Friday, September 23, 2022

fErny ePistle

 Famous First Words: a ănd căt răt --McGuffey's Eclectic Primer Lesson 1

It's National Indoor Plant Week (18-24) – I'm assuming these are what I call houseplants. I appreciate that the plants in the atrium of the Power & Light Building downtown are indoors, but I'm certainly not going to go talk to them. They'd lock me up. / Last week I got a cute little philodendron that I sat next to my big, old Begonia. But the philodendron keeps whispering “bloomer”.

.......... I don't know if you'll remember as well/Recuerdo que ganabas siempre tu .........Julio Iglesias …..Hey!

Why is a woman to be treated differently? Woman suffrage will succeed, despite this miserable guerrilla opposition. --Victoria Woodhull

It is a rainy Friday morning. The sky is a sheet of gray clouds that do not threaten storms, but solidly sprinkle light rain over the land. 58°F seems a little chilly compared to recent temperatures, but still only requires a light jacket. Lawns and other foliage raise their leaves in appreciation of the drink, but Puck, being made of sugar, is afraid of melting, and hurries us along. The world smells of rain and damp soil and wet pavement trying to be an autumn aroma. Pumpkin and Halloween decorations now grace front yards and add to the feel of fall. The local murder of crows are in the street drinking from the small puddles and doing whatever crows do and always discussing it among themselves. They add to the fall decoration. But we are home now, inside where it is warm and dry. I sit with freshly brewed decaf and a blueberry muffin while Puck sleeps under my bed, his dog cave. So, I raise my cup to you, ePistliers, and to your autumn, Hail.

Hope your weekend blooms like a rose, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The trouble with living alone is that it's always my turn to do the dishes.

Some of my best fronds are houseplants. / Have you botany any new plants lately?

..........You never let me down before........Harry Connick Jr …...Just the Way Your Are

Trivia Questions: Happy Checkers Day aka Dogs in Politics Day. Can you name the president?

  • ^ Who had two beagles named Him and Her?
  • ^^ Who owned the poodle named Gaullie and the Welsh terrier named Charlie?
  • ^^^ Which president owned Grits and Lewis Brown?
  • ^^^^ Which president owned Bo and Sunny?
  • ^^^^^ How many of the current pet residents of the white house can you name?

Big Hello: Ґєіά (Ya) – Modern Greek

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The Bible and the Quran both tell us to love one another. The Kama Sutra is a little more specific. --Submitted by bc of tx

Image of the Week: Spiderman spotted leaving the Dillons at 6th & Wakarusa.

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 36% of librarians will lie about being a librarian if they think you’ll make a bunch of dumb Dewey decimal jokes

Support Plant Parenthood! / I give my plant the perfect soil, fertilizer, temperature control, light, water, humidity. The best my plant can do in one new leaf.

..........or even be glad, just to be sad, thinking of you........Harry Connick Jr …..It Had to Be You

Moonbeam: If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain. --Octivian

Meditation of the Week: Where did right and wrong come from?

Puzzle of the Week: From listener Roy Holliday, of Nyack, N.Y. Name something, in eight letters, that you might hear at an opera. Drop three of the letters, without changing the order of the remaining five. You'll name something you might see at an opera. What things are these? --NPR Sunday Puzzle 9/18/22

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Maybe we'll just start sending busloads of banned books to Florida schools. --Submitted by 98%

I was perfectly normal three plants ago. / I've just made a couple of cuttings from my African Violets. I'm taking a leaf of faith.

..........Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines..........Ray Charles …..Georgia On My Mind

^ LBJ had Him and Her and another beagle named Edgar and a white collie named Blanco and a beagle named Freckles and a mongrel named Yuki. (also various hamsters and lovebirds)

Almanac: It is Friday, September 23, 2022. The moon will be new on Sunday (9/25) and is in Virgo. It is Celebrate Bi-Sexuality Day, Checkers Day (aka Dogs in Politics Day), Innergize Day, and Restless Legs Awareness Day. In Puerto Rico it is Grito de Lares Day (1868); in Saudi Arabia they celebrate Unification Day (1932) and in Wyoming it is Frontier Day. Because it is the 4th Friday it is also American Indian Day (since 1916) and Love Note Day.

Among those born on this day were Euripides (484 BCE), Octavian (63 BCD), Ferdinand VI (1713), William McGuffey (1800), Victoria Woodhull (1838), Edgar Lee Masters (1869), John Lomax (1870), Walter Lippmann (1889), Mickey Rooney (1920), John Coltrane (1926), Ray Charles (1930), Julio Iglesias (1943), Loren J. Shriver (1944), Mary Kay Place (1947), Bruce Springsteen (1949), Patti Weaver (1955) and Harry Connick Jr. (1967).

On September twenty-third Harvard held its first commencement (1642), Lewis & Clark returned to St. Louis (1806), the first baseball team was organized (NY Knickerbockers, 1845), the Emancipation Proclamation was first published in newspapers (1962), Cheyene, WY held its first Frontier Days Rodeo (1897), the University of Alberta opened (1908), the first Keystone Comedy was released (1912), the Kingdom of Hejaz & Nejd became Saudi Arabia (1932), Richard Nixon made his "Checkers" speech (1952), a new largest known prime was discovered (2^132,049-1, 1973),

Cheryl Ladd replaced Farrah Fawcett on Charlie's Angels (1977), and Sparky Anderson became the first manager to win 100 games in both leagues (1984).

Night Sky, 9/23: To mark the summer-to-fall transition every year, Deneb takes over from brighter Vega as the major star nearest the zenith after nightfall (for skywatchers at mid-northern latitudes). Arcturus shines ever lower in the west-northwest after dark. The narrow kite shape of its constellation, Bootes, extends two fists at arm's length to Arcturus's upper right; Arcturus is where the kite's downward-hanging tail is tied on.

Fraternal Picture of the Week: The brotherhood of the hammock

This Week: Saturday, September 24- Fish Amnesty Day & International Lace Day & Punctuation Day

Sunday, September 25 – International Day of the Deaf & World Lung Day & Rosh Hashanah

Night Sky, 9/25: This is the time of year when, during the evening, the dim Little Dipper "dumps water" into the bowl of the Big Dipper way down below. The Big Dipper will dump it back in the evenings of spring.

Monday, September 26 – Johnny Appleseed Day & World Contraception Day & Family Day

Tuesday, September 27 – Ancestor Appreciation Day & National Scarf Day & World Tourism Day

Wednesday, September 28 – Confucius Day & National Drink Beer Day & National Good Neighbor Day

Night Sky, 9/28: Jupiter comes to opposition next week. At a bright magnitude –2.9, you can spot it very low due east as twilight fades. It dominates the east after dark, then the higher southeast, shining in otherwise bland Pisces. Jupiter stands highest in the south around 1 am daylight-saving time.

Thursday, September 29 – National Coffee Day & VFW Day & Michaelmas

I grow a few herbs in my kitchen window. It's easy to remember to water them. But when I came back from vacation, I found this note: Long thyme, no see. / I don't have houseplants, I have Emotional Support Plants

..........No more, no more, no more, no more.........Ray Charles …..Hit the Road Jack

^^ JFK had Gaullie, a standard poodle, & Caroline had Charlie, a Welsh Terrier. Camelot also had a cat, 3 birds, ducks (unnumbered), 3 ponies and a Doberman Pinscher named Moe, 2 hamsters, a dog gifted by Khrushchev named Pushinka (it was the offspring of the Soviet space dog, Strelka) and a cocker spaniel named Shannon, and wolfhound and Schnauzer mix named Wolf and a German shepherd named Clipper and 5 of Pushinka & Charlie's puppies, a rabbit, and a horse.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Every c in the name Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently. --Submitted by nh of ks

Moonbeam: The tongue may be an unruly member—but silence poisons the soul. --Edgar Lee Masters

Video of the Week: Happy Frontier Day, Wyoming. Here's some Wyoming Highlights (2:45)

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Charles III: All his hard preparation, the difficult work he put in to assume the throne...doing everything from being born to staying alive. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 9/17/22

I shall not change my course because those who assume to be better than I desire it. --Victoria Woodhull

I like houseplants but my sister refused to visit me without a pith helmet and a machete / Life would succ without my Aloe Vera.

..........Well, I know that the boogaloo is outta sight.........Ray Charles …..Shake Your Tailfeather

^^^ Jimmy Carter had Grits the Border collie and Lewis Brown an afghan hound. Amy had a Siamese cat named Misty Malarky Ying Yang.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Vaginas brought you into this world and vaginas will vote you out!

Weird Word of the Week: Autolatry – the worship of oneself. ~~An example: I will be reading from my unpublished memoir An Act Surprising: My night as a February Sister tonight (9/23) at Watkins Museum of History at 11th & Massachusetts, Lawrence KS Also on facebook at

Dragon of the Week: Temple Bar Memorial Dragon – London

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Soothe a hangover. To help relieve a hangover, eat two tablespoons of Aunt Jemima Original Syrup. The fructose in the corn syrup raises blood sugar depleted by alcohol.

I have several cacti. They always look sharp. / My cousin loves those African flowers. She has a violet streak.

...........sprung from cages on Highway 9.........Bruce Springsteen …..Born to Run

^^^^ Obama (or perhaps the girls) had Bo and Sunny both are Portuguese Water Dogs.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Panera makes fast food for people who think they are too good to eat fast food.

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: SpaCon 2022 (23-25, Hot Springs, AR) Get your personal geek on.

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Madison International Symposium (21-23, Madison, WI) Emerging Therapies at the Intersection of Genetic and Cellular Technologies

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Baritone --> Baton

My Bamboo plant grew up and is now in college studying STEM. / My pygmy date tree is so nervous we call it sweaty palm.

..........Like a river that don't know where it's flowing..........Bruce Springsteen …..Hungry Heart

^^^^^The Bidens own Champ, a German Shepherd, and Major, a German Shepherd rescue, and Commander, a German Shepherd given to him by his brother, and Willow, a gray tabby cat.

My Own Writing of the Week: I once nearly had a raven haired Apollo who was a prolific writer. Matter of fact, he still writes a lot. He was and probably still is very tall and very spare. His arms and hands naturally lodged in places no ordinary person could reach. I certainly noticed that he was tall, but I didn't realize what that meant until I read a short story of his and a character in the story sat on a sofa and reached up and around and picked up something or moved it. I realized that I could sit on a sofa and would have to get up and lean over the back in order to reach the item in question. I began to look for these kinds of clues about the author in everything I read.

He was given to over-thinking, perhaps a side effect of his PhD (or maybe the PhD was a side effect of his over-thinking). He had attended a Friday tea dance at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City the week before the one where the balcony fell down and killed 114 people. He obsessed about it at great depth and length. It is the sort of coincidence that meant so little to me. All life is a set of coincidences, this sperm not that one and there is no raven-haired Apollo to mope around about coincidence.

He wrote short stories with skill and imagination. He could write humor that was actually funny. Several better known and more respected science fiction writers aren't able to do that. He had published stories when I met him and I collected them into a notebook, which I may still have. The books and stories he has written since I moved on have been fun and worth the time and the price, every one that I've read.

Once, in his hearing I criticized the book of another author as being 50 pages too long. The reader figures out what the protagonist is going to do but it takes 50 pages before she actually goes and does it. He said that was a scathing review. I was actually fairly forgiving of the 50 pages because it was a young writer who thought she had to tell ALL of the story. She'd learn. The extra pages weren't badly written, they were just extra. The same criticism can be said for Anne Rice's Cry to Heaven, only it was many more pages and most certainly the writing on those extra pages is way better than whatever sword and sorcery the young author was writing. The raven-haired Apollo's fiction is lean and spare like his body.

He is now a professor back east somewhere. But his stories don't sound like he's a professor of English. (And that is the opposite of a scathing review). I've read too many stories that sound like they were written by English Professors. And the ones that sound like they are written by math professors are even worse. --From: Always Surrender: Memories, observations, micro-stories, and lies from my life as an insurgent in the sexual revolution

Quote of the Week: The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier its laws. --Cicero

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Of course I've decorated for fall. I've covered my yard with brightly colored leaves.

Today's Peace of History, September 23, 1979: 200,000 attended an anti-nuclear rally in New York City’s Battery Park. It was the largest political protest of the late '70s in the US, six months after the partial meltdown of the nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania.

I'm only getting one new houseplant...a week. / I'm starting a daily blog about my houseplants. It's called A Day In The Leaf.

..........I've got nowhere to run and nowhere to go..........Bruce Springsteen …Born in the USA

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle September 16, 2022, Ferny ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith Lawrence, KS

Moonbeam: It requires wisdom to understand wisdom; the music is nothing if the audience is deaf. --Walter Lippmann

  • Cost of War:
  • As of 9/22/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $188,322,818,349.
  • As of 9/15/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $187,762,738,417.
  • As of 9/022/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,085,108,696,224.
  • As of 9/15/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,083,544,133,321.
  • As of 9/22/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,116,264,547,311.
  • As of 9/15/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,115,656,005,222.
  • As of 9/22/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $23,650,665,333,871.
  • As of 9/15/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,638,802,313,473.
  • As of 9/22/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,983,564,318,311.
  • As of 9/15/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,982,375,864,972.
  • As of 9/22/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,023,930,283,965.
  • As of 9/15/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,008,138,390,250.

I am a free lover. I have an inalienable, constitutional, and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please. --Victoria Woodhull

Famous Last Words: This is how this story has ended.(Chorus) --Euripides Medea

..........Now I just act like I don't remember..........Bruce Springsteen ..…The River

When I'm having a hard day with my plants I just Green and bury it. / I started taking care of houseplants to help me cut down to two cats. Now, the entire spare bedroom has been taken over by catnip.

May Peace give you calm

And Joy present you serenity

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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