Friday, July 29, 2016

eLevatored ePistle

Famous First Words: Your Passion. Our Purpose.  --Southern California Golf Association Website
10 ways to celebrate Talk In An Elevator Day!  Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead with your palm muttering, "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!"
..........The light of love comes stealing.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise
Love loves to love.  It's nothing personal.  --Mooji
It is a beautiful Friday morning.  The 66°F is perfect for walking or sitting in the backyard.  The sky which is overcast and white with only jet trails leaving tatters across its seemingly seamless roof.  Birds are up early and in great numbers to greet this lovely scene and only temporarily silenced by the trash truck making its rounds.  The world smells deliciously of damp soil and wet grass squishes underfoot.  People are up and about walking dogs and jogging.  Puck can't find any problems and so he sits on the deck landing watching the day roll on.  I have brought my decaf to the outside so I can stand at the fence and watch other people rushing off to work while I sip sweetened tartness and take deep breaths of humidity (95%).  It is only the delightful thought of writing to you that brings me back inside at all.
May your weekend only go up, ePistliers.
Peek into your purse or briefcase and ask, "Got enough air in there?". / Stand facing the wall and count slowly.
..........You who have dreams.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Stout Hearted Men
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday Olympic National Park
^ Where is Olympic National Park located anyway?
^^ Olympic lies around the beautiful calm waters of which lake?
^^^ Hood Canal is the longest what in the United States?
^^^^ Which Olympic Park beach is known for the fabulous ocean view and spectacular sunsets?
^^^^^ Sol Duc offers the visitor what relaxing activity?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 27% of librarians fix their own work computers and don't tell library IT.
Moonbeam: Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.  --Don Marquis
Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. / Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
..........Now I ain't callin' this life perfect.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Lordy, What a Sweet World
Something to Think About of the Week: The place you are looking for is the place from which you are looking.  --Mooji
Big Hello: Mandi - Friulian (northern Italy)
Lawrence March for Justice: Click Here for pictures of the Black Lives Matter's March for Justice held July 22nd in Lawrence, KS. 
Week of the Week: National Moth Week (July 23-31) --The moth ate a hole in the carpet so he could see the floor show. / What do you call a moth that won't leave you alone? Moth-erly.
Quote of the Week: Fear doesn't make us safer.  It makes us weaker.  --Justin Trudeau
Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Madam Secretary. / Talk to your invisible dog: "Sit, boy, Good dog".
.......... Lightly granted by Allah..........Sigmund Romberg  .....One Flower Grows Alone
^ Olympic National Park is on Washington's Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. The park sprawls across several different ecosystems, from the dramatic peaks of the Olympic Mountains to old-growth forests.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 29, 2016.  The moon will be new on Tuesday and is in Gemini.  It is Lasagna Day, National Chicken Wing Day, Rain Day, and System Administrator Appreciation Day.  In Gilroy, CA it is the weekend of the  Garlic Festival and in Norway it is Olsok Eve Festival (1030).  Because it is the fourth Friday it is also National Talk in An Elevator Day.
Among those born on this day were Alexis de Tocqaueville (1805), Alica Roosevelt (1861), Rasputin (1871), Don Marquis III (1878), Benito Mussolini (1883), Sigmund Romberg (1887), William Powell (1892), Isidor Isaac Rabi (1898), Clara Bow (1905), Dag Hammarskjold (1905), Professor Irwin Corey (1914), Richard Egan (1921), Mikis Theodorakis (1925), Nancy Kassebaum (1932), Elizabeth Dole (1936), and Peter Jennings (1938).
On Friday, July twenty-ninth the Spanish Armada sank (1588), the first sugar plantation in Hawaii began operations (1935), the Southern California Golf Association formed (1899), the first transcontinental phone link was made (NYC to SF, 1914), Disney's Steamboat Willie was released (1928), Olympic National Park was established (1938), the 14th modern Olympic games opened (London, 1948), the International Atomic Energy Agency was established (UN, 1957), Jack Paar's Tonight show premiered (1957), the Space Act and NASA were signed into law (1958), Help staring the Beatles premiered (1965), the Greeks chose a republic over a monarchy (1973), Pioneer 11 transmitted images of Saturn and its rings (1978), Bonnie Prince Charlie married lady Diana (1981), and the last Playboy Club in the US closed (1988).
Tonight's Sky, July 29: The Delta Aquarid Meteor shower offers slow and bright meteors, worth waiting for a glimpse of one or two. The waning Crescent Moon will offer dark skies for better viewing.  August Planets: Morning: Uranus and Neptune / Dusk: Mercury and Venus / Evening: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
This Week: Saturday, July 30 - Friendship Day, National Dance Day & Father-in-Law Day.
Tonight's Sky, July 30: Due east at 11:30 pm is the Great Square of Pegasus, about one third of the way up into the sky.
Sunday, July 31 - Uncommon Instruments Awareness Day and World Ranger Day
Monday, August 1 - Lughnasa, Rounds Resounding Day and Spider-Man Day
Tonight's Sky, August 1: Looking at the handle of the Big Dipper high in the northwest, follow its curve or “arc” to the bright star Arcturus high in the west
Tuesday, August 2 - National Coloring Book Day and National Night Out
Wednesday, August 3 - Watermelon Day
Thursday, August 4 - Coast Guard Day, India Pale Ale Day, and Social Security Day
Night Sky, August 4: The new crescent moon is near Mercury and Venus, and also the bright star Regulus.
Announce the obvious:  5th Floor.  Man in a blue suit getting off.  Woman in a straw hat entering.  /  Meow occasionally.
..........wants to be free..........Sigmund Romberg  .....The Fireman's Bride
^^ Lake Crescent is a deep, glacially carved lake with pristine waters in the middle of Olympic Park.
Funniest thing I read of the Week:  Considering we've produced things like Donald Trump and the Kardashians, I'm a little surprised other countries haven't built a wall around us already.   --Submitted by pm of ks
Moonbeam: If you decide you don't have to get A's, you can learn an enormous amount in college.  --Isidor Isaac Rabi
Peace Joke of the Week

Late Night Snacks: The Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood. The Democrats want to stop Donald Drumpf from preventing access to birth control. They compromised, and now, Planned Parenthood will hand out pictures of Donald Drumpf as birth control. --Jimmy Fallon / Last night was night three of the Republican Convention, and if you thought the first two nights were exciting — then you really need to get out more. --James Corden / President Obama said to drink water, stay out of the sun, and check on your neighbors. Can you imagine checking on your neighbors in Los Angeles? And Donald Drumpf tweeting, “The sun is the worst. Hot, lazy, stupid, the sun is a big fat loser.” --Jimmy Kimmel / Verizon has purchased Yahoo and plans to merge it with AOL. Verizon said its goal is to become the RC Cola of the internet.  --Conan O'Brien / It takes a lot of balls to call your opponents divisive when your own party is tearing itself in half because they nominated a sociopathic 70 year old toddler.  --Samantha Bee / Ivanka Drumpf introduced her father tonight says he is color blind and gender neutral — which means that Drumpf cannot use the bathroom anywhere. --Seth Meyers / What I don't understand is, yeah, we knew but there was supposed to be a floor fight. Bikers chain-whipping the Rules Committee. Ted Cruz trying to cut out Reince Priebus' eyeball with a broken bottle. We were promised excitement! But none of that happened. They voted. He got it. That's it. --Stephen Colbert
Throw everything away, forget about it all.  --Mooji
If the elevator is full, you can moan, "Oh, not now, not motion sickness". / If the elevator is silent ask, "Whose beeper is that?"
..........Avenge the patriotic gore..........Sigmund Romberg  .....My Maryland
^^^ Hood Canal is the longest fjord in the US and one of the 4 main basins of Puget Sound.
Worthless Facts of the Week: Pioneer 11 discovered around Saturn two new moons (almost smacking into one of them in September 1979) and a new "F" ring. The spacecraft also discovered and charted the magnetosphere, magnetic field, and mapped the general structure of Saturn's interior.   Images at:
Weird Word of the Week: Rhopalic - text in which each word contains one more letter or syllable than the one preceding it.  "I do not know where family doctors..."
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:  The only way Trump is making America great again is by inspiring Jon Stewart to come back to TV.  --Sumbitted by pt of ks
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Relieve a cough.  Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons lemon juice, one cup honey, and one half-cup Star Olive Oil.  Heat for five minutes.  Then stir vigorously for two minutes.  Take one teaspoon every 2 hours.
Make small bets with other passengers like how many times you can flip a coin between floors. / Start a sing-a-long.
...........When all that's within me feels dry.........Sigmund Romberg  .....The Desert Song
^^^^ Kalaloch Beach, located 35 miles south of Forks, Washington, is a wide and sandy stretch along the Pacific coastline. Kalaloch Beach, which means "good place to land", is one of the most visited areas of Olympic National Park. It is a safe haven for thousands of sea creatures.  Sunsets on the beach are a park must see.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Birthplace - the place where a person was born.  Coriolanus  Act IV Scene IV:  (Coriolanus)
Third Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: People think I'm crazy because I talk to my dogs.  What am I supposed to do? Just ignore them when they ask me a question? --Submitted by sd of ks
Fake Animal Fact of the Week: Bees speak with a lisp.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck posing as one of the NY City Library Lions in the case of Tevye's Tibetan Mastiffs.   Check it out they look like lions.  

Ask each passenger getting on if you can push the button for them. / Clutch a baby blanket and ask each passenger, "Are you my mother?"

..........Bound for trouble from the start.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Lover Come Back
^^^^^ Sol Duc Hot Springs offers three mineral hot spring soaking pools and one freshwater swimming pool. Temperatures vary between the pools, allowing you to find the perfect one to relax and soak in.
Month of the Week: August is Happiness Happens Month  -- When I see ads on TV with smiling, happy housewives using a new cleaning product, the only thing I want to buy are the meds they must be on.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Tatsu-Con (Buffalo, NY) - 3 day anime & gaming convention where fans unite to explore their creativity and imagination.  

Famous Kansans: Candy Loving, Playboy playmate (1/79) was born in Oswego in 1956.
Today's Peace of History, July 29, 1972: The US Supreme Court ruled the death penalty to be cruel and unusual punishment.
Say "Ding" at each floor. / Draw a little square on the floor and announce that it is your personal space.
..........Ein zwei drei vier..........Sigmund Romberg  .....The Drinking Song (from The Student Prince)
Masthead of the Week:   fRiday ePistle July 29, 2016.  Online at:  The Peaceful Side of Humor. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith.  1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS  66046
Moonbeam: When you IQ rises to 28, sell.  --Prof. Irwin Corey
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/28/16: $743,739,755,410
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/21/16: $743,065,081,716
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/28/16: $819,668,778,337.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/21/16: $819,649,059,944.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/28/16: $10,688,479,612.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/21/16: $10,584,763,954.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/28/16: $125,667,069,411.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/21/16: $125,089,981,013.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/28/16: $1,702,980,921,578.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/21/16: $1,701,571,828,579.
You already are the peace you are looking for.  Be still and know that.  --Mooji
..........Yet I keep on longing..........Sigmund Romberg  .....One Alone
Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button. / Announce in a demonic voice: I must find a more suitable host body.
Famous Last Words: It is that decadence that produced the Kardashians and this year's Hugo awards.   --Christine Smith  Fear in the Time of the 2016 US Presidential Election
May Peace push your buttons
And Joy carry you up
prairie mama

Absolutely the final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ban Pre-Shredded Cheese  Make America Grate Again.

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