First Words: Never happy any more! The Lady's Lament
Gabriel Dante Rossetti
state of women's health is the country has skipped being a joke and
gone to being cold blooded murder. But it is Limerick Day...There
once were some men in D.C.
by you and by me
had nary a care
the health under where
lady parts happen to be.
raindrops always bring.........Burt Bacharach …..Saturday Sunshine
idea of peace and love toward humanity shouldn't be nationalistic or
denominational. It should be a chief concern of all mankind. --Mos
is a beautiful Friday morning. The sky is a soft blue with only a
few thin, white streamer clouds to the south to emphasize its
absolute azure-ness. There is a great variety of birdsong in the
air...tweets, chirps, trills...even a pair of ducks in a great and
noisy hurry to get to the wetlands; but mourning doves competing for
the Melancholy Morning Prize provide the dominant fugue. Puck
missed his inspection of the perimeter because Pax wants to play and
he is torn between duty and desire. The world is so very green these
days even overhead. It gives me the feeling of bounty, of surplus
and it makes the world smell of foliage and flowers. I take a few
cleansing breaths of it. So I walk around the yard to see the new
fence which is in place, if not exactly finished. The neighbor dogs
that will share part of our back fence are inside at the moment. All
quiet. Ahhh, but coffee calls me and we return to our rooms to eat
dogs treats with milk and fix a sweet, creamy decaf and a talk with
old friends. What a nice way to start a weekend.
your weekend is healthy and hale, ePistliers
mission is really quite plain:
women from using their brains
prevent STDs
to plan families
a stump speech in their next campaign.
the wind in the trees.........The Cult …..Be Free
Questions: It is Fintastic Friday – Giving a voice to
About how many different kinds of sharks are there?
What was the name of the shark in Jaws?
What do you know about the fins in shark fin soup?
What is the world's largest and our closest shark aquarium?
Who gave voice the the sharks Oscar and/or Don Lino in the movie
Sharks Tale.
Library Statistic of the Week:
Librarians spend 38% of their time on airplanes trying to figure out
what book their neighbor is reading.
How very little can be done under the spirit of fear. --Florence
motives are rather insidious
their smug old man faces look hideous
girls to drop dead
that they get ahead
a poll, hoping we stay oblivious.
satisfaction anywhere..........Billy Squier …..Too Daze Gone
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Ko na mauri – Kiribati (Micronesia)
of the Week: National Hug Holiday Week
(May 7-13) – I did not fall down; the floor looked sad and I
thought it needed a hug.
Fiction Convention of the Week:
MARCon (Multiple Alternative Realities Convention, Columbus, OH,
5/12-14) 48 hours of continuous open gaming. http://marcon.org/
serving the public a portion
dangerous myths on abortion
the truth is behind
the lies they’ve designed
defies logic out of proportion.
inside your heart, I'll look inside of mine.........Steve Winwood
…..Higher Love
There are between 350 and 450 kinds of sharks.
It is Friday, May 12, 2017. The moon was full (Pink) on Wednesday
and is in Sagittarius. It is Fibromyalgia
and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day, Hug Your Cat Day,
International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and
Neurological Diseases , International Nurses Day , Limerick Day,
National Nutty Fudge Day, One Day Without Shoes, and Odometer Day.
In Finland it is Snellman
Day (1806).
Khmer Republic commemorates Constitution Day (1972) and in the US it
is National Hospital Day (1921). Since it is the Friday before
Mother's Day, it is Military Spouse Appreciation Day, and Child Care
Provider Day. And because it is the second Fridayit is Fintastic
Friday: Giving Sharks A Voice.
those born on the day were Jan F van Bloom (1662), August II (1670),
Giovanni Antonio Ricieri (1679), Justus Freiherr von Liebig (1803),
Edward Lear (1812), Florence Nightingale (1820), Gabriel Dante
Rossetti (1828), Halsey William Wilson (1868), Lincoln Ellsworth
(1880), Heinrich Kirchner (1902), Katharine Hepburn (1907), Dorothy
Crowfoot-Hodgkin (1910), Howard K. Smith (1914), Yogi Berra (1925),
Burt Bacharach (1929), Millie Perkins (1938), Ronald Ziegler (1939),
Anthony Newman (1941), Barry B Longyear (1942), Ian McLagen (Fances ,
1946), Steve Winwood (1948), Billy Squier (1950), Gabriel Byrne
(1950), Billy Duffy (The Cult, 1961), Emilio Estevez (1962), Vanessa
Williams (1963), and Stephen Baldwin (1966).
May twelfth England and Netherlands formed the League of Augsburg
(1689), Maria Theresa was crowned queen of Bohemia (1733), ice cream
was first advertised (1777), Manitoba became a Canadian province
(1870), street cars in Louisville, KY integrated (1871), the second
NAACP conference was held (NYC, 1910), Mussolini ended woman's rights
in Italy (1928), Elizabeth Taylor (fourth) married Eddie Fisher
(second) (1960), H Rap Brown repleaced Stokely Carmichael as chairman
of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, 1967), the "March
of Poor" led by Rev. Abernathy reached DC (1968), Harry A
Blackmun was confirmed onto the Supreme Court (1970), James C
Fletcher was appointed head of NASA (1986), Comic
Relief 90
raised $4.7 million (4th, 1990), and Cheers
closed up (1993).
Sky, 5/12:
Three zero-magnitude stars shine after dark - Arcturus high in the
southeast, Vega much lower in the northeast, and Capella in the
northwest. They appear so bright because each is at least 60 times as
luminous as the Sun, and because they're all relatively nearby: 37,
25, and 42 light-years from us, respectively.

Week: Saturday, May 13 –
International Migratory Bird Day & Mother Ocean Day
May 14 – Underground America Day & Mother's Day
Sky, 5/14: The Arch of Spring spans the western sky in late
twilight. Pollux and Castor form its top: they're lined up roughly
horizontally in the west-northwest, about three finger-widths at
arm's length apart.
May 15 – International Day of Families & Straw Hat Day
Sky, 5/15: If it's clear on the evening of the 15th, and using
a small telescope, one could observe the 4 Gallilean Moons lined up
on one side of the giant planet.
May 16 – Biographer's Day & Mimosa Day
May 17 – World Hypertension Day & Same Sex Marriage Day
Sky 5/17: The planet Mercury reaches greatest western
elongation of 25.8 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to
view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon
in the morning sky. Look for the planet low in the eastern sky just
before sunrise.
May 18 – National Museum Day & Buy A Musical Instrument
tactic is old as the nation:
acting like they’re the salvation
women worldwide
the fact is they hide
misogyny’s latest creation
your soul is in the lost and found.........Steve Winwood …..Freedom
The animatronic shark in jaws was called Bruce or The Great White
Turd depending on how frustrating it was at a given moment.
thing I read of the Week: Neil deGrasse Tyson: Evidence that
Humans are smarter than Cats: We don't chase Laser dots on the
carpet. We're not afraid of Vacuum Cleaners. A Cat Named Bitches:
Evidence that cats are smarter than humans: We didn't elect Donald
Trump president. We don't we need a second point. --Submitted by sb
or ar
I used to say the evening that I developed the first x-ray photograph
I took of insulin in 1935 was the most exciting moment of my life.
But the Saturday afternoon in late July 1969, when we realized that
the insulin electron density map was interpret-able, runs that moment
very close. --Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
Night Snacks: House Republicans today voted on
and passed an Obamacare replacement bill without knowing how much it
could cost. Though I’m not surprised — they also voted on an
Obama replacement without knowing the cost. --Seth Meyers / I mean,
seriously — Drumpf and Putin “fixing” North Korea? That’s
like Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich “guarding” a wedding cake.
--Jimmy Fallon / Today, FBI Director James Comey said the thought
that he helped Donald Drumpf get elected president makes him “mildly
nauseous.” Comey then excused himself to attend a meeting of
Underreacters Anonymous. --Conan O'Brien / It is not unusual for
powerful men to give their son-in-laws "do-nothing" jobs
but leave it to Donald Trump, who can't even get nepotism right, to
give his a "do-everything" job. --John Oliver / A picture
went viral of a man delivering a 30-gallon tub of Cinnabon frosting
on a bus — or as we call him in my house, Santa Claus. You just
know everyone on that bus was like, “Forget my stop, I’ve got to
see how this ends.” 30 gallons — that’s enough for nearly two
Cinnabons. --Will Arnett (subbing for Jimmy Kimmel)
do not want riches, we want peace and love. --Red Cloud
women have had quite enough
really should not be this tough
obtain a vaccine
we don’t get preventable stuff.
me what you're searching for.........Steve Winwood …..Another Deal
Goes Down
shark fin soup or stew is made with shark
fins obtained from any of a variety of shark
species. Raw shark fins are processed by first removing the skin
and denticles,
then trimming them to shape and bleaching to a more desirable color.
Fact of the Week:
Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (born Hubert Gerold Brown, October 4, 1943),
also known as H. Rap Brown, was the fifth chairman of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s, and during a
short-lived (six months) alliance between SNCC and the Black
Panther Party, he served as their minister of justice.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: When women aren't at the
table, we're on the menu. --Cecile Richards --Submitted by sb of ar
Word of the Week:
Hypnopompic – a drowsy, half-alert, comfortable state Often
applied to hallucinations.
Uses for Common Products: Soothe a sore throat. Mix two
teaspoons of Tang in a glass of water and drink the orange beverage
to fight a sore throat. The vitamin C in Tang may help your body
fight the germs invading your throat.
probably worthwhile to mention
women are paying attention
they’re not gonna stand
a man with his hand
their sexual health and prevention.
star – lead us on through our lives.........Steve Winwood
…..Shining Song
The Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is the largest aquarium in the world
housing more than 100,000 sea creatures. Funded mostly by a $250
million donation from Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, the
aquarium opened in November 2005. The Georgia Aquarium is the only
institution outside of Asia to house whale sharks. The sharks are
kept in a gigantic 24 million liter (6.3 million gallon) tank in the
Ocean Voyager exhibit.
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Hobnob – mix socially,
especially with those of higher social status. Twelfth Night
Act III Scene IV Sir Toby Belch: Hob, nob, is his word; give't or
Thing I Heard of the Week: Jeff Sessions is so
white you can't wear him after Labor Day. Jeff Sessions is so white
he makes Prairie Home Companion look like a Kendrick Lamar concert.
--Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Thing on the Internet of the Week:
Whoopi Goldberg from Comic Relief VI (1994) on Lorena Bobbitt and
leveling the playing field.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck and his faithful companion, Pax, spying on
the neighbors in the case of the Maltese
of Spying on the Neighbors of the Week: The house behind us
sold and they are putting in a fence...this produces a certain amount
of anxiety...will I only be able to see fence from now on...well, it
isn't a privacy fence it a fence with alternating slats like in the
dog picture above. It is a little taller than our fence but it not
so high as the average privacy fence. I'll still be able to see the
treetops and roofs but not the intersection per se. Puck might miss
it; it provides many happy minutes of barking at indistinct objects
moving at a distance.
should really take note
beware all the smears they promote
women are pissed
the chance won’t be missed
fire them all with our vote.
tell me that you've had enough.........Billy Squier …..Alone In
Your Dreams
Will Smith was Oscar and Robert De Niro was Don Lino in the animated
movie Shark's Tale.
of the Week: May is Drum Month. --A man
goes to a pacific island for vacation. As the boat nears, he notices
the constant sound of drumming. As he gets off the boat, he
asks a native how long the drumming will go on. The native
casts about nervously and says "very bad when drumming
stops." Later that day, the drumming is still going and
it is really starting to get to him. So, he asks another native
when the drumming will stop. The native looks as if he's just
been spooked. "Very bad when drumming stops," he says, and
hurries off. After a couple of days with little sleep,
the man had had enough. He grabbed the first native he saw,
slammed him up against a tree, and shouted, "What happens when
the drumming stops?!" The native replied, "Bass
Beautiful Thing in the State:
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge...Fiords, bays, lakes,
glaciers, mountains, and hundreds of islands … Pictures
of the Week: There is a resistance group
in St. Joseph, Missouri. They call themselves The Presisterhood of
St. Jo. A couple of weeks after the women's march some news outfit
reported that lots of people were happy with the Trump regime, after
all no one in St. Joseph was protesting. St. Joseph has, actually,
been pretty active since then. Go, St. Joseph!
Peace of History: Today's Peace of History,
May 12, 1968: The Poor People's Campaign,
organized by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
began when contingents of the poor, mainly from the south, began
pitching tents in a "Resurrection City" near the Lincoln
an Iowa Rep has his way
Women’s rights will yet further decay.
Zygote-rights will be greater
Than gals’, as polls cater
To nuts. Will he fail? Let us pray. --Madeleine Begun Kane
Women’s rights will yet further decay.
Zygote-rights will be greater
Than gals’, as polls cater
To nuts. Will he fail? Let us pray. --Madeleine Begun Kane
baby, way up in the sky..........The Cult …..Peace Dog
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle May 12, 2017, eXasperated ePistle. Online at:
News, No Slogan.
Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
Nevertheless, She Preexisted --submitted by mh of ks
There was an old man with a beard,
said: 'It is just as I feared!
owls and a hen,
larks and a wren
all built their nests in my beard. -Edward Lear
of War:
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/11/17: $771,324,949,513.
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/4/17: $770,018,519,377.
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/11/17:
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/4/17:
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/11/17: $14,928,293,153.
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/4/17: $14,830,839,714.
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/11/17:
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/4/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/11/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/4/17:
justice and love, peace will always be the great illusion.
--Archbishop Helder Pessoa Camara
not just for some but for everyone.........Burt Bacharach …..What
The World Need Now Is Love
love to pass laws
That restrict female parts, without pause.
But just utter “vagina”—
They’ll ship you to China.
Censor gals in all ways — that’s their cause. --Madeleine Begun Kane
That restrict female parts, without pause.
But just utter “vagina”—
They’ll ship you to China.
Censor gals in all ways — that’s their cause. --Madeleine Begun Kane
Last Words: Clever Girl. --Jurassic Park
Peace season your life
Joy spice your experience
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