Friday, December 14, 2018


Famous First Words: Hi, ya, Tony -- Saturday Night Fever
Today is The Day of the Horse. Race horses eat fast food. / Horses are very democratic. Their whole language is set up for yay or neigh.
..........Poured the goldfish bowl into daddy's hat.........Spike Jones …..Angel In The Christmas Play
Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace. --Pope Francis
It is a cold Friday morning. The 35°F temperature is chilly but the 11 mph wind is down right bitter. Strips of white and gray all of which look like rain streak the sky. Bare willow branches whip about wildly and then hang limp for a moment before taking off again. A neighborhood murder of crows passes overhead cawing and flying and landing and cawing on their way to breakfast. Puck barks at the child racing to the car and at a mother walking her charges to school. I repeat the long standing but rarely followed rule that you're not allowed to bark at people in their own driveways, to no avail. The new born sun is trying to burn away some cloud; there are flashes of not so dim. Good luck. We return home to quiet and warmth and the smell of brewing coffee. Normality. I spend several seconds breathing in the steam, warming my nose and face, before taking that first delicious sip a sweetened decaf. And now, I get to write to you. Great morning afterall.
Hope your weekend is five gaited, ePistliers.
What do yo call a horse that has just given birth? Exfoaliated. / To get a really great mane look, show horses use Neighbelline.
..........It would be thrilling, if you were willing.........Spike Jones …..Temptation
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to the Table Tennis Tournament !
^ In what year, more or less, did Ping Pong become an Olympic sport?
^^ What constitutes game end in Ping Pong?
^^^ Any idea what the diameter of a ping pong ball is?
^^^^ From what part of the world does ping pong come?
^^^^^ Know any other names for the game besides ping pong and table tennis?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: We're expecting such a cold winter, the squirrels are collecting more nuts than usual. So far, 3 of my relatives have disappeared. --Submitted by mja of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 67% of library fax machines are older than the youngest staff member.
That horse was so lonely he asked Santa to bring him a child. / How do you know that your horse has been in the fridge? The carrots are gone and there's a hoof print in the oat bran.
..........You will be our favorite nut.........Spike Jones …..Oh! By Jingo
Moonbeam: Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. --Margaret Chase Smith
Something to Not Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: Cлaba иcycy Xpиcty (Slava Ysusu Chrystu) - Rusyn
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Existing is exhausting. --Submitted by rmar of ks
Week of the Week: Christmas Bird Count Begins (12/14-1/5) –There's a big controversy about whether or not Audubon should include citizenship in this year's bird count.
A bartender walked into a stable. A Clydesdale shouted, “Why the wrong place?” / A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Hay, the usual?”
..........Is there anyone finer in the state of Carolina.........Spike Jones …..Dinah
^ Table Tennis was introduced at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, where singles and doubles tournaments were held for both genders. The doubles events were dropped from the 2008 Summer Olympics program and replaced by team events.
Almanac: It is Friday, December 14, 2018. The moon will be first quarter tomorrow and is in Aquarius. It is National Bouillabaisse Day, Day of the Horse, International Shareware Day, and Monkey Day. Halcyon Days begin (14-29th i.e. 7 days before and after solstice)
Among those born on this day were Nostradamus (1503), Margaret Chase Smith (1897), Spike Jones (1911), Dan Dailey (1914), Shirley Jackson (1919), Patty Duke (1946), and Spider Tracy (1958).
On December fourteenth the first artificial pearl was manufactured (1656), Ohio authorized the building of the first state road (1793), Alabama was admitted to the union (22nd State, 1819), the world's first table tennis tournament was held (1901), Iraq gained independence (1927), the first streamlined locomotive ran (1934), the UN decided to settle in NYC (1946), the Dodgers signed Sandy Koufax (1953), DNA was created in a test tube (1967), Saturday Night Fever premiered (1977), and Cosell retired from Monday Night Football (1984).
Night Sky, 12/14: In early evening, Mars shines above the Moon. Mars is about twice as big as the Moon in physical diameter, but it's currently 425 times farther away. Look far below them for Fomalhaut. At a distance of 25 light-years, Fomalhaut is 1.4 million times farther away than Mars.
Max Picture of the Week: Ready for basketball season to begin.

This Week: Saturday, December 15 – Bill of Rights Day & National Cupcake Day & International Tea Day
Sunday, December 16 – National Chocolate-covered Anything Day
Night Sky, 12/16: The Summer Triangle is sinking lower in the west, and Altair is the first of its stars to go (for mid-northern observers). Start by spotting bright, zero-magnitude Vega in the northwest right after dark. The brightest star above Vega is Deneb. Altair, the Triangle's third star, is farther to Vega's left or lower left. How late into the night, and into the advancing season, can you keep Altair in view?
Monday, December 17 – Wright Brothers Day & Clean Air Day
Tuesday, December 18 – Answer the Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day
Night Sky, 12/18: Orion comes into good view low in the east after dinnertime now. That means Gemini is also coming up to its left (for the world's mid-northern latitudes). The head stars of the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, are at the left end of the Gemini constellation — one over the other, with Castor on top.
Wednesday, December 19 – Birthday of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, princess – observed in Hawaii
Thursday, December 20 – Games Day & Free Shipping Day & International Human Solidarity Day
Night Sky, 12/20: Comet 46P/Wirtanen making its closest and brightest approach to Earth for years, a mere 11 million kilometres away.
I'm as healthy as a horse – with diabetes. / How to draw a horse: 1) draw a unicorn 2) Erase the horn
..........And the buzzards stay up in the stratosphere.........Spike Jones …..Big Bad Bill
^^ The first ping pong player to score eleven points wins; but a victory must be by at least 2 points.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: What are you? A harp. Your costume's too small to be a harp. Are you calling me a lyre?
Moonbeam: Life Among the Savages is a disrespectful memoir of my children. --Shirley Jackson
Top Ten Late Night Snacks: Top Ten Surprises in Bob Woodward's New Book
10 Bush financed the war by selling White House china on eBay
9 Instead of pursing Al-Qaeda, CIA agents originally pursed Al Pacino
8 President's military strategy based on reruns of “F Troop”
7 Bush's plan: To fix this mess by the end of his third term
6 Says both Bush and Clinton could have done more to prevent the new Kevin Costner movie.
5 Frequent use of the word “Brangelina”
4 The nude fold-out of Donald Rumsfeld
3 Iraq insurgency began when local affiliates started broadcasting “Yes, Dear”
2 Book chronicles Condoleezza's futile attempts to get laid
1 Bush lost focus on Iraq because Congressman Mark Foley wouldn't stop sending him inappropriate e-mails.
Not So Late Night Snacks: This document came out and everything interesting was redacted, you could not read it, but CNN still invited on 10 panelist and they're of over a chyron saying None of these people know anything and yet still they speak. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. --Calvin Coolidge

..........Don't forget a small moonbeam.........Spike Jones …..Memories Are Made Of This
^^^ A table tennis ball is 40 mm (1.56 inches) in diameter and has to be white or orange in color.
Worthless Fact of the Week: December 14, 1656: A French rosary-bead maker named Jacquin created the first artificial pearl by coating the inside of a glass ball with a mixture of ground fish scales.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Trump was upset the funeral ceremony was not about him. So was everyone else. --Submitted by ma of va
Weird Word of the Week: Lithophone – any musical instrument made of stone that produces a ringing sound when hit.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Prevent squirrels from climbing into a birdhouses. Spray WD-40 on the metal pole or wires.
My horse is very polite. Whenever we come to a jump he stops and lets me go first. / He works well with others if by others you mean horses.
...........He's a highfalutin', scootin', shootin' son-of-a-gun from Arizona.........Spike Jones …..Ragtime Cowboy Joe
^^^^ Table tennis started in England as a parlor game; in the 1890s it was played on a dining room table.
Top Ten Date of the Week: October 1, 2006
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm going to go lay under the Christmas tree to remind the world that I'm a gift.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Con Alt Delete (12/14-16, Chicago) --C+A+D gives you the chance to meet a thousand of your fellow friends and anime fans in celebrating Japanese animation and nerd culture
Actual Science Convention of the Week: 7th ICRTEL 2018 – International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning (12/14-15, Mauritius) ~~It didn't have a tagline, I looked.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck disguised as a doorstop in the case of the Sleeping Skookum
You say, you're riding your horse full speed; beside you a giraffe is keeping pace. You look back a there is a lion nipping at your heels. Get off the carousel and go home, you're drunk. / Baby Barbara used to call the carousel the horse tornado.
..........Things we done before always seem new.........Spike Jones …..That's What Makes The World Go Round
^^^^^ Ping Pong has been called Flim Flam, Gossima, and Whiff Whaff.
Month of the Week: December is National Tie Month – 2 silk worms got in a fight. It ended in a tie. / Why are Trump's ties so long? Because they go all the way to Russia.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Dear Santa...Before I explain, how much do you know already?
Grammar Joke of the Week: A verb walks into a bar, sees a beautiful noun, and suggests they conjugate. The noun declines.
Today's Peace of History, December 14, 1994: After eight years of negotiations, the United States finally agreed to honor New Zealand's ban on nuclear weapons in its territory. U.S. Navy ships armed with nuclear weapons no longer visited New Zealand’s ports.
A horse walked into a bar and asked for a job application. The bartender manager was taken aback and said why are you applying here at a bar? Did you try the rodeo? The horse just shook his head and said, “Yes, but they didn't need a bartender”.
..........Cause tonight's our night. Yahoo.........Spike Jones …..Leave The Dishes In The Sink
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle December 14, 2018, ePistlegait. Online at: laughs and peace neigh-borhood. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: “I speak as a Republican I speak as a woman. I speak as a United States Senator. I speak as an American. I don’t want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny— fear, ignorance, bigotry and smear.” --Margaret Chase Smith
Cost of War:
As of 12/13/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,880,738,663,277.
As of 12/6/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,878,750,383,946.
As of 12/13/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $867,094,297,453.
As of 12/6/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $865,742,906,594.
As of 12/13/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $639,718,625,938.
As of 12/6/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $638,019,572,171.
As of 12/13/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $301,026,972,964.
As of 12/6/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $300,640,790,765.
As of 12/13/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,688,579,309,520.
As of 12/6/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,683,154,507,628.
Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas. --Dale Evans
..........Then I could wish you Merry Christmas.........Spike Jones …..My Two Front Teeth
Today is also Monkey Day. I looked up monkey jokes but they were unable to distinguish between monkeys and apes. In fact these are the only two I really thought were funny. When monkeys need to get downstairs, they side on the bananaster. What do monkeys do for fun? Sit around a tell people jokes.
Famous Last Words: ...until the General Assembly shall otherwise direct. --Constitution of the State of Alabama, 1819
May your Peace be swift
And your Joy be unbridled
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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