Famous First Words: In part (A), for convenience of the reader... Constitution of the State of Washington
An actor died while performing stunts for a movie made in Mexico. During the funeral, his mother walked towards the director and screamed, “Jesus died for your scenes”. / The Hollywood Repertory Theater was doing a play about famous musicians. Robert Downey Jr claimed Beethoven. Hugh Jackman snapped up Freddie Mercury, then Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “I'll be Bach.” ~~A lot of famous actors were born on this day, that's why.
..........Nella bionda egli ha l'usanza.........Ezio Pinza …..Madamina, il catalogo è questo ~~It is International Music Day and these are a few foreign language songs that crept onto the US musicscape.
What I did at Ole Miss had nothing to do with going to classes. My objective was to destroy the system of white supremacy. --James Meredith
It is a cloudy Friday morning. 67°F is a near perfect temperature for a walk or running errands. The sky is a solid gray without texture or variations; no wisps float beneath the gray sheet, no wind blows ridges into the surface. The world smells damp and small puddles have filled small holes in the street, yet the pavement and sidewalks are dry. Birds fly silently through the near fog. Only Puck barking at the very busy squirrels breaks the quiet. The willow branches are still as if waiting, waiting for rain, waiting for fall. I do not know. A fat rabbit sits in the grass, neatly camouflaged. It too seems to be waiting and sits still as we pass. Puck and I return to the house just as a murder of crows flies down the block and bids us a raucous farewell. I can hear them still as I sweeten and cream my coffee. The blinds and curtains spread wide to watch the trees and skies so I too might catch what the world is waiting for.
Hope your weekend makes you smile like the Mona Lisa, ePistliers.
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: It's officially “wear a sweater in the morning and regret it in the afternoon weather. --Submitted by RHOZ
That actor who fell through the floorboards, turns out he was just going through a stage. / For a while Orson Wells was only hiring overweight actors for his movies. But he was accused to flabbercasting and so he stopped.
..........I could say bella, bella, even sehr wunderbar.........Andrew Sisters …..Bei Mir Bist Du Schön
Trivia Questions: Happy International Coffee Week
^ When did the world start drinking coffee, more or less?
^^ About how many beans does it take to make a pound of roasted coffee?
^^^ How many cups of coffee are consumed world wide each year?
^^^^ We're heard “there's an awfully lot of coffee in Brazil”. How many coffee trees does Brazil have, anyway?
^^^^^ What is the caffeine limit in an athlete's bloodstream in the Olympics, beyond which the athlete will be banned from competing?
Big Hello: Buiti binafi – Garifuna (Honduras, Belize, Guatemala and Nicaragua) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Good morning to everyone except my partner who, at 2 am, mid-dream,
sat bolt upright in bed and terrifyingly shouted into the dark: “will
there be a buffet?
--Submitted by FNOG
Max Picture of the Week: Look carefully, Max is performing a Vulcan Nerve Pinch on a sea turtle.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 56% of librarians don't really mind that their coworker is giving them the silent treatment. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
What has 27 actors, three settings, two writers, and one plot. --671 Hallmark Movies / What actor could never play Quasimodo? Humpfree Bogart
..........Il est entré dans mon cœur..........Edith Piaf …..La Vie En Rose
Moonbeam: No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism. --Annie Besant
Meditation Seed of the Week: What price would you ask to sell your soul to the devil?
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm Bi because the bible said Adam AND Eve not Adam OR Eve --Submitted by MMS
Week of the Week: National Walk Your Dog Week (1-7) – My boyfriend left me because I'm so insecure. O, never mind, he was just walking the dog. / Last week I walked my dog past a flea circus and she stole the show.
The only 2 white actors in Black Panther are Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins), and Andy Serkin (Gollum). Yes, they're the Tolkien white guys. / When you're too ugly to be an actor and too lazy to learn an instrument...you become a comedian.
..........Shiawase was kumo no ue ni.......... …..Kyu Sakamoto …..Sukiyaki
^ Believe it or not, the first coffee lovers might've been goats. See, much like humankind may have begun in Ethiopia, so did coffee. Back in the 9th century, according to Mental Floss, popular folklore says that an Ethiopian man named Kaldi noticed that his goats were acting funny: every time the animals ate a batch of delicious red cherries (coffee is a fruit, if you didn't know), they'd become weirdly energetic.
Almanac: It is Friday, October 1, 2021. The moon was at last quarter last Tuesday and is in Leo. It is Fire Pup Day, International Day of Older Persons, International Music Day, Model T Day, National Black Dog Day, National Book It! Day, National Hair Day, National Lace Day, National Walk Your Dog Day, Vegan Baking Day, Willy Wonka Day, and World Vegetarian Day. Because it is the first Friday it is also Kids Music Day, Lee's National Denim Day, Manufacturing Day, National Body Language Day, National Diversity Day, and World Smile Day.
Among those born on this day were Henry III (King of England, 1207), John Muhlenberg (1746), Annie Besant (1847), William E Boeing (1881), Louis Untermeyer (1885), Vladimir Horowitz (1904), Walter Matthau (1920), James Whitmore (1921), William Rehnqist (1924), Tom Bosley (1927), George Peppard (1928), Laurence Harvey (1928), Richard Harris (1930), Julie Andrews (1935), Stella Stevens (1936), Annie Leibovitz (1949), Randy Quaid (1950), and Mark McGwire (1963).
On October first Spain ceded Louisiana to France in a secret treaty (1800), Hawaii issued its first stamps (1851), special delivery mail service began in the US (1885), the US mint in Carson City, NV closed (1886), Washington adopted its state constitution (1889), Yosemite National Park was established (1890), the first world series was played (Pittsburg vs Boston, 1903), Franco established the state of Spain (1936), the Pullman Company formally recognized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (1937), the Pennsylvania Turnpike opened (1940), the California Supreme Court voided the statute banning interracial marriage (1947), The People's Republic of China was proclaimed and the Republic of China formed on Formosa (1949), the first treaty was signed by a woman, ambassador Eugenie Anderson (1951), NASA was inaugurated and took over the Vanguard Project from the military (1958), Nigeria gained independence from Britain (1960), East & West Cameroon merged to become the Federal Republic of Cameroon (1961), James Meredith became the first black man at the University of Mississippi (1962), Johnny Carson hosted his first Tonight Show (1962), the Free Speech Movement was launched (Berkley, 1964), and the US returned the canal zone to Panama (1979).
Night Sky, 10/1: Vega is the brightest star just west of the zenith after dark. Face west and look to Vega's right by 14° (nearly a fist and a half at arm's length) for Eltanin, the nose of Draco the Dragon. The rest of Draco's fainter, lozenge-shaped head is a little farther behind. Draco always eyes Vega as they wheel around the sky. The main stars of Vega's own constellation, Lyra — faint by comparison — extend to its left (by 7°). http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Image of the Week: Lawrence Busker Festival 2021 – In front of the Arts Center
This Week: Saturday, October 2 – Guardian Angels Day & Name Your Car Day & National Play Outside Day
Sunday, October 3 – Inter-generation Day & Pickle Day & World Communion Day
Night Sky,10/3: Before and during early dawn Sunday morning October 3rd, the waning crescent Moon forms a flat, almost isosceles triangle with Regulus and Algieba (Gamma Leonis) to Regulus's left or upper left.
Monday, October 4 – Child Health Day & National Taco Day & Vodka Day
Tuesday, October 5 – Get Funky Day & National Fruit At Work Day & World Teachers Day
Wednesday, October 6 – American Libraries Day & Coffee With A Cop Day & Random Acts of Poetry Day
Night Sky, 10/6: Neptune (magnitude 7.8) is high in the southeast by 9 or 10 pm while Uranus (magnitude 5.7) climbs high in the east by midnight.
Thursday, October 7 – National Forgiveness Day & Pick A Tune Day & World Cotton Day
The Fox Network is offering a new show where big celebrities box each other. They call it Star Wars. / How many buffalo could Mark Ruffalo buffalo, if Mark Ruffalo could buffalo buffalo?
..........Mi alma no da razón.........Santana …..Corazon espinado
^^ About 4,000 coffee beans are required to produce one pound of roasted coffee.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I spilled my pumpkin spice latte on the ground and now a bunch of ants are making brunch plans and doing yoga. --Submitted by INRITH
Moonbeam: Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position; denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd. --Annie Besant
Video of the Week: The Muppets singing They've Got An Awful Of Coffee In Brazil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPMmWA_aWxw
Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie having so much fun it knocked his socks (or at least his shoe) off.
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: A war with France wasn't what anybody was hoping for from the Biden administration but look on the bright side if we win we get their bread. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 9/24/21
There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus -- and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it -- that unless you're free the machine will be prevented from working at all!! --Mario Savio (Free Speech Movement)
I just read that actor Maria Mercedes broke off her engagement to William Shatner. She realized she'd be known as Maria Shatner Mercedes./ How many actors does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, they really hate to share the spotlight.
..........bara ta't med ro..........Abba …..Honey, Honey
^^^ About 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed each year. The U.S. population consumes about 400 million cups of coffee each day, making it the world's largest coffee consumer.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: It's amazing how many parents went from, “I don't understand my kid's 6th grade math homework” to “I'm an infectious disease expert” in just six month. --Submitted by KI
Collective Noun of the Week: An ambush of tigers. An ambush of widows. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary_of_collective_nouns_by_collective_term
Pun of the Week: Bono and the Edge walk into a bar and the barman says, Oh, God, not U2 again. --Submitted by INRITH
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Get short-term relief from nicotine withdrawal symptoms. As long as you're not on a low-sodium diet or have peptic ulcers, drink 2 Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved in a glass of water at every meal. https://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/alkaseltzer.html
Name the Poet of the Week: ...And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves...
Puzzle of the Week: Think of two famous singers with the same five-letter first name. Take the last name of one of these singers. Switch the second and third letters. Then advance the resulting first and third letters each to the next letter in the alphabet. The result will be the last name of the other singer. What singers are these? NPS Puzzle Sunday 9/19/21
The best actor in the Bible was Samson. He brought down the house. / I just finished a 300 page novel about a French actor persecuted for his art. It's called Mime and Punishment.
...........Ní labhrann cuach go suairc are nóin..........The Chieftains & Sting …..Mo Ghile Mear
^^^^ Nearly 4 billion coffee trees are growing in Brazil.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Congratulations to drugs for winning the War On Drugs. --Submitted by ahb of ks
A Minor Update: Tonight is Late Night at the Phog – the official opening of the basketball season at KU. The field house is open, Men's and Women's teams are introduced, skits are performed, etc. Then practice begins in earnest the next day. Since Bruce wanted his ashes spread around Allen Field House, we went on Late Night when there were lots of people around and lots of noise and no one notices a scattering of old people scattering ashes on the flower beds. The “ceremony” before we went to the field house was to smoke a joint (not everyone did) and down a shot of aged single malt Scotch (not everyone drank). Often on Phog night in memory of Bryce, I have a shot of Glenfiddich 15 year old Scotch and remember Bruce. I'm on my third bottle since he's been gone. Gosh, I miss him. One of the things he did was teach me to enjoy really good Scotch.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Archon 44 (1-3, Collinsville, IL I.e. greater St Louis) A Celebration of the Imagination... http://www.archonstl.org/
Poet of the Week: When I Am Old by Jenny Joseph https://barbados.org/poetry/wheniam.htm
Actual Science Conference of the Week: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2-3, Online) ...free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, ~~What exactly goes on at math conferences? https://www.siam.org/conferences/cm/conference/css21
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Billy Idol → Billy Joel
You know actors, if they made a mistake they just re-act. / The star of the play has become very ill. The police suspect lead poisoning.
..........Ek, do, teen, char, panch, cheh, saath.........M.I.A. …..O Saya
^^^^^ It takes about 5 cups of coffee to reach the 12 microgram level and be thrown out of the Olympics.
My Own Writing of the Week: We were talking about loose, flabby skin. Well, according to the fitness gurus on the web there are two ways to deal with the flab. The first is to lose weight more slowly. Which is a possibility for some future flab but only gaining weight would take care of the existing flab or existing lack of fat (which sounds better and is sort of right). That does seem like it's going the wrong direction. Even though I didn't start on this diet in order to lose weight, once I started I was pretty much into continuing and not trying to strike some contest between how fast I could lose and how much skin tone I could maintain. The second suggestion was exercise - not much weight but lots of repetitions. The object seems to be to exercise without actually developing muscle. To my mind the point of exercise has always been to tone muscle, not to tone skin. So I do repetitions until I get bored. Then my mind wanders and I begin to consider whether this is really likely to do any good at all and I stop. from The Downside of Losing Weight
Vintage Players One-Liner of the Week: At my funeral, take the bouquet off the coffin and throw it into the crowd to see who's next! ~~The Vintage Players are a Lawrence troop of senior citizens who, before the pandemic, performed at senior centers and sometimes for the public. And someday they will again...
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Al Franken explains why America should tax the rich and build back better: You know when a bridge collapses, a Mercedes falls just as fast as a Hyundai --Submitted by SDS
Today's Peace of History, October 1, 1964: The Free Speech Movement was launched at the University of California–Berkeley when mathematics grad student Jack Weinberg was arrested for setting up an information table for CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) in front of Sproul Hall, the administration building. Hundreds of students surrounded the police car holding Weinberg for 32 hours, keeping him from being taken away. Many made speeches from atop the car, and ultimately Weinberg’s release was negotiated.
They asked me to play the father in Sound of Music. But it was a Trapp. / After a year of living upstairs at the August Wilson theater and feasting on actors, Dracula decided to take up acting. He said it was in his blood.
..........Wee heeheehee weeoh aweem away.........The Tokens …..The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle October 1, 2021, Euphonious ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Life, alas, is very drear. Up with the glass! Down with the beer! --Louis Untermeyer
Cost of War:
As of 9/30/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,923,414,724,218.
As of 9/23/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,921,048,021,966.
As of 9/30/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,085,456,299,533.
As of 9/30/21 State Department War on Terror Costs since 2001: $159,395,968,675
As of 9/23/21 State Department War on Terror Costs since 2001: $158,843,748,807.
As of 9/30/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,005,887,548,479.
As of 9/23/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,002,770,375,540.
As of 9/30/21 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,050,146,054,438.
As of 9/23/21 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,026,518,210,174.
As of 9/30/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,224,868,873,504.
As of 9/23/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,193,427,267,802.
Peace is a full time job. It's protecting civilians, overseeing elections, and disarming ex-combatants. Peace, like war, must be waged. --George Clooney
Famous Last Words: Shame, shame on a conquered king. --Henry III
..........더 볼 일 없어, 마지막 인사야..........BTS …..Mic Drop
How many actors does it take to change a light bulb? Depends on what the script says... / Anthony Newley is rewriting an old opera. It will take place in a small English fishing village. It's called the Moorage of Figaro.
May Peace set your tempo
And Joy carry your melody
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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