Friday, July 23, 2021

Gold Medal ePistle

 Famous First Words: In the name of Preverti, daughter of the mountains.. Help the movie

Well, the 2020 Summer Olympics are finally here. I understand that the dinosaur from the Republic of Skull Island is favored to win big in the races. She's a prontosaurus. / To get ready for this year's Olympics, I read The Olympic Trials by Willy Qualify.

..........I'll go one on one against the world.........Cheech & Chong …..Basketball Jones

Remember that the true worth of colonies lies in their prosperity and progress, and that justice, impartial alike to black and white, is the first element of prosperity. --W E B DuBois Letter to the first PanAfrican Conference

It is a warm (76°F) Friday morning. The sun is rising and erasing the few thin, wispy clouds turning them from white to blue. A mourning dove is mourning somewhere unseen. Grass and leaves and flower stalks are green as green and dabs of color sit on them, yellow, red, blue. Summer is indeed upon the land. Unseen dogs bark at Puck as we walk along and he answers; it is a conversation of unknown content that fills the air with life noises. We make it to the end of the block and back without encountering the chickens that sometimes roam freely. (Now we know that the chicken crossed the road to get to the neighbor's flower beds.) It is an uneventful walk until someone dares drive a car up to a house, park it, and get out. Puck sets her straight and we return to our cool rooms and my hot creamy coffee (the last of the Mother's Day brew). But best of all, now I get to sit down and write to you.

Hope your weekend takes the gold, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Hawaiian Rules: 4) Speak softly and wear a loud shirt.

I understand that the fastest runner at the Olympics is an insect, the Quicket. / Olympiads (noun) –Commercials shown during the Summer Games.

..........Moving is breathing and breathing is life.........Soundgarden …..Rowing

Trivia Questions: Happy National Pajama Day

^ Where does the word pajama come from, anyway?

^^ How come some pajamas cover the feet?

^^^ What do you know about the Guinness World Record Footed Pajama Party?

^^^^ How has the pandemic affected pajama sales.

^^^^^ Who needs pajamas?

Big Hello: Tere – Estonian

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Metaphysics was invented by papyrus manufacturers to sell more scrolls. --Submitted by Philosophy Matters

Max Picture of the Week: Dr Max in surgery

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: The average librarian has cards from 5 different libraries on them at all times.

The nurse who gave me my COVID shots just qualified for Javelin at the Tokyo Games. / Excuse me, are you the pole vaulter? Nein, Ich bin der Deutcher, Walter.

..........Like a modern gladiator, ain't got no fears.........Suicidal Tendencies …..Possessed To Skate

Moonbeam: Love cures people - both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. --Karl Menninger

Meditation Seed of the Week: Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Sometimes I delete my own posts because I'm not the same person I was 4 mins ago. --Submitted by RHOZ

Week of the Week: National Baby Food Week (21-24) –Why do they bother making baby food in all those flavors. It all ends up tasting like an airplane. / Pirate babies eat Grrr Brrrs. / The best warmth for baby food is womb temperature.

I competed in the suntanning Olympics, but I only got bronze. / Americans are favored in all the shooting sports. After all, they practice at the best schools.

..........The fastest man on Earth.........Paul Simon …..Cool Papa Bell

^ The word “pajama” comes from the Indian word “piejamah,” which described loose pants that were tied at the waist.

Almanac: It is Friday, July 23, 2021. The moon is full (Buck) today and is in Capricorn. It is Gorgeous Grandma Day, Hot Enough For Ya Day, and National Pajama Day. Since 1952 Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, and Oman have celebrated this day as National Day. In ancient Rome it was Nepununalia – a festival of the sea god.

Among those born on this day were Gluyas Williams (1888), ~~A cartoon of his is the last laugh~~Haile Selassie (1892), Karl Menniger (1893), Arther Treacher (1894), Ben Weber (1916), Pee Wee Reese (1919), Bert Convy (1933), Don Imus (1947), Martin Gore (Depeche Mode, 1961), and Woody Harrelson (1961).

On July twenty-third Caravaggio won his first public commission for paintings (1599), the typographer, aka typewriter, was patented (1829), The Cincinnati Reds baseball club was established (1866), the first commercial hydroelectric power plant began operations (MI, 1880), the Pan African Congress met in London (1900), the ice cream cone was created (maybe, 1904), Kenya became a British crown colony (1920), Yale university isolated the pituitary hormone (1937), the Progressive Party convention nominated Henry Wallace for president (1948), the first 4 women were admitted to peerage in the House of Lords (1958), and the Beatles released Help (UK, 1965).

Night Sky, 7/23: The Moon is up in the east by late twilight. Look for Saturn about a fist at arm's length to its left. By dawn on the 24th they shift to the southwest and twist around so that Saturn is above the Moon, as shown below.

Image of the Week: A woman attempted to extinguish the Olympic Torch with a water gun.

This Week: Saturday, July 24 – Cousins Day & National Day of the Cowboy & Tell An Old Joke Day

Sunday, July 25 – Hire A Veteran Day & National Parents Day & Red Shoe Day

Night Sky, 7/25: Now both Regulus and Mars are well down to Venus's lower right, by 4° and 7° respectively.

Monday, July 26 – Aunts and Uncles Day & One Voice Day

Tuesday, July 27 – Korean War Armistice Day & Take you Houseplant for a Walk Day & Walk on Stilts Day

Wednesday, July 28 – National Waterpark Day

Night Sky, 7/28: And in the east after dark Saturn shines upper right of the Moon, and Jupiter shines farther to the Moon's left. Again, by dawn this scene of action shifts to the southwest and the pattern rotates clockwise.

Thursday, July 29 – Global Tiger Day & Lasagna Day & Rain Day

Nigeria is sorry that it did not win a single game in Tokyo. The Nigerian Sports Minister will personally refund the expenses that fans accrued traveling to Japan. He just needs your bank details and PIN number.

..........And we all yelled loud and we all complained.........Mick Jagger …..England Lost

^^ Footed Pajamas Aren't Always For Kids: They actually started out as something designed for adults. The first versions were made when people began sewing socks to the bottom of their pajama pants. It wasn’t to just keep their feet warm; it was to prevent bugs like termites from nibbling on their toes.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If any of you non-rich people want to go into space for 10 minutes, I know a good brownie recipe. --Submitted by INRITH

Moonbeam: The progress of science can be said to be harmful to religion only insofar as it is used for evil aims and not because it claims a priority over religion in its revelation to man. --Haile Selassie

Video of the Week: For decades one of my favorite songs has been Water Boy. My playlist has covers by Odetta and the Don Shirley Trio. This video is by Paul Robeson Paul Robeson - Water Boy - YouTube

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Brothers in the skin

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: How will Texas lure back Texas Democrats? Four words: free bbq for life --Gina Brillon 20 gallon hats because why stop at 10, Texas. --Helen Hong Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 7/17/21

That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained. --Haile Selassie

It is a myth that a runner eats lots of carbs before a big race. Actually they eat nothing, they fast. / During the 1924 Olympics in France did athletes compete in Oui Sports?

..........I'm gonna show you what I'm made of..........Don Henley …..The Boys Of Summer

^^^ The World’s Largest Footed Pajama Party was held in Austin, Texas on March 11, 2012 where 309 adults were dressed in their footies and broke the Guinness World Record.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Jeff Bezos was in space for 5 minutes – or as it's known at the Amazon warehouse, your allotted break time for a 16-hour day. --Trevor Noah

Weird Word of the Week: Taqwacore (n) A recent musical genre. The name combines the Arabic taqwá, which may be translated as piety or the quality of being God-fearing, with the music term hardcore. World Wide Words: Taqwacore

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean a vase. To remove a stain from the bottom of a glass vase or cruet, fill with water and drop in two Alka-Seltzer tablets. Alka-Seltzer®: Wacky Uses

Puzzle of the Week: This challenge comes from listener Peter Collins, of Ann Arbor, Mich. Think of a country. Embedded in consecutive letters is a well-known brand name. The first, second, eighth and ninth letters of the country, in order, spell a former competitor of that brand. Name the country and the brands. --NPR Puzzle Sunday 7/18/21

If laziness was an Olympic sport, I'd come in fourth so I would have to walk up to the podium. / A shrimp was somehow trapped in the Olympic Swimming Pool. He finished third and they gave him a Prawns Medal.

...........This summer I did the backstroke.........Loudon Wainwright III …..The Swimming Song

^^^^ Adobe said that pajama sales soared 143 percent in April compared to March, while sales of pants dropped 13 percent and bra sales took a 12 percent hit.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The only reason the pyramids exist in Egypt is because they were too heavy for the English folks to put in the British Museum. --Submitted by Elephant Spiritual

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: MechaCon Omega – One Last Time (23-25, New Orleans) MechaCon ~~A little background, actually, the final MechaCon was scheduled for last year but because of the pandemic, this is it's second last year.

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Human and Physical Geography Conference (22-23, Rome) a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators International Conference on Human and Physical Geography ICHPG001 in July 2021 in Rome (

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Saudi Arabia --> Audi and Saab

The International Olympic Committee refused to consider Bangkok for the games. They thought all events might end in Thais. / The Russian COVID Vaccine, Sputnik, is 91.6% effective. It is also the only COVID vaccine that will help you win an Olympic event.

..........Get up, get up, put your body in motion.........The Wiseguys …..Start The Commotion

^^^^^ While stores sell tons of pajamas these days, sleeping in your birthday suit is still popular. For example, in the UK, 47 percent of men sleep in absolutely nothing (while only 17 percent of British women go nude at night). Americans, on the other hand, are just slightly more conservative. About 31 percent of men in the United States sleep naked and 14 percent of women go nude.

My Own Writing of the Week: My generation of women were first formally introduced to sex by Kotex (or maybe it was Modess). In the fourth or fifth grade the girls were taken from the room and shown a movie on menstruation. The heart of the film, basically, was to remind us that we must NEVER let anyone (especially males) know that we were actually bleeding. It told us to be embarrassed by our bodies and their functions. It trained us to consider the male ego more important than our bodies and their functions. It offered us a consumer solution to our shame. What a scam. And we were sent back to our class with a little booklet with pictures of our insides inside it. --From: Always Surrender: Memories, observations, micro-stories, fantasies, and lies from my life as an insurgent in the sexual revolution

Extreme Topiary of the Week:

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: When you don't want history of slavery taught but do want confederate monuments preserved, that's call Hypocritical Race Theory. --Submitted by mm of ia

Today's Peace of History, July 23, 1967: The Detroit Rebellion began when folks were angry at loss of jobs and, especially, at the abusive and virtually all-white police department. The rebellion lasted 6 day. In the end 43 were known dead, 347 were injured, 3800 had been arrested and 1000 families were left homeless.

Procrastinators like me aren't allowed in the Olympics. They only take amateurcrastinators. / Several of my friends are head over heels about Break-dancing being added to the games.

..........Those cats were fast as lightning.........Carl Douglas …..Kung Fu Fighting

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle July 23, 2021,Gold Medal ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047

Moonbeam: I'm so happy, I think I'll dress up like J Edgar Hoover and sing show tunes. --Don Imus

Cost of War:

As of 7/22/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,149,388,895,676.

As of 7/15/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,147,397,871,219.

As of 7/22/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,049,671,999,548.

As of 7/15/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,048,319,021,844.

As of 7/22/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $869,244,719,365.

As of 7/15/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $867,543,995,491.

As of 7/22/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $353,191.959,725.

As of 7/15/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $352,805.473,957.

As of 7/22/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,421,499,186,957.

As of 7/15/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,416,067,223,286.

You can hate a man for many reasons. Color isn't one of them. --Peewee Reese

Famous Last Words: me, ooh. --Help the song

..........And we'll keep on fighting to the end.........Queen …..We Are The Champions

A fencer born in France but raised in the US can compete for either country in the Olympics. It's called duel citizenship. / Is plate throwing really an Olympic sport? Discuss

May Peace be your stamina

And Joy be your strength

prairie mama


Last Laugh: Happy Birthday, Gluyas!

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