Friday, July 28, 2017

bEaver bAit ePistle

Famous First Words: Ho there! You guardians of the woods... Parsifal (Wagner)
This is the weekend of the International Lumberjack Championships. ...What do you call a drunk lumberjack? A Rumberjack... ~~I tried to be a lumberjack but I couldn't cut it.
..........Make yourself easy.........Grateful Dead …..Till The Morning Comes
Blessed are the simple, for they shall have much peace. --Thomas A Kempis
It is a beautiful (72°F) Friday morning. The pale blue sky is smeared with wispy white clouds like a giant blueberry bagel. When Puck and I walk by the little wood across the street it smells of damp soil and overripe foliage and twilight. There is no breeze but the air is permeated with water; I can almost feel it against my skin as I walk down the sidewalk. In the backyard the splash of the fountain forms the center of the morning soundtrack and bird call adds texture and depth...tweet eeer, tweet eeer comes from an unseen specimen. Now and ten a car rolls by on its way to the hurry of traffic and work. Puck sits on the deck. He sits down square (all four feet out) with his head erect and this ear moving slightly lest the tweet eeer change into the squeak of a squirrel which now has a nest in the tree just north of the fence. A pair of cardinals flash red across the green leaves of the young pear tree and stop to assess how much of a threat I am before alighting for breakfast. What a very peaceful morning in the neighborhood. Sigh. So we return indoors and now I sit with a cup of decaf, sweetened and creamed, and I get to write to you. What a great start.
Hope your weekend is as gnarly as it gets, ePistliers.
Lumberjacks and forest animals swim at Fir Beech. / How many lumberjacks does it take to screw in a light bulb? None; there are no light bulbs in the forest.
.......... One way is the morning light….......Allman Brothers Band …..Seven Turns
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Miami ! ...Florida, that is..
^ More than 800 Miami buildings feature what kind of architecture?
^^ Which two National Parks border Miami?
^^^ What makes Miami Beach so unique?
^^^^ How diverse (i.e. cosmopolitan) is Miami, anyway?
^^^^^ What contributes to Miami's title, Cruise Capital of the World?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: The inevitable late-morning caffeine crash is responsible for 38% of librarian self-loathing.
Talk Like a Lumberjack of The Week: Beaver Bait are trash logs and debris. A High Climber is the person who tops a spar tree and hangs the butt rigging. The Push is the foreman on a log drive.
This puny guy applies for a job as a lumberjack. "Sorry,” says the head lumberjack, eyeing the man up and down, "You're just too small." "Give me a chance to show you what I can do," the guy pleads. "You won't regret it." "Okay," says the boss. "See that giant oak over there? Let's see if you can chop it down." Half an hour later, the mighty oak is felled, amazing the boss. "Where'd you learn to cut trees like that?" he asks. "The Sahara Forest." "You mean the Sahara Desert ?" "Sure, if that's what they call it now."
..........If I spring a leak she mends me…......The Band …..Up on Cripple Creek
Moonbeam: My creed is love; wherever its caravan turns along the way, that is my belief, my faith. --Ibn al-'Arabi
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: 안녕하십니까 (annyeong-hasimnikka) - Korean
Week of the Week: International Tree Climbing Days (July 28-30) –Fred & Frieda were great animal hunters for zoos at the turn of the 20th century. They brought more than120 monkeys into the collection, mostly by climbing trees and acting like a nuts.
..........Drivin' that train, high on cocaine.........The Grateful Dead …..Casey Jones
^ There are more than 800 buildings that feature Art Deco Architecture in Miami Beach. This makes it the largest collection of this type of architecture in the entire world. The historic districts of Espanola Way, Collins/Washington Avenues, Flamingo Park and Museum make up the National Register Art Deco District.
The French-Canadian lumberjack cut his friend in half. He was accused of sawed-ami. / What's the difference between a kangaroo and a lumberjack? A kangaroo hops and chews, a lumberjack chops and hews.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 28, 2017. The moon will be first quarter on Sunday and is in Libra. United Nations has declared this World Hepatitis Day (World Health Organization). It is Buffalo Soldiers Day and National Milk Chocolate Day. In Bermuda it is Adm George Somers Day (1609) and San Marino celebrates the Fall of Facism Day (1943). The US commemorates both Joseph Lee Day-honors playgrounds (1937) and Volunteers of America founders day (1859). Peru celebrates Independence Day (1824). Because it is the last Friday in July it is also the Garlic Festival (Gilroy, CA), National Get Narly Day aka Gnarly Day, and National Talk in An Elevator Day.
Among those born on this day were Ibn al-'Arabi (1165), Thomas Heyward (1746), Philippe Fabre d'glantine (1750), Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844), Beatrix Potter (1866), Marcel Duchamp (1887), Joe E Brown (1892), Rudy Vallee (1901), Earl S Tupper and Vivian Vance (1907), Darryl Hickman (1930), Jacques D'Amboise (1934), Jim Davis and Richard Wright (1945), Sally Struther (1947), and Marilyn Quayle (1949).
On July twenty-eighthth Peru declared independence from Spain (1821), a total solar eclipse was first captured on a daguerreotype (1851), Parsifal was first produced (Bayreuth, 1882), the City of Miami was incorporated (Florida, 1896), the foxtrot was introduced (NYC, 1914), Hoover evicted the bonus marchers camped in DC (1932), the first singing telegram was delivered (1933), Mussolini resigned (1943), the senate ratified the UN charter (89-2, 1945), Richard Nixon became the Republican candidate (1960), and Summer Jam rock festival featured the Grateful Dead, TheAllman Brothers Band and The Band (1973).
Night Sky, July 28: The Sagittarius Teapot is in the south after darkness is complete. It's about a fist at arm's length wide, and it's now tilting to pour from its spout on the right. The Teapot will tilt farther and farther, pouring out for the rest of the summer — or for much of the night if you stay out late.
This Week: Saturday, July 29 – National Dance Day & National Lipstick Day & Rain Day
Night Sky, July 29: Jupiter shines under the Moon this evening, more or less (their exact placement will depend on your location). Picture
Sunday, July 30 – Friendship Day aka International Day of Friendship & Chicken and Waffles Day
Night Sky, July 30: Now, in the west in twilight the moon shines upper left of Mercury and Regulus. The planet and star are in conjunction, with Mercury to Regulus's lower right. Picture
Monday, July 31 – National Mutt Day & World Ranger Day
Tuesday, August 1 – Spider-Man Day & National Night Out
Night Sky, August 1: Visible before sunrise – Neptune (south), Uranus (southeast), and Venus (east)
Wednesday, August 2 – National Coloring Book Day
Night Sky, August 2: Visible after sunset - Mercury (west), Jupiter (southwest), and Saturn (south)
Thursday, August 3 – Watermelon Day & India Pale Ale Day

..........I don't own the clothes I'm wearing….......Allman Brothers Band …..Midnight Rider
^^ Miami Beach is surrounded by both the Biscayne National Park and the Everglades National Park. It’s the only city in the United States that has two different national parks as part of its borders.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: I am so tired of falling asleep in my chair that tomorrow I'm bringing a cot to work. --Bob Moher
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Fandom Fest – Fine art to comic art and everything in between. Louisville, KY, July 28-30. ...with Weird Al Yankovic and Skeet Ulrich
Moonbeam: Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality. --Beatrix Potter
Huuuummmmmmm?? of the Week: I just saw a 2017 Total Eclipse t-shirt for sale. It featured a picture of the iconic alien face. Am I missing something? Are alien supposed to invade during the 15 – 20 minutes when the sun is eclipsed in a narrow path across a small percentage of the globe? Couldn't they just invade at night?
Late Night Snacks: A lot of people didn’t know how to feel about the news. On one hand, O.J. is a convicted felon. On the other hand, he managed to keep Drumpf off TV for a whole afternoon. So it’s kind of a community service. --Jimmy Fallon / President Drumpf said in a new interview that he had regrets about appointing Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions said today that he will continue to serve as long as it is appropriate. So only until about 1955. --Seth Meyers / It is hard to overstate the level of failure here. The GOP crushed their car at 90 miles an hour into a cliff with a grin on their face. It's like if Batman vs. Superman took a Pontiac Aztec to Blockbuster Video to rent "The Lone Ranger" and watch it on laser disc. That's how badly they failed. --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks: The healthcare bill is the only thing that won't die because of the healthcare bill. --Peter Sagal, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
My religion is simple. My religion is peace, love, compassion and equality. --Notes from Nora
A forestry analyst was sent out to a logging camp to survey the forest. His job was to count the trees, take measurements, and make spreadsheets to track the health of the forest to make sure the logging was sustainable. He arrived in the evening and found the camp very quiet. After introducing himself to the foreman, he asked if anything was wrong. "Naw, son. Lumberjacks work hard, and the fellers are all tired, that's all." He saw that clearly enough over the next couple of days as he made his rounds, measuring trees and plotting growth curves and other tree-geeky things. On the third day, however, a fierce storm blew up, and even the hardy lumberjacks were confined to the camp. That evening, however, after the rain moved on, he saw them pulling back a tarp that had covered a plank floor. He turned once more to the foreman to ask what was afoot. "Well, son, lumberjacks're vigorous sorts. After bein' cooped up all day, they got to burn off some energy so they can sleep, so we're gonna have a dance." When the music started up, it was a stately pavane, and the lumberjacks paced gracefully but slowly through its measures. As the dance ended, he shot the foreman a dubious look. "I know what yer thinkin', son, but they gotta warm up slow, or they might pull a muscle later, and not be able to work in the mornin'." Sure enough, the next tune was sprightly, ten times as energetic as the first, though it still seemed a bit...dainty...for a bunch of lumberjacks. When the third dance began, though, to drums that thundered through the trees, the lumberjacks' mighty boots seemed to shake the very earth. "Oh, I get it!" cried the analyst. "It's logarithmic!"
..........Please darken my door.........The Band …..Ophelia
^^^ Miami Beach is one of the few man-made islands in the United States. It was once a desolate coconut grove plantation. Years back, most people would have never guessed that it would now be the popular tourist destination that it is today.
Worthless Fact of the Week: Summer Jam was held at Watkins Glen Grand Prix Raceway outside Watkins Glen, NY. It once held the Guinness Book of World Records entry for "Largest audience at a pop festival" with an estimated 600,000 rock fans attending.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: To call his (Trump) interview with The New York Times incoherent babble is an insult to incoherent babble. --Michael A Cohen --Submitted by gr of oh
Weird Word of the Week: Seaborgium – a chemical element named after Prof. Glenn Seaborg who is the only person in history of science to have an element named after him during his lifetime.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean rust from a sink or bathroom fixtures. Make a paste from Tang and water, apply the paste to the rust stain, let sit for one hour, brush, and rinse. The citric acid I the Tang oxidizes the rust.

...........Chicago, New York, Detroit and its all the same street.........The Grateful Dead ….Truckin'
^^^^ Miami is a very diverse place. It is estimated that there are at least 150 ethnicities as well as over 60 different languages spoken there. When visiting Miami it doesn’t matter what race you are or what language you speak, you will probably find someone who is the same race and speaks the same language as you.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Luggage – bags in which to pack personal belongings King Henry IV, Part I Act V Scene IV Prince Henry: Come, bring your luggage nobly on your back:
Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Trump was still saying Obama's birth certificate was fake last year. I'm not sure the guy who holds fake press conferences, has a fake university, a fake foundation, fake hair, and a fake tan should be in charge of deciding what's real. --Seth Meyers Submitted by fb of az
Socialist Quote of the Week: The real purpose of Socialism is precisely to advance beyond the predatory phase of human development. – Albert Einstein
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck keeping an eye on you in the case of the Russian Reader.
A lumberjack and his T-Rex walked into a restaurant. “Do you serve politicians here?” he asked. “Sure”, said the waitress. “Great”, said the lumberjack, “I'll take an order of flapjacks. My T-Rex would like a republican.
..........It's better than sunshine….......Allman Brothers Band …..Soulshine
^^^^^ The Port of Miami is known as the Cruise Capital of the World because it serves almost five million passengers annually.
Month of the Week: July is Women's Motorcycle Month –One fine summer's evening Mary, Grace, and Anne were riding back home from the bar, all three of them on Mary's Harley. Of course, they got stopped and the cop says, “This motorcycle is only licensed to carry 2 people, and there are 3 of you. One of you will have to get off and walk.” “3 of us”, Mary asked turning around, “what happened to Jane and Tiffany?”
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Waipio Valley, Hawaii – Fertile valley about 1 mile across and over 5 miles deep, surround by cliffs up to 2000 feet. Water falls, taro fields, rivers and only about 100 residents.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Bumper Sticker: Impeach Pence First --Submitted by rb of ks
Today's Peace of History, July 28, 1982: San Francisco became the first US city to ban the sale and possession of handguns. The law was struck down by state courts, which ruled the local law to be in violation of the California constitution which gives the state the sole power to regulate firearms.
I was hiking in the woods one day when I noticed Eric and Don Jr. working for the parks department. Eric would dig a hole and as soon as he was finished, Don Jr. would come a fill it up. “Hi,” I said when they came near, “I can't figure out what you're doing there, what is it?” “O,” Don Jr. explained, “usually Ivanka walks between us and plants trees; but she's sick today.”
..........and Luke's waiting on the judgment day.........The Band …..The Weight
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle July 28, 2017. Online at: Generic Tag Line. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: Beauty is a relation, and the apprehension of it a comparison. --Gerard Manley Hopkins
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/27/17: $778,759,632,629.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/20/17: $778,080,229,526.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/27/17: $820,692,277,279.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/20/17: $820,672,418,669.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/27/17: $16,070,998,469.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/20/17: $15,966,545,081.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/27/17: $155,616,417,663
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/20/17: $155,035,216,728
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/27/17: $1,776,115,234,445.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/20/17: $1,774,696,189,513.
The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back. --Bryant H McGill
..........I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.........Monty Python …..The Lumberjack Song
It's not saw dust, it's man glitter. / One day I was walking in the forest alone and a tree fell right in front of and I didn't hear anything. / Fred the lumberjack complained that he had to carry his ax with him all the time nowadays or people just thought he was a hipster.
Famous Last Words: ...It is Márgarét you mourn for. --Spring and Fall, Gerard Manley Hopkins
May Peace be your high climber
And Joy be your push
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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