Famous First Words: We, the people, grateful to almighty God... Constitution of the State of Nebraska
Very Happy National Pizza Day! I'm going to open a restaurant that serves only seafood pizza. I'm gonna call it The Crust Station.
Life is a series of relapses and recoveries. --George Ade
..........Have you ever been blue.........Ernest Tubb …..Have You Ever Been Lonely
The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed. --William Henry Harrison
Very early this morning before it was light enough to tell if the sky was cloudy or clear, the sun rising behind our house lit up the willow tree. It glowed yellow and held itself very still in the calm winds. Nothing else was lit. No clouds were visible above it. No birds sat on its branches to bask in the light. Now clouds cover nearly all the pale blue and there is no glow of any hue. A flash of glory that passed into another day. I love living in this world with these elements sweeping across vast plains and rolling hills. Hope it is this beautiful where you are.
Hope your weekend is Supreme with extra cheese, ePistliers
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You can basically violate any culture's cuisine by putting ketchup on it. --Submitted by FNOG
I get frustrated by people who can't decide what they want on their pizza. They're so indeslicive.
When uplifting, get underneath. --George Ade
..........You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face.........Carole King …..Beautiful
Trivia Questions: Nebraska turns 157 years old today.
- ^ How many times was Nebraska bombed by “friendly fire” during WWII?
- ^^ What Nebraska city is home to the International Quilt Museum?
- ^^^What is the average number of Nebraska tornadoes per year?
- ^^^^ Nebraska is known for the sandhill crane migration; how many cranes participate?
- ^^^^^ What environmentally friendly holiday originated in Nebraska?
Big Hello: Jeeka, ma tzuula – Mam (Mexico & Guatemala) ttps://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Not So Funny Thing I Read of the Week: Liberation is spoken of 45 times in the New Testament. But it's missed because it is translated “salvation” to change the focus to the afterlife instead of life on earth. --Submitted by Anti-Capitalist Education
Image of the Week:
Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 34% of disagreements between tech services and public services are decided by a dance off. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
Roses are red, Pizza Sauce is too. I ordered a large, and none of it's for you.
Every man is the architect of his own fortunes, but the neighbors superintend the construction. --George Ade
..........To brighten up even your darkest night.........Carole King …..You've Got A Friend
Moonbeam: When you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness. --Amy Lowell
Question of the Week: What is the worst job you've ever had?
Puzzle of the Week: From listener Laura Kozma, of South River, N.J. Think of a brand name in seven letters that you might find in a pharmacy. Drop the last letter and rearrange the letters that remain. You'll get another brand name, in six letters, that you might also find in a pharmacy. What is it? NPR Sunday Puzzle 2/4/24
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Beer, because you can't drink bacon. --Submitted by bc of tx
And please, don't slice the pizza. The doctor says I'm only allowed one piece.
When wealth walks in at the door, the press agent comes in through the window. --George Ade
..........There's so many dreams I've yet to find.........Carole King …..So Far Away
^ The little town of Tarnov was bombed on August 19, 1943 - but no one was injured. The bombs were practice bombs probably dropped by B-17s from the Sioux City Army Air Field. The pilots had mistaken the town's lights for the lights that adorned a nearby bombing range. A similar story unfolded in nearby Dickens around the same time, with ten practice bombs landing in and around the little town.
Almanac: It is Friday, February 9, 2024. The moon is new today and is in Aquarius. It is National Stop Bullying Day, National Pizza Day, Read in the Bathtub Day, and Toothache Day.
Among those born on this day were Ali Sjir Neva'i (1441), William Henry Harrison (1773), Samuel J. Tilden (1814), George Ade (1866), Amy Lowell (1874), Alban Maria Johannes Berg (1885), Brain Donlevy (1901), Dean Rusk (1909), Carmen Miranda (Maria do Carmo Mirandad Da Cunha, 1909), Ernest Tubb (1914), Brendan Behan (1923), Roger Mudd (1928), Carole King (Klein, 1942), Alice Walker (1944), Gary Franks (1953), Andrew Meltzoff (1950),
On February ninth Russia and Poland signed a peace treaty (Treat of Andrussovo, 1667), the American Indian Society was organized (1822), Tennessee voted against sucession (1861), Nebraska became the 37th state (1867), Falstaff premiered (1893), volleyball was invented (1895), War Daylight Savings Time went into effect (1942), Ralph Ellison’s novel “Invisible Man” won the National Book Award (1952), trade unions merged into the ALF/CIO (1955), GI Joe character was created (1964), Martin Luther King met with President Johnson to discuss black voting rights (1965), Satchel Paige became the first negro league player elected to the baseball Hall of Fame (1971), Astronaut Bernard Harris became the first black man to walk in space (1995), and the Salt Lake City Olympics opened (2002).
Night Sky, 2/9: After it’s good and dark, look due east, not very high, for twinkly Regulus. Extending upper left from it is the Sickle of Leo, a backward question mark. It's about as long as a fist and a half at arm's length. "Leo announces spring," goes an old saying. Actually, Leo showing up in the evening announces the cold, wet, sloppy back half of winter. Come spring, Leo will already be high. New Moon (exact at 6:59 p.m. EST). http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Fraternal Picture of the Week: Valentine Art
This Week: Saturday, February 10 – Chinese New Year (Year of the Dragon) & Global Movie Day & Umbrella Day
Sunday, February 11 – Super Bowl LVIII & Popcorn Day & Man Day
Night Sky, 2/11 : Binocular observers often check in on the 5th-magnitude open cluster M41 just 4° south of Sirius. But how many then look the other way from Sirius for 6th-magnitude M50? It's 10° north-northeast from Sirius, dimmer, smaller and more subtle than M41. Find it by sweeping first to Omicron Canis Majoris, the 4th-magnitude pointy nose of the Big Dog's stick figure, then on again nearly as far in the same direction. It's not exactly easy, but it's there. M50 really is the smaller and fainter of the two. Both clusters are at nearly the same distances from us: 2,500 light-years for M41 and 2,900 for M50.
Monday, February 12 – Shrove Monday & Darwin Day & Paul Bunyan Day
Happy has five letters. Pizza has five letters. This is no coincidence.
The serpent is helpless unless he finds an apple to work with. --George Ade
..........And when my soul was in the lost-and-found.........Carole King …..A Natural Woman
^^ The Largest Publicly Held Quilt Collection is kept in the International Quilt Study Center & Museum in Lincoln.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Say what you will about animal intelligence but at least if you leave birds alone for a few thousands years they don't invent subprime mortgages, --Dan Sheehan --Submitted by IIWSPIBH
Moonbeam: It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody. --Brendan Behan
Black History Factoid the Week: In 1999, James Todd Smith, better known as LL Cool J, became the first black man in horror movie history to survive the whole movie. --Submitted by FLHamer's America
Video of the Week: Satchel Paige pitching (:24)
The liberties of a people depend on their own constant attention to its preservation. --Wiliam Henry Harrison
Pizza is always an answer. What was the question?
A lot of smart young people have come out of Indiana. The smarter they are, the faster they get out. --George Ade
..........It was a very good year for the undertaker.........Carole King …..Smackwater Jack
^^^ Nebraska sees an average of 39 tornadoes each year.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The Dildo of Consequences rarely arrives lubed. --Buddha --Submitted by IIWSPIBH
Blasphemy of the Week: Fun Fact: Jesus' step dad was commanded by an angel of the Lord to cross a border illegally to save Jesus from violence. --Submitted by MMS
Weird Word of the Week: Erinaceous: Of or relating to hedgehogs. ERINACEOUS definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary (collinsdictionary.com)
Dragon of the Week: Dragon table
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Marinade meats. Marinating inexpensive cuts of meat in beer for approximately an hour before cooking increases the flavor and tenderness. Budweiser®: Wacky Uses
Keep Calm and Eat Pizza.
The wealthy have nothing left except money. --George Ade
...........You were light and breezy and I knew just what to do.........Carole King …..It's Too Late
^^^^ Every March, roughly one million sandhill cranes land in Nebraska for a closer look at things—and flocks of humans swoop in to witness the awesomeness.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Allow me to point out something that is painfully obvious to anyone with a middle school education: if powerful women like Taylor Swift trigger you, you definitely couldn't handle a civil war. --Stephen Colbert
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: ConVoluted Con Cruise 2024 (10-15, departing from Tampa, FL) Paradise with Comics ConVoluted Con Cruise 2024 Information | SciFiCons.com
Actual Science Conference of the Week: AI Summit West (13-14, Santa Clara, CA) Discover advances in deep learning. Home | AI Summit West 2024 | RE•WORK (re-work.co)
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Clairol → Ricola
Should we call a sleeping pie pizzzzzzzzzzzza?
After being turned down by numerous publishers, he had decided to write for posterity. --George Ade
..........Bye-bye lullay lully.........Carole King …..King Without A Mountain
^^^^^ Because Nebraska was nearly treeless, the people and the government created Arbor Day and encouraged the planting of trees and shrubs. The Nebraska National Forest is a human-made forest of 141,864 acres (222 sqare miles) all hand planted.
Discussion Topic of the Week: There was only one spell in all of Harry Potter that I would like to real -accio – It is a summoning charm. Accio Coffee! Accio Keys!! Accio World Peace!!!!
Quote of the Week: All history is current; all injustice continues on some level, somewhere in the world. --Alice Walker
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Been there. Done that. Zero regrets. --NakedPastor
Today's Peace of History: February 9, 2002: 10,000, organized by Gush Shalom (the peace bloc in Hebrew), a coalition of Israeli peace groups, marched in Tel Aviv against the Ariel Sharon government's increasingly brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians during the continuing occupation of territory beyond Israel’s recognized 1967 borders.
I won't be impressed with technology until I can download pizza.
When scattering seeds of kindness, do it by hand and not by machine. --George Ade
….......A figure gray and ghostly beneath a flowing beard .........Carole King …..Tapestry
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, 2024, pEpperoni ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.
Moonbeam: Hard times require furious dancing. Each of us is proof. --Alice Walker
Cost of War:
- As of 02/08/24 State Department Costs: $228,379,078,693.
- As of 02/01/24 State Department Costs: $227,827,563,782.
- As of 02/08/24 Interest on War Debt: $1,196,989,976,843.
- As of 02/01/24 Interest on War Debt: $1,195,449,128,719.
- As of 02/08/24 Homeland Security: $1,159,773,953,104.
- As of 02/01/24 Homeland Security: $1,159,174,620,921.
- As of 02/08/24 Veterans Care: $3,498,773,827,508
- As of 02/01/24 Veterans Care: $3,487,066,295,396.
- As of 02/08/24 Military Costs: $3,068,511,309,734.
- As of 02/01/24 Military Costs: $3,067,314,141,140.
- As of 02/08/24 Total Cost of Wars: $9,152,411,,263,319.
- As of 02/01/24 Total Cost of Wars: $9,136,867,457,298.
The chains of military despotism, once fastened upon a nation, ages might pass away before they could be shaken off. --William Henry Harrison
Famous Last Words: Laughter Final --Chorus Giuseppe Verdi Falstaff
..........You've had a laugh on me........Ernest Tubb …..I'm Movin' On
One smell of brimstone makes the whole world kin. --George Ade
They say the difference between a good pizza joke and a bad pizza joke is the delivery.
Peace be your delicious base
Joy be your delightful toppings
Last Laugh:
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