Friday, September 22, 2017

gElato ePistle

Famous First Words: In a hole in the ground... The Hobbit
Happy Ice Cream Cone Day !! A balanced diet is an ice cream cone in each hand.
..........Feel wild feel possessed.........Joan Jett …..Black Leather
If peace had a smell, it would be the smell of a library full of old, leather-bound books. --Mark Pryer.
It is a beautiful Friday morning. The sky is filled with puffy, friendly clouds; some of them look like footprints left my huge cloud dogs (angel dogs, storm dogs?) 74°F is an excellent temperature for walking or just being outdoors. Totally ignoring the fact that fall is upon us, the world is still green, from the grass on the bottom to the tallest branch of the oldest trees – green. Roses bushes in the neighbors yard are still dotted with pink and red. And the fall mums are blooming too in deep gold and copper. A breeze – at times a little demanding – plays about my face and moves my skirt against my legs. There are no birds within sight or sound but there is a chirring from the little wood across the street that could be crickets or a few left over cicada. And, of course, the grinding of motors away across the countryside and sometimes right down the street in front of us. After barking a bit around the fence Puck is settled on the deck watching the morning roll by. The yard is dappled by the rising sun shining through the trees and over the rooftops with the shadows constantly moving in the wind. Finally, we return to our rooms, the smell of brewing coffee and familiar...ness. Best of all the morning, yet, here I sit sipping creamy decaf and writing to you. ...a beautiful morning, indeed.
Hope your weekend comes with sprinkles, ePistliers.
Connie, the ice cream cone, went to Sundae School; after that she thought she was hot fudge.
..........Lots of flags to wave.........Joan Jett …..Ridin' with James Dean
Trivia Questions: Happy Chain Mail Day!
^ Care to guess how early chain mail was used as armor?
^^ Know why it is called “mail”?
^^^ When and/or for how long was chain mail common military armor?
^^^^ What protection does mail afford?
^^^^^ About how much does a suit of mail weigh?
Reflections of the Week: Last weekend I went to the Nelson-Atkins Museum and stared at Pollock's Enchanted Forest and glanced at Motherwell's black circles – Elegy to the Spanish Republic No. 126. I fell in love with Enchanted Forest, absolutely in love. I didn't expect that and I'm still not able to articulate why I love it. Motherwell is flat paint on a canvas (the tensions of modern life); Pollock is textures and colors and it implies things not actually seen – trees, faces, animals, a hand. It's also really big...both of them are. I kind of wished that the bottom hung only a few inches above the floor so that I could stand by it and feel like I was in the forest. It would take me away from the tensions of modern life – which is what I'm looking for in art, really, not elegy's to it. I recommend the exhibit; it's there until October 29th. Hummmm, that long, I may go back.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Strangely, 75% of librarians demand to know sources for everything...except the free food in the break room
When the doctor told me I had to eat more greens, I switched to pistachio ice cream cones.
..........Blissfullness, togetherness.........Joan Jett …..Love Hurts
Moonbeam: I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. --Bilbo Baggins
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: sábąai-dįi - Lao
Week of the Week: National Indoor Plant Week (September 17-23) - "I have no plants in my house. They won't live for me. Some of them don't even wait to die, they commit suicide." --Jerry Seinfeld
I've been an adult for a long time and I haven't eaten nearly as many ice cream cones and my 10 year old self thought I would.
..........Hattie told Mattie about a thing she saw.........Joan Jett …..Wooly Bully
^ Creation of mail is commonly credited to Celts, but the Etruscans had it from at least the 4th century BCE.
Almanac: It is Friday, September 22, 2017. The moon was new on Wednesday and is in Scorpio. It is American Business Women's Day, Autumn (Autumnnal Equinox), 4:02 pm EDT, Bright Pink Lipstick Day, Car Free Day, Chainmail Day, Dear Diary Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, Hobbit Day, Ice Cream Cone Day, International Day of Radiant Peace, Mabon, Mali Independence Day (1960), National Centenarian's Day, National Doodle Day, National Leg Wear Day, National Rock n' Roll Dog Day, and National White Chocolate Day. Because it the fourth Friday it is also Love Note Day and American Indian Day.
Among those born on this day were Bilbo Baggins (1290), Lord Chesterfield (1694), Michael Faraday (1791), Erich von Stroheim (1885), Paul Muni (1895), Chen Ning Yang (1922), Junko Tabei (1939), Joan Jett and Scott Baio (1960).
On September twenty-second the last person in the US was hanged for witchcraft (1692), Nathan Hale was executed (1776), Russia established a colony on Kodiak Island (1784), the office of Postmaster General was established (1789), the French Republican Era began (1792), the first US built auto rolled out of the garage (1893), the ice cream cone was patented (1903), Southern Methodist Univeristy held its first class (Dallas, 1915), and Man for UNCLE debuted of tv (1964).
Night Sky, 9/22: Equinox: Autumn begins in the Northern Hemisphere, and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. This is when the Sun crosses the equator (both Earth's equator and the celestial equator) heading south for the season. Coincidentally, every year around when summer turns to fall, Deneb takes over from brighter Vega as the zenith star right when twilight fades into night (for skywatchers at mid-northern latitudes).
This Week: Saturday, September 23 – Fish Amnesty Day & International Lace Day
Sunday, September 24 – International Day of the Deaf
Night Sky, 9/24: Saturn's brightest moon, Titan, now stands about four ring-lengths to Saturn's west. Titan circles Saturn every 16 days, so it takes 8 days to move east-west from one elongation to the other.
Monday, September 25 – Math Story Telling Day & National Tune-Up Day
Tuesday, September 26- Johnny Appleseed Day & National Voter Registration Day
Night Sky: 9/26: The Great Square of Pegasus is high in the east after dark, balancing on one corner. From the Great Square's left corner extends a big line of three 2nd-magnitude stars, running to the lower left, that mark the head, backbone and bright leg of the constellation Andromeda. (The line of three includes the Square's left corner, her head.) Upper left from the foot of this line, you'll find W-shaped Cassiopeia tilting up.
Wednesday, September 27 – Ancestor Appreciation Day & National Woman Road Warrior Day
Thursday, September 28 – National Drink Beer Day & World Maritime Day
..........Everybody's talking but it doesn't mean a lot.........Joan Jett …..Right in the Middle
^^ Mail - First guess: from the Latin macula (spot or opacity). Second guess: From the old French maillier (to hammer)
Funniest thing I read of the Week: And God said: Let's make kittens soft and warm, like fuzzy hugs, and put tiny razor blades on their feet. --Submitted by gr of oh
Reflections Ad Nauseam of the Week: There was only one other guy at Enchanted Forest. He was sitting staring at it. I moved around and looked at it from angles and up close and stuff. I did stop by the Block Galleries and there were lots of people but they mostly seemed to be in groups that were discussing one or another painting so I was able to find a few no one was talking about and get to know them better. I certainly do love Manet's White Lilacs and might visit it every time I go the museum.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Hal-Con Sci-Fi Fantasy Convention 2017. September 22-24, Halifax, Nova Scotia. ... a sci-fi,fantasy & gaming convention run completely by much-too-dedicated volunteers Ticket Information
Moonbeam: Now I know what a piece of bacon feels like when it is suddenly picked out of the pan on a fork and put back of the shelf. --Bilbo Baggins
Late Night Snacks: A video was just posted of a giant python in the New York City subway wrapped around a handrail. Passengers were like, “Eww! He’s TOUCHING the handrail!” --Jimmy Fallon / Now the thing with these tweets is somehow these tweets imply that the tax reform plans would help hurricane victims. And how would that ever possibly help? People would be like, “Hey, did your house make it through the flooding?” “No. But luckily the CEO of the company I work for is getting a massive tax cut and that's really getting me through this.” --James Corden / Security experts are now keeping a close eye on the rise of Osama bin Laden’s son. Even worse, they say Osama bin Laden Jr. may be working tighter with his siblings Eric bin Laden and Ivanka bin Laden. --Conan O'Brien / In an interview with CNN yesterday, Hillary Clinton said that the Electoral College “needs to be eliminated.” “Same with regular college!” said Betsy DeVos. --Seth Meyers
No So Late Night Snacks: We've never seen Mario without a shirt on in all the many, many generations of the game. It's the biggest scandal in the gaming world since we caught some Qbert side boob. --Bob Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me
I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. --George McGovern
They are either Baptist or Methodist Ice Cream Cones; i.e. they come sprinkled or dipped. / Hey, Ernie, want an ice cream cone? Sherbert.
..........Can't get enough.........Joan Jett …..Bad as We can Be
^^^ The use of mail as battlefield armor was common during the Iron Age and the Middle Ages, becoming less common through the 16 & 17th centuries.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The almanac was misleading. Today is the anniversary of the last 8 people to be executed for witchcraft: Six women - Martha Corey, Mary Eastey, Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Ann Pudeator, and Margaret Scott, and two men - Wilmot Redd and Samuel Wardwell were hanged.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: White Hosue rejects Supremacist Label: “No one has done more than Trump to prove white people are not superior. --Borowitz Report
Weird Word of the Week: Banausic – something mundane or merely functional. From the classical Greek banausikos, artisan from baunos, a forge).
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Prevent mildew in bathtub. Pour unused Tidy Cats in a flat box and place in your bathtub when you leave your house for a long time to prevent mildew. (Keep the bathroom door closed if you have cats so they don't use it.”
Juliette was arrested for eating an ice cream cone “provocatively” in front of Vice-President Pence.
...........Sometimes I wonder what I'm ever gonna do.........Joan Jett …..Summertime Blues
^^^^ Mail provides effective defense against slashing blows by edged weapons and penetration by thrusting and piercing weapons.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Moonbeam – a ray of moon light. A Midsummer Night's Dream Act III, Scene I – Titania: And pluck the wings from painted butterflies to fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes...
Amazing Thing on the Internet of the Week: Dan Bentley has put up an exciting website featuring pictures from the last 15 years of the Lawrence KS Peace Vigil. It is a great site and I highly recommend it. It is still in progress so narrative and more pictures will be added.
Final ~~I promise~~ Reflections of the Week: I had a great time at the reunion. For one thing it is amusing to begin a conversation with, “So, what ya been doing for the last 55 years.” And people had it sewed up into a couple sentences. “Well, I drove a truck for 20 years and then I went back to school and now I'm a lawyer”...that sort of thing. Women still more likely than men to mention their children in those couple of sentences. 
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck with his tail arched, alert and ready, in the case of the Dappled Dachshund.
How do mad scientists eat their ice cream? With their clones.
..........Til we get it right I will see it through.........Joan Jett …..Ashes in the Wind
^^^^^ A modern hauberk made from 1.5 mm diameter wire with 10 mm inner diameter rings weighs roughly 10 kg (22 lb) and contains 15,000–45,000 rings. One of the drawbacks of mail is the uneven weight distribution; the stress falls mainly on shoulders.
Month of the Week: September is National Sewing Month – Sorry, Ted, it right here in the pre-nup – using her fabric scissors for cutting paper IS grounds for divorce.
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Portland Head Lighthouse, Cape Elizabeth, Maine. When visiting the promontory where the lighthouse is located you will notice the waves crashing over an unusual rock formation. They appear to be petrified wood, but is actually quartzite and dark grey phyllite accumulating in alternating layers. As you look out over Portland Harbor and Casco Bay you will have the opportunity to view an additional four lighthouse towers.
Today's Peace of History, September 19, 1966: A group of 22 eminent US scientists, including 7 Nobel laureates, urged President Johnson to halt the use of anti-personnel and herbicidal chemical weapons in Vietnam. That same day in Congress, House Republicans issued a “white Paper" warning the United States was becoming "a full-fledged combatant" in a war that was becoming "bigger than the Korean War." The paper urged the President to end the war "more speedily and at a smaller cost, while safeguarding the independence and freedom of South Vietnam."
How do ballplayers eat their ice cream? In the zone
..........I'm bad at bein' subtle.........Joan Jett …..Victim of Circumstance
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle September 22, 2017. Online at: 31 Flavors of Peace & Humor. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: I wish I was at home in my nice hole by the fire, with the kettle just beginning to sing. --Bilbo Baggins
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 9/21/17: $784,113,964,952
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 9/14/17: $783,476,580,654
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 9/21/17: $820,848,765,843.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 9/14/17: $820,830,135,811.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 9/21/17: $16,893,937,215.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 9/14/17: $16,795,987,293.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 9/21/17: $160,195,456,903
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 9/14/17: $159,650,408,907
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 9/21/17: $1,787,296,816,077.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 9/14/17: $1,785,965,009,826.
One day, I would like to turn on the news and hear, There's peace on earth.
..........It's time for me to move my ass.........Joan Jett …..Had Enough
How do punsters eat ice cream? With a groan.
Famous Last Words: ...until the end of the next session of Congress, and no longer. An Act for the temporary establishment of the Post-Office
May Peace be your gelato
And Joy your cherry on top
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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