Friday, March 26, 2021

ePistle Florentine

 Famous First Words: No eggs. No eggs. --Robert from Saint Joan by Bernard Shaw

Happy Spinach Day! When Spinach drinks, it's at the Salad Bar. / They call it Popeye's cause they cook it in Olive Oyl.

..........with a classy kind of sassy.........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Walk This Way

There's another way to survive. Mutual trust and help. --James T Kirk

It is a foggy Friday morning. Humidity has turned the backyard into an impressionist painting of early spring. 34°F is chilly with a hint of warmth to come. There is no breeze and the willow branches in their new frocks are hanging like green Spanish moss. The earth smells of damp soil and rain. There is no squirrels or birds, no cars or bicycles, not even a dog, just this misty landscape. The sun looks as if it wants to rise and chase away this low hanging cloud, but so far it is only a light spot in the east. So Puck comes inside and I stretch my body and settle down in front of my computer. My decaf is hot and creamy and artificially sweet. I think about the day and ePistliers and sound of distant birdsong but my eyes are drawn back to the painting that is the world.

Hope your weekend is strong to the finich, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Some people are solving major world problems, and I'm over here all excited because I found my missing sock inside a pair of my underwear. --Submitted by INRITH

Brutus lost his fight with Popeye; he didn't expect the Spinach Acquisition. / This spinach is so fresh it has an auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

The Popeye Theme Song ~~In case you've forgotten

..........Her dog day's just begun........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Water Song

Trivia Questions: It is the 217th anniversary of the Indian Removal Act.

^ Which president proposed the Indian Removal Act?

^^ How did the “removal” work?

^^^ How was Kansas connected to the plan?

^^^^ Which eastern state began pushing for not so voluntary removal from president John Quincy Adams?

^^^^^ Under which president did the whole plan go south – or west, as it were?

Big Hello: Kopivosian – Coastal Kadazan (Borneo)

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Don't allow men who hate women to define feminism as women who hate men.

Max Picture of the Week: Max playing Jeff Healey style guitar for an appreciative Ollie. ~~Max has an excellent expression for playing the blues.

Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 89% of a librarian's current bookmarks are receipts from the liquor store.

One day two spinach leaves, who were best friends, were walking together down the street. They stepped off the curb and a speeding car came around the corner and ran one of them over. The uninjured spinach leaf called 911 and helped his injured friend as best he was able. The injured spinach leaf was taken to the hospital and rushed into surgery. After a long and agonizing wait, the doctor finally appeared. He told the uninjured spinach leaf, "I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is that your friend is going to pull through." "The bad news is that he's going to be a vegetable for the rest of his life". / Popeye drinks his martini with one olive on the rocks.

..........Oooh, it's a sunny day outside my window........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Uncle Salty

Moonbeam: The coffee was so strong it snarled as it lurched out of the pot. --Betty MacDonald

Meditation Seed of the Week: Dare we face the question of just how much of the darkness around us is our own making? --Betty MacDonald

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I was happily watching the Bermuda Philharmonic Orchestra, when the guy on triangle disappeared. --Submitted by INRITH

Week of the Week: National Agriculture Week (21-27) – Farmer Jane is having a terrible year. Her organic vegetables are dying of natural causes. Her strawberries are crying because their ma is in a jam. And her corn is suing her for pulling their ears.

Fun fact: Popeye isn't actually that strong by Danish or Norwegian standards but he's strong to the Finnish. / My mother taught me about patience: You'll sit there until you finish all your spinach.

..........All these lines on my face getting clearer........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Dream On

^ At the time of the Louisiana Purchase (1803), President Thomas Jefferson believed that American Indians could be moved from the East to lands in the new territory. This would free up lands in demand by white settlers.

Almanac: It is Friday, March 26, 2021. The moon will be full (Worm) on Sunday and is in Virgo. It is Legal Assistants Day, Live Long And Prosper Day, Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, Purple Day, and Spinach Day. Hawaii honors Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianole with Regatta Day and Bangladesh celebrates Independence Day (1971). In Hampshire, England it is the charity festival called Tichborne Dole (1150); while in Lesotho, Spain it is Arbor Day aka Fiesta del Arbol (1895) and Taiwan celebrates the Birthday of Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy.

Among those born on this day were Benjamin Thompson (1753), Nathaniel Bowditch (1773), Louise Otto (1819), Betsy Perk (1833), Edward Bellamy (1850), A E Housman (1859), Robert Frost (1874), Duncan Hines (1880), Manes B Conant (1899), Joseph Campbell (1904), Betty MacDonald (1908), Tennessee Williams (1911), Sterling Hayden (1916), Bob Elliot (1923), Gregory Corso (1930), Leonard Nimoy (1931), Alan Arkin (1934), Nancy Pelosi (1940), Erica Jong (1942), Bob Woodward 91943), Diana Ross (1944), Steven Tyler (1948), Martin Short (1950), Marcus Allen (1960), and James T Kirk (2233). ~~My two sons were born on March 26th, 17 years apart...because I was very slow to learn how to not celebrate Independence Day.

On March twenty-sixth the University of Utrecht opened (1636), Congress offered to remove Indians tribes east of the Mississippi (1804), Vulcan (a planet thought to orbit inside Mercury) was first sighted (1859), Stringberg's Bjalb-jarle-ti premiered (Stockholm, 1909), Shaw's Saint Joan premiered (London, (1924), Spinach growers dedicated a statue to Popeye (Texas, 1937), and The Young and the Restless premiered (1973).

Night Sky, 3/26: Now that spring is under way, Orion has taken up his early-spring posture in the southwest evenings. He's tipping westward, and his three-star Belt is turning horizontal. When does Orion's Belt appear exactly horizontal? That depends on where you live east-west in your time zone, and on your latitude. How well can you time this event? If you're near your time zone's standard longitude, expect it around 8:40 this evening (daylight-saving time). . . more or less.

Image of the Week: Here is Ingenuity the helicopter that flies reconnaissance for Mar's Perseverance. ~I think it should be named Mosquito ~~~~A swatch of fabric from the Wright brothers' first airplane is on Mars. It's tucked abroad Ingenuity

This Week: Saturday, March 27 – Earth Hour Day & National Scribble Day & Passover begins

Sunday, March 28 – Weed Appreciation Day & Barnum & Bailey Day

Night Sky, 3/28 : March’s full moon reaches peak illumination at 2:50 pm EDT. Look for the spectacularly bright Moon as it rises above the horizon that evening

Monday, March 29 – Smoke and Mirrors Day & World Piano Day

Tuesday, March 30 – Pencil Day & World Bi-polar Day & International Laundry Folding Day

Wednesday, March 31 – Bunsen Burner Day & Cesar Chavez Day & National Crayon Day

Night Sky, 3/31: Mercury has sunk out of sight into the glow of sunrise. Venus is out of sight in conjunction with the sun. Neptune is hidden in the glare of the sun.

Thursday, April 1 – All Fools Day & Library Snapshot Day & Reading is Funny Day

What do you call it when you put kale, spinach, and romaine together? A spinage è trois. / Popeye visited France and fell in love with the cuisine, especially escargot. In fact he gave up spinach and became known as Popeye the Snailerman

..........Now I'm never, never, never gonna be the same........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Crazy

^^ The plan was voluntary and was considered a failure—some tribes participated, others refused.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A malapropism walks into a bar, looking for all intensive purposes like a wolf in cheap clothing, muttering epitaphs and casting dispersions on his magnificent other, who takes him for granite.

Moonbeam: A grudge will soon rot the pocket you carry it in. --Betty MacDonald

Late Night Snacks of the Week: Let’s be clear here: Covid is not over. All right? Some random dude can’t declare the end of the pandemic by dressing up like the Joker and making it rain. It’s not a thing. Only Dr Fauci can declare the end of the pandemic by dressing up like the Joker and making it rain. --Trevor Noah / Despite vaccines becoming more available, there’s still one thing holding Americans back: Americans...Not everything is political! How do we convince you that you want it? Would it feel safer if the vaccine was administered by an AR-15?” --Stephen Colbert / The Boulder shooting happened six days after a white man in Atlanta targeted Asian spas in Atlanta, killing eight amid a wave of anti-Asian violence, all while the pandemic continues and your top story is the president tripping on the stairs? Get your priorities straight. --Seth Meyers

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Rev Ollie is laying hands on a, hopefully appreciative, Max

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: People are already starting to receive their $1,400 stimulus checks, which is amazingly efficient. It was slow going at first. President Biden insisted on signing the checks himself, but he kept writing 1963 in the date line. Americans are going nuts. And they're, like, let's log onto Amazon. They're buying extravagant luxuries like half a month's rent and food. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 3/20/21

No one wants war. --James T Kirk

Led Zeppelin threw Popeye out of the band because he kept singing “Olive my love”. / A rabbit walks into a cake shop. He walks up to the counter and asks " Do you have a birthday cake with spinach?" "No, I'm sorry, we don't" says the store clerk. "Ok" says the rabbit and promptly bounces out of the store. The rabbit comes back a couple of times and asks the same question and gets the same answer so the store owner decides to make a spinach cake for the rabbit assuming his birthday is around the corner. The next day the rabbit comes in and asks: "do you have a birthday cake with spinach?" "Yes we do" replies the store owner. "That must be a really disgusting birthday cake" says the rabbit and leaves the store.

..........There's something wrong with the world today........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Livin' on the Edge

^^^ Before statehood, Kansas was part of the original “Indian Territory” west of the Mississippi River–envisioned as the permanent home for Indian tribes that were removed from the eastern United States.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: This beautiful weather has inspired me to stop sitting on the couch and go outside and sit on a bench. --Submitted by INRITH

Weird Word of the Week: Jaculation – the act of throwing or hurling something. It appeared about 1610, at almost exactly the same date as its close relative ejaculation. Both are from the Latin verb jaculari, to hurl. World Wide Words: Jaculation

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Protect artwork. When sprayed on a chalk drawing, Alberto VO5 Hair Spray acts as a fixative, preventing artwork from fading. Alberto VO5® Hair Spray: Wacky Uses

Puzzle of the Week: This challenge came from Joseph Young of St. Cloud, MN. I'm looking for the names of two companies. One of them has a two-part name (5,5). The other has a three-part name (5,7,5). The last five-letter part of the two names is the same. And the first five-letter part of the first company's name is something the second company wants. What are they? --NPR Sunday Puzzle 3/7/21

A man ordered a spinach omelette and asked his waitress if she had some hollandaise sauce to go along with his omelette, she said "I sure do, and I'll even bring it on our special chrome dishes." He was confused a bit, but he didn't say anything. A few minutes later he got his omelette and sure enough, it was on a dish made entirely out of chrome. The man was very curious. He noticed he was the only one in the diner who had a dish like that. He finished his omelette and when the waitress came by to leave the check he stopped her. "Excuse me Miss, but I've gotta ask you, why did you serve my omelette on a chrome dish?" "You ordered it with hollandaise sauce right?" "Yes" "Well silly, everyone knows there's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise." / His death was a horrible accident. He ate 2 Popeye biscuits and then realized he had nothing to drink.

...........But I just couldn't tell her so, no, no,no........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Train Kept A Rollin'

^^^^ In the mid-1820s some southern and western states demanded that the national government take a larger role in Native American affairs. This process began in Georgia, where the governor and the state legislature tried to pressure Pres. John Quincy Adams to remove Creek and Cherokee populations from the state. By the fall of 1827, Illinois, Gov. Ninian Edwards had also begun calling on the Adams administration to remove the remaining Indians from his state.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Perks of being my friend. You'll be the normal one. --Submitted by INRITH

Science Fiction Joke of the Week: For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. --Richard P. Feynman

Actual Science Joke of the Week: The most exciting phrase to hear in science is not “Eureka!” but “That's funny...” --Isaac Asimov

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Oscar Mayer / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

A woman treated her dry hair with olive oil before washing it. Worried that the oil might leave a smell, she washed her hair with shampoo several times. That night, in bed, she asked her husband, "Do I smell like Olive Oil?" Puzzled, he asked "Why? Do I smell like Popeye?" / These jokes are like spinach. They were forced on us when we were children.

..........Lovin' it up 'til I hit the ground........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Love In An Elevator

^^^^^ Andrew Jackson, who succeeded Adams as president in March 1829, already had a long history of challenging federal Indian policy—as both a general and a commissioner charged with negotiating land cessions. He believed strongly that it was in the interest of both Native Americans and whites that any eastern Indians who wanted to remain a member of a tribe and practice a native culture should move beyond the Mississippi.

Recreating Famous Painting With Anything You Can Find of the Week:

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Experts: Your children will model the behavior they see. Me: Really? “Cuz my kids have seen me fold laundry. They don't fold laundry. --Submitted by #RHOZ

Today's Peace of History, March 26, 1979: In a ceremony at the White House, Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed a peace agreement they had worked out with the assistance of President Jimmy Carter at Camp David.

I get a lot of solicitors at my house, salespeople, charity seekers, Jehovah's Witnesses, I've seen them all. But today I got someone at my door asking if I eat enough vegetables. I wasn't expecting some sort of spinach inquisition! / Popeye's favorite breakfast is egg-egg-egg-egg-egg-egg-egg-egg-egg

..........Like throwin' away an old toy........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Rag Doll

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle March 26, 2021, ePistle Florentine. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047

Quote of the Week: I like taxes. With them, I purchase civilization. --Oliver Wendell Holmes

Moonbeam: I learned that a stiff test for friendship is: “Would she be pleasant to have t.b. with?” --Betty MacDonald

Cost of War: As of 3/25/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,115,795,906,911.

As of 3/18/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,113,855,640,518.

As of 3/25/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,026,841,818,315.

As of 3/18/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,025,523,113,680.

As of 3/25/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $840,543,920,221.

As of 3/18/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $838,886,101,617.

As of 3/25/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $346,669,052,117.

As of 3/18/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $346,292,276,475.

As of 3/25/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,329,851,360,335.

As of 3/18/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,324,557,868,926.

Caring for each other, being happy with each other, being good to each other. That's what we call love. --James T Kirk

Famous Last Words: be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Indian Removal Act, 1830

..........Can't say I'll be back soon........Aerosmith (Steven Tyler) …..Seasons of Wither

At the end of the poetry slam, Popeye said, “I've had all I can stanza and can't stanza no more. / People always ask me what’s the best pastry. I tell them it’s quiche but with a special ingredient and it’s best at a certain time of the year but they never believe me. No one expects the Spinach in Quiche Season

May Peace make you strong

And Joy make you fresh

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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