Friday, November 3, 2017

hEroic ePistle

Famous First Words: Kon'nichiwa ..Hello, it's Japanese Culture Day.
Happy Sandwich Day! Customer: I refuse to eat this sandwich. Will you get the manager. Waiter: That's no use; he won't eat it either. / You can't swim here, this beach is patrolled by a sand-witch.
..........You can run but you cannot hide, this is widely known.........James Taylor …..Shower the People
Understanding comes through communication, and through communication we find the way to peace. --Ralph C Smedley
It is a cold (38°F) Friday morning. The sun is just rising; it tries hard to define outline and reveal color but it is slow, perhaps because of the chill. A stiff breeze from the north insists we notice the cold and find breaks between sleeve and glove, between collar and hat to blow its insistence home. Children are gathered at the intersection waiting for the last school bus of the week. They laugh and talk but can barely be seen though the dawn darkness. Puck barks at the noise and refuses to remember that he has stopped many mornings and enjoyed s few pats from them. A different school bus comes by; it is small and has many lights, red lights, white lights, a strobe on top. The grinding of its motor affronts the senses but it is soon gone and quiet reigns bird song, no scent of tea roses, and no color. Puck decides the children have taken up enough of his time and he quickly checks the perimeter before we retreat to warmth and the smell of coffee and the taste of chocolate with it. Best of all I get to connect with you.
Hope your weekend is a triple decker, ePistliers.
Sharon the Shark was feasting on peanut butter & jellyfish sandwiches. / A ham and cheese sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartenders says, “Hey, we don't serve food here.”
..........Water or wine, don't make me choose.........Carly Simon …..That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be
Trivia Questions: So, what do you remember about the 1964 election?
^ Who was Lyndon Johnson's running mate?
^^ Who was Barry Goldwater's running mate?
^^^ How many states did each or either candidate carry?
^^^^ How did the electoral college votes work out?
^^^^^ There are 9 states in which this was the last Democratic presidential victory. How many can you name?
Quote of the Week: “It also called upon traditional people in the Four Directions to strengthen the healing ceremonies and asked people to heed the warnings of Mother Earth.” -- Dennis Banks ~~A sad farewell to a great man.
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Housework is loyal, it will always be there.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 34% of librarians who have to pay for conference attendance on their own do so using only their swear jar.
Trump Sandwich: White Bread *Full of Baloney *with Russian Dressing *and a small Pickle. / Some friends were discussing the best way to toast a sandwich. I played Breville's Advocate.
..........Been walking my mind to an easy time.........James Taylor …..Fire and Rain
Moonbeam: Autumn...the year's last, liveliest smile. --William Cullen Bryant
Something to Think About of the Week:  

Big Hello: Lumela – Lozi (Niger, Congo)
Week of the Week: National Fig Week (November 1-7) – The only snack in the Physics building vending machine was fig Newtons.
Why do people say they're having a tuna fish sandwich. No one ever says they're having a chicken bird sandwich. / He's a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
..........I'm no prophet and I don't know nature's ways.........Carly Simon …..Anticipation
^ Hubert Humphrey ran with LBJ.
Almanac: It is Friday, November 3, 2017. The moon is full (Beaver) today and is in Taurus. It is Cliché Day, Public Television Day, Sadie Hawkins Day, Sandwich Day, and Stout Day. In Japan it is Culture Day and Panama celebrates Independence Day (1903). In Texas it is Father of Texas Day (1793). Worldwide it is World Community Day, a day to pray for peace since 1945. ~~My primary calendar source is . There is a note there saying the Punkin' Chunkin' for 2017 has been cancelled for legal reasons. ~~ I can't imagine what they might be. Injunctions from AETV (Animals for the Ethical Treatment of Vegetables)? Vegans who see it waste of natural resources or felonous playing with your food?
Among those born on this day were John Montague (Earl of Sandwich, 1718), Stephen Fuller Austin (1793), William Cullen Bryant (1794), Karl Baedeker (1801), André Malraux (1901), Russell B Long (1918), Charles Bronson (1922), Ken Berry (1930), Michael Dukakis (1933), Lulu (1948), Roseanne Barr (1952), and Dennis Miller (1953).
On November third the Great Patent was granted to Plymouth Colony (1620), Spain "acquired" Louisiana (1762), Washington disbanded the Continental Army (1783), John Menard became the first black man elected to Congress (1868), Grant was elected president (1868), McKinley was elected president (1896), the first national automobile show opened (NYC, 1900), the British "acquired" Qatar (1916), the Bank of Italy became the Bank of America (1930), Birdseye marketed the first frozen peas (1952), LBJ soundly defeated Barry Goldwater (1964), Allende was inaugurated president in Chile (1970), Carly Simon married James Taylor (1972), the secret Iran arms deal story broke (1986), and Bill Clinton was elected president (1992).
Night Sky, 11/3: Full Moon tonight (exactly full at 1:23 am). The full Moon of November always rides very high in the middle of the night, almost as high as the full Moon of December.
This Week: Saturday, November 4 – National Candy Day & Use Your Common Sense Day
Night Sky, 11/4: Look lower left of the bright Moon this evening for Aldebaran. Above Aldebaran are the Pleiades, perhaps not so easy to spot in the moonlight. Bring binoculars. The bright star much farther to the left is Capella. Standard time returns at 2 am Sunday morning for most of North America. Clocks fall back an hour.
Sunday, November 5 – Zero Tasking Day
Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 am. Fall back one hour.
Monday, November 6 – Job Action Day & Saxophone Day
Tuesday, November 7 – Election Day & International Merlot Day (wonder if they're related)
Night Sky, 11/7: Vega is the brightest star in the west on November evenings. Its little constellation Lyra extends to its left, pointing in the direction of Altair, the brightest star in the southwest. Three of Lyra's leading stars, after Vega, are interesting doubles. Barely above Vega is 4th-magnitude Epsilon Lyrae, the Double-Double
Wednesday, November 8 – Abet and Aid Punsters Day & Dunce Day
Night Sky, 11/8: The Big Dipper lies down horizontal low in the north-northwest after dark. How low? The farther south you are, the lower. Seen from 40° north (New York, Denver) even its bottom stars twinkle nearly ten degrees high. But at Miami (26° N) the entire Dipper skims along out of sight just below the northern horizon.
Thursday, November 9 – World Freedom Day

..........Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose.........James Taylor …..Sweet Baby James
^^ Goldwater ran with William E Miller.
Funniest quote I read of the Week: Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of , but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards. --Robert Heinlein
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: World Fantasy Convention, November 2-5, San Antonia, TX. “Secret Histories”
Moonbeam: I hate that word 'housewife'. I prefer to be called domestic goddess. --Roseanne Barr
Late Night Snacks: Starbucks has launched a limited-edition Halloween-themed drink called the Zombie Frappuccino. The way it works is, it has no caffeine. --Seth Meyers / A Japanese company created a $150 noise-canceling ramen fork to cover up slurping noises. So, if you’ve got 150 bucks to spend on a fork — why are you eating ramen? --Jimmy Fallon / There is a major scandal in the world of the Iditarod. It turns out some of the dogs in the race are on drugs. Dogs belonging to the four-time musher tested positive for a banned substance. Officials became suspicious when one of the dogs stood on its hind legs and lifted the sled over its head in celebration. --Jimmy Kimmel / I don’t know if you’re paying attention, but internal strife is tearing the Republican Party apart at the seams. It’s like a new Civil War, only neither side is trying to help black people. --Stephen Colbert / During last night's 11-inning World Series game, a Dodgers fan got arrested after he jumped into one of the bullpens. Afterwards, the Dodgers admitted if the game had gone one more inning they would have needed him to pitch. --Conan 'Brien / Amazon is introducing a new service called Amazon Key, which will allow delivery men to open your front door and put packages directly inside your house. I don't have a joke here. I just wanted to tell you how you’re going to be murdered. Sleep tight, folks. --James Corden
Peace: it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

..........I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee........Carly Simon …..You're So Vain
^^^ LBJ Carried 44 states and DC; Goldwater had 6: Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The first American National Automobile Show featured an innovative assortment of electric, steam, and “internal explosion” engine vehicles.160 different models were shown.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Fox: New Evidence Hillary Killed Lincoln. This is the crime Mueller should be investigating. --Sean Hannity Borowitz in the New Yorker
Weird Word of the Week: Hodmandod – a snail. The earliest source is an Elizabethan riddle.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Repel moles, gophers, or groundhogs. Pour used Tidy Cats into the mole, gopher, or groundhog tunnels. The creatures smell the scent of their natural enemy and quickly tunnel elsewhere.
At work people have begun to name items in the staff room fridge. Today I had a meatball sandwich named Kevin. / Knock Knock! Who's there? Gorilla? Gorilla who? Gorilla me a cheese sandwich.
...........And I thank my lucky stars that you are who you are.........James Taylor …..Your Smiling Face
^^^^ LBJ received 486 electoral votes while Goldwater got 52.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Ode - a lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject. Love's Labour's Lost, Act IV, Scene III Dumain: Once more I'll read the ode that I have writ.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You're a ghost driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust, what do you have to be scared of? --Submitted by cj of ks
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck pointing out an empty plate in the case of the Voracious Volpino.
One day Mike and a handful of other termites happened upon a turkey sandwich...after that it was pretty hard to go back to wood. / I tried to write a pun about bread, but it was really stale.
..........How to turn down the noise in my mind........Carly Simon …..Haven't Got Time For The Pain
^^^^^ The following states have not gone democratic since LBJ: Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, North & South Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Reading won't solve your problems, But then again, neither will housework.
Month of the Week: November is National Memoir Month – Thanks, Obama by David Litt, speech and joke writer, is his memoir, a heartfelt ode to an America on the wane, a nation we trusted to slide glacially in the right direction, except that all the while, unbeknownst to us, the glacier was melting.
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Ha Ha Tonka State Park, Camdenton, Missouri. The park is a geologic wonderland with sinkholes, caves, a huge natural bridge, sheer bluffs and Missouri’s 12th largest spring
Today's Peace of History, November 3, 1972: Five hundred protesters from the "Trail of Broken Treaties," a Native American march, occupied the Bureau of Indian Affairs offices (part of the Department of Interior) in Washington, D.C., for six days.
Elves make sandwiches with short bread. / It's ever the sandwich makers paradox – the Brie or not to Brie. / Are jellyfish sad that there are no peanut butter fish?
..........Walk on down, walk on down, walk on down.........James Taylor …..Country Road
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle November 3, 2017. Online at: Generic Tag Line. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides. -- André Malraux
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 11/2/17: $788,161,985,599.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 10/26/17: $787,484,742,709.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 11/2/17: $820,967,072,388.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 10/26/17: $820,947,278,238.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 11/2/17: $1,795,750,649,458.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 10/26/17: $1,794,336,290,606.
The secret of living in peace with all people lies in the art of understanding each one by his own individuality. --Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
..........There's some kind of magic inside you........Carly Simon …..Nobody Does It Better
In case of a Taco Emergency call 9 Juan Juan. / I ran out of pita bread so I used Indian bread instead; she was naan the wiser.
Famous Last Words: So long, and thanks for all the fish. --The dolphins Douglas Adams
May Peace be your bread
And Joy your meat in the middle
prairie mama

Last Laugh:  

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