Friday, April 12, 2019

enDEARing ePistle

Famous First Words: Get outta that bed, wash your face and hands... Big Joe Turner Shake, Rattle and Roll
It is D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything And Read): Hey, what's in that wardrobe? Narnia business, bud. / What did the lungs do before Bronte created Eyre?
..........A whole lot of love is what we'll be bringing.........Partridge Family with David Cassidy …..Come On, Get Happy
You are about to be told one more time that you are America's most valuable natural resource. Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources?! Have you seen a strip mine? Have you seen a clear cut in the forest? Have you seen a polluted river? Don't ever let them call you a valuable natural resource! They're going to strip mine your soul. They're going to clear cut your best thoughts for the sake of profit unless you learn to resist, because the profit system follows the path of least resistance and following the path of least resistance is what makes the river crooked! --Utah Phillips
It is a chilly (34°F) Friday morning. The sun is shining brightly in a very pale blue sky without cloud or jet trail. The birds are gliding through 16 mph winds and singing praises to the dawn. The eruption of color continues; several trees on our street have sprouted white flower which ride the wind to the ground and hide among the green, green grass. Deep purple grape hyacinths nestle in clumps of taller grass and yellow and pink tulips are showing their colors here and there. There are sounds of car door and motors, of people on their way to work or school. Dogs behind fences bark at us as we pass and Puck always returns comments. The wind claims to be from the west but manages to blow in our faces no matter which direction we walk and eventually blows us home. The house is warm and smells of brewing coffee and bbq which has been slowly cooking all night long. Puck quickly finishes off a bowl of milk and curls into a snoring ball on his blanket. I fix a creamed, sweet cup of decaf and inhale the steamy warmth into my nose and mouth. Ah, the only think better is sitting down to write to you.
Hope your weekend has a happy ending, ePistliers.
From Jane Austen's Match.Com profile: If forced to endure your company, I think I might eventually come to love you. / Let's pretend that we're characters in a classic work of literature and that all of our actions are highly symbolic.
..........And laughter is the key to your heart.........CSNY …..Suite Judy Blue Eyes
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to the Union Jack
^ The flag contains the flags of 2 of which 3 nations that make up the United Kingdom?
^^ The most usual size of a flag is 3:5; what are the dimensions of the Union Jack?
^^^ Why is the Union Jack not symmetrical?
^^^^ Know what happened in 1801 to make them change it to its current form?
^^^^^ Which shoe company used the Union Jack as its logo for many years? ~~This turned out to be way more complicated and way harder than I thought. Not symmetrical, how dare they.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You remind me of a migraine.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 78% of librarians have cried over spilled tea.
Quoth the Passive Aggressive Raven, Nevermind! / Civil Disobedience was a such a success because of Thoreau editing.
..........And eagle flies with the dove.........CSNY …..Love The One You're With
Moonbeam: Painting is by nature a luminous language. --Robert Delaunay
Something to Think About of the Week: Intermediate Spiral Galaxy. Mandala has become a term for any diagram, chart, or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically.

Big Hello: Pozdravljeni - Slovenian
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I got cancer from a really loud windmill but cured it with a clean coal tincture. --Submitted by sd of ks
Week of the Week: National Library Week (7-13) – You want weapons? We're in a library. Books! The best weapons in the world. --The Doctor
Second Cousin Once Removed of Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You millennials and your obsession with healthcare. Back in my day we just died. --Submitted by ae of mo
The Brontësaurus wrote dinosaur romance novels. / I didn't finish Pride & Prejudice; the characters were too austentatious.
..........Be sure to hide the roaches.........CSNY …..Pre-Road Downs
^ The flags of Scotland and England are represented on the Union Jack but not Wales. All the Flags but Wales & Welsh Flag ~~Spoiler Alert: The Welsh Flag (Fflage) is way coooooooooler.
Almanac: It is Friday, April 12, 2019. The moon is first quarter today and is in Cancer. It is International Day of Human Space Flight (UN), D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) Day, Licorice Day, Look Up at the Sky Day, and Walk on Your Wild Side Day. In Mauritius it is Ugadi (Hindu New Year) and in North Carolina it is Halifax Independence Day (1776).
Among those born on this day were Aleksandr Ostrovsky (1823), Robert Delaunay (1885), Johnny Dodds (1892), Herbert Mills (1912), Emil T. Petaja (1915), Maria Callas (1923), Tiny Tim (Herbert Butros Khaury, 1932), Herbie Hancock (1940), Ed O'Neill (1946), David Letterman (1947), David Cassidy (1950), Andy Garcia (1956), Shannen Doherty (1971), and Claire Danes (1979).
On April twelfth England adopted the Union Jack flag (1606), England, Ireland and Scotland united (1654), Madame Bovary was published (1857), North Carolina passed an Anti-Klan law (1869), the catcher's mask was first used (1877), the Hippodrome opened (NYC, 1905), the 48 hour work week became law in the UK (1919), Spain voted out the monarchy (1931), Harry Truman was sworn in as the 33rd president (1945), Syria gained independence (1946), Big Joe Turner released Shake, Rattle and Roll (1954), the A's played their first game in KC (1955), Douglas MacArthur declined an offer to become baseball commissioner (1961), Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young released 4 Way Street (1971), the space shuttle Columbia was launched (1981), Texaco filed for bankruptcy (1987), Sonny Bono was elected mayor of Palm Springs (1988), and Euro Disney opened (1992).
Night Sky, 4/12: First-quarter Moon (exactly at 3:06 pm EDT). Come evening, the Moon shines high in the southwest with Pollux and Castor to its upper right and brighter Procyon farther below it. Far below Procyon sparkles Sirius, the brightest star of all.
Max Picture of the Week: Max wishing his great grandma Happy Birthday.

This Week: Saturday, April 13 – Baby Massage Day & Scrabble Day & Thomas Jefferson Day
Sunday, April 14 – Dictionary Day & National Dolphin Day & National Pecan Day
Monday, April 15 – Income Tax Pay Day & McDonald's Day & World Art Day
Tuesday, April 16 – Emancipation Day & National Orchid Day
Wednesday, April 17 – Bat Appreciation Day & Blah Blah Blah Day & Herbalist Day
Thursday, April 18 – Adult Autism Day & High Five Day & National Ask An Atheist Day
Milton was banned from D&D game night. Every time he played there'd be a pair of dice lost. / It's a pity they didn't cast Ryan Reynolds as Jay Gatsby since he's both the green lantern and the deadpool.
..........Now your crosses are burning fast.........CSNY …..Southern Man
^^ The Union Jack is usually produced at a ration of 1:2.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Going crazy, wanna come? --Submitted by dr of oh
Moonbeam: The Alphans had been watching Earth for centuries, seeing its technological advances and its moral stagnation. --Emil T. Petaja
Quote of the Week: To the wrongs that need resistance, to the right that needs assistance, to the future in the distance, give yourselves. --Carrie Chapman Catt
Late Night Snacks: “You know, in fairness to Drumpf, he probably is under audit. I mean, Drumpf’s taxes are so dirty, the IRS probably has them in one of those contagion rooms from Outbreak.” --Trevor Noah / Besides, warning TV producers to avoid critics of the president constitutes a clear attack on the freedom of the press. And since when do you have a problem with lying on TV? Lying on TV is Kellyanne Conway’s entire résumé. --Samantha Bee / The collusion clearance was good news for Drumpf. I’d say he’s had a pep in his step ever since but he doesn’t really take steps. If he had a Fitbit, the only thing his Fitbit would ever display is, ‘You up?’ --Seth Meyers / Republicans are scrambling to any microphone they can find to say, ‘Please don’t tell us anything!’ Why would any congressman demand that Congress know less? Because, “Knowledge is power and I wouldn’t trust us with a burnt match". --Stephen Colbert / On the WWE: Here’s how bad it is: even the NFL, for all its massive faults, now offers players health reimbursement accounts and have established a legacy fund for older players who may be dealing with health issues; and when you’ve lost the moral high ground to the f*cking NFL, you’re morally subterranean. --John Oliver
Ghost of 'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Kansas weather went from 85 to 35 like it just saw a state trooper in the rear view mirror.
Not So Late Night Snacks: Since moon rocks are easy to scoop, old waste we will try to recoup. We're paying the piper by bringing home diapers. We'll go back to pick up our poop. According to Vox, the Apollo 11 astronauts left 96 bags of human waste up on the moon. Now we know why there's a dark side of the moon. Humans have been blasting things into space for years now, like songs by Mozart and Bach, photographs and apparently our poop. Scientists want to go back to pick up the moon poop to research how living microbes have fared in space over the last 45 years or so. --Peter Sagal But you said 96 bags. That's a lot, I mean, if you stop and really think about it. --Roxanne Roberts Let's not. --Tom Bodett Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me 4/6/19
Talking to a conservative is like talking to your refrigerator... You know, the light goes on, the light goes off; it's not going to do anything that isn't built into it --Utah Phillips
Holden Caulfied grew up watching My Little Phony. / I started walking around without shoes and now it's become a hobbit.
..........Soldiers are gunning us down.........CSNY …..Ohio
^^^ Because of the relative positions of the saltires of St Patrick and St Andrew, the UK flag is not symmetrical. The red saltire of St Patrick is offset such that it does not relegate the white saltire of St Andrew to a mere border.
Worthless Facts of the Week: The gala opening of the NYC Hippodrome was completely sold out. The first act was A Yankee Circus on Mars, which featured space ships, horses, elephants, acrobats, clowns, a baboon named Coco, an orchestra of 60, hundreds of singers, and 150 dancers performing to Ponchielli's Dance of the Hours.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm of the very strong opinion that Sex Ed should be taught by a woman 37 weeks into her third pregnancy while her husband sits scrolling through his phone and her other two children run wild. --Cydni Beer
Weird Word of the Week: Quanked – to be overpowered by fatigue. --Obsolete Word of the Day
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Keep dogs, maggots, and flies out of trash cans. Coat the trash cans with a thin layer of WD-40.
I have been a soreheaded occupant of a file drawer labeled ‘science fiction’ and I would like out, particularly since so many serious critics regularly mistake the drawer for a urinal.” --Kurt Vonnegut / I want time to sit and read, take a nap, and snack. Basically, I want to be in Kindergarten.
...........May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground.........CSNY …..Carry On
^^^^ The Union Jack changed to it's current form with a royal proclamation following the union of Great Britain and Ireland.
Just Before the Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I will always be disappointed that a group of squid is not called a squad.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Gaslight Gathering (12-14, San Diego, CA) A Steampunk Victoriana Experience.
Actual Science Convention of the Week: Joint Rail Conference 2019 (9-12, Snowbird, UT) ...all aspects of railroad civil, mechanical, electrical, and systems engineering, as well as rail safety, planning, design, financing, operations, and management.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck guarding sacred symbols in the case of the Krazy Kerry Blue.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Men tend to choose high paying professions – like doctor, engineer, CEO, etc. while women naturally go towards lower paying careers – like female doctor, female engineer, and female CEO. --Submitted by rhb of ks
The Cat in the Hat used purr-suasion to get the kids to do fun stuff. / What is Thing 1 and Thing 2? Thing 3, of course.
..........A dreamer of pictures I run in the night.........CSNY …..Cinnamon Girl
^^^^^ Reebok used the Union Jack from its founding in1895 until 1986 when it changed to the vector logo.
Month of the Week: April is Frog Month – A quartet of frogs used to travel in a VW beetle. One dressed as Prince. Another sported fangs and open toad shoes; she was known as Mad Frog. The other two wore Kermit Kollars. Their only hit was Rum and Croaka-Cola.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Fox news has done to our grandparents what our grandparents thought violent video games would do to us. --Submitted by ma of va
Grammar Joke of the Week: Egyptian Grammar: For cryin' out never end a sentence with a prairie swallow.
Today's Peace of History, April 12, 1937: 60,000 students across the US took part in the first nationwide student strike. The protest was against participation in any war.
New insight into Quixote...he battled windmill cancer. / Wouldn't it be more impressive to advertise that Hemingway DIDN'T drink at your bar? -JT Wood
..........Hello ruby in the dust.........CSNY …..Cowgirl In The Sand
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, April 12, 2019, EnDearing ePistle. Online at: Peace, Love, and Literature. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: I will always be as difficult as necessary to achieve the best. --Maria Callas
Cost of War:
As of 4/11/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,914,298,438,081.
As of 4/4/19 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,912,318,550,687.
As of 4/11/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $889,901,789,953.
As of 4/4/19 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $888,556,360,973.
As of 4/11/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $668,390,722,039.
As of 4/4/19 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $666,699,503,179.
As of 4/11/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $307,543,327,607.
As of 4/4/19 Veterans Care since 2001: $307,158,991,628.
As of 4/11/19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,780,134,785,869.
As of 4/4//19 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,774,734,242,121.
I'm here to change the world, and if I am not, I am probably wasting my time. --Utah Phillips
..........Because the past is just a good-bye.........CSNY …..Teach Your Children
Sasha was from Russia, where the sunsets are longer, the dawns less sudden and sentences are often left unfinished from doubt as how to best end them. --Virginia Woolf / I gave out a page of Ulysses to my freshmen and they thought it was a wordsearch.
Famous Last Words: And tiptoe through the tulips with me. --Tiny Tim
May Peace pervade your plot
And Joy dominate your dialogue
prairie mama

Last Laugh: For International Day of Human Space Flight

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