Friday, December 15, 2017

sTeepy ePistle

Famous First Words: Congress shall make no law... 1st Amendment of the US Constitution
Happy International Tea Day! It's always Tea Time somewhere. If tea can't fix it, you know it's really serious.
..........I rock 'em, roll 'em all night long..........Dominoes …..Sixty Minute Man (one of the first R&B songs promoted by Alan Freed, 1951)
Peace is joy at rest. Joy is peace on its feet.
It is cold (34°F) Friday morning. The sun is not quite up yet but the enlightening in the east clarifies silhouettes of roof peaks and smokeless chimneys. There are a few stars shining bravely as the dark softens. The bare trees look like skeletons against the light. There is no breeze and every shadow is still. Cooper and Sy (?Psi, Si) are in the backyard – two dark dogs in the dark of early morning. They are so excited that I am afraid to open the gate and have them spill out onto the shadowy grass unseen; so Puck and I stand outside the fence in the glow of the Christmas lights that wind their way around the backyard fence, the storage shed, and the deck railing. My hands glow yellow. Puck rubs noses with the pair through the slats and then sits, facing the street, barking mostly, although there are no squirrels or birds this early. There is still the grinding of motor off to the west, even at the early hour. My hands begin to get cold and Puck just sits so we return to indoor warmth and the smell of fresh coffee. This morning, I cream my coffee with artificial milk - to throw in sharp relief my artificial sugar – because I am out of half/half. Puck who usually gets a little cream, goes off to sulk and will not be appeased with treats. But mostly I return to we return you.
Hope your weekends soothes and refreshes, ePistliers.
Why can't we all just get oolong? / Tepidophobia – the fear of a badly made cup of tea.
..........Wiggle like a snake, waddle like a duck.........Paul Williams & the Hucklebuckers …..HuckleBuck (Headliner Freed's Moondog Coronation Ball, 1952)
Trivia Questions: Happy National Cupcake Day
^ In which century did small cakes appear in cookbooks?
^^ Any idea why they are called cupcakes rather than, say, cakelets?
^^^ The cupcake uses the same 4 basic ingredients as regular cakes. How many can you name?
^^^^ Do you know anything about the first cupcake bakery?
^^^^^ How about the world's most expensive cupcake?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The cable company told me that they would send a guy out and I need to be home between 1 pm and 2018.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 75% of librarians watch 'Desk Set' each December and nervously laugh about being replaced by a computer.
I have finally realized that the only way to lose weight from green tea is to climb the mountain and pick it yourself. / Tea is the answer to everything, unless there is chocolate.
..........Your love is so exciting….......Varetta Dillard …..Mercy, Mr. Percy (from Freed's Coronation Ball, 1952)
Moonbeam: By adopting the 'free trade,' or British, system, we place ourselves side by side with the men who have ruined Ireland and India, and are now poisoning and enslaving the Chinese people. --Henry Charles Carey
Something to Think About of the Week

Big Hello: Pranam – Maithili (India)
Week of the Week: Human Rights Week (December 10-17) – So, as an outside observer, what do you think of human rights?
She brewed a cup of tea so mean, it robbed us at gun point before we could drink it. / The hipster burnt his tongue because he drank tea before it was cool.
..........Awop-bop-a-loo-mop alopbom-bom.........Little Richard …..Tutti Frutti (From Freed's First Movie Don't Knock the Rock, 1956)
^ The first mention of the cupcake can be traced as far back as 1796, when a recipe notation of “a light cake to bake in small cups” was written in American Cookery by Amelia Simmons.
Almanac: It is Friday, December 15, 2018. The moon will be new on Monday and is in Scorpio. It is Bill of Rights Day, Cat Herders Day, Free Shipping Day, International Tea Day, National Cupcake Day, and National Wear Your Pearls Day. In the Esperanto League it's Zamenhof Day (1859) and in the Netherlands Antilles it is Kingdom Day aka Statute Day (1954) . Because it is the Friday of the second full week it is also National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and finally because it is the third Friday it is Underdog Day.
Among those born on this day were Nero (37), Gregory King (1648), Ludwig Ernst (1667), Philippe-Jacques Pfeffinger (1765), Henry Charles Carey (1793), Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel (1832), Charles Duryea (1861), Arthur D Little (1863), Maxwell Anderson (1888), J Paul Getty (1892), Kermit Bloomgarden (1904), Alan Freed (1922), Cindy Birdsong (1939), Tim Conway (1933), Dave Clark (1942), Don Johnson (1949) and Jill Pipher (1955).
On December fifteenth the Bill of Rights was ratified (VA, 1791), the first US law school was established (University of PA, 1791), the Patent Office burned (DC, 1836), the first street cleaning machine was used (Philadelphia, 1854), Edison patented the phonograph (1877), ground breaking began for the Jefferson Memorial (DC, 1938), Glenn Miller was lost over the English Channel (1944), Camus "les Justes" premiered (1949), Christine Jorgenson changed her sex (1952), the Equal Access Rule went into effect (1961), the first rendezvous in space was completed (Gemini 6 & Gemini 7, 1965), the Plastic Ono Band played their only concert (1969), the American Psychiatric Assocaiton declared homosexuality is not a mental illness (1973), 3 KC Royals were suspended for cocaine use (1983), and Ireland lifted the ban on Playboy magazine (1995).
Night Sky, 12/15: As dawn begins to brighten on the morning of Saturday the 16th, look low in the southeast for the thinning crescent Moon. It forms the end of a ragged diagonal line with Jupiter, Mars, and Spica extending to its upper right.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Con+Alt+Delete (Chicago, IL 12/15-17) C+A+D gives you the chance to meet a thousand of your fellow friends and anime fans in celebrating Japanese animation and nerd culture.
Actual Science Convention of the Week: 20th Annual Medical Dilemmas: A Patient Care CME Conference. December 15-17, NYC.
This Week: Saturday, December 16 – National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day
Night Sky, 12/16: As the Summer Triangle sinks lower in the west, Altair is the first of its stars to go. Start by spotting bright Vega in the northwest right after dark. The brightest star above Vega is Deneb. Altair, the Triangle's third star, is farther to Vega's left or lower left. How late into the night, and into the advancing season, can you keep it in view?
Sunday, December 17 – Clean Air Day & Wright Brothers Day
Night Sky, 12/17: Have you ever watched a Sirius-rise? Find an open view right down to the east-southeast horizon, and watch for Sirius to come up about two fists at arm's length below Orion's vertical Belt. Sirius comes up sometime around 8 pm now, depending on your location. When a star is very low, it tends to twinkle quite slowly and often in vivid colors. Sirius is bright enough to show these effects well, especially with binoculars.
Monday, December 18 – Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day & International Migrants Day
Tuesday, December 19 – Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Birthday (HI)
Night Sky, 12/19: Orion is coming into good view low in the east after dinnertime now. And that means Gemini is also coming up to its left (for the world's mid-northern latitudes). The head stars of the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, are at the left end of the constellation — one over the other, with Castor on top.
Wednesday, December 20 – International Human Solidarity Day
Night Sky, 12/20: Meteor Shower Ursids is often neglected due to the fact it peaks just before Christmas and the rates are much less than the Geminds, which peaks just a week before the Ursids. Observers will normally see 5-10 Ursids per hour. There have been occasional outbursts when rates have exceeded 25 per hour. This shower is strictly a northern hemisphere event as the radiant fails to clear the horizon or does so simultaneously with the start of morning twilight as seen from the southern tropics.
Thursday, December 21 – Crossword Puzzle Day & Celebrate Short Fiction Day
I get this pain in my eye whenever I drink tea. Have you tried taking the spoon out of the cup first. / What do you call a dunking biscuit with a mustachio? A Lionel Rich-tea.
..........A shag going down by the social hall.........Bill Haley & His Comets ….Rip It Up. (From Freed's first Movie Don't Knock the Rock, 1956)
^^ In previous centuries, before muffin tins were widely available, the cakes were often baked in individual pottery cups, ramekins, or molds and took their name from the cups they were baked in.
Second Funniest thing I read of the Week: Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body. --George Carlin
Moonbeam: I ought to be jealous of the tower. She is more famous than I am. -- Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel
Late Night Snacks: Thirty-two Democratic senators have now called on Sen. Al Franken to step aside after another woman accused him of sexual misconduct. Also stepping aside: women when they see Al Franken coming. --Seth Meyers / Al Franken announced he is resigning from the Senate due to sexual harassment allegations. Other senators said he seemed heartfelt, contrite, and dignified and there’s no place for someone like that in the United States Senate. --Jimmy Fallon / Yesterday, we finally got congressional testimony from Donald Trump Jr. His grilling by the House Intelligence Committee lasted roughly eight hours, making it the first time a Trump has put in a full work day. --Stephen Colbert / Manafort has had so much contact with the Russians, today he found out even he's been banned from the upcoming Olympics.--James Corden / This morning, Vladimir Putin announced he's going to run for re-election. Then this afternoon, he announced he won. --Conan O'Brien
Not So Late Night Snacks: Roy Moore candidate for senate in Alabama. SoTrump is all in. He told Moore, quote "Go get 'em, Roy" to which Roy responded: ok, Mr President but they all have driver's ed now...he values your family, for instance, thinks your daughter is an 8. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Inhale love, exhale joy. Inhale joy, exhale peace. Inhale peace, exhale love. Repeat

..........Love didn't stay if flew away.........Connie Francis …..Little Blue Wren (from Freed's second movie Rock, Rock, Rock, 1956)
^^^ A standard cupcake uses the same basic ingredients as standard-sized cakes: butter, sugar, flour, and eggs.
Worthless Fact of the Week: On September 25, 1789, Congress transmitted to the state Legislatures twelve proposed amendments to the Constitution. Numbers three through twelve were adopted by the states to become the U S Bill of Rights, effective December 15, 1791.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Unbeknownst to most theologians, there was a fourth wiseman, who was turned away for bringing fruitcake. --Sumbitted by sd of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Nipperkin – an English West Country unit of volume (1/32 of a pint)
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Improvise a float. Inflate and tie knots in two Trojan Condoms, tie a shoelace to the knot in each condom, and position the shoelace around your back and under your arms.
If the tea leaves, does that give the coffee grounds for divorce? / I don't need a diet tea that suppresses my appetite. I need a diet tea that smacks the ice cream sandwich out of my hand before I eat it .
...........I love you that's way.........The Moonglows …..Over and Over Again (from Freed's second movie Rock, Rock, Rock, 1956)
^^^^ Candace Nelson is the founder and pastry chef of Sprinkles Cupcakes, the world's first cupcake bakery. Started in Beverly Hills in 2005, Candace's sophisticated take on the classic American cupcake made Sprinkles an overnight bakery sensation.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Puking – vomiting. As You Like It Act II Scene VII Jaques – At first the infant, mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: My boss arrived at work in a brand new Lamborghini. I said, “Wow, that's an amazing car!” He replied “If you work hard, put all your hours in, and strive for excellence, I'll get another one next year.”
Senior Moment of the Week: I've gotten to the point where I can plan my own surprise party.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's cub detective Cooper showing the ropes to Psi, the new guy, in the case of the Tired Torkies.
Life is like a cup of's all in how you make it. / Karl Marx didn't care for Earl Grey because all proper tea is theft.
..........the horse was tired and I was too..........Freddy Bell …..Giddy Up A Ding Dong (from Freed's third movie Rock Around the Clock, 1956)
^^^^^ The opening event at The Dubai Mall saw the unveiling of a whopping $1,010 (Dh3,700) cupcake which is coated in edible 23 carat gold sheets , setting the world record for the most expensive cupcake, according to the World Record Academy.
Month of the Week: December is National Tie Month. --A guy goes into a restaurant and lounge, his shirt open at the collar, but is stopped by a bouncer who tells him he must wear a necktie to get in. So the guy goes out to his car and he looks around for a tie and discovers that he just doesn't have one. He sees a set of jumper cables in his trunk. In desperation he ties these around his neck, manages to fashion a fairly acceptable looking knot and lets the ends dangle free. He goes back to the restaurant and the bouncer carefully looks him over for a few minutes and then says, "Well, okay, I guess you can come in -- just don't start anything."
Seasonal Thought of the Week: The very best description of the creche scene that I encountered in my lifetime was by Stephen ...a kid so stoned even the cows know it...
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Ghost Ranch, New Mexico. With the dramatic landscape of red and yellow cliffs, Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, encompasses 21,000 acres of towering rock walls, vivid colors and vast skies. It boasts beautiful scenery, was home to Georgia O’Keeffe and has activities to suit any interest including hiking, horseback riding and kayaking among others.
Today's Peace of History, December 15, 1930: Albert Einstein urged militant pacifism and the creation of an international war resistance fund. Einstein stated in New York that if two percent of those called for military service were to refuse to fight, and were to urge peaceful means of settling international conflicts, then governments would become powerless since they could not imprison that many people.
What is the plural of iced tea? Bottomless glass. / The children were trying to be quiet because grandma's tea needed to sleep for 3 minutes.
..........I'm wearing my heart like a crown..........The Platters …..The Great Pretender (from Freed's third movie Rock Around the Clock, 1956)
Masthead of the Week: sTeeped ePistle December, 15, 2017. Online at: Peace and Pekoe. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: It should not have to take 98% of black women and 92% of black men to save white amerika from itself. --submitted by rhb of ks
Moonbeam: There are some men who lift the age they inhabit, till all men walk on higher ground in that lifetime. -- Maxwell Anderson
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 12/14/17: $792,189,390,743.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 12/7/17: $791,521,130,892.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 12/14/17: $821,084,778,436.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 12/7/17: $821,065,247,269.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 12/14/17: $1,804,161,711,009.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 12/7/17: $1,802,765,711,291.
Sleep in peace and wake in joy.
..........the world goes round and round.........Frank Lymon & the Teenagers …..Love Is a Clown (In July 1957 Frankie Lymon danced with a white girl on Freed's national tv show and the show was promptly canceled)
Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept. --Frances Hardinge / I'm well aware that I'm not everyone's cup of tea...I'd rather be someone's shot of tequila anyway.
Famous Last Words: If you want to be a hero well just follow me. Working Class Hero by the Plastic Ono Band
May Peace steep your work
And Joy brew your leisure
prairie mama

Last Laugh

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