Friday, April 10, 2020

Grangy ePistle

Famous First Words: In my younger and more vulnerable years...Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby
Today is National Farm Animals Day! If you cross an angry sheep with a sulking cow, you get an animal in a baaaaaaaaaaaad moooooooooooooood / The cow only jumped over the moon because she had way too much coffee that day.
..........I wanna get a job in a rock and roll band.........Sheb Wooley …..Flying Purple People Eater
The world is now too small for anything but brotherhood. --Arthur Powell Davies
It is a cold (30°F) Friday morning even though there is little wind to insist on it. The sky is a brilliant blue without a cloud or a jet trail to shade it. A harsh trill of bird song can be heard from a housetop down the street like delta blues at dawn. Sunrise is revealing all the spring colors – greens, yellows, purples – to add to the general brilliance of the day. The room smells of Moose Munch (popcorn and chocolate); it is warm and comfortable. The world looks so inviting all fresh and clean; but when I open the door cold rolls over us and I close it quickly. The very Moose Munch that produced this fine aroma tastes creamy and sweet on my tongue but I turn from the door. Shaking the feeling of waiting that has come to be part of life these days, I sit down at my computer and think of my friends, think of you. How blessed can one person be?
Hope every ePistlier and his or her brother or sister has a terrific weekend.
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: “Social Distancing” is boring. “Exiled for the good of the realm” sound much more interesting. --Submitted by bk of inrith
Why aren't newly born kids called escape goats? / My goat used to be into lip-syncing. His name is Billy Vanilly
..........I may be in fourth grade but I know what's going on.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..A Joyful Process
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Safety Pin !
^ Who was it that invented the safety pin anyway?
^^ When did the modern clasp come into use?
^^^ What seventy's trend gave a new life to the safety pin?
^^^^ About how many safety pins are manufactured in the US per year?
^^^^^ Any idea at what price was the original patent sold?
Big Hello: Ba'ax ka wa'alik – Yucatec Maya
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Of all the things I learned in grade school, how to avoid cooties was the last one I expected to use. --Submitted by llr of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Despite not being at work for several weeks 56% of librarians are still finding glitter on their cardigans.
Farmer Jane's cow, Elsie, used to sneak in the house at night and prop people up against the wall. / Cows have hooves instead of feet because they lactose.
..........And this freaky little groupie from the funky side of town.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..Undisco Kid
Moonbeam: One is never more on trial than in the moment of excessive good fortune. --Lew Wallace
Naturally Occurring Mandala of the Week: Dandelion

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A wise man once said nothing. --Submitted by ag of ks
Week of the Week: Bat Appreciation Week (5-11)

Pinki Piiig used to meditate on her third I. / Farmer John subscribed to Porks Illustrated for his pigs.
..........Gettin' down on the one which we believe in.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..One Nation Under A Groove
^ The safety pin was invented in 1849 by the American Walter Hunt, a mechanic, who created it while fiddling with a length of wire.
Almanac: It is Friday, April 10, 2020. The moon was full (Pink) on Tuesday and is in Sagittarius. It is ASPCA DAY (American Society for the Prevention of Curelty to Animals), National Farm Annimals Day, National Sibling Day, Salvation Army Founder's Day, Safety Pin Day, and Golfer's Day.
Among those born on this day were Samuel Hahnemann (1755), Claude Seurat (1797), Lew Wallace (1827), William Booth (1829), Joseph Pulitzer (1847), Francis Perkins (1880), Ben Nicholson (1894), Clare Boothe Luce (1903), Harry Morgan (1915), Chuck Connors (1921), Sheb Wooley (1921), Junior Samples (1927), Omar Sharif (Michael Shalhoub, 1932), Don Meredith (1938), Eddie Hazel (1950), Steven Seagal (1951), and
Haley Joel Osment (1988).
On April tenth Louis III was crowned King of France (879), the US patent system was established (1790), the second Bank of US was chartered (1816), the New York Tribune began publication (1841), the safety pin was patented (1849), Maximilian became emperor of Mexico (1864), Congress increased the number of Supreme Court judges from 7 to 9 (1869), the first National black convention met (New Orleans, 1872), the first professional golf tournament was held (1916), The Great Gatsby was published (1925), synthetic rubber was first produced (1930), Jackie Robinson joined the Dodgers (1947), Paul McCartney officially announced that the Beatles had split up (1970), Penn met Teller (1974), and NYC banned smoking in all restaurants that seat 35 or more (1995).
Night Sky, 4/10: Algol and its constellation Perseus, off to the right of Venus, are sinking ever lower in the northwest after dark as the season advances. In western North America, Algol goes through one of its eclipses this evening. It should be at its minimum brightness, magnitude 3.4 instead of its usual 2.1, for a couple hours centered on 9:14 pm PDT
Max Picture of the Week: Max makes his own mask Yes, it does sport multiple happy faces.

This Week: Saturday, April 11 – Baby Massage Day & Barbershop Quartet Day & Submarine Day
Sunday, April 12 – Easter Sunday & Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day & Walk on Your Wild Side Day
Night Sky, 4/12: Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are grouped low in the southeast as dawn begins. Jupiter is by far the brightest. Left of it is yellowish Saturn, and left of Saturn is orange Mars. Each morning Mars moves visibly farther from Saturn.
Monday, April 13 – Scrabble Day & Thomas Jefferson Day & Make Lunch Count Day
Tuesday, April 14 – National Dolphin Day & National Pecan Day & National Perfume Day
Wednesday, April 15 – World Art Day & Rubber Eraser Day & Take A Wild Guess Day
Night Sky, 15: Venus shines in the edge of the Pleiades, then on subsequent evenings it blazes above the cluster. Their separation widens by about 1° per day. In a telescope, Venus is slightly less than half lit and 27 arcseconds in diameter. It will continue to enlarge in size and wane in phase to become a dramatically thin crescent in late May.
Thursday, April 16 – Emancipation Day & National Bean Counter Day & National Orchid Day
Farmer Fred had a really mean duck that used to run at children and bite them exactly one-two-three times. They called him Count Quackula. / He eventually had to get rid of all his duck – they get up at the quack of dawn.
..........Gonna put the world away for a minute.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..Knee Deep
^^ Numerous improvements to safety pins were made during the late 1800s and early 1900s, although it wasn’t until 1907, that pins had a clasps similar to the modern style clasp.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Whoever said one person can't change the world never ate an undercooked bat. --Submitted by rl of ca
Moonbeam: The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender. --William Booth
Late Night Snacks of the Week: That’s right, governors are comparing buying life-saving ventilators for a pandemic to surge pricing. This is capitalism at its absolute worst. While Trump waits for the market to decide, people are literally going to die, and states are getting ripped off like they’re trying to call an Uber in the rain in midtown after a Broadway show. --Seth Meyers / Meanwhile, Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, started taking things seriously because “we didn’t know until yesterday” that asymptomatic people can spread the virus. You didn’t know that until yesterday? It’s all anyone’s been talking about since January! You’re like a guy saying: ‘You know, I finally started watching this Game of Thrones. No one told me there were dragons in it! This is a game-changer.’ --Stephen Colbert / Dr Anthony Fauci, “the man whose calm leadership during this crisis has won him the respect of all intelligent people and President Trump. Fauci has reportedly been assigned a security detail due to conspiracy-related threats. Now, unfortunately, getting threats is fairly standard for anyone in the public eye; but what’s not standard is that Dr Fauci is also receiving lots of ‘unwelcome communications from fervent admirers’. Yes, that’s a nice way to say that your groupies are crazy. --Trevor Noah
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: One hero has emerged in all of this of late, and that is Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York. Perhaps because of his calm leadership, but probably just because there are no more sports to watch, Andrew Cuomo's daily press briefings have become must-see TV. He's like an older, meaner version of CNN's Chris Cuomo because that's exactly what he is. It's weird because nobody even liked him a month ago. It must be the epidemic. In real life, he's a four, but with corona goggles, he's a nine. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 4/4/20
Love is the purest form of a soul at peace --Matthew Donnelly
If you cross a cow and a chicken you get roost beef. / Farmer Fanny's cows were so pampered they gave spoiled milk.
..........You could shake it for dinner or you could spread it all around.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..Hit It And Quit It
^^^ During the emergence of punk rock in the late 1970s, safety pins became associated with the genre, its followers and fashion. ~~Good thing because this was about the time that paper diapers came into wide use and nearly killed the safety pin market.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The Greek word apocalypse actually means to uncover, reveal, or unveil the truth that has been ignored, forgotten, misinterpreted, and/or misunderstood, and the phrase apokalupsis eschaton literally means revelation at the end of the aeon or age. Welcome to the new aeon...
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Psychologists recommend imagining everyone is Mitch McConnell to make social distancing easier. --Submitted by sd of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Perverb – Create a preverb by snapping a couple of proverbs in half and joining the end of one to the beginning of the other: A rolling stone gets the worm or the road to Hell wasn't paved in a day.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Lure crabs. Chew a piece of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum briefly and use it as bait on a fishing line.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Stephen King is sorry you feel like you're stuck in a Stephen King novel. --Submitted by ad of mo
Patsy Pig broke up with her boyfriend because he was such a boar. / Peter pig fell in love with and eventually married a tortoise named Toshie. They had a litter of slow porks.
...........You've lost the fight and the winner is fear.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..Super Stupid

^^^^ Over 3 million safety pins can be made by one factory in a day, almost 1 billion a year. There are only two U.S. companies that make safety pins, although there are many more companies abroad.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Wisconsin Primary Voters Received “I Voted” gravestones. --The Onion
Science Fiction Joke of the Week: Three conspiracy theorists walk into a TARDIS. Now don't try to tell me that's just a coincidence.
Actual Science Joke of the Week: If Silver Surfer & Iron Man teamed up, they'd be Ally Alloys.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Phantom Puck flying through the shadows in the case of the sheltering shetland.
Shelly shepherd loved her job but she kept falling asleep. / For some of us democracy is just two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
..........sittin' here, vibratin'.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..Biological Speculation
^^^^^ The safety pin patent was sold for $400 USD, which equates to roughly $10,000 USD in 2008 to W R Grace Company in 1849, while Hunt is said to have used some of the money to pay a small debt owed to a friend.
Month of the Week: April is National Decorating Month --I decided to redecorate my house while I'm shut in. So far I have clothes thrown everywhere, stacks of books and magazines covering the end tables, and three empty pizza boxes on the floor to tie it all together.
Pet Peeve of the Day: Some questions for those Christians who not only refuse to stay home but demand that nobody stay home: Do you figure God's too lazy to make house calls? Is your house somehow unsuited for a God visit? Can't you hide the swear jar under the sink for a hour? Are you ashamed that the neighbors might see God at your front door? Are you afraid God's black or female or speaks with a middle east accent? Is your dog trained to attack strangers? Have you rented your spare bedroom to Satan? Did you secretly vote Democratic?
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Today the devil whispered in my ear, “You're not strong enough to withstand the storm.” And I whispered, “Six feet back, motherf*cker” --Submitted by #RHOZ
Today's Peace of History, April 10, 1998: The Northern Ireland peace talks ended with an historic accord—called the Good Friday Agreement—reached after nearly two years of talks and 30 years of conflict. Former US Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine) was chair of the talks which established a Northern Irish Assembly for both the Irish Catholic republicans and the British Anglican unionists.
Elmer kept returning to the marijuana field every day, because the pot was calling the cattle back. / Milking stools have only three legs because the cow has the udder.
..........Soul is a hamhock in your cornflakes.........Funkadelic with Eddie Hazel …..What Is Soul
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, April 10, 2020, Grangy ePistle. Peace, Love, and Farm Fresh Humor. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. --Clare Boothe Luce
Cost of War:
As of 4/9/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,017,008,615,244.
As of 4/2/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,015,114,956,314.
As of 4/9/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $959,704,947,931.
As of 4/2/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $958,417,987,765.
As of 4/9/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $756,143,465,803.
As of 4/2/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $754,525,616,705.
As of 4/9/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $327,487,164,175.
As of 4/2/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $327,119,442,947.
As of 4/9/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,060,344,923,605.
As of 4/2/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,049,725,922,728.
I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace. --Helen Keller
Famous Last Words: Personal differences, business differences, musical differences, but most of all because I have a better time with my family. Temporary or permanent? I don’t really know. --Paul McCartney
..........Time is passing I'm asking could this be real.........Sheb Wooley …..Crazy Butterfly
Sheep vacation in the Baaaahamas. / My cow lives in the back yard and keeps my grass short. I call her my lawn moo-er.
May Peace bless your garden
And Joy grow like weeds
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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