January.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The human brain is amazing. It functions 24/7 from the day you're born and only stops when you're taking a test or speaking to someone attractive. --Submitted by mja of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Quodlibet --What a shift of meaning this humble if slightly exotic term has undergone. It started life in the sense of a topic for philosophical or theological discussion. It has since transformed its meaning to refer to a light-hearted medley of well-known tunes.http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-quo1.htm
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Stop a faucet from screeching. Remove the handle and stem, and coat both sets of metal threads with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. http://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/vaseline.html
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. --Albert Einstein / What sounds do porcupines makes when they kiss? Ouch
...........Then you dance like crazy..........Bill Haley & the Comets …..Razzle Dazzle
^^^^ Any world citizen who has made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors" is eligible to receive the Medal of Freedom.
Dead Joke of the Week: When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, it means you've been using Apple Maps.
Lost Count Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Someone stole my identify. The police found her sitting in her car eating malomars and crying. She really got into it.
Science on the Internet of the Week: The Lagoon Nebula – Hubble's 28th Anniversary Images captures a roiling vast stellar nursery.http://hubblesite.org/news_release/news/2018-21
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck seeking shade in the case of the Basking Basenji.
Few men know how to kiss well. Fortunately, I've always had the time to teach them. --Mae West / Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you. --Joey Adams
..........And soft summer nights, we'd hide from the lights..........Della Reese …..It Was a Very Good Year
^^^^^ Trump is the first president since it was created not to give out a medal of freedom award in his first year in office.
Month of the Week: July is National Ice Cream Month –I may not be able to turn water into wine but I can turn ice cream into breakfast.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Guys with an eyepatch and three fingers sell the best fireworks.
Today's Peace of History, July 6, 1944: Irene Morgan, a 28-year-old black woman, was arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus eleven years before Rosa Parks did so.
High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead. --Christopher Morley/ I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day; I haven't had time for tobacco since. --Auturo Tosanini
..........Well, you never do nothin' to save your doggone soul..........Bill Haley & the Comets …..Shake, Rattle, & Roll
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle July 6, 2018, Bussing ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Peace, Laughs, and Kissing. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Wisdom Quote of the Week: Fact...There is no such thing as banning abortion. There is only banning safe and legal abortion. --Julie Owen Moylan
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: This has to be the most Mondayest Thursday ever.
Moonbeam: I outlived all my diet doctors. --Merv Griffin
Cost of War:
As of 7/5/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,835,357,048,774.
As of 6/28/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,833,296,303,324.
As of 7/5/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $836,252,681,516.
As of 6/28/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $834,851,692,447.
As of 7/5/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $600,946,109,806.
As of 6/28/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $599,185,111,405.
As of 7/4/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $292,215,024,350.
As of 6/28/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $291,814,746,061.
As of 7/4/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,564,771,975,829.
As of 6/28/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,559,148,410,266.
Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful. --Friedrich Schiller
..........It tells you to love one another, you know each one is your brother..........Della Reese …..Sermonette
Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips. / English: A kiss is a noun that is used as a conjunction.
Famous Last Words: In behalf of the Committee on Colonization. --Proceedings of the Colored National Convention held in Rochester, July 6,7,8t, 1853. http://coloredconventions.org/items/show/458
May Peace kiss your cheek
And Joy plant one full on your mouth
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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