Friday, November 10, 2017

eLmo's ePistle

Famous First Words: Dr Livingston, I presume...
Happy Sesame Street Day! Did you know that 99% of the cookies in the world are consumed by 1% of the monsters? / Hey, Ernie, how do I look? With your eyes, Bert, with your eyes.
..........Shaggy cotton skin and just one set of clothes..........Donna Fargo …..I Wish I Was a Teddy Bear
Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature. This is not just a dream, but a necessity. --Dalai Lama XIV
It is a cold (26°F) Friday morning. The sky is smeared with a thick cloud of puffy gray; this cloud bank seems not to move even though there is a fairly stiff north wind. I huddle by the storage shed to stay out of its path. Cooper is in the yard this morning and Puck abandons the usual perimeter walk and instead races Coop around the yard, up the deck steps, down the other deck steps, under the porch until I am exhausted just watching. Cooper can keep up pretty well on the straight away but is much slower on the steps. A large, disorganized flock of gulls fly – apparently endlessly – to the east; they make no noise. A taut checkmark of geese fly south without honking. No local birds are yet out of bed. Even the distant grind of motors is quiet so the local trash truck takes its solo. But I begin to feel the wind and even the dogs in their fur coats are streaming wispy steams from their mouths. We enter through the deck door – upstairs – so Coop and Puck and snag a treat. The house smells of coffee and morning; it sounds like the clip of dog nails on hardwood floors. I smile at it as I doctor my decaf and sit down in the blue glow of my computer. Now comes the best part – you.
Hope your weekend is a magic carpet ride, my precious muppets.
Sorry, Count, it looks like your days are numbered. / The economy is so bad, three other guys are sharing Oscar's trashcan.
..........We watched the moon..........Dave Loggins …..Ship in a Bottle
Trivia Questions: Happy birthday, Dominoes!
^ Where was the game of Dominoes invented?
^^ Any idea where where the oldest known domino set was found?
^^^ Know why are they called dominoes?
^^^^ Do you remember how many dominoes are in the regular set?
^^^^^ What is the “domino effect”?
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol because there are no regulations. They die. --Submitted by rhb of ks
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Average librarian uses 6.4 gallons of Purell between November 1 and March 1.
Is it just me, or does Oscar look like a giant, moving bud of weed? / Yeah, I grew up watching Sesame Street, now I have a felt fetish.
..........Shine on me sunshine..........Donna Fargo …..Happiest Girl in the USA
Moonbeam: God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. --Martin Luther
Something to Think About of the Week: Family Trip to Nirvana
Big Hello: Gyebale ko – Luganda (Uganda)
Week of the Week: November 7-13th is Dear Santa Letters Week –Dear Santa, Text my dad. He has my complete list.
Before leaving the factory each Tickle-Me-Elmo dolls was given two test tickles. / New Bestseller: The Crumb Trail to Diabetes: The Cookie Monster Story.
..........All of our dreams will come true..........Dave Loggins …..Someday
^ Dominoes were most likely invented in China, however, games played with dominoes have been invented elsewhere.
Almanac: It is Friday, November 20, 2017. The moon was last quarter yesterday and is in Leo. The UN has declared this World Science Day for Peace and Development (UNESCO). It is Area Code Day (785), Domino Day, NET Cancer Awareness Day, Marine Corps Birthday, Sesame Street Day, and Windows Day (Microsoft). In India they celebrate Guru Nanak's Day; the guru was the first teacher of the Sikhs and in Indonesia it is Hero Day/Youth Day.
Among those born on the day were Martin Luther (1483), Francois Couperin (1668), George II (1683), Oliver Goldsmith (1730), Frederick von Schiller (1759), Jared Kirtland (1793), Vachel Lindsay (1879), Frances Perkins (1882), Claude Raains (1889), George Fenneman (1919), Richard Burton (1925), Clarence Pendleton, Jr (1930), Roy Scheider (1935), Dave Loggins (1944), Donna Fargo (1945), Sinbad (1956), and MacKenzie Phillips (1959).
On November tenth the Dutch ceded New Netherlands to England (1674), the US Marine Corps was established (1775), Kentucky outlawed dueling (1801), the Osage Treaty was signed (1808), Maximilian became emperor of Mexico (1864), persumably Stanley met Livingston (1871), the first Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting was held (Boston, 1891), 41 suffragists were arrested in front of the White House (1917), the first National Book Week was observed and the American Legion held its first convention (Minneapolis, 1919), Hirohito was enthroned as Emperor of Japan (1928), Sesame Street premiered (1969), the Edmund Fitzgerald sank into Lake Superior (1975), and the transits of Earth as seen from Mars occurs (2084).
Night Sky, 11/10: Plan for this now: In broad daylight on Saturday morning the Moon, just past last quarter, occults Regulus for much of North America. You'll need a telescope and very clear air. The star disappears on the Moon's bright limb and reappears from behind the dark limb.

This Week: Saturday, November 11 – Origami Day & National Homunculus Awareness Day
Sunday, November 12 – World Pneumonia Day & World Orphans Day
Night Sky, 11/12: Venus and Jupiter rise during dawn. Mars rises around 3-4 am and is moderately high in early dawn.
Monday, November 13 – World Kindness Day
Tuesday, November 14 – International Girls Day & Loosen UP, Lighten Up Day
Night Sky, 11/14: Mercury is buried deep in the afterlglow of sunset. Saturn glows very low in southwest at dusk Uranus and Neptune are well up after dark in the southeastern side of the sky.
Wednesday, November 15 – I Love to Write Day & Great American Smoke-out & World Philosophy Day
Thursday, November 16 – National Button Day & Teddy Bear Day
And in another upscale move, Cookie Monster has been replaced by the Gluten-Free Biscotti Monster. / My life goal is to become a crime boss on Sesame Street. --Cleavage Crumbs
..........And the colors of my rainbow turn blue ..........Donna Fargo …..Funny Face
^^ The oldest known domino set was found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, among the ruins of Thebes. Tutankhamun was king of ancient Egypt in the 18th dynasty, 1355 BC. According to historians, a Chinese set, with 32 pieces, existed in the year 1120 AD. Although domino tiles are clearly of Chinese inheritance, there is a debate over whether the European tile set came from China to Europe in the fourteenth century or was invented independently. link
Next Funniest thing I Read of the Week: Schrodinger's Delivery Service: Your packages always arrives with or without the contents.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Celebrate Tolkien November 9-10, Greensville, SC. Beware – their guests include several PhDs in theology and faith and stuff. ?? Sprinkled throughout the event will be a variety of fun and games, as only JRR Tolkien could dream up! Join us for a pipe smoking competition, Hobbit games, and Middle Earth themed food and music. We're making full use of the Old Cigar Warehouse's expansive venue to give you a rousing good time.
Actual Science Convention of the Week: National Science Teachers Association Convention:Making Waves: Moving Science Forward. (November 9-11, Milwaukee, WI)
Moonbeam: Never be a cynic, even a gentle one. Never help out a sneer, even at the devil. --Vachel Lindsay
Late Night Snacks: Facebook says it shut down nearly six million accounts in the US last October. Five million were Russian agents, while the rest were people who kept posting “so ready for the weekend.” --Jimmy Fallon / It’s come out that this year, indicted Trump adviser Paul Manafort traveled to Mexico using a fake name. Then again, if you worked for Trump and you were in Mexico, would YOU use your real name?*** --Conan O'Brien / Can we not just have one holiday that isn’t about politics? Like Christmas has become about what it says on Starbucks cups. Halloween is now about socialism. I swear to God, if they try to claim that the Easter Bunny was involved in Benghazi, I’m moving back to England. --James Corden / In an interview yesterday, White House chief of staff John Kelly said the Civil War was caused by a lack of ability to compromise. Even weirder, he said that Pearl Harbor was an air traffic control issue. I don't know why we ever thought there was a reasonable person working in Trump's White House. That's like going into a Hot Topic and asking to meet their rocket scientist. --Seth Meyers / ...this year is going to be super spooky for Donald Trump because special prosecutor and off-duty lurch, Robert Mueller, just announced the first indictments in the Russia investigation. And who’s our first lucky winner? It’s former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort ... I know it’s almost Halloween, but it really feels more like Christmas. --Stephen Colbert
***Have you ever read a Russian novel? Everybody has at least 2 names; otherwise you'd be able to follow the plot.
No So Late Night Snacks: He actually picked up a piece paper with the bill written on it and kissed it. As per his habit he first popped a tic tac. --Peter Sagal No, wait, first he grabbed it by the lower half of the paper. --Faith Salie --Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
The world doesn't want to be saved. It wants to be loved. That's how we save it.
..........I could find no place to land..........Dave Loggins …..Nobody Loves Me Like You Do
^^^ Dominoes were apparently unknown in Europe until the 18th century and may have been invented in their modern form in the Dominican Republic. The dark spots on light faces apparently reminded people of masquerade masks with eyeholes (called dominoes) and thus gave the playing pieces their name. Chinese dominoes do not have blanks, but some whole tiles are duplicated link
Worthless Facts of the Week: Members of the National Woman’s Party picketed the White House to convince the Wilson to put pressure on Democratic senators to vote in favor of a constitutional suffrage amendment. Picketers were not molested and, in fact, the president often waved to them as he left the White House. But once the United States entered World War I, things changed. In June 1917, the police began arresting women outside the White House. Undaunted by these arrests, women marched to the White House on Independence Day, carrying banners reading “Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed;” they were promptly arrested.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read This Week: I just realized that I havent't done the “Hokey Pokey” in over 10 years. I guess when you get older, you just forget what it's all about. --submitted by sd of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Inenarrable – indescribable, inexpressible: something that's unutterable... from Latin enarrare – to narrate or describe and prefix in – negative. Arrived in English via French.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Deodorize sneakers. Cut off the feet from a pair of clean, used L'ggs Sheer Energy Panty Hose, fill each foot with unused Tidy Cats, tie the ends, and please inside shoes or sneakers overnight. The cat box filler absorbs moisture and odors.
They talk about it but they never actually tell you how to get to Sesame Street. / Hey, Ernie, would you like some ice cream? Sherbert.
...........And if I can fly I'll bet you can too..........Donna Fargo …..Hello Little Bluebird
^^^^ Dominoes are descendants of dice. The two ends on each of the original Chinese dominoes represented one of the 21 combinations that can occur with the throw of two dice. Modern western dominoes, however, have blank ends on them as well and so the number of dominoes is generally 28.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Olympian – relating to the ancient or modern Olympic Games. Henry VI, Act 2, Scene IV. George: and if we thrive, promise them such rewards as victors wear at the Olympian games
Senior Moment of the Week: I'm so old I bused the first Thanksgiving.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck changing directions in the Case of the Bobbing Baby
If the emperor runs an empire and the king runs a kingdom does the Count run the country? / Have you heard, Bert, Ernie and Luis are getting their own spin off Sesame Hills, 90210.
..........Please come to Denver with the snowfall..........Dave Loggins …..Please Come to Boston
^^^^^ A domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. The term is best known as a mechanical effect, and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes.
Month of the Week: November is National Gratitude Month --One Sunday a pastor told the congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns. After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had placed a $1,000 bill in offering. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation and said he’d like to personally thank the person who placed the money in the plate. A very quiet, elderly, saintly lady all the way in the back shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor. He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much and in gratitude asked her to pick out three hymns. Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three handsomest men in the building and said, “I’ll take him and him and him.”
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Glacier National Park in Montana is a vast area that rests on the United States-Canada border, encompassing over 1 million acres, two mountain ranges, over 130 lakes, and thousands of plant and animals species.
Today's Peace of History: Today's Peace of History, November 10, 1924: The Society for Human Rights, the first gay rights organization in the U.S., was founded in Chicago by Henry Gerber, a German immigrant.

..........I've felt the sun and I know the rain..........Donna Fargo …..All About a Feeling
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle November 10,, 2017. Online at: Street Sesame Smart and Funny Too. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: The people are what matter to government, and a government should aim to give all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life. -- Frances Perkins
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 11/9/17: $788,828,462,561.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 11/2/17: $788,161,985,599.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 11/9/17: $820,986,550,917.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 11/2/17: $820,967,072,388.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 11/9/17: $1,797,142,477,245.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 11/2/17: $1,795,750,649,458.
Keep calm and make world peace.
..........we would laugh it off..........Dave Loggins …..Pieces of April
If Trump cuts funding to Sesame Street, he'll never learn to read. / Vote for me and we'll re-pave Sesame Street and make Mexico pay for it.
Famous Last Words: ...into the customs of society and the laws of the land. Declaration of the WCTU (Woman's Christian Temperance Union).
May Peace write your movie script
And Joy be your ending
prairie mama


Last Laugh

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