Friday, June 23, 2017

mIsmatched ePistle

Famous First Words: This is the night... Lady and the Tramp
It's Meet A Mate Week (June 18-24). I can't believe how convenient online dating is! Now, my dream of finding love can be crushed more efficiently and in the privacy of my own home.
..........The sun again will shine bright and clear. .........June Carter Cash …..Keep on the Sunny Side
There’s a gap somehow between empathy and activism. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of soul force, something that emanates from a deep truth inside of us and empowers us to act. Once you identify your inner genius, you will be able to take action, whether it’s writing a check or digging a well.” --Sue Monk Kidd
It is a quiet Friday morning. The sky has wrapped itself in thick gray clouds that threaten rain. Not-quite-light hangs over the earth magnifying the sense of expectation. There is a light breeze from the north that silently moves the ends of tree limbs and whole limbs of young trees but does not move the tea rose bush nor spread the fragrance of the pink flowers blooming atop. Birds are staying abed until the weather sorts itself out, so little birdsong on today's soundtrack at dawn. A few muted motor sounds from the distance hint at activity not in evidence. But here even Puck and Pax make little sound as they check out the backyard. They do not eve seem disappointed that there are no pedestrians or joggers on the streets to protect against. The gloom takes on a greenish hue from the abundance of grass and leaves framing pieces of the world for the eye. It seems to be slowly lowering the sky. So Puck and I return indoors to the smell of coffee and thoughts of our friends. With a cup of fresh decaf creamed and sweetened in hand and wonderful thoughts of you, I say to you, what a wonderful morning.
Hope your weekend is your best date ever, ePistliers.
I worry that my soulmate is on a different dating site. / Your online dating application has been denied. A bullet is not an acceptable answer to what you want in a man.
..........The taste of love is sweet.........June Carter Cash …..Ring of Fire
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday C.A.B.
^ What was the mission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority?
^^ To what did the Civil Aeronautics Authority change it's name in 1940?
^^^ Care to guess which first accident was the first to be investigated?
^^^^ Which government agency took over accident investigation in 1967?
^^^^^ What happened to CAB in the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Your “librarian name” is your first name and your last name, followed by a deep sigh.
Reader Response of the Week: Where I came from (southeast Ks), flipflops were called thongs. That term wouldn't properly indicate the apparel anymore. --ab of ks
Moonbeam: The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform. --Alfred Kinsey
I wish there was an online dating website for people who hate online dating. / Wow, you're hot, straight AND single? I can't wait to find out what's wrong with you.
...........Lord have mercy on me..........June Carter Cash …..Kneeling Drunkard's Plea
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: בוינוס דייאס - Buenos diyas – Ladino (a Jewish language spoken in Israel, Turkey, & Greece)
Weekend of the Week: Water Ski Days (June 23-25) –I gave my boyfriend a pair of water skis for his birthday and now he's gone off looking for an ocean with a sloop.
Pre- Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I've got nothing against God. It's his Fan Club I can't stand. --submitted by ma of oh
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: PortConMaine 2017 – Enjoy the Carnival ! (June 22-25, South Portland ME) Maine's Geek Culture Celebration.
Based on the content of your online dating profile, I am guessing literacy is not one of the characteristics we share. / It was love at first page load.
..........I got tired of New York City, of its sidewalks and its heat.........June Carter Cash …..Gatsby's Restaurant
^ The Civil Aeronautics Act provided for an agency of the federal government to regulate aviation services, including scheduled passenger airline service, and provide air accident investigation.
Almanac: It is Friday, June 23, 2017. The moon is new today and is in Leo. The United Nations has declared this Public Service Day and International Widows' Day. It is also Let It Go Day, National Hydration Day, Runner's Selfie Day, SAT Math Day, Typing Day, and Pink Flamingo Day (Lawn Ornaments). In Scandinavia generally it is Midsummer Eve aka St. John's Eve; while Luxembourg celebrates the official birthday of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Because it is the first Friday after Father's Day is it Take Your Dog To Work Day and because it is the fourth Friday it is National Eat At A Food Truck Day.
Among those born on this day were Josephine Martinique (1763), Carl Milles (1875), Irvin S Cobb (1876), Alfred Kinsey (1894), Duke of Windsor (King Edward VIII, 1894), Jean Anouilh (1910), William P Rogers (1913), Francis Thorne (1922), June Carter Cash (1929), Donn F Eisele (1930), Bert Convy (1933), and Joey Allen (1964).
On June twenty-third Penn signed a friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape (the only treaty "not sworn to, nor broken", 1683), the first regatta was held on the Thames (1775), John Jacob Astor organized the Pacific Fur Co (1810), congress established the Government Printing Office and the US Secret Service (1860), the type-writer was patented (1868), the Civil Aeronautics Authority was established (1938), Thomas Mann became a US citizen (1944), Truman's veto of the Taft-Hartley Act was overridden by congress (1947), Marineland opened in Florida (US 1st aquarium, 1938), women first graduate from Harvard Medical School (1949), Lady & the Tramp was released (1955), Nasser was elected president of Egypt (1956), Jim Ryan set record of a 3 minutes 51.1 second mile (1967), Burger was sworn in as Chief Justice and Frazier beat Quarry for the heavyweight title (1969), Nixon & Haldeman agreed to use the CIA to cover up Watergate (1972), the CCN Tower in Toronto opened (1976), Tip O'Neill refused to let Reagan address the house (1986), Billy Martin ended his 4th term as Yankees manager (1988), and a rally was held at the Statue of Liberty to save Alien Nation from cancellation (1990).
Night Sky, 6/23: This is the time of year when, after dark, the dim Little Dipper floats straight upward from Polaris (the end of its handle) — like a helium balloon on a string escaped from some summer evening party. Through light pollution, however, all you may see of the Little Dipper are Polaris at its bottom and Kochab, the lip of the Little Dipper's bowl, at the top.
This Week: Saturday, June 24 – Celebration of the Senses & International Fairy Day aka Faerie Day
Sunday, June 25 – Day of the Seafarer & Global Beatles Day
Night Sky, 6/25: Leo the Lion is a constellation of late winter and spring. But he's not gone yet. As twilight ends, look due west, rather low, for Regulus, his brightest and now lowest star: the forefoot of the Lion stick figure. The Sickle of Leo extends upper right from Regulus. The rest of the Lion's constellation figure extends for almost three fist-widths to the upper left, to end with his tail star, Denebola, the highest. He's walking down to the western horizon.
Monday, June 26 – National Canoe Day & Please, Take My Children To Work Day
Tuesday, June 27 – IWW Day & National Sunglasses Day
Night Sky, 6/27: Venus shines bright in the east during dawn. Uranus is low in the glow of dawn. Neptune is well up in the southeast before the first light of dawn. Mercury is hidden in the glare of the sun.
Wednesday, June 28 – International Body Piercing Day
Thursday, June 29 – National Bomb Pop Day & National Hand Shake Day
Night Sky, 6/29: Jupiter shines high and bright in the southwest during the evening. Saturn glows yellowish low in the southeast in twilight. Mars is lost in the sunset.
So, I'm sorry that my online dating profile gave you the impression I'm actually interested in online dating. / just suggested I give up.
..........Only one thing wrong with a pretty good song........June Carter Cash …..No Swallerin' Place
^^ The Civil Aeronautics Authority Act of 1938 formed the Civil Aeronautics Authority. The agency was renamed Civil Aeronautics Board in 1940, due to a merger with the Air Safety Board.
Funniest thing I read of the Week
                                                                                                                             --submitted by pt of ks
Moonbeam: Beauty is one of the rare things which does not lead to doubt of God. --Jean Anouilh
Late Night Snacks: Two hundred Democrats got together to give the president something he might like. But instead, they’re suing Drumpf over foreign payments to his businesses. At least they got together to give him this card: “Congratulations, birthday boy, you’ve been served.” --Stephen Colbert / Fox News is dropping its slogan “fair and balanced.” Instead, it will be replaced with the more appropriate slogan “blondes and Hannity. National Geographic’s new slogan is “basically the Playboy Channel for chimpanzees.” BBC America is changing their slogan to “dumber BBC.” --Jimmy Fallon / A United Airlines employee is under fire for pushing over a 71-year-old passenger. Or as the CEO of United put it, “We’re back, baby!” --Conan O'Brien / Ikea recently announced that it will be launching a candle collection, because what goes together better than Ikea furniture and an open flame? --Seth Meyers / A French fashion label is now offering a pair of $570 jeans that come without a butt. There’s nothing in the butt. I have got to tell you, these jeans are a great way of telling your friends and coworkers that your father never paid enough attention to you. They should call these Republican healthcare jeans because there is barely any coverage. --James Corden / The president had an interesting lunch yesterday with Republican senators where he had some surprisingly strong criticism of the Republican healthcare bill. He called the bill “mean, cold-hearted, and a son of a bitch.” He does know the bill is not Bill Cosby or Bill O’Reilly, right? --Jimmy Kimmel
Not So Late Night Snack: The president began his first ever cabinet meeting by going around the table and having every single secretary effusedly praise him. It was the most obsequious suck uppy of a cabinet since the dishes from Beauty and the Beast sang Be Our Guest --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Don’t let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities. It will be one of the great experiences of your lives,” --Bill Gates
Am I serious? I temporarily deactivated my online dating profile for you. / I hope you don't mind an unsolicited critique of your dating profile.
..........They're like a star on a summer morning..........June Carter Cash …..Fair and Tender Ladies
^^^ The first air accident investigation was of the Lovettsville air disaster in 1940.
Worthless Fact of the Week: And on June 23 1775 the first regatta on the Thames was held copying the Venetian model. It appears that the regatta included rowing races by professional boatmen, along with more sedate social boating, and was preceded by a grand ball.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair. --Shirley Chisholm --submitted by sd of ks
Weird Word of the Week: Nurdle – In Cricket, a tap by the batsman that pushes the ball into a space among the fielders in order to take a quick single or the 'correct' among of toothpaste to put on the brush...and several more
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Relieve a hangover. Drinking a tall glass of Tang helps relieve a hangover – thanks to the vitamin C.
Let's tell people we met at Starbucks instead of at an online dating site. / I think we may be soul mates based on how equally excited we are about postponing our first date.
...........He'd grab a jug and cut a rug.........June Carter Cash …..He Went Slippin' Around
^^^^ The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was established in 1967, taking over air accident investigation duties.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Label - tag, ticket, sticker, marker, tab Twelfth Night Act I Scene V: Olivia: it shall be inventoried, and every particle and utensil labelled to my will...
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck on his morning walk in the case of the Leashed Leavitt.
Your online dating profile failed to indicate what an emotionally handicapped selfish jerk you are. / I and an online dating algorithm, feel we'd be perfect for each other.
..........It must have been a drum..........June Carter Cash …..Juke Box Blues
^^^^^ The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 specified that the CAB would eventually be disestablished. This happened on January 1, 1985.
Month of the Week: June is National Rose Month. Roses are red / Violets are cheaper / If I leave silent voice mails / Please don't call me a creeper
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: With the rise of self driving vehicles, eventually there WILL be a country song about how your truck left you too. Submitted by ma of oh
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Connecticut -Young's Pond ~~Oddly enough, there are very few sites with pictures of Young's Pond. If it's so beautiful, why hasn't someone taken pictures.
Today's Peace of History: Today's Peace of History, June 23 1972: The Education Amendments of 1972, commonly known as Title IX, became U.S. law, prohibiting sex discrimination at educational institutions. ~~Because of it, the KU marching band finally admitted women.
I'm looking to meet someone whose profile pictures were taken in this century. / Recognizing someone from OkCupid in public is worse than the shame of being on OkCupid.
..........make a big fool of yourself..........June Carter Cash …..Jackson
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle June 23, 2017. Online at: Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera . Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: Inspiration is a farce that poets have invented to give themselves importance, --Jean Anouilh
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/22/17: $775,362,342,908.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/15/17: $774,727,439,016.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/22/17: $820,592,987,320.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/15/17: $820,574,431,205.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/22/17: $15,548,837,046.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/15/17: $15,451,253,814.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/22/17: $152,711,019,975.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/15/17: $152,168,035,948.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/22/17: $1,769,020,459,119.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/15/17: $1,767,694,525,302.
I’m really inspired by women who are unafraid to be of service around social issues,” --Kerry Washington
..........when the roses nod and wave..........June Carter Cash …..Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone
Online dating is a lot of fun until you have to go on an actual date. / I'm sorry I haven't responded to your online dating message. You are my second choice, so hang in there.
Famous Last Words: ...from all around the world. --UN Public Service Day website
May Peace grace your profile
And Joy adorn your partners
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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