First Words:
The American Library Association (ALA) is ... --ALA
National Sarcastic Awareness Month! My level of sarcasm has got to
the point where I don't know if I'm kidding or not. / Can you help
me? No, I just waited in line for 30 minutes to say “Hi”
know they all got their own and they pass it all around........Glenn
Frey …..Partytown
peace becomes men; ferocious anger belongs to beasts. --Ovid
is a misty Friday morning. The sky is a flat gray; its only texture
is more or less gray in wisps and even billows towards the unseen
rising sun. It is not raining so much as the air is so filled with
moisture so that walking through it or even touching it is wet. The
whole morning is not bright but still manages to be friendly. There
are no birds at the feeders but overhead a flock of hundreds of
swifts fly silently from northwest to southeast; they go on and on.
When they are overhead I can discern (feel? hear?) the beating of
their wings but still no sound. It is damp enough that Puck has
chosen to return indoors to the dry. 68°F temperature keeps me from
being cold and damp and from being warm and humid. The maples across
the street are definitely sporting fall mahoganies and even a touch
of redder than that. Gold mini-mums are brilliant and profuse. For
a moment the only real touch with the inorganic, ever-moving outthere
is the sound of multiple motors mewling. I linger in the mist,
enjoying the quiet morning, but I begin to dampen and I can feel my
hair frizzing so I return to Puck and the dry room. Now I am here
with sweetened decaf on my tongue and thoughts of you in my mind.
What a morning, and it's not even 8:30 yet.
your weekend is completely free of stupid people, ePistliers.
able to respond with sarcasm within seconds of a personal question is
a sign of a healthy brain. / Hey, I found your nose; it was in my
the window let the sunshine in.........Glenn Frey …..I Got Love
Questions: Happy Anniversary, Liz !
Who was Elizabeth Taylor's first husband?
Which one did she marry twice?
one died in a plane crash?
fathered her children?
Can you name the rest?
Thing I Read of the Week: A new theory suggests that the
gunman didn't act alone, but was assisted by 51 senators and 298
representatives. --submitted by sb of ar
Library Statistic of the Week:
47% of librarians spend the weekend laboring though a book they feel
obligated to read https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
am not always sarcastic...sometimes I am sleeping. / I'm sorry,
sweetie, sarcasm falls out of my mouth just like stupid falls out of
old world keeps turnin'..........Glenn Frey …..Soul Searchin'
Numbers are the free creation of the human mind. --Richard Dedekind
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Sveiki - Latvian
of the Week: National 4-H Week:
(October 1-7)
even I can't tell if I'm being sarcastic or if I'm really just a
bitch. / Mirrors can't talk, lucky for you they can't laugh either.
feel the storm is coming soon.........Glenn Frey …..Strange
Husband #1: Conrad “Nicky” Hilton. 1950 – 1951 ...(Paris
Hilton's great uncle)
It is Friday, October 6, 2017. The moon (Harvest/Hunters) was full
yesterday and is in Gemini. It is American Libraries
Day, Jackie Mayer Rehab Day, Mad Hatter Day, National German-American
Day, and World Smile Day. Because it is the first Friday in October
it is also Lee's National Denim Day, Manufacturing Day, and National
Diversity Day.
those born on this day were Jenny Lind (the Swedish Nightingale,
1820), Richard Chadwick (1824), Richard Dedekind (1831), George
Westinghouse (1846), Martin Luis Guzman (1887), Janet Gaynor (1906),
Carol Lombard (1909), Thor Heyerdahl (1914), Hafez al Assad (1930),
and Britt Ekland (1942).
October fourth the American Chess Association was organized (1857),
the first US train was robbed (1866), the American Library
Association was organized (1976),the Mormon Church outlawed polygamy
(1890), Chiang Kai-Shek became president of China
(1928), the San Francisco zoo opened (1940), Barbra Streisand
appeared on the Judy Garland Show
(1963), the US launched space mission (Discovery 11, 1990), Elizabeth
Taylor wed Larry Fortensky (her 8th, 1991), and Glenn Frey underwent
colon surgery (1994).
Sky, October 6:
The Moon, just past full, rises in the east in late twilight. As
night arrives, look for the two brightest stars of Aries to the
Moon's upper left by about a fist and a half at arm's length. The
stars are 4° apart (less than half a fist) and lined up almost
horizontally. Can you see that the brighter one — Hamal, on the
left — has an orange tint?
Week: Saturday, October 7 –
Woofstock & World Porridge Day
October 8 – National Salmon Day & World Octopus Day
Sky, October 8: The Great Square of Pegasus balances on its
corner high in the east at nightfall. For your location, when it is
exactly balanced? That is, when it the Square's top corner
exactly above its bottom corner? It'll be sometime after the end of
twilight, depending on both your latitude and longitude. Try lining
them up with the vertical edge of a building for improved precision.
October 9 – National Chess Day & Native American Day
October 10 - National Face Your Fears Day & World
Homeless Day
Sky, October 10: Saturn (magnitude
+0.5, in Ophiuchus to the right of Sagittarius) glows low in the
southwest at nightfall. Uranus (magnitude 5.7, in Pisces) and
Neptune (magnitude 7.8, in Aquarius) are up in the east and
southeast, respectively, by mid- to late evening.
October 11 – International Day of the Girl & National
Coming Out Day
October 12 – International Moment of Frustration Scream Day
wasn't always this sarcastic. It too k me many years of dealing with
jerks to become this good at it. / You have a pretty big ass, so
when you half ass something you're still getting something
had lots of time to think.........Glenn Frey …..Let's Go Home
Elizabeth married Husband #5, Richard Burton (1964-1974) and
husband # 6, Richard Burton (1975 – 1976).
Funniest thing I read of the Week:
If someday they say of me that in my work I have contributed
something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall be
satisfied. --George Westinghouse
Night Snacks: Today was World No Alcohol Day.
“Robitussin it is,” said Steve Bannon. --Seth Meyers /
Scientists have invented a way for you to change channels on your TV
with gestures. Yeah, it’s great for people who like watching sports
completely still. “Wow! What a catch — nobody move! Oh, now we’re
watching Lifetime.” --Jimmy Fallon / There’s a rumor that the
Lakers are trying to sign LeBron James. They’re telling him, "The
weather in LA is great, plus as a Laker, you get the entire playoff
season off." --Conan O'Brien / This is a real product: Spanx
arm tights. You might be familiar with their other name, which is
sleeves. Spanx is always coming out with new and exciting body parts
for women to feel ashamed of. --Jimmy Kimmel / Drumpf addressed the
devastation that this hurricane caused to him: “I hate to tell you,
Puerto Rico, but you’ve thrown our budget a little out of whack.”
What!? The budget is out of whack? That’s like a fireman rescuing
you from a burning building and saying, “You do understand what our
water bill’s gonna be now, right? Do you have any idea how many
sexy calendars we’re going to have to sell just to pay for this?”
--Stephen Colbert / Officials have discovered yet another personal
email account that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Drumpf have been using
for official White House business, bringing the total to three. They
have three accounts. How much emailing are these two doing that you
need three accounts? Pottery Barn doesn't send theis many emails.
They keep finding more accounts. This is either a massive breach of
protocol or Jared Kushner is like the rest of us and can't remember
passwords. --James Corden
So Late Night Snack:
the GOP did so great with their health care repeal, they've moved on
to quote, "tax reform," which is reform in exactly the same
way decapitation reforms your haircut. The plan was developed in
secret by the quote, "big six," unquote. That's a group of
prominent Republican financial experts, Gary Cohn, Paul Ryan,
Montgomery Burns... --Peter Sagal Wait,
Wait, Don't Tell Me
enemies of peace inhabit with us / avarice, ambition, envy, anger,
and pride; if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy
perpetual peace. --Petrarch
to self: Never make a sarcastic remark to someone who is really
angry, unless you're prepared to run like hell. / Sometimes I meet
people and feel bad for their dog.
now he's walking away...........Glenn Frey …..He Took Advantage
(Blues for Ronald Reagan)
Husband # 3 Mike Todd (1957-1958) died tragically in a plane crash.
Fact of the Week: Yes, polygamy is alive and well in Utah,
and estimates are that between 30,000 and 75,000 people live in
polygamist families in Utah today (mostly in rural areas),
representing about 1 to 2 percent of the state's population.
From what I've seen, I don't dispute those estimates.
Word of the Week:
Dogsbody – a lowly person who gets all the dirty jobs One of
staple foodstuffs of the British Royal Navy was dried peas boiled in
a bag. The official name for this concoction was pease pudding, but
jolly Jack Tars knew it for what it was, and called it dog’s
Perhaps it came from the shape of the bag after it had been boiled.
Uses for Common Products:
Soothe an insect sting. Mix a handful of Tidy Cats with water to
make a paste and apply to the sting and let dry. The clay in the cat
box filler anesthetizes the sting.
know I don't have to be sarcastic, but the world has given me so much
material to work with; I'd hate to be wasteful. / I have never faked
a sarcasm in my life.
use sittin' here and singin' the blues.........Glenn Frey …..Sea
Husband #2, Michael Wilding (1952-1957) is the father of Michael
Howard and Christopher Edward. Liza Todd's father was Husband # 3
Mike Todd (1957-1958)
Fiction Convention of the Week:
The Irish Discworld Convention 2017 (October 6-9, Cork, County Cork)
Hold on to your pointy hats – it's going to be Hexcellent!
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Negotiate – obtain by
discussion or find a way over an obstacle .Much Ado About
Nothing, Act II, Scene I. Claudio: Let every eye negotiate for
itself and trust no agent.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck and his junior detective, Cooper, working
out the details of the case of the Puggle
Just one of the many services I offer. / Is being stupid a profession
or are you just gifted?
sailors and the pilots, the soldiers and the law.........Glenn Frey
…..Smugglers Blues
#4 Eddie Fisher (1959-1964), #7 John Warner (1976-1982), and #9 Larry
Fortensky (1991-1996).
of the Week: October is Learn To Bowl
month – If our town didn't have bowling, there'd be no culture at
all. / I go bowling once every 4 years to make sure I still hate it.
Beautiful Thing in the State:
Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This
trail descends through a stunted oak and pine forest into a mature
woodland, leads to a boardwalk that winds through the picturesque
Atlantic White Cedar Swamp, and returns via the historic “Wireless
Road” (a sand road) to the starting location.
Peace of History, October
6, 1979: Over 1400 were arrested at
Seabrook, New Hampshire, the construction site of two new nuclear
power plants. The occupation was organized by the Clamshell Alliance.
that sarcasm or supportiveness? You only think there's a difference.
/ You're not stupid, you just have bad luck at thinking.
of the blue, out of the night.........Glenn Frey …..True Love
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle October 6, 2017. Online at:
have a tagline because people who are the brunt of sarcasm need to
know what the epistle is.
Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS
Progress is man's ability to complicate simplicity. --Thor Heyerdahl
of War:
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 10/7/17: $785,460,042,709.
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 9/28/17: $784,820,911,241.
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 10/7/17:
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 9/28/17:
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 10/7/17: $17,100,842.016..
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 9/28/17: $17,002,595,215.
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 10/7/17:
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 9/28/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 10/7/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 9/28/17:
makes you angry; you decide to use anger as a response. --Brian
be with all your old friends.........Glenn Frey …..Before the Ship
Goes Down
know, some people say that sarcasm is not an attractive feature.
Luckily, I don't give a shit about those people. / Stupid people
are like glow sticks, you want to snap them and shake them until the
light comes on.
Last Words: Help
one person smile! --World
Smile Day Website
Peace communicate your heart
Joy express your wit
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