Friday, October 22, 2021

ePistle Unleaving

 Famous First Words: George the second by the Grace of God... Charter of Princeton University 1748

It's autumn: remember you can fix your broken squash with a pumpkin patch. / Orange you glad it's fall? / In any season trees get on the internet by logging in.

..........Um, baby, I been learning.........Led Zeppelin …..Whole Lotta Love

Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac. --Timothy Leary

It is a chilly (42°F) Friday morning. The sky is very blue and very clear. A slight breeze sets the willow branches to dancing but the old oak is still and green. Somewhere a small dog is barking incessantly but Puck refrains from answering. This is good – barking bookends would mar the beauty. It is cold as we walk in the shade but the sun tries to warm us in the sunny patches. Rabbits are out and about and squirrels are everywhere busy with their fall chores. We return from the cold to the smell of brewing coffee and spent incense. But it is warm and the sweetened, creamed decaf is hot and bathes the nose and mouth conveying a feeling of security and normality to the whole being. Fall is indeed here.

Hope fun rains on your weekend like autumn leaves, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Reading for pleasure implies there is reading for pain. --Submitted by Philosophy Matters ~~They go on to define reading for pain as graduate school.

Fall is the cutest of all the seasons...Awwwtumn. / The robots married in the fall; they were autumn mated.

..........Hey, yeah-yeah-yeah, keep up, yeah, oh, yeah..........Led Zeppelin …..The Lemon Song

Trivia Questions: Happy National Nut Day!

^ Which nut is the oldest known tree food?

^^ Which popular nut is of the same plant family as poison ivy and poison sumac?

^^^ What is the official state nut of Oregon?

^^^^ Which nut is dependent on bumblebees for pollination?

^^^^^ Which nut is also known as the smiling nut or the happy nut?

Big Hello: Ya – Modern Greek

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Me: Do you wanna go to a pagan ritual with me where we dance naked under the stars? Friend: No, thanks. That requires a level of shaving that I just can't commit to.

Max Picture of the Week: Max touching art at the Library Trunk or Treat

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 6th biggest cause of librarian rage is decorators shelving books by color

If money really grew on trees, we'd all keep our leaves raked up. / Humpty Dumpty had a great summer...but a terrible fall.

..........Catch the wind, see us spin..........Led Zeppelin …..What Is And What Should Never Be

Moonbeam: I suddenly realized that the devout Russian people no longer needed priests to pray them into heaven. On earth they were building a kingdom more bright than any heaven had to offer, and for which it was a glory to die…. ---John Reed

Meditation Seed of the Week: If you could have either a teleporter or a time travel machine, which one would you want?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I just want to know why my clothes only get stuck on the door handle when I'm in a bad mood, -Submitted by sb of ksc

Week of the Week: National Chemistry Week (16-22) --I tried writing jokes about the periodic table...but I realized I wasn’t quite in my element. / Did you hear the one about cobalt, radon, and yttrium? It was CoRnY.

Autumn lies: Be-leaf in yourself and you can't fall. / I would never leaf you.

..........Little drops of rain whisper of the pain..........Led Zeppelin …..Thank You

^ The oldest walnut remains were discovered in Iraq, and they are believed to be from 50,000 B.C.E. The Greeks were fond of the walnuts; they were considered food for Gods by early Romans.

Almanac: It is Friday, October 22, 2021. The moon will be new on Monday and is in Taurus. It is CAPS LOCK Day, International Stuttering Awareness Day, Make A Dog's Day Day, National Nut Day, and Smart is Cool Day. Because it is the Friday of National Pharmacy Week it is also National Pharmacy Buyer Day.

Among those born on this day were Franz Liszt (1811), Sarah Bernhardt (1845), John Reed (1887), Charles Glenn King (1896), Joan Fontaine (1917), Doris Lessing (1919), Timothy Leary (1920), Robert Rauschenberg (1925), Christopher Lloyd (1938), Annette Funicello (1942), Catherine Deneuve (1943), and Jeff Goldblum (1952).

On October twenty-second this Universe was created (4004 BCE ~~at 8 pm ...Archbishop Jame sUssher, 1650), China recorded a solar eclipse (2136 BCE), Princeton University was chartered (1748), Sam Houston became the first elected president of the Republic of Texas (1836), Sons of the American Revolution organized (1875), the first NY Horse show was held (Madison Square Garden, 1883), 3,000 black people demonstrated in Philadelphia (1906), the first commercial flight from the mainland reached Hawaii (1936), Xerox made its first copy (1938), Laos gained independence from France (1953), JFK imposed a naval blockade on Cuba (1962), 225,000 students boycott Chicago school to protest de facto segregation (Freedom Day, 1962), Luna 12 orbited the moon (USSR, 1966), Apollo 7 returned to earth (1968), Led Zeppelin 2 was released (1969), Venera 9 landed softly on Venus (Soviet, 1975), and Disney World hosted its 100-millionth guest (1979).

Night Sky, 10/22: The waning gibbous Moon shines in the east after dark this evening. You may need binoculars to pick out the Pleiades a few degrees to its left or upper left. Much easier is bright Capella many times farther left of the Moon. As night advances, Aldebaran comes up below or lower left of the Moon. And by midnight, Orion is clearing the eastern horizon far below them all.

Image of the Week: Extreme Jack-o-lantern

This Week: Saturday, October 23 – Mother-in-law Day & National Mole Day & TV Talk Show Host Day

Sunday, October 24 – United Nations Day & Food Day

Night Sky, 10/24: This is the time of year when the Big Dipper lies down horizontal low in the north-northwest after dark. How low? The farther south you are, the lower. Seen from 40° north (New York, Denver, Madrid) even its bottom stars twinkle nearly ten degrees high. But at Miami (26° N) the entire Dipper skims along out of sight just below the northern horizon.

Monday, October 25 – Sourest Day & World Pasta Day

Tuesday, October 26 – Mule Day & Howl At the Moon Night

Wednesday, October 27 – Black Cat Day & Navy Day & Cranky Co-Workers Day

Night Sky, 10/27: Mercury is heading toward its best morning apparition of the year. Look for it low above the east horizon about 50 minutes before sunrise. In the morning it's still only magnitude +0.7, so you may want binoculars.

Thursday, October 28 – Champagne Day & Read for the Record Day

Did you hear about the tree that deserted the forest at the end of December? He was absent without leaves. / How did the elephant get out of the tree? It sat on a leaf and waited for autumn.

..........As it was so long ago..........Led Zeppelin …..Heartbreaker

^^ The anacardiaceae family of trees, sometimes called the cashew family, includes mango, poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, Peruvian pepper, pistachio, and you guessed it, cashews.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you come across a passage you don't understand in a philosophy book the key is to underline it. The next person who owns the books will think you not only understood it but thought it was important; that way you can pass on the anxiety. --Submitted by Philosophy Matters

Moonbeam: Borrowing is not much better than begging; just as lending with interest is not much better than stealing. --Doris Lessing

Video of the Week: Stan Getz and his saxophone playing Autumn Leaves:

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie counting candy at the Library Trunk or Treat

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: A new survey by a financial company found that about 1/3 of investors buy and sell stocks while they are drunk. ...It's bad enough when you get drunk and hit on someone at the bar, but what about when you wake up next to a thousand shares of something called Amazob. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 9/4/21

Think for yourself and question authority. --Timothy Leary

What is yellow and orange and doesn't get hurt when it falls? Autumn leaves. / Monarch butterflies fly south in the fall because it's too far to walk.

..........With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat..........Led Zeppelin …..Livin' Lovin' Maid

^^^ The hazelnut became Oregon's official State Nut in 1989. About 1,000 Oregon farm families grow hazelnuts on 87,000 acres.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ron Newman, of Chatham, Kent, was sentenced to 140 hours' community service by Croydon Crown Court after admitting hitting his friend over the head with a guitar because he kept playing the wrong chord in the Eagles' Peaceful, Easy Feeling. --Submitted by HPF

Collective Noun of the Week: A chapter of novelists and a stanza of poets

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Soothe tired feet. Plop four Alka Seltzer tablets in a pan of warm water, plop your feet into the alkaline solution, and let them fizz fizz for fifteen minutes.

Puzzle of the Week: This challenge came from listener Kerry Fowler, of Seattle. Name something you might eat for breakfast, in two words (6, 4). Add a "G" at the end of the first word. Switch the middle two letters of the second word. Then reverse the order of the two words. You'll name an old-fashioned activity. What is it? NPR Sunday Puzzle 10/16/21

Unless it's pumpkin spice, I don't give a frapp. / O my gourd, I love pumpkin pie.

...........Gonna move you outta town..........Led Zeppelin …..Bring It On Home

^^^^ If you love almonds as much as we do, thank bumblebees! Almonds can’t grow on their own. They need bees to help them pollinate.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you see roaches in a nyc restaurant kitchen you know the food is good cause they literally could have gone anywhere else.

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: The Scarefest13 Horror & Paranormal Convention (22-24, Lexington, KY) Resurrection

Name That Poet of the Week: It is Margaret you mourn for.

Actual Science Conference of the Week: PICES-2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. (18-22) North Pacific Marine Science Organization. Towards a shared vision of sustainable marine ecosystems.

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Raisin Bran → Barn Raising

The maple tree in our yard lost so many leaves I blocked the gate; we called it the Great Barrier Leaf. / Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower. --Albert Camus

..........Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove..........Led Zeppelin …..Black Dog

^^^^^ Pistachio is known as the smiling nut” in Iran and the “happy nut” in China.

My Own Writing of the Week: Like fight club, one cannot talk about losing a bunch of weight. For one thing, it is uncomfortable. To people who are overweight (in reality or by perception) it makes them feel guilty. Underweight people get depressed. People with low self-esteem beat up on themselves for whatever they think they should be doing and aren't or are doing and shouldn't be. And then, it sounds like bragging. No matter how you say it, it still sounds like bragging. Finally, it's boring. Whether you go with numbers (pounds, calories or carbs), clothes fitting(look, I have to wear a belt), or details of your menu (meat and salads) it is all boring. This is why weight watchers make you come in every week, so you don't lose the support of your family and friends who can't stand another minute. From The Downside of Losing Weight

Poet of the Week: Gerald Manley Hopkins Spring and Fall

Vintage Players One Liner of the Week: So every once in a while, someone amazing comes along...And Here I Am.

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Why don't conservative states just use “thought and prayers” to stop abortions? After all, that 's what they use when people murder actual, live children in schools. --Submitted by SDS

Today's Peace of History: October 22, 1983: Capping a week of protests, more than two million people in six European cities marched against U.S. deployment of Cruise and Pershing nuclear missiles.

A time of hot chocolatey mornings and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves. --Winnie the Pooh A A Milne.

..........Gentle people with flowers in their hair..........Led Zeppelin …..San Francisco

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle October 22, 2021, ePistle Unleaving. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047

Moonbeam: Laughter is by definition healthy. --Doris Lessing

Cost of War:

As of 10/21/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,926,941,008,523.

As of 10/14/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,925,761,501,722.

As of 10/21/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,087,262,944,299.

As of 10/14/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,086,658,359,933.

As of 10/21/21 State Department War on Terror Costs since 2001: $161,623,120,298.

As of 10/14/21 State Department War on Terror Costs since 2001: $161,066,466,129.

As of 10/21/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,010,533,462,405.

As of 10/14/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,008,978,834,294.

As of 10/21/21 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,085,362,692,519.

As of 10/14/21 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,073,580,052,642.

As of 10/21/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,271,727,150,844.

As of 10/14/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,256,048,185,071.

Nobody ever understands what a pioneer is doing. --Timothy Leary

Famous Last Words: One sure way to make a dog’s day is giving them a new, loving home through adoption. Make a Dog's Day Day Website

..........Leaves are falling all around..........Led Zeppelin …..Ramble On ~~All but 2 of this week's songs are from Zeppelin 2 (It only had 9 tracks and one was an instrumental). ~~Because Liszt didn't write lyrics.

Enjoy it while you can, when autumn leaves, winter begins. / Autumn is as joyful and sweet as an untimely end. -Rémy de Gourmon

May Peace color your leaving

And Joy warm your bonfire

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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