Friday, December 22, 2017

dEck tHe ePistle

Famous First Words: All right you Chipmunks... The Chipmunk Song
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice-holidaytm, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. . .
..........The melody haunts my reverie..........Hoagy Carmichael …..Stardust
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strives to do good for each other and for everyone else. --1 Thessalonian 5:15
It is a cold (28°F) morning. The sky is so thickly covered with a featureless cloud that the rising sun cannot turn it colors for the holidays. Any color extant is muted by the grayness of this day – the still green grass, the cars and the houses, all dull. Only the Christmas lights give red and blue and green to the morning. The sound of distant grinding motors has halted and only stifled vehicle motors can be heard and sometime actual silence kisses the ear. A large flock of medium black birds flying over can actually be heard discussing their morning concerns. Puck is interrupted in his walk around the perimeter by the arrival of Pepper and Cooper. But still they are silent as if the day should not be awakened yet. A breeze from the northwest insists it is colder than the thermometer says and so Puck and I retreat to warmth and no wind. The smell of brewing coffee and the sound of it falling through the grounds greet me and I dilute a cup with half/half (and a small dribble in Puck's bowl) and sweeten it up so that I can sit here in warmth and comfort, think of you, and enjoy a delicious cup of ambition.
Hope your weekend rocks and your Christmas is outta' site, ePistliers
I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white man would be coming into my neighborhood after dark. --Dick Gregory / When Santa gets back home after his midnight flight the elves greet him with a round of santapplause.
..........That one wonderful day when we met.........Hoagy Carmichael …..One Morning in May
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to the United States Golf Association!
^ Any idea how many golf courses are there in the US, more or less?
^^ Know who was the first and only female golfer to make the cut at a PGA Tour event?
^^^ About when was the very first world Championship of Golf nationally televised.
^^^^ How much exercise does walking rather than riding a golf cart get you?
^^^^^ Before the invention of the tee what did golfers used to begin a hole?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A Christmas Carol – another story of how it takes supernatural intervention to get the rich to share.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 67% of library snowmen are named MARC
What is green, covered with tinsel and says “Ribbit, ribbit”? A mistle-toad / What happens under the Mistletoe stays under the Mistletoe..
..........You ain't the biggest catfish in the sea.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Small Fry
Moonbeam: What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? --George Eliot
Something to Think About of the Week

Big Hello: Manao ahoana – Malagasy (Madagascar)
Week of the Week: Saturnalia (December 17-23) – Remember to Keep Saturn in Saturnalia.
From Martha Stewart's Christmas To Do List: December 22... Dip sheep in egg whites and roll in confectioner's sugar to add festive sparkle to the pasture

..........Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Georgia on My Mind

^ The current total of 15,372 courses in the U.S. is down from a peak of 16,052 in the 1960s.
Almanac: It is Friday, December 22, 2017. It is Be A Lover of Silence Day. In México it is a Day of National Mourning (José Maria Morelos, since 1815). And worldwide it is International Arbor Day.
Among those born on this day were Luca della Robbia (1400), Mary of Lorraine (1515), Jean-Baptiste Racine (1639), Rene-Robert Cavelier La Salle (1643), Jean E Liotard (1702), William Ellery (1727), Abigail Adams (1744), John Crome (1768), Thomas Cook (1808), Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819), George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans, 1819), Frank Kellogg (1856), Giacomo Puccini (1858), Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869), Arthur James Cook (1883), Charles de Gaulle (1890), Hoagy Carmichael (1899), Kenneth Rexroth (1905), Gene Rayburn (1917), Barbara Bilingsley (1922), Geraldine Page (1924), Billie Jean King (1943), Diane Sawyer (1945), Rick Nielsen (Cheap Trick 1945), and Maurice Gibb (1949).
On December twenty-second the Dutch people revolted against meat taxes (1731), the continental navy was organized (7 ships, 1775), Washington resigned his military commission (1783), "American Bicycling Journal" was first published (Boston, 1877), "Edison" created the first string of Christmas tree ligths (1882), Strindberg's Lycko-Pers Reja premiered (1883), the United States Golf Association formed (NYC, 1894), the first US postal savings stamps were issued (1910), Flanders declared its independence (1917), the US deported Emma Goldman (and 249 other "alien radicals", 1919), the Lincoln Tunnel opened for traffic (1937), WEB Du Bois was elected the first black memeber of the National Institute of Arts & Letters (1941), the Chipmunk Song reached number one on the charts (1958), Julie Nixon married Dwight Eisenhower (1968), Kurt Waldheim became Secretary-Genral of the UN (1971), Kenny Jones became The Who's new durmmer (1978), Lech Walsea was sworn in as Poland's first popularly elected persident (1990), and Itialian P.M. Berlusconi resigned (1994).
Night Sky, 12/22: This is the time of year when Orion shines in the east-southeast after dinnertime. He's well up now, but his three-star Belt is still nearly vertical. The Belt points up toward Aldebaran and, even higher, the Pleiades. In the other direction, it points down to where bright Sirius rises to twinkle furiously
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: There are no conventions this weekend that I can find...

This Week: Saturday, December 23 – Festivus & Human Light Celebration
Night Sky, 12/23: Sirius and Procyon in the balance. Sirius, the Dog Star, sparkles low in the east-southeast after dinnertime. Procyon, the Little Dog Star, shines in the east about two fist-widths at arm's length to Sirius's left. If you live around latitude 30° (Tijuana, New Orleans, Jacksonville), the two canine stars will be at the same height above your horizon soon after they rise. If you're north of that latitude, Procyon will be higher. If you're south of there, Sirius will be the higher one.
Sunday, December 24 – Christmas Eve & Egg Nog Day
Monday, December 25 – Christmas & A'Phabet Day aka No L Day
Tuesday, December 26 – Boxing Day & National Thank-you Note Day
Night Sky, 12/26: Mercury has begun to reappear low in the southeast at dawn. Venus and Saturn are out of sight, deeper in the glow of dawn.
Wednesday, December 27 – Free Balloon Day & Howdy Doody Day
Night Sky, 12/27: Mars and Jupiter rise in the east-southeast around 3 – 4 am. Uranus and Neptune are in the southern sky right after dark.
Thursday, December 28 – Endangered Species Act Day & Pledge of Allegiance Day
I'll be Cloned for Christmas, there will be three of me; One to Work, and One to Shop and One just for Parties.
..........Can't get from this cabin.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Rockin' Chair
^^ Long before Annika Sorenstam competed in the 2003 Bank of America Colonial, Babe Zaharias made the cut at a PGA TOUR event, shooting 76 and 81 during the first two rounds of the 1945 Los Angeles Open.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: I'm so old I can remember when Republicans opposed Russian infiltration of the US government.
Moonbeam: But without money honor is nothing but a malady. --Jean-Baptiste Racine
Late Night Snacks: I'm a little shaky tonight because my heart has been hurting all day due to a condition my doctor calls "hope." I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly. I haven't been saying that word that much this year because it's been a rough year. We have been buried under an avalanche of bad news, but through the rubble of 2017, there was a glimmer of light, because last night, Roy Moore lost to Doug Jones in Alabama. --Stephen Colbert / Do you feel the holiday spirit enveloping you like a blanket right now? Christmas is 10 days away, which means we only get to hear that Mariah Carey song 75,000 times. --Jimmy Kimmel / In the past three months, airlines earned a record $1.2 billion just in baggage fees! But, I should say, they only received half of the money. The airlines lost the other half. They think it might be in Cleveland or Omaha — they’re not quite sure yet. --Harry Styles subbing for James Corden / While announcing plans to trim the size of the regulatory code, President Trump today cut a red ribbon with an oversized scissors that was draped across stacks of paper. Then, because of all the regulations he repealed, the scissors fell apart, a dolphin choked on the ribbon, and the paper burst into flames. --Seth Meyers / Speaking of tweets, Trump got in a Twitter fight with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand over his sexual assault allegations. Just this week he insulted a senator, endorsed Roy Moore, and called 20 women liars. It’s like he saw his approval rating was 32 and said, “I bet I can get it under 30 by the weekend.”. --Jimmy Fallon
Not So Late Night Snacks: He drinks 12 diet cokes a day... It finally answers the question of how many diet cokes does it take to make you an existential threat to the nation. --Negin Farsad Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Those who promote peace have joy. --Proverbs 12:30
Santa Quotes: Ah, rice cakes. I guess somebody only wants educational toys this year. / Mother had a PhD in American Literature so she always called Santa the Deer Sleigher.
..........Haven't you heard the music of the night.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Skylark
^^^ The very first nationally-televised golf tournament, the 1953 World Championship of Golf, featured an incredible finish from Lew Worsham. Needing a birdie for a playoff with Chandler Harper, Worsham holed out for eagle from 104 yards on the 72nd hole to defeat Harper by one shot.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The initial number of the "American Bicycling Journal" made its bow to a constituency of six riders and a contingent of possibly a few hundreds of readers.
Weird Word of the Week: Oojah – a useful little device which doesn't have a name or something which does have a proper name but which you've temporarily forgotten.
Level Playing Field of the Week: I've long thought that a major part of homophobia is men being afraid that men would treat them the way they have treated women. I look forward to the day when men are afraid of women treating them the way they have treated women. --christine smith
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Store matches. A Trojan Condom doubles as a waterproof container for matches. –
A guy goes into a diner on Christmas and says, "Give me an order of eggs Benedict on hubcaps." The waitress is confused... "You want your eggs Benedict on hubcaps?" "Yeah," the guy replies, "Because there’s no plates like chrome for the hollandaise."
...........I'm always wrong so how can I tell.........Hoagy Carmichael …..I May Be Wrong
^^^^ If you choose to walk, rather than ride 18 holes, you will not only walk roughly four miles, but also burn 2,000 calories. To compare, golfers that ride carts burn about 1,300 calories.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Radiance – emitted or reflected light or heat. All's Well That End's Well Act I Scene 1 Helena: In his bright radiance and collateral light must I be comforted...
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: 911 Call: The stack of books on his beside table that he's been intending to read for years fell over and crushed him.
Neat Thing on the Internet of the Week: Art on television ranked by believability. One of only 2 on the 10/10 believable scale is from the Valerie Solanas Died for your Sins: Scumbag of American Horror Story. Click Here
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck judging an Ugly Sweater Contest in the case of the Fashionable Foodle.
A couple is walking in St. Petersburg Square on Christmas Eve. They feel a slight precipitation. "I think it’s raining," says the man. "No, it’s snowing," replies the woman. "How about we ask this Communist officer here? He is always right!" exclaims the man. "Officer Rudolph, is it raining or snowing?" "Definitely raining," Officer Rudolph replies before walking off. The man turns to his wife with a smile. “See? Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”
..........Don't you melt away.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Snowball
^^^^^ Long before the advent of tees, golfers played off of hand-built sand piles. That all changed, of course, when tees were invented, gaining popularity during the 1920s.
Fortnight of the Week: Halcyon Days (December 14-28) - Halcyon is a type of kingfisher bird that nests by the sea where sea-charming winds blow, so that its eggs are protected during the nesting period. The phrase Halcyon days today also signifies prosperity, joy, liberation and, of course, tranquility.
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: New York's Rainbow Falls Bridge. Get this gorgeous place to yourself by coming early in the morning, when the busloads of tourists haven’t yet arrived. There are 200ft cliffs and 19 waterfalls, including the famous Cavern Cascade, but the most jaw-dropping spot to soak it all in at Watkins Glen State Park is the Rainbow Falls Bridge.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: 

Today's Peace of History: December 22, 1993: Operation “Toys for Guns" was begun in New York City through the efforts (and $10,000) of I.M. Rainmaker, CEO of an electronics company. Conceived in cooperation with local police concerned about crime fed by too many guns and the glorification of violence, the program offered a $100 voucher redeemable at Toys ‘R’ Us for a firearm turned in to the police.
One of rock ‘n’ roll’s earliest — and greatest — rock performers was the incomparable Buddy Holly. Despite his bespectacled, nerdy appearance, the man really knew how to ignite an audience. In fact, the folks who attended Buddy’s performances got so excited that many of his concerts ended with a riot. Just as soon as the fans saw that Buddy had performed the closing song, they would fly into a collective rage, smash chairs, storm the stage and tear down the curtain. As a result, no theater owner would hire Buddy because they feared that their patrons would wreck the hall with bows of Holly.
..........That sycamore heaven back south.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Moon Country
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle December 22, 2017, dEck tHe ePistle. Online at: Peace, Humor, and Holiday Cheer. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: If we mean to have heroes, statesmen, and philosophers, we should have learned women. --Abigail Adams
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 12/21/17: $792,871,213,468.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 12/14/17: $792,189,390,743.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 12/21/17: $821,104,705,413.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 12/14/17: $821,084,778,436.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 12/21/17: $1,805,585,225,562.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 12/14/17: $1,804,161,711,009.
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. --Romans 14:19
..........When he kicked old Buddha's gong.........Hoagy Carmichael …..Hong Kong Blues
Three circus dwarfs decided to change professions. They reviewed their options and decided to move to China and start a business together in that burgeoning economy. They bought a factory in Beijing and started manufacturing road-building materials to use to build highways for China’s expanding transportation system. They shrewdly cornered the market on a black, sticky substance to cover the roads they were building. Thus, they became known as the three wee kings of Orient tar. --To reduce our carbon footprint, all of today's jokes are recycled.
Famous Last Words: Throwing stones, throwing stones ...Bee Gees Holiday
May Peace warm your nights
And Joy light your days
prairie mama

Last Laugh

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