Friday, September 8, 2017

fErmented ePistle

Famous First Words: Captain's Log, Star Date 1513.1 First Star Trek episode,
September is Bourbon Heritage Month. Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey isn't enough. --Mark Twain / What Bourbon will not cure, there is no cure for.
..........Why do I let myself worry.........Patsy Cline …..Crazy
Be peace. If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace. --Thich Nhat Hahn
It is an incredible Friday morning. A 56°F temperature is perfect without a breeze to insist it is chilly. The sky has only two objects, the paling, nearly-full moon and a low flying airplane making way too much noise. The world is very green for late summer and glass and metals surfaces are covered with dew. Laughing children have all gotten onto buses and been taken away. Birds are not yet gracing the feeders but the sparrow near where I stand sticks its head out of its little house to take in the beauty of the day. Puck barks at the final few students riding by on brightly colored bicycles wearing ninja turtle helmets then he settles on the deck to watch. We have finished our walk and I have brought a cup of coffee to the backyard. I lean on the fence sipping the sweetened and creamed decaf (no cup of ambition here) and smell the light scent of tea rose and listen to the fountain splashing. What a wonderful morning...I may stand here all day.. Oh no, a garbage truck grinds into the street so we retreat. And in the end, I'm glad, 'cause now I get to write to you.
Greetings, ePistliers, hope your weekend enhances your buzz.
What's the difference between a battery and Bourbon? A battery has a negative side. / Whiskey is liquid sunshine. --George Bernard Shaw
..........Can't you see I've paid.........Patsy Cline …..Have You Ever Been Lonely
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Pledge of Allegiance !
^ Who wrote the original pledge?
^^ Any idea what was in or not in the original pledge?
^^^ About when the pledge was formally adopted?
^^^^ When and what was the last change to the language?
^^^^^ Whatever happened with the bill to stop any legal challenges to the pledge?
Senior Moment of the Week: In his later life, a former Bishop of Lincoln, UK, found himself having difficulty rising from a park bench where he had stopped to take the weight off his feet. After struggling ineffectively, he was delighted when a little girl offered a helping hand. 'That's very kind of you my dear,' he told her, 'But are you really strong enough?' 'Oh yes, the child retorted, 'I've often helped my daddy when he was much drunker than you.'
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 5 out of 5 dentists and librarians agree that it's just plain gross to chew on those little library pencils
Bourbon – Making ice taste better since 1783. / I have never in my life seen a Kentuckian who didn't have a gun, a pack of cards, and a jug of whiskey. --Andrew Jackson
..........Searchin' for you........Patsy Cline …..Walking After Midnight
Moonbeam: The trouble with telling a good story is that it invariably reminds the other fellow of a dull one. --Sid Caesar
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: Hau (m) – Lakota Sioux
Week of the Week: National Payroll Week (September 4-8) – Since when did the computer start writing itself a paycheck?
I don't know about Fred he uses cigars and bourbon like most men use cologne and mouthwash. / The day I die, I wish it to be with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other. --Ava Gardner
.......... You wouldn't stay away........Patsy Cline …..Half As Much
^The pledge of Allegiance was originally composed by Rear Admiral George Balch. It was revised by Francis Bellamy in 1892.
Almanac: It is Friday, September 8, 2017. The moon was full (corn**) on Wednesday and is in Aries. The United Nations has declared this International Literacy Day (UNESCO). It is National Ampersand Day, National Dog Walker Appreciation Day, Pardon Day, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day, and World Physical Therapy Day. In Guinea-Bissau it is Independence Day (1974) and Lichfield, England celebrate Sheriff's Ride Ceremony (1533). Malta is holding the Commemoration of Regatta Day/Commemoration of 2 Sieges (1565) and in Mauritius it is Mid Autumn Festival. In North Korea it is National Day (commemorating the forming of the government in1948) and in South Korea it is Thanksgiving Day. ~~It may just be coincidence. In Uganda they celebrate Republic Day (1967). Finally because it is second Friday it is Fisherman's Walk Day in Scotland.
Among those born on this day were Richard the Lion Hearted (1157), Ludovico Ariosto (1474), Frederic Mistral (1830), Antonin Dvorck (1841), Robert A Taft (1889), Jimmie Rodgers (1897), Queenie Smith (1898), LyndonLRouche (1922), Sid Caesar (1822), Peter Sellers (1925), Patsy Cline (1932), Peter Maxwell Davies (1934), and Ann Beattie (1947).
On September eighth the First known circumnavigation of the globe was completed (1522), the first new world settlement settled in (St. Augustine, 1565), the Pledge of Allegiance first appeared in print (1892), US air mail service began (1920), the first Miss America was crowned (1921), The Blondie comic stirp first appeared (1930), Old Man and the Sea was published (1952), Star Trek debuted (1966), Uganda abolished tribal kingdoms and became a republic (1967), and the JFK Center for the Performing Arts opened (1971).
Night Sky, 9/8: Dawn challenge: Very low in the east as dawn brightens on Saturday morning the 9th, Mercury, now a respectable magnitude 0, glows 1° to the right of Regulus, magnitude 1.3. Mars, fainter at magnitude 1.8, is about 3° to their lower left, as shown above. Bring binoculars. A Nod to My Primary Source: This Week's Sky at a Glance

This Week: Saturday, September 9 – National Hollerin' Day & Wonderful Weirdos Day
Sunday, September 10 – Swap Ideas Day & Grandparents Day
Night Sky, 9/10: How soon after sunset can you see the big Summer Triangle? Face east. Vega, the Triangle's brightest star, is nearly at the zenith (for skywatchers at mid-northern latitudes). Deneb is the first bright star to Vega's east-northeast. Altair shines less high in the southeast.
Monday, September 11 – Libraries Remember Day & Pet Rock Day
Tuesday, September 12 – Ants on a Log Day & Video Games Day
Night Sky, 9/12: Jupiter is just above the west horizon during twilight; Neptune and Uranus are well up in the east and southeast by late evening.
Wednesday, September 13 – Scooby-Doo Day & Uncle Sam Day
Thursday, September 14 – Live Creative Day & National Kreme Filled Donut Day
Night Sky, 9/14: Venus (in Cancer) shines brightly in the east before and during dawn. Look for Pollux and Castor, much fainter, high above it. Look for Procyon to Venus's upper right, and bright Sirius farther to the right or lower right of Procyon.
Pure Kentucky Whiskey – The Nighttime Sniffling, Sneezing, how the hell did I end up on the bathroom floor medicine. / The light music of whiskey falling into a glass—an agreeable interlude. --James Joyce
.......... And everything went wrong........Patsy Cline …..Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray
^^ The Balch pledge: We give our heads and hearts to God and our country; one country, one language, one flag
Funniest thing I read of the Week: A cartoon of Trump saying: I did not have financial relations with that country...
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: SD Who Con (9/8-10, San Diego) Surf the Tides of Time... impressive guest lineup.
 Moonbeam: People forget years and remember moments. --Ann Beattie
Late Night Snacks: Harvey is an unprecedented disaster. I'm clear in saying that. That's true, right? Speaking of unprecedented disasters, Donald Drumpf. He went down to Texas and had a little trouble nailing the comforter-in-chief tone, like when he spoke to a group of locals and said, "What a crowd, what a turnout." That crowd was really excited to see Donald Drumpf. Or, they heard there'd be drinking water. Either way, pretty excited. --Stephen Colbert / Is everyone excited for the Stephen King movie "It?" It's coming out this weekend. It's the one about the evil clown. Well, bad news. The World Clown Association has released a statement condemning the movie, saying that it's preventing clowns from getting work. I don't think I'm alone in saying it's hard to take you seriously when your organization is called the World Clown Association. --James Corden / I read that a sailboat near Greece that was in distress was busted for carrying 1,500 pounds of marijuana. Actually, the boat wasn't actually in distress. Turns out it was just being paranoid. --Jimmy Fallon / We were off for two weeks. And it's interesting. When we left, we were busy reliving the Civil War. Now we're back with the good old-fashioned Korean War. --Jimmy Kimmel / Nintendo recently announced that its character Mario is no longer a plumber. Apparently, he was fired after coming to work on mushrooms. --Seth Meyers
Not So Late Night Snacks: Steve Bannon jokes: He's the next Bachelor... He was Trump's conscience reminding him of the promises he made to his base, kind of like a Nazi Jiminy Cricket ... ..Dancing with the Tzars .....His favorite reality show is The Amazing Race --Peter Sagal and the Panel Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Imagine even our science and technology being guided by the cultivation of inner peace! This would provide the humanizing effect technology needs. --William Ferro
Technically, bourbon is a solution – chemistry says so. / Love make the world go round? Not at all. Whiskey makes it go round twice as fast. --Compton MacKenzie
..........I've tried and I've tried, but I haven't yet........Patsy Cline …..I Fall to Pieces
^^^ Congress adopted the pledge as revised by Bellamy in 1942.
Worthless Fact of the Week: **The Harvest moon is the full moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox. In 2017 it will be on November 4.
Weird Word of the Week: Arenaceous – to have the appearance or consistency of sand. “squamulose lichen of both calcarecous and arenaceous soils...”
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Deodorize a garbage can. Cover bottom of garbage can with one inch of unused Tidy Cats to absorb grease and moisture.
A bear walks into a bar and says, "I want a bourbon and ... … … … a coke." The bartender asks, "What’s with the long pause?" The bear says, "I’ve had them all my life." / If I ever go missing, please put my picture on the back of a Jack Daniels bottle so that my friends will see it.
...........Deep within my heart lies a melody........Patsy Cline …..San Antonio Rose
^^^^The last change in language came on Flag Day 1954 when the words "under God" were added.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Mimic – skilled in imitating the voice, mannerisms or movement of others in an entertaining way. Midsummer Night's Dream Act III, Scene II Puck: Anon his Thisbe must be answered, and forth my mimic comes.
Correction to Last Week's YouTube of the Week: I wrongfully said that Jeff Beck played on the Muddy Water Blues track of the Paul Rodgers Tribute album. In fact it is not Jeff Beck but Buddy Guy who plays on that song. Beck plays on another track.
YouTube of the Week: I Just Want To Make You To You featuring Paul Rodgers and Jeff Beck.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck remembering his friend Pax in the case of the Ghostly Gollie
I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already. --Tommy Cooper / Bourbon doesn't ask silly questions; whiskey understands.
..........That will prove your love for me is true........Patsy Cline …..Anytime
^^^^^ A bill, H.R. 2389, was introduced in Congress in 2005 which, if enacted into law, would have stripped the Supreme Court and most federal courts of the power to consider any legal challenges to the government's requiring or promoting of the Pledge of Allegiance. H.R. 2389 was passed by the House of Representatives in July 2006, but failed after the Senate did not take up the bill. This action is viewed in general as court stripping by Congress of the constitutional power of the Judiciary.
Month of the Week: September is Fall Hat Month – Every time I'm sad I think of a T-Rex trying to put on a hat.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If women had been allowed to be engineers and industrial designers from the beginning of the industrial revolution, we'd have had the riding broom before the riding mower.
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: The Indian Fort Mountain in Berea, Kentucky. Beautiful trails and amazing views. Pictures
Today's Peace of History, September 8, 1965: Table grape pickers, the mostly Filipino members of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC), led by Larry Itliong, went on strike for higher wages in Delano, California.
Happiness is having a rare steak, a bottle of whiskey, and a dog to eat the rare steak. --Johnny Carson / Bourbon improves with age; the older I get the more I like it.
..........I've got your picture........Patsy Cline …..She's Got You
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle September 8, 2017. Online at: Peace, Humor and Whiskey! Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: Criticism in a time of war is essential to the maintenance of any kind of democratic government. --Robert Taft
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 9/7/17: $782,766,372,948
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 8/31/17: $782,097,425,861
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 9/7/17: $820,809,379,608.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 8/31/17: $820,789,828,007.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 9/7/17: $16,686,830,293.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 8/31/17: $16,583,997,706.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 9/7/17: $159,043,041,064
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 8/31/17: $158,470,869,414
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 9/7/17: $1,784,482,866,807.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 8/31/17: $1,783,085,675,293.
In a time of weapons proliferation and worldwide sectarian conflict, our very survival as a species may depend on the widespread cultivation of inner peace. --William Ferro
..........For it was Fiesta and they were so gay........Patsy Cline …..South of the Border
Tell me what brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals. --Abraham Lincoln / I used to put bourbon in my coffee, but that was kind of nasty; now I just put bourbon in my coffee cup.
Famous Last Words: I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis. --Humphrey Bogart
May Peace grace your pathway
And Joy honor your destination
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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