Friday, June 2, 2017

gLazed ePistle

Famous First Words: By the act of June 2... Indian Citizenship Act 1924
Happy Doughnut Day aka Donut Day. Gertrude decided to become a pastry psychologist when she found out how many doughnuts feel empty inside. / Republicans could begin a cycle of growth in this bad economy by opening a Krispy Kreme across the street from Chris Christie.
..........This time it's different.........Marvin Hamlisch …..I Finally Found Someone
The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life. --Jane Adamms
It is a beautiful Friday morning. The pale blue of the sky is only barely smudged by very pale, very thin, very high, nearly transparent clouds. The temperature (65°F) is perfect; there is little breeze to affect a chill. Puck is quiet and sits by my feet; Pax has not shown himself yet this morning. But birds and their song are everywhere; it calls from the little wood across the street, and the backyards a block west. A sparrow is hopping along the bottom fence rail drinking drops of water from the grass. A redheaded woodpecker notices the suet cage is empty and looks over at me; alas, I have no suet about my person. Under the birdsong is the distant sound of wheels and motors carrying people off to work. Puck barks a “have a good day” to Kirsten as she swoops by on her bike, “Oh, and, by the way, don't come in this yard with that thing”. We linger, Puck and I, in the calm, cool morning watching the rising sun reveal thousands of dew diamonds across the law and even in the tree leaves, jewels spread by the fairies that arrive daily on cottonwood seed chariots. The sound of a neighbor rolling trash cans to the curb, brings us back from that fantasy and we return inside to the smell of brewing coffee. Puck retreats to his closet bed and I sip warm, sweet tartness and think of you. Sigh!
Hope your weekend has sprinkles on it, ePistliers.
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels...except donuts. Donuts taste like skinny can go play in traffic. / All it takes is one Dunkin' Donuts staffer to reach over the counter and dole out a manners lesson to tilt the universe back to normal. --John McClellan
..........Bound for a star with fiery oceans ….......Rolling Stones …..2000 Light Years From Home
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Wild Bill !
^ Besides being a character in a Broadway Musical what other jobs did Bill do in the “American Old West”?
^^ Any idea where was he born and raised?
^^^ Which side did Bill work for during the American Civil War?
^^^^ In which Kansas town was Bill the law?
^^^^^ Know how he died?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 16% of librarians are really just a cat in disguise.
Rant of the Week: Actually not a rant, an observation. The news media either ignored or didn't understand Putin offer to tell them what was said in the oval office meeting with the ambassador and those other guys. Russia knew more about what went on in the US government than the citizens or the congress did. What an incredible dig. What an insult. And it continues to happen. Russia has released pictures from some meeting that people have already denied existed. It's right up there with we think Jared tried to use a private server, a Russian private server, on the say so of people who without permission read the mail of people who knew the mail was being read and might have written anything useful to themselves. They're all spies they may not know how to do anything except lie...both sides.
Moonbeam: In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice. --Marquis de Sade
The doughnut visited the dentist because he need a chocolate filling? / I would win any dunking contest if it involved donuts.
..........Taking just one more chance.........Marvin Hamlisch …..Just For Tonight
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: Rojbash – Kurdish (Kurmanji) means Good Day
Week of the Week: June 1-4 is Milk Week (Apparently, since milk week is only 4 day long, milk doesn't help one count to 7) – How do you make a milkshake? Give the cow a pogo stick. / That cow was so forgetful she gave milk of amnesia.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: LexiCon June 2-4, Taupō, New Zealand. It's a fan-run event for everyone who loves science fiction and fantasy enough to take a 14 hour flight. We can’t wait!
Knock, Knock / Who's there? / Doughnut / Doughnut who? / Doughnut forget to close the door. // The only circle of trust you need is a doughnut.
..........The lady then she covered me in roses.........Rolling Stones …..Honky Tonk Woman
^ Bill was known for his work across the frontier as a drover, wagon master, soldier, spy, scout, lawman, gunfighter, gambler, showman, and actor.
Almanac: It is Friday, June 2, 2017. The moon was first quarter yesterday and is in Virgo. It is Wear Orange for Gun Violence Awareness Day, Leave the Office Early Day, National Bubba Day, National Gun Violence Awareness Day, and Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North American Day. Because it is first Friday it is Hug Your Cat Day and Doughnut Day aka Donut Day.
Among those born on this day were Henry VIII (1491), Marquis de Sade (1740), St. Pius X (1835), Thomas Hardy (1840), Edward Elgar (1857), Hedda Hopper (1890), Michael Todd (1901), Johnny Weissmuller (1904), Sally Kellerman (1936), Constantine II (1940), Charlie Watts (Rolling Stones, 1941), Stacy Keach (1941), Marvin Hamlisch (1944), Jerry Mathers (1948), and Dana Carvey (1955).
On June second Rome was sacked by Vandals (455), the fifth national black convention opened (NYC, 1834), Maine passed the first alcohol prohibition law (1851), Gibbs patented the chain-stitch single-thread sewing machine (1857), the comet Donati was recorded as being first seen (1858), in San Francisco ground was broken for the first cable railroad (1873), the "El" opened in Chicago (1883), Grover Cleveland married Frances Folsom (1886), the US observed a day of fasting to protest lynchings (1899), the US granted citizenship to Native Americans (1924), Lou Gehrig began his 2,130 consecutive game streak (1925), and Queen Elizabeth II was coronated (1953).
Night Sky, 6/2: The moon, Jupiter, and Spica form a gently curving arc this evening.
This Week: Saturday, June 3 – Drawing Day, Wicket World of Croquet Day, & National Prairie Day
Night Sky, 6/3: A double shadow-transit occurs on Jupiter tonight, both Io and Ganymede cast their tiny black shadows onto Jupiter's face. And then Jupiter's Great Red Spot transits the planet's central meridian around 12:55 am EDT (9:55 pm PDT). Quite a telescopic night for this group of objects.
Sunday, June 4 – Old Maid's Day and Audacity to Hope Day
Monday, June 5 – National Moonshine Day, Hot Air Balloon Day, & World Environment Day
Night Sky, 6/5: Just a week and a half ago, the Big Dipper was floating horizontally in late twilight an hour after sunset. Now it's angled diagonally. Another week and a half and it will be hanging straight down by its handle!
Tuesday, June 6 – National Higher Education Day, Yo-yo Day, and Atheists Pride Day
Wednesday, June 7 – Boone Day and National Tailors Day
Night Sky, 6/7: High hopes for a relative newcomer to the comet scene, Johnson (C/2015 V2), which may peak around magnitude +6.5 in early June as it slides down the eastern side of Boötes high in the southern sky before the mosquitoes return. Currently at magnitude +11.5, 1′ in diameter and moderately condensed, this comet is warming up for its spring performance in the morning sky. An 8-incher should coax it into view using magnifications of 100× and higher.
Thursday, June 8 – Upsy Daisy Day & World Oceans Day

..........Makes me feel sad for the rest.........Marvin Hamlisch …..Nobody Does It Better
^^ Hickok was born and raised on a farm in northern Illinois, at a time when lawlessness and vigilante activity was rampant because of the influence of the "Banditti of the Prairie".
Funniest thing I read of the Week: With physical assaults on reporters now among their elected reps' credentials, I'm gonna have to start to call them “Rethuglicans”. --George Takei
Moonbeam: I can wear a hat or take it off, but either way it's a conversation piece. --Hedda Hopper
Late Night Snacks: Now, I don't know about you, but I've got a little extra pep in my step tonight because Donald Drumpf has left the country. Breathing a little easier. Federal judges, now would be a good time to reinstate that travel ban. --Stephen Colbert / Today, Mark Zuckerberg — who dropped out of Harvard University after his sophomore year — gave a commencement speech to Harvard’s graduating class. Zuckerberg began the speech with, “Hello, suckers.” --Conan O'Brien / A new study from Harvard says you can reduce the risk of a potentially fatal heart condition by eating six bars of chocolate a week. Yeah. It reduces the chance of a heart attack because once you give up being in shape, you have way less stress. --James Corden / A college student in Florida is accused of breaking into a building and changing his grade from an “F” to a “B.” His parents were like, “Really, you can't even get an 'A' when you're cheating?” --Jimmy Fallon / A new report recommends that couples who live together should do chores together. And for some couples, everything they do together is a chore. --Seth Meyers / So this budget makes huge promises that it can’t possibly deliver. It could leave millions of Americans without necessary services like healthcare or even food. It’s basically the Fyre Festival of budgets. --Jimmy Kimmel
Not So Late Night Snack: ...on the picture of the Trumps with the Pope... That look that said Jesus had it easy. --Adam Felber / Seriously Here's a man who had no trouble giving up sex for his entire life but spending 10 minutes with Donald Trump is like too much. take this cup from me. --Peter Segal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me
To build for man a world without fear, we must be without fear. To build a world of justice, we must be just. --Dag Hammarskjold

..........Don't question why she needs to be so free..........Rolling Stones …..Ruby Tuesday
^^^ Wild Bill fought and spied for the Union Army during the Civil War and gained publicity after the war as a scout, marksman, actor, and professional gambler.
Worthless Facts of the Week: From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States.  Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.  The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.  These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded.  Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.  That is only 27.3%.  Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the blacks or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: People who ask me what I'm doing tomorrow probably assume that I even know what day of the week it is. --Submitted by sb of ar
Weird Word of the Week: Kettling – Demonstrators are kettled by herding them into a limited area and stopping them from leaving. From the G20 summit in London, 2009.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean mineral deposits from the heating element inside a coffeemaker. Fill the coffee pot with water, dissolve two tablespoons Tang in the water, and pour the orange drink into the water tank. Place a coffee filter in the basket, put the coffee pot in place, and run the machine through its cycle. The citric acid in the Tang dissolves the mineral build-up. Run fresh water thought the machine twice to get rind of any Tang residue, and then wash the coffee pot with soapy water and rinse clean.
In Jamaican you call a donut cinna, mon. / I bought a plain cake doughnut at Dunkin Donuts and by the length of the receipt I think I may have also bought a Dunkin Donuts franchise. --Dan Regan
...........That's what I'm saying right now.........Marvin Hamlisch …..Fill In The Words
^^^^ In April 1871, Hickok became marshal of Abilene, KS. John Wesley Hardin, a well-known gunfighter, who was known to have killed at least 27 men. In his autobiography, Hardin made the unlikely claim that while surrendering his guns to the lawman due to a local ordinance, he had once disarmed Town Marshal "Wild Bill" Hickok with the use of "the road agent's spin."
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Impartial – treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just. King Henry IV, Part II Act V, Scene II Lord Chief-Justice: Led by the impartial conduct of my soul...
Amazing Thing of the Week: I finally made it to the new Bloch Galleries at the Atkins-Nelson Museum in KC. The art is is also varied enough that in parts it is also stunning, breathtaking, pretty, etc. The galleries are another story. I arrived a few minutes after they opened on a Wednesday morning. You wouldn't think that wouldn't be a particularly busy time at a museum, but you'd be wrong. There were even 2 groups (of ten or so each) being escorted and artsplained. Since I wasn't looking for or at anything in particular I could wander in no order and go around groups of people. But by the end of my visit, it was nearly impossible to “do the routine”, (for me that's up close/out a ways/read the label/out again) was nearly impossible for all of the paintings. If you stepped back, somebody stepped between you and the art. I am assuming it is because they are still new and that eventually one could go, at least at off hours, and it will be less crowded. They put a nice couch in front of Water Lilies but it is a little too close to see the big picture and yet so far away that people get between. That being said, I loved it. I saw patterns I hadn't noticed before...about edges. There was a Feininger, for instance. I have owed several posters of his painting and here was a beautiful original. (Cubists sometimes have more edges than anything else in a painting.) Manet's White Lilacs was profoundly beautiful and that clown figure was wonderfully sassy whoever painted it. I recommend the experience.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck discussing methodology with a fly in the case of the Buzzing Beagle.
If I ever order a doughnut without chocolate glaze, you'll know I've been kidnapped and I'm signaling you. / In moments of doubt, trust your gut, hug your pet, and eat a doughnut. get what you need..........Rolling Stones …..You Can't Always Get What You Want
^^^^^ In 1876, Hickok was shot from behind and killed while playing poker in a saloon in Deadwood in the Dakota Territory by Jack McCall, an unsuccessful gambler. The hand of cards which he supposedly held at the time of his death (including the ace of spades, the ace of clubs, the eight of spades and the eight of clubs) has become known as the dead man's hand.
Month of the Week: June is Dairy Month. – When chewing your cud, remember, there's no fat, no calories, no cholesterol, and no taste!
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Whitaker Point Trail (Hawksbill Crag) Arkansas – the natural state. Whitaker Point Trail (Hawksbill Crag) is a 2.7 mile lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Deer, Arkansas that features a waterfall and is rated as moderate. The trail offers a number of activity options and is accessible year-round. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Lord, Give me patience....because if you give me strength, I'm gonna need bail money to go with it. --Submitted by sb of ar
Today's Peace of History, June 2, 1952: The US Supreme court ruled illegal President Truman's order two months earlier for the Army to seize the nation's steel mills in order to avert a strike during the Korean war.
Knock, Knock / Who's there? / Doughnut / Doughnut who? / Doughnot tell me another one of these knock, knock jokes. / I choked on a carrot this afternoon and all I could think was “I bet a donut wouldn't have done this to me”.
..........Pleased to meet you.........Rolling Stones …..Sympathy For The Devil
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle June 2, 2017. Online at: Insert Tag Line Here. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change. --Thomas Hardy
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/1/17: $773,344,615,017.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/25/17: $772,680,670,859.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/1/17: $820,534,017,405.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/25/17: $820,514,612,016.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/1/17: $15,238,700,284.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/25/17: $15,136,661,998.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/1/17: $150,985,378,902.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/25/17: $150,417,264,807.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/1/17: $1,76,806,625,135.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/25/17: $1,763,420,133,208.
One who cherishes the value of cultures cannot fail to be a pacifist. --Albert Einstein
..........Magic carpet please, carry me away.........Marvin Hamlisch …..Disneyland
Whatever sprinkles you donut, ePistliers ...and the doughnut just stood there with a glazed expression.
Famous Last Words: I will perform and keep. So help me God. --Queen Elizabeth II, Coronation Oath
May Peace be your glaze
And Joy be your filling
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

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