First Words: She isn't coming yet. Dorothy Wizard of Oz,
the movie
is Salad Month. That restaurant serves salads so fresh they have to
live with their aunty and uncle in Belaire.
you're moving on the back roads by the rivers of my
mem'ry.........Tammy Wynette …..Gentle On My Mind
human longs for peace and love. --Hiawatha
is a gorgeous Friday morning. The temperature is 48°F and the rising
sun streams light and shadows in the strange shapes of fence posts
and treetops. Birds from a gazillion species are singing the praises
this day; I even hear the honk of geese overhead but cannot find them
in the cloudless blue expanse; they must be flying low behind the
western tree line. The dogs – three of them are out this morning
enjoying the air – mill about, nose dew off of the grass, and drink
from the fountain. Cars and school buses add sampling to the morning
cantata but they are soon gone. It seems as if the world is framed
in green – across the bottom lawns are at peak color, up the sides
bushes rise and fill with leaves and across the top tree limbs dangle
foliage. And in the center the blues and whites and reds of flowers
– irises mostly – and the earth tone houses, and the white cars.
But I return inside, to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Ah, and
here I am with the taste of coffee on my tongue and the taste of you
in my mind. Opah!
your weekend is a toss of everything good, epistliers.
salad is so badly dressed, even Lady Gaga would be shocked. / Why did
the tomato blush? She saw the salad dressing.
engines burning fuel so fast.........Black Sabbath …..Into The
Questions: Happy Birthday, Billboard!
In what city did Billboard originate?
Any idea who the original publishers were?
What was the focus of the early Billboard content?
In what decade did Billboard run a radio broadcasting station?
What decade saw the first Billboard music hit parade chart?
Library Statistic of the Week:
Cookbook collecting is the fifth-most common addiction of librarians.
Food is our common ground, a universal experience. --James Beard
noble, historically fair.........Rex Harrison …..A Hymn To Him
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Muraho – Kinyarwanda (Uganda)
of the Week: Wildflower Week (May 1-7)
–When I cross bred a four-leaf clover with poison ivy, I got a rash
of good luck.
Quite Amazing Thing on YouTube:
Jo's brother is running for city council in Colleyville, TX. Here's
a song he wrote for his campaign, I'm
for Colleyville.
“I'm for love and I'm for Colleyville”
Fiction Convention of the Week: I found no science fiction
conventions this week. A rare occasion. --He described himself as a
“Reverse TARDIS”, i.e. bigger on the outside. But his
partner described him as “Reverse TARDIS”, smaller on the inside.
salad is so limp not even viagra could help it. / He knew it was a
Caesar Salad because it had been stabbed 23 times.
it's hard to be a woman.........Tammy Wynette …..Stand By Your Man
Billboard was first published in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1894 as
Billboard Advertising and covered the advertising and bill
posting industry.
It is Friday, May 5, 2017. The moon was 1st quarter last Tuesday and
is in Virgo. It is National Cartoonists Day,
Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, Cinco de Mayo, International Day of
The Midwife, International Roller Derby Day, National Astronaut Day,
National Hoagie Day, National Military Spouse Appreciation Day,
National Totally Chipotle Day, Revenge of the Fifth (Star Wars Sith),
Tuba Day, World Password Day. Because it is the first Friday it is
also International Space Day.
those born on this day were Philippe Quinault (1635), Soren
Kierkegaard (1813), Karl Marx (1818), Eugenie M de Montijo y de
Guzman (1826), Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846), Nellie Bly (Elizabeth
Cochran Seaman, 1867), Charles Bender (1883), Christopher Morley
(1890), Spencer Tracy (1900), James Beard (1903), Rex Harrison
(Reginald Carey, 1908), Tyrone Power (1913), Ann B David (1926), Pat
Carroll (1927), Tammy Wynette (1942), John Rhys-Davies (1944), Bill
Ward (Black Sabbath, 1948), Rex Goh (Air Supply, 1951), Billy
Burnette (Fleetwood Mac, 1953), and Peter Erskine (Weather Report,
May fifth the second Council of Constantinople opened (553), a peace
treaty between Russia and Prussia was signed (1762), the American
Medical Associaton was organized (1847), Carnegie Hall opened
(Tchaikovsky conducting, 1891), Billboard
publishing (1900), the US invaded the Dominican Republic (1916),
Sinclair Lewis refused the Pulitzer Prize (far Arrowsmith, 1926),
Gandhi was freed from prison (1944), Damn
opened (1955), US tested nuclear bomb at Enwetak (1958), there were
riots in Quebec (1964), the Iran-Contra hearings began (1987), there
was a conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
and the Moon (2000).
Sky, 5/5: The Moon tonight forms a
gently curving arc with, to its lower left, bright Jupiter and then
Spica. Look between the Moon and Jupiter for 3rd-magnitude Porrima
(Gamma Virginis), a fine, close telescopic double star.
Week: Saturday, May 6 – Free Comic Book Day & National
Homebrew Day & the running of the Kentucky Derby
Sky, 5/6: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Eta Aquarids is an
above average shower, capable of producing up to 60 meteors per hour
at its peak. Most of the activity is seen in the Southern Hemisphere.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the rate can reach about 30 meteors per
May 7 – Cosmopolitan Day (the drink) & National Barrier
Awareness Day
Sky, 5/7: Now the Moon is under Leo's tail star, Denebola (by
about a fist at arm's length). To the Moon's lower left is bright
Jupiter, with Spica about half again farther on.
May 8 – National Women's Check-Up Day & No Socks Day &
World Red Cross/Red Crescent Day
Sky, 5/8: Summer is still a way aways, but the Summer Triangle
is beginning to make its appearance in the east, one star after
another. The first up in view is Vega. It's already visible low in
the northeast as twilight fades. Next up is Deneb, lower left of Vega
by two or three fists at arm's length. Deneb rises about an hour
after Vega does, depending on your latitude. The third to rise is
Altair, which shows up far to their lower right around midnight.
May 9 – National Moscato Day & Occupational Safety & Health
Professionals Day
May 10 – Bike to School Day & School Nurse Day
Sky 5/10: Full (Flower) Moon.
May 11 – National Foam Rolling Day & Root Canal Appreciation
do you kill a salad? Go for the carroitid artery. / A honeymoon salad
is lettuce alone, no dressing.
all else fails and you have nothing..........Air Supply …..Bring
Out The Magic
William Donaldson and James Hennegan were the first publishers.
Hennegan owned a printing company and Donaldson did everything else.
Donaldson purchased Hennegan's interest in 1900 which seems to be
when the magazine is credited with beginning.
thing I read of the Week: If the real world were a book, it
would never find a publisher. Overlong, detailed to the point of
distraction – and ultimately, without a major resolution. --Jasper
Energy rightly applied and directed will accomplish anything.
--Nellie Bly
Night Snacks: The Drumpf administration has a
very strong rationale for simplifying the tax code. “In 1935, we
had a one-page tax form consisting of 34 lines with two pages of
instructions. Today, the basic 1040 form has 79 lines and 211 pages
of instructions.” 1935 was the height of the Great Depression, so
the two-page form was just “Page 1: Do you have money? Yes or no.”
And page 2 was so you would have something to eat. --Stephen Colbert
/ President Drumpf unveiled his new tax plan today. And it’s pretty
much the same as his old plan: He’s not gonna pay them. --Seth
Meyers / After a month of very bad PR, United Airlines is offering up
to $10,000 to passengers on overbooked flights. But you know another
thing they could do? Stop selling more tickets than there are seats
on the plane! Just don’t do that! --James Corden / United Airlines
fell by 66 percent in an annual survey of passengers’ favorite
airlines, down to just 3.3 percent. Although, that means that 3.3
percent of travelers saw a man get dragged off a plane and thought,
“This is my favorite airline.” --Jimmy Fallon / L.A. is one of
the two finalists to host the 2024 Olympics. So if you want to attend
one of the events in L.A., you should get on the freeway now.
--Conan O'Brien
is wrong with peace and love. It is all the more regrettable that so
many of Christ's followers seem to disagree. --Richard Dawkins
is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit
salad. / Just a salad for me. A vanilla ice cream salad with hot
fudge dressing and marshmallow croutons.
seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie.........Black Sabbath
…..Hole In The Sky
Billboard covered the advertising industry (Columns like The
Indefatigable and Tireless Industry of the Bill Poster) and also
covered outdoor entertainment – fairs, carnivals, circuses,
vaudeville, etc. It began of cover movies and include gossip.
Fact of the Week:
When tubas
became a member of the orchestra they replaced the ophicleide. The
ophicleide was perfectly fine as an instrument but clever marketing
made the tuba sound more modern and it soon replaced the older
Word of the Week:
Gorp – trail
But in 1904 it meant to
eat greedily.
OR it's an acronym: Granola, Oatmeal, Raisins and Peanuts.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If
you wait long enough to make dinner, everyone will just eat cereal.
It's Science.
Uses for Common Products:
Teach a cat to stop scratching or chewing certain spots in your home
or chewing any item. Dissolve one-half teaspoon Tang Orange Drink
Mix and 2 cups isopropyl alcohol in a sixteen-ounce trigger spray
bottle. Spray the solution on whatever items the cat loves chewing.
Cats despise the smell of oranges and will give up on that item.

got friends out in space.........Air Supply …..Secret Agent
The Billboard Radio Broadcasting Station began in the 1920.
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Hint – to suggest or
indicate something indirectly or covertly. Othello Act
I Scene III Othello: Rough quarries, rocks and hills whose heads
touch heaven it was my hint to speak...
Thing on the Internet of the Week:
I found a site that will translate the word peace in almost every
known living language. An Anglican version is given to help
pronounce the word, but other writing systems are also shown.
I grew up in Wyandotte County. The Wyandots are Hurons. Peace in
Huron is Scan-o-nie. ~~ When I'm through with “hello”, I'll do
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck karate chopping Pax in the case of the
Gollie Guru.
salad tastes like I'd rather be fat. / Lead, uranium, lettuce, and
cocaine are all gluten-free.
wadaya tike me for, a fool?.........Rex Harrison …..Why Can't The
English Learn To Speak
Billboard published the first music hit parade on January 4,
1936 and introduced a "Record Buying Guide" in January
1939. In 1940, it introduced "Chart Line", which tracks
the best-selling records. This was followed by a chart for jukebox
records in 1944 called Music BoxMachine charts. By the 1940s,
Billboard was more of a music industry specialist publication. The
number of charts it published grew after World War II, due to a
growing variety of music interests and genres. It had eight charts by
1987, covering different genres and formats, and 28 charts by 1994.
of the Week: May is Family Reunion Month
- We didn’t provide any alcohol at this family reunion. We were
concerned people would start being honest with each other.
Amazing Thing on the Internet of the Week:
Lawrence's Own singer/'songwriter, Joe Douglas, leader of the late
New World Order Peace Choir, singing his own Post
Factual World. ...you
can believe most anything if you try...
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
The worst thing about being Vegan is getting up at 5 am to milk the
Beautiful Nature in the State:
Alabama - Monte Sano State Park...The park offers over 20 miles of
hiking trails so you may get back in the woods to enjoy the serenity
of the mountain. An 8 mile mountain bike trail is being constructed
and maintained by local riders. Pictures
~~Last week was the last of the Famous Kansans so now we're looking
at the most beautiful spot in each state.
Peace of History: May 5, 1991: The last U.S. cruise missile
left Greenham Common Air Base in England, the site of a decade of
women's anti-nuclear protests. The encampment persisted for nearly
another decade until it was returned to public access.
comes from cocoa, which is a tree, which makes it a plant, so
chocolate is a salad. End of story.
can take me to paradise...........Fleetwood Mac …..Over My Head
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle May 5, 2017, eNdive ePistle. Online at:
Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
--SÇ¿ren Kierkegaard
of War:
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/4/17: $770,691,101,918.
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 4/27/17: $770,018,519,377.
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/4/17:
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 4/27/17:
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/4/17: $14,830,839,714.
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 4/27/17: $14,727,477,668.
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/4/17:
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 4/27/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/4/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 4/27/17:
not an idealist. I know we're not going to be living in a world
that's peace and love all the time. But we can live in a world where
we kill each other a lot less. --Michael Franti
's waiting for you..........Fleetwood Mac …..Go Your Own Way
went to a business meeting the other week, put a kebab on the desk
and said “we really have to think about strategy”. One of my
colleagues asked “what’s with the kebab?” I said “salad and a
little chilli sauce”.
Last Words: Shut up and deal. Miss Kubelik The Apartment
Peace oil your greens
Joy dress your salad
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