First Words: Voici le pain. (Here is the bread) Thais
World Sleep Day ! Now, aren't you glad yo got up for that? I'm so
good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes closed. / Fall Asleep
Faster: play that tape of last Sunday's sermon.
gentle sweet singing of leaves in the wind........Heart …..Crazy
On You
ways to promote peace #20: Call out people when you see them being
sexist, racist, etc.
is a damp Friday morning. The sky is a flat gray with little texture
or variation. The light rain seems to be blowing in my face rather
than falling to the ground. The wind is strong and whips the
treetops (still bare) into an enthusiastic frenzy. The birds have
not yet gathered at the feeders but I hear them in the little wood
across the street and in the nearer trees. I see them fly across the
grayness. Puck has found a squirrel next door and is explaining to
it why it should not come to his yard. There is little traffic and
so little motor noise but the wind in the limbs and around the
corners adds to the early soundtrack. The air smells of damp ground
and wet cement. It conjures thoughts of spring; but the grass is
still mostly brown and yellow and the bushes are bare. It has not
rained enough to make mud puddles. The wind and the 49°F
temperature drive us indoors for dry and warm. Puck drinks his
morning cup of milk and settles down to nap. I drink my adulterated
Moose Munch – artificially sweetened and really creamed –
enjoying the warmth as well as the flavor and settle down to write to
you. What a great morning.
your weekend leaves you rested and refreshed, ePistliers.
is for people without access to the internet. / I already want to
take a nap tomorrow. / Fall Asleep Faster: decorate your boudoir like
a school room.
the real thing don't do the trick..........Heart …..Barracuda
Questions: Happy Panda Day !
What is the average lifespan of the giant panda?
Have you heard the legend of how the panda came to have their
Do you know anything about red pandas?
Do you happen to remember the names of the Pandas given to Nixon by
Would you care to guess how many giant pandas there are left in the
Thing I Read of the Week: Some days you eat salads and go to
the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. It's
called balance. --submitted by sd of ks
Library Statistic of the Week:
tattoo on a librarian's back is called a spine label.
love sleep. My life tends to fall apart whenever I'm awake. / My
hobbies include sleeping and wanting to be asleep.
know I always get by.........Heart …..I've Got The Music In Me
The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.
--James Madison
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: hāai -
Mon (Thailand & Myanmar)
of the Week: Shakespeare Week (March
12-18) –How indecisive are you on a scale of 1 to Hamlet? / Now is
the Winter of our Discount Tent
people were meant to pop out of bed, we'd all sleep in toasters. /
Doctor, can you prescribe something to stop me from sleepwalking?
No, you need the exercise.
know I can't resist.........Heart …..Down On Me
life span of giant pandas in the wild is approximately 20 years.
Captive pandas may live to be 25-30 years old.
It is Friday, March 16, 2018. The moon will be new tomorrow and is
in Pisces. It is Black Press Day, Campfire Girls
Day, Freedom of Information Day, Goddard Day, Lips Appreciation Day,
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, No Selfies Day,
Panda Day, St. Urho's Day, and World Sleep Day. In Surinam it is
Holi Phagwah and in Umatilla OR it is Curlew Day .
those born on this day were James Madison (1751), Matthew Flinders
(1774), Georg Ohm (1787), Rosa Bonheur (1822), William Monk (1823),
Rene Francois Armand Sully Prudhomme (1839), Maxim Gorki (1868),
Harrison Ford (1884), Walter Shafer (1901), Henny Youngman (1906),
Patricia Nixon (1912), Jerry Lewis (Joseph Levitch, 1926), Vladimir
Komarov (1927), Don Richard Carpenter (1931), Ruth Bader Ginsberg
(1933), Chuck Woolery (1942), Kate Nelligan (1951), and Nancy Wilson
(Heart, 1954).
March sixteeneh the state of Rhode Island became a democracy and
adopted a new constitution (1621), the Treaty of Vienna was sign by
Charles VI of England and the Netherlands (1731), the law
establishing West Point Military Academy was signed (1802), Freedom
Journal, the
US first
"black" newspaper began publishing (1827), Arizona
Territory voted to leave the Union (1861), the first fertilizer law
was enacted (1871), the US Senate ratified a treaty establishing the
Red Cross (1882), Massenet's Thais
premiered in Paris (1894), Evans uncovered Knossus (1900), Helen
Herron Taft planted the first cherry tree in DC (1912), the Federal
Trade Commission was organized (1915), Robert Goddard launched his
first liquid fuel rocket (184 feet, 1926), the Migratory Bird
Conservation Act was passed (1934), the National Gallery of Art
opened (1941), the National Book Awards were first given out (1950),
Gemini 8 (Armstrong & Scott) aborted after 6.5 orbits (1966),
John and Yoko were served with deportation papers (1972), and the
Grand Ole Opry moved to its new home at Opryland (1974).
Sky, 3/16:
sky's biggest asterism (informal star pattern) is the Winter Hexagon.
It fills the sky toward the south and west right after dark these
evenings. Start with brilliant Sirius in its bottom, nearly south.
Going clockwise from there, march upper left through Procyon, then up
to Pollux and Castor near the zenith. Then head lower right through
Menkalinan to bright Capella, lower left to Aldebaran, farther lower
left to Orion's foot Rigel, and back to Sirius. Betelgeuse
shines inside the Hexagon, below center.
Fiction Convention of the Week:
Crash Landed (Tulsa, March 16-18) –A platform for filmmakers,
writers, artist and scientists to speak and exchange ideas.
Science Convention of the Week:
Quantum Many-Body (March12-16, Stellenbosch, South Africa) Body
Systems Far from Equilibrium: Quench Dynamics, Thermalisation, and
Many-Body Localisation
Week: Saturday, March 17 –
Worldwide Quilting Day & Play the Recorder Day
March 18 – Awkward Moments Day & National Biodiesel Day
Sky, 3/18: As
the turn of spring approaches (spring begins on March 20th this
year), watch the low east-northeast for the rise of the "Spring
Star," Arcturus. Find the Big Dipper high in the northeast and
follow the curve of its handle around down, by a little more than a
Dipper-length, to see where Arcturus will be.
March 19 – Goddess of Fertility Day & National Poultry
March 20 – Alien Abduction Day & International Day of
Sky, 3/20:
Mercury and Venus glow low in the
evening twilight due west. Jupiter is visible a good 2 1/2 hours
before sunrise. Nepture is hidden behind the glare of the sun.
Spring Equinox
March 21 – International Colour Day & World Memory Day
March 22 – National Goof-Off Day & As Young As You Feel
Sky, 3/22: Mars
and Saturn rise in the pre-dawn hours. Mars, on the right drawing
closer to Saturn. Jupiter rises around midnight. Uranus is sinking
away in the west at nightfall
like sleeping because it's like being dead without the commitment. /
With wireless sleep technology, the people in my dreams can send
email to the people in your dreams.
to the sky.........Heart …..Dog and Butterfly
to legend, the panda was once an all-white bear. When a small girl
tried to save a panda cub from being attacked by a leopard, the
leopard killed the girl instead. Pandas came to her funeral wearing
armbands of black ashes. As they wiped their eyes, hugged each other,
and covered the ears, they smudged the black ashes.
Picture I Saw of the Week:
Stephen Hawking protesting the War
in Vietnam (with Vanessa Redgrave) Submitted by rbh of ks ~~He
looks like Harry Potter, but then so do the two guys to his right.
Funniest Thing I read of the Week: Cats have 32 muscles in
each ear to help them ignore you. --Submitted by dr of oh
point of departure must always be a vision of the truth. The eye is
the route of the soul, and the pencil or brush must sincerely and
naively reproduce what it sees. --Rosa Bonheur
Night Snacks: In the Northeast, 1 million
people are without power because of a blizzard. And in Wisconsin, 1
million people are without power because of gerrymandering. --Conan
O'Brien / In honor of International Women’s Day, Mattel is
releasing a set of Barbies based on history-making women, like Amelia
Earhart and Olympic gold medalist Chloe Kim. It’s called the Way
Too Good for Ken Collection. --Jimmy Fallon / Apple’s new
futuristic headquarters, Apple Park in Cupertino, California, is
having some problems. The building is filled with so much clear glass
that employees have reportedly been walking into glass walls. I guess
Apple shouldn’t have installed windows. --James Corden / Law
experts are saying that some of the language in adult film star
Stormy Daniels' nondisclosure agreement suggests that she may have
some lurid photos that were taken during their sexual encounters.
Said Drumpf, "Fake nudes!" --Seth Meyers / Of (Oscar) 24
awards, women won only six. What happened? Did the women blow all
their lady points on the first female Colonel Sanders this year? I
mean, it's a milestone, but still. --Stephen Colbert
So Late Night Snacks: Stormy Daniels. It's so
bizarre. When they make a documentary about the Trump era someone
will have to make a non-porn parody --Peter
Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
ways to promote peace #19: Advocate peace with T-shirts, bumper
stickers, patches, etc.
is my drug, my bed is my dealer, and my alarm clock is the police. /
If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
cliches or tired rhymes.........Heart …..Language of Love
red panda and the giant panda share the same habitat and diet, and
both animals are also endangered. However, scientific tests show that
the red panda is in the raccoon family while the giant panda is in
the bear family. Some scientists believe that the giant panda is so
special that it should belong to its own family group.
Fact of the Week: DC Cherry Trees: Plans to
cut down the cherry trees on the proposed site of the Jefferson
Memorial led to objections from local civic groups, hotel trade
associations, and women's clubs. Groups chained themselves to the
trees to disrupt workmen in November 1938. As a compromise trees
were transplanted and added on the south side of the basin to frame
the Memorial.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Pi
Day is just a fake holiday created by math companies to sell more
math. --Submitted by st of ar
Word of the Week:
Biomusicologist – searches for the origins of music in human beings
and tries to tease out what evolutionary advantage it gave
Uses for Common Products:
Preserve flowers. Mix one part 20 mule Team Borax and two parts corn
meal. Fill the bottom inch of an empty airtight canister with the
mixture. Place the flower on the mixture, then gently cover the
flower with more mixture, being careful not to crush the flower or
distort the petals. Flowers with a lot of overlapping petals, such
as roses and carnations, are best treated by sprinkling mixture
directly into the blossom before placing them into the box. Seal the
canister and store at room temperature in a dry place for seven to
ten days. When the flowers are dried, pour off the mixture and dust
the flowers with a soft artist's brush. Borax removes the moisture
from blossoms and leaves, preventing the wilting which would normally
result. http://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/20muleteam.html
hurts when someone you love says mean things...like...”Time to get
up”. / I sleep better naked, but the flight attendant didn't
understand that.
a disbelieving world.........Heart …..Bright Light Girl
Richard Nixon visited China in 1972, he received two pandas from the
Chinese leader, Chairman Mao. The two pandas, Ling-Ling and
Hsing-Hsing, were placed in the National Zoo in Washington D.C. More
than 1 million people visited them during their first year there.
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Undress – to take one's
clothes off Taming of the Shrew Scene II Sly: Madam,
undress you and come now to bed.
Thing on the Internet of the Week:
Here is some live footage of the Lawrence High School Wrap the Walk
last Wednesday:
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's Cy, workhorse of the crime-fighting dog-detectives, ignoring
the case of the Invisible Icelandic
to suggest it's time to spring clean the fairy garden.
I wake up grumpy. Sometimes I let her sleep. / It may be true that
drinking coffee means you can't sleep, but then if you're sleeping
you can't drink coffee.
might need it someday.........Heart …..What About Love
pandas are on the brink of extinction, with just over 1,000 pandas
left in the world. Scientists are hoping to increase the wild panda
population to 5,000 by 2025.
of the Week: March is National Craft
Month – Whoever said Disneyland was the happiest place on earth has
clearly never been to Michael's. FYI: Glitter is always an option.
Beautiful Thing in the State:
Zion National Park, Utah –follow the paths where ancient native
people and pioneers walked. Gaze up at massive sandstone cliffs of
cream, pink, and red that soar into a brilliant blue sky...
Peace of History,
March 16,1827: The
first newspaper owned and edited by and for African-Americans,
was published in New York City. It appeared the same year slavery
was abolished in New York state.
Peace of Librarian History, March 16, 1972:
Reference librarian Zoia Horn refused to testify against the
Harrisburg Seven who were on trial for an alleged conspiracy to
kidnap then-National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger. Horn had been
implicated by an ex-convict informer placed in the Bucknell
University library by the FBI.
didn't sleep much last night, but I got in a few solid hours of
worrying. / Dragons sleep during the day so they can fight knights.
alibis nor more regrets.........Heart …..My Crazy Head
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle March 16,ePistle zZzzzzzz 2018. Online at:
Peace, Love, and Sleep. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800
Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
I feel there's enough seriousness in the world without seeing it in
the theater. --Pat Nixon
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
People need to start respecting the flag...of the government I'm
stockpiling arms against. Schrödinger's Patriot --Roy Zimmerman
of War:
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 3/15/18: $800,947,138,443.
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 3/8/18: $800,301,950,127.
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 3/15/18:
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 3/8/18:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 3/15/18:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 3/8/18: 1,821,103,475,540.
ways to promote peace #18: Learn mediation/conflict resolution
skills. http://uncustomary.org/50-ways-promote-peace/
smile in the hall – framed on the wall.........Heart …..The
Perfect Goodbye
is great for when you're craving a horrible night's sleep. / When I
sleep they call me Lazurus because it takes an act of God to raise
Last Words: ...and a thing of wonder. – The Icebreaker
by Maxim Gorky
Peace be your pillow
Joy be your blanket
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