First Words: Be it ordained by the United States.....An
Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States,
North-West of the River Ohio
is Embrace Your Geekness Day. Maybe these will help: The bartender
replies, “Sorry, but we don't serve particles faster than light.”
A Neutrino walks into a bar.
ring out love between my bothers and my
sisters............Limelighters (and Roger McGuinn) …..The Hammer
cannot find peace by avoiding life. --Virginia Woolfe
is a close Friday morning. The temperature has risen to 78°F (It
was only 74° when we went for our early morning walk) but the
humidity has not fallen from its 80% height. The sky is without any
blemish or cloud or obstruction, no checks against the rising sun.
There is birdsong, soft and in the background but this morning dog
barking is the favored instrument … near barking, far barking, next
door barking, walking dogs barking. Puck is stilling outside the
fence, still on his lease, barking happily into the neighborhood.
The want of rain is ever present from browning grass to cracks in the
earth. A smell of heat and dry grass wafts through the very light
breeze that barely touches the cheek and only sways the branches at
the very tops of the trees. Sweat does not evaporate and I grow wet.
So we return indoor to the blessed coolness and the smell of coffee
brewing. Ah!! Puck is now sheltered in his closet hideout and I am
sipping sweetened, creamed decaf and thinking about you.
hope your weekend is paradise without the fool.
you can't use “beefstew” as a password. It's not stroganoff. / 2
kittens are on a sloped roof. Which one slides off first? The one
with the lowest mew.
Satan disguised as a salesman............Limelighters (and Roger
McGuinn) …..Charlie, The Midnight Marauder
Questions: Happy Birthday, Northwest Territory !!
How did the US acquire the land that became the Northwest Territory?
How many of the 6 states that were carved out of the N.T. can you
Who, exactly, enacted the Ordinance?
The Ordinance called for a public university. Which was the first
university established in the territory?
About how long did the northwest territory exist?
Thing I Read of the Week: If you think
the GOP is terrified of my politics now, just wait until they find
out about public libraries. --Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Library Statistic of the Week:
of cat tote bags seen at library conferences are actually being used
to tote the librarian's cat.
do you get when you put a Root Beer in a Square Glass? Beer / What
do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?
we're taking down the names of everybody turning left..........Chad
Mitchell Trio (and Roger McGuinn) …..The John Birch Society
No iron can stab the heart with such force as a period put just at
the right place. --Isaac Babel
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: chuu
wuganabira - Okinawan
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Every
cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes off your student loan debt.
--Submitted by pl of hi
of the Week: Sports Cliché Week (July
7-13) – It's gut-check time, ePistliers, the Monday-morning
quarterback has dropped the ball and needs to take one for the team.
But she still thinks, if you build it they will come.
to the geek side. We have π. / There's a band called 1023 MB. They
haven't had any gigs yet.
the winds are laughing............Chad Mitchell Trio (and Roger
McGuinn) …..Dona Dona Dona
It is Friday, July 13, 2018. The moon is new tonight and is in Leo.
It is Fool's Paradise Day, Collector Car Appreciation
Day, Enbrace Your Geekness Day, Gruntled Workers Day, and National
French Fries Day. In Japan the Bon
Festival starts and in Rhodesia it is Founder's Day aka Rhode's Day.
those born on this day were Isaac Babel
(1894), Dave Garroway (1913), Bob Crane (1928), Jack Kemp (1935),
Patrick Stewart (1940), Harrison Ford (1942), Roger McGuinn (1942),
Cheech Marin (1946) and Danitra Vance
July thirteenth the US congress established
the Northwest Territory excluding slavery (1787), Horace Greeley
advised his reader to "Go west young man" (1865), the
fourth modern Olympic games opened in London (1908), the Democratic
National convention nominated JFK (1960), and Live Aid rocked out in
London, Philadelphia, Moscow & Sydney (1985).
Sky, 7/13:
There is a partial solar eclipse tonight. It is visible in northern
Antarctica but mostly it's over the ocean. A
map of the eclipse.
Fiction Convention of the Week:
ReaderCon 29: The conference on imaginative literature. (7/12-15,
Quincy, MA) Although
Readercon is modeled on "science fiction conventions,"
there is no art show, no costumes, no gaming, and almost no media.
Instead, Readercon features a near-total focus on the written word.
Science Convention of the Week:
International Paleontological Congress (7/9-13, Paris,France) “the
Fossil week” will be organized in 2018 in Paris...
Week: Saturday, July 14 –
Bastille Day & International Nude Day
Sky, 7/14: Venus
is the brightest planet, and it’s very prominent this month in the
west after sunset. Jupiter is still bright and beautiful throughout
July 2018. You’ll find it highest up for the night around dusk or
July 15 – Be A Dork Day & National Ice Cream Day &
National Give Something Away Day
July 16 – World Snake Day & Hot Dog Night
Sky,7/16: Saturn and Mars rise into the
southeast sky after nightfall in early July. Mercury, the innermost
planet of the solar system, has moved out of the morning sky and into
the evening sky.
July 17 – Disneyland Day & Yellow Pig Day
July 18 – National Caviar Day & Nelson Mandela
International Day
Sky, 7/18: Uranus
(magnitude 5.8, at the Aries-Pisces border) and Neptune (magnitude
7.9, in Aquarius) are well up in the east and southeast,
respectively, in the hour before the beginning of dawn.
July 19 – Get To Know Your Customers Day
opinion without 3.14159 is just an onion. / Entropy isn't what it
used to be.
mis amigos Jesus why Maria..........Byrds (with Roger McGuinn)
…..Plane Wreck at Los Gatos (Deportee)
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and part of Minnesota
were included in the Northwest Territory.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Scientists have grown human
vocal chords in a petri dish. The results speak for themselves.
--Submitted by ksz of ks
Democracy without morality is impossible. --Jack Kemp
Late Night Snacks: From the Top 50 Late Night
Jokes of 2012 ... There is now a $250 fine if you get caught eating
in the subway. And they said if this works, then they're going to
start cracking down on murder." - David Letterman, January 30 /
"Part of me thinks that Rick Santorum is running for president
just to show his high school crush she should have gone to the prom
with him. He even called global warming a hoax, which is no surprise,
coming from a guy who is clearly in the pocket of big sweater vests."
- Jimmy Kimmel, February 8 / "Mitt Romney is so rich, he taught
his dog to roll over ... an IRA." - Jay Leno, March 19 / "It's
not such a great day for fans of the game show 'Jeopardy.' Alex
Trebek says he may retire at the end of the season. Trebek says he
wants to spend more time at home, arrogantly correcting his family."
- Craig Ferguson, May 29 / "Tough Olympic news for the Romneys.
Ann Romney's horse Rafalka did not advance to the Olympic finals.
Apparently it was beat by a smooth-talking socialist horse from
Kenya." - Conan O'Brien, August 7
Not So Late Night Snacks: Peter Sagal: Just as
giant yellow hummers cause climate change today, hideous clumsy
beasts were also responsible, apparently, for global warming long
ago. British scientists say that the herbivore dinosaurs, like the
Apatosaurus were among the worst offenders because of their plant
based diets. Second only to the burrito-suarus. According to the
researchers, a really bad time for the T-Rex, because, you know, when
another dinosaur lets one go right in front of you, those arms are
never going to be able to wave it away.
you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.
--Mahatma Gandhi
have been using Vim for about 2 years now, mostly because I can't
figure out how to exit it. --I Am Developer / How can you tell the
difference between a chemist and a plumber? As them to pronounce
time to love, a time to hate...........Byrds (with Roger McGuinn)
…..Turn! Turn! Turn!
of the Confederation
the Northwest
1787 to provide for the administration of the territories and set
rules for admission of jurisdictions as states. On August 7, 1789,
the new US
the Ordinance with slight modifications under the Constitution.
Fact of the Week:
Obon festival (also
known as Bon festival, July 13-15) is an annual
Japanese holiday which
commemorates and remembers
deceased ancestors.
It is believed that their spirits return at this time to visit their
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Kids
today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to
walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.
Word of the Week:
Rhykenology – the study and collection of woodworking tools,
especially planes. http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-rhy1.htm
Uses for Common Products:
Lubricate roller skate and skateboard wheels. Smear Vaseline
Petroleum Jelly around the cylinders on the wheels so they roll
faster. http://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/vaseline.html
(n.) A person who fixes stuff you can't. / I've
been hearing a lot of jokes about Oxygen and Potassium lately. Most
are pretty bad, but a couple were OK.
living is easy to do..........Flying Burrito Brothers (with Roger
McGuinn) …..Wild Horses
1801, Jefferson
established in Vincennes.
As Vincennes University, it remains the oldest public institution of
higher learning from the Northwest Territory.
Quote of the Week: Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its
survival. --Steve Maraboli
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The
Baby-Sitters Coup: Kristy Destroys the Patriarchy! ...Political,
Economic & Social Equality...ALL BEFORE 5th
PERIOD! --Submitted by ar of ks
Waterfall of the Week:
Sutherland Fall, Fiordland National park, New Zealand...580m
is the highest waterfall in New Zealand. It is, of course, one of the
New Zealand Must See Waterfalls. The only disadvantage is that it’s
not easily accessible - to visit it you should either walk 4 days
tramping Milford track or take a scenic flight.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck almost hiding in the near shadows in the
case of the Summer Sussex.
I changed the name of my WIFI to “Hack if you can”. Today I
found it named “challenge accepted”. / Two old German physicists
are driving down the road and they feel a bump. Schrodinger asks,
“Was that a cat?” Heisenberg replies, “I'm not sure”.
the only home you know is the club down the street..........Flying
Burrito Brothers (with Roger McGuinn) …..Dim Lights, Thick Smoke
The Northwest Territory
existed legally from July 13, 1787, until March 1, 1803, when the
southeastern portion of the territory was admitted to the Union
the state
of Ohio,
and the remainder was reorganized by additional legislative actions.
of the Week: July is Tour de France
Month - A rider in the
Tour de France had a terrible accident and was dying. He asked his
teammate to do him a favor. "Anything," the mate answered.
"Don't let my wife seel my bikes for what I told her I paid for
them." --Caroline Hirsch
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Queen
Elizabeth says bone spurs will prevent her from meeting Trump.
--Submitted by cj of ks
Festival of the Weekend:
Festival d'été Québec (July 5 – 15) ...Foo Fighters, Weeknd,
Lorde, Shawn Mendes, Neil Young, Future, Beck, Dave Matthews Band,
Chainsmokers and more. https://www.infofestival.com/
Peace of History, July
13, 1985: The
first Live Aid concert raised $75 million for agricultural and
technical assistance to Africa, many times what was expected.
Described as the Woodstock of the ‘80s, the world's biggest rock
festival (in London, Philadelphia, Moscow and Sydney, Australia,
simultaneously and linked by satellite) was organized by Boomtown
Rats singer Bob Geldof to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia.
kids don't believe that before video games, we used to have to go out
and buy a hedgehog, paint it blue, then give it cocaine. / My math
teacher said I was average. How mean.
they say that justice and love are the next things to
blindness..........Roger McGuinn …..You Bowed Down
of the Week:
Friday ePistle July 13, 2018. Online at:
Peace, Laughs, and Geeks. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800
Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Chicanos and running water are endlessly fascinating. I can watch
them all day. --Cheech Marin
of War:
of 7/12/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,837,257,955,665.
of 7/5/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,835,357,048,774.
of 7/12/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $837,544,175,807.
of 7/5/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $836,252,681,516.
of 7/12/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $602,569,626,806.
of 7/5/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $600,946,109,806.
of 7/12/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $292,583,989,612.
of 7/5/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $292,215,024,350.
of 7/12/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,569,956,418,052.
of 7/5/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,564,771,975,829.
understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet,
still. --Jiddu Krishnamurti
just hide behind their power and keep us from the
truth..........Roger McGuinn …..The Trees Are All Gone
and I appear to be on the same wavelength. If not, I have an adapter
for that. / By the way, there is no cloud. It's just someone else's
Last Words: Peace. --Dave Garroway The Today Show
Peace be your programming
Joy be your result
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