Friday, July 1, 2016

bEglutened ePistle

 Famous First Words: An act to punish and prevent...Bill outlawing Polygamy (37th United States Congress, Sess. 2., ch. 126, 12 Stat. 501)
July is Wheat Month.  "And then when I got home all my wheat had been ground into flour," the farmer complained to the police officer.  The sergeant laid a hand on his arm and replied, "We've gotten similar reports all over town.  This could be the work of a serial miller".
..........Don't know much more.........Blondie  .....Kung Fu Girls
"We must join with the tens of millions all over the world who see in peace our most sacred responsibility." - Paul Robeson
It is a cool (68°F) Friday morning.  The sky is a beautiful blue smeared with thin clouds tinted pink and yellow by the rising sun.  The very light breeze emphasizes the cool and its contrast to recent other mornings.  The clear brilliance of the heavens pick out the colors of the and brown grasses, orange lilies, white Queen Anne's Lace.  Puck is quiet this morning; perhaps even he is caught in the magic of the morning.  Local birds are singing praises to the day and a murder of crows flies high overhead honking commentary as the go.  As we pass them, this and that lawn smells of dampness soil from the automatic sprinklers followed by the scent of dry and dying foliage.  Even with the birdsong and the occasional passing car, the world is quiet waiting...waiting for the noise of the long weekend.  Puck and I return home to sip artificially sweetened coffee with Joyce** who has spent the night.   Great morning, great day!!
Hope your weekend is a slice of cinnamon swirl, ePistliers.
** Joyce Kahn who was my partner when the ePistle was new (2000) and we sent it out together on Friday nights.
The wheat farmer was always stressed out; he had a high-thresher job.
..........But I still can't overlook ya.........Blondie  .....I'm Gonna Love You Too
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Gideons International!
^ Can you name any of the 3 men at the first Gideons meeting?
^^ Why the name?
^^^ When or where or why did they begin to place bibles in hotel?
^^^^ How many countries and languages do the Gideons serve today?
^^^^^ How big is the Gideons International?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Study shows that 100% of kids who check out 'The Berenstain Bears and the Drug Free Zone' will never purchase drugs from a bear.
Moonbeam: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.  --Princess Di
Billy Ray Cyrus quit country music to build a gigantic oven and bake huge loaves of whole grain breads. He called it the Achey Bakery Hearth.
..........reel to reel is living rarity.........Blondie  .....Dreaming
Something to Think About of the Week: When we experience inner peace, we can extend ourselves to others more readily. Serving humanity helps to uplift, and alleviate pain and unhappiness. You may feel helpless when you witness so much suffering in the world. It is impossible to help everyone. However, you can start in small ways. Ask yourself, "Whom may I help today?
Big Hello: Bula - Fijian (Fiji)
Week of the Week: Roswell UFO Days (July 1-4) -

Quote of the Week: In the absence of feedback, people will fill in the blanks with a negative.  They will assume you don't care about them or don't like them.  --Pat Summitt. 
After years of psychotherapy, John no longer believes he is a grain of wheat. However, one day he and a friend came across a chicken, and John was terrified.  ”Why are you so afraid, you're not a grain of wheat after all," his friend asked. John replied, "You know it and I know it, but the chicken doesn't know it.
..........The door is open and the lights are cold.........Blondie  .....Angels on the Balcony
^ Only three men were present at that first meeting: John H. Nicholson, Samuel E. Hill, and Will J. Knights.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 1, 2016.  The moon will be new on Monday and is in Gemini.  It is Canada Day, International Chicken Wing Day, National GSA Employee Day, Second Half of The Year Day, US Postage Stamp Day, and Zip Code Day.  In Burundi and Rwanda it is Independence Day (1962).  Canada calls Canada Day Dominion Day.  Ghana commemorates Republic Day (1960) while Surinam combines Freedom Day and Labour Day; finally, Turkey remembers seafarers with Navy & Merchant Marine Day.
Among those born on this day were G. W. Leibniz (1646), Jean-Victor Poncelet (1788), George Sand (Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin, 1804), Thomas Green Clemson (1807), Walter White (1810), James M. Cain (1892), Charles Laughton (1899), Irna Phillips (1901), Billy Wyler (1902), Estee Lauder (1908), David Brower (1912), Farley Granger (1925), Imelda Marcos (1930), Leslie Caron (1931), Bobby Day (1932), Jamie Farr (1934), Sydney Pollack (1934), Twyla Tharp (1941), Genevieve Bujold (1942), Debbie Harry (1945), Dan Aykroyd (1952), Carl Lewis (1961), and Princess Di (1961).
On July first the first vote on the Declaration of Independence was taken (1776), John Rutledge became the second chief justice of the Supreme Court (1795), the first US postage stamps went on sale (1847), the first intercollegiate baseball game was played (1859), Congress outlawed polygamy (1862), free postal delivery began in 49 US cities (1863), the US mint in Carson City, NV opened (1869), Prince Edward Island became a real providence (1873), Frederick Douglass was named Minister to Haiti (1889), the Gideon Society was established (1899), Comiskey Park opened (1910), Ike married Mamie (1916), Ghana became a republic (1960), Haleakala National Park was established (HI, 1961), Medicare went into effect (1966), John Lennon held his first full art exhibition (1968), Ms magazine began publishing (1972), the first search and rescue satellite was launched (Kosmos, 1982), and China regained sovereignty of Hong Kong (1997).
Tonight's Night Sky: Is your sky dark enough for you to see the Coma Berenices star cluster naked-eye? Just after the very end of twilight, spot Jupiter in the west. The cluster is above it about 2½ fists at arm's length. Its brightest members form an inverted Y. It nearly fills a binocular view.  July Planets: Dawn: Mercury / Evening: Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter / Night: Uranus and Neptune.
This Week: Saturday, July 2 - International Day of Cooperatives and World UFO Day
Night Sky, July 2: If you have a dark enough sky, the Milky Way now forms a magnificent arch across the whole eastern sky after nightfall is complete
Sunday, July 3 - International Plastic Bag Free Day and Superman Day
Monday, July 4 - Independence Day and Independence from Meat Day
Night Sky, July 4: NASA's Juno spacecraft (launched in 2011) is expected to go into polar orbit around Jupiter today.
Tuesday, July 5 - Bikini Day
Wednesday, July 6 - Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day and International Kissing Day aka World Kiss Day
Thursday, July 7 - Chocolate Day and Global Forgiveness Day
Happy Birthday, G.W! Newton, Leibniz, and Pascal were playing hide-and-seek, and Leibniz was it. Pascal ran into the bushes, but Newton simply drew a box on the ground and stood in the middle of it. When Leibniz finished counting, he turned around and saw Newton standing there.  “Newton, I’ve found you,” Leibniz said.  "No you haven’t,” argued Newton, “you’ve found Pascal.” Gesturing at the ground, he continued, “One Newton per square meter.”
..........I need city lights.........Blondie  .....War Child
^^ Mr. Knights suggested The Gideon Association after reading Judges 6 and 7.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Escape Velocity hosted by the Museum of Science Fiction in Washington, DC.  A micro futuristic world’s fair to promote STEAM education within the context of science fiction using the fun of comic cons and fascination of science and engineering festivals.

Moonbeam: Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.  --George Sand
Late Night Snacks: Democrats held a big sit-in on the House floor to protest Congress' refusal to vote on gun control. Or in other words, Democrats were tired of Congress not getting anything done, so they refused to get anything done until someone got something done. --Jimmy Fallon / Last night’s sit-in by Congressional Democrats was live-streamed and got over 3 million views. Which is why today, Congress got picked up for two seasons on Netflix. --Conan O'Brien / House Democrats staged a dramatic 26-hour sit-in on the floor of the House to force a vote on background check provisions. The Democrats decided to get the Republicans' attention by doing something they can relate to: sitting on their butts and getting nothing done.  --James Corden / After ending their 26-hour sit-in, House Democrats vowed to continue fighting for gun control when Congress resumes in July. Because it’s going to take that long for some of these guys to get up off the floor.  --Seth Meyers / After the protest began, Paul Ryan declared a recess and cut off C-SPAN's live feed. Now, personally, I don't want to live in a world where Paul Ryan decides what's on TV. I'm guessing it would just be P90X infomercials and "Top Gun" 24 hours a day. --Stephen Colbert / The value of the British pound responded instantly coming down more sharply than a headmaster's cane on a ruddy bottom.  --Samantha Bee / The United Kingdom, birthplace of the Beatles and yet very much the world's Ringo.  --John Oliver 
We do not want riches. We want peace and love." --Red Cloud
The bun is the lowest form of wheat. / Wheat's favorite movie? The Yeastmaster.
..........Shake and shag.........Blondie  .....Happy Dog
^^^ In view of the fact that almost all of the Gideons in the early years of the association were traveling men, the question quite naturally arose regarding how they might be more effective witnesses in the hotels where they spent so much of their time. One trustee went so far as to suggest that The Gideons furnish a Bible for each bedroom of the hotels in the United States. He commented, “In my opinion, this would not only stimulate the activities of the rank and file of the membership, but would be a gracious act, wholly in keeping with the divine mission of the Gideon Association.” This plan, which they called “The Bible Project” was adopted at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1908.
Worthless Facts of the Week: Kansas produces enough wheat each year to bake 36 billion loaves of bread and enough to feed everyone in the world, over six billion people, for about 2 weeks. An acre of Kansas wheat produces enough bread to feed nearly 9,000 people for one day.
Weird Word of the Week: Nous - To Brits, nous is common sense or practical intelligence.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: If you run out of shaving cream, slather on Star Olive Oil.
Happy Anniversary, Dwight & Mamie!  Ike stood over his tee shot for what seemed an eternity; looking up, looking down, measuring the distance, figuring the wind direction, and speed. He was driving his partner nuts. Finally his exasperated partner says, "What's taking so long? Hit the blasted ball!"  Ike answers, "Mamie is up there watching me from the clubhouse. I want to make this a perfect shot."  "Forget it, Mr. President. You don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of hitting her from here!"
...........The nights are phosphorescent.........Blondie  .....Magic (Asadoya Yunta)
^^^^ Today, Gideons are organized in more than 190 countries and print in more than 90 languages.
Put Down of the Week:  I think that Hillary must have invested money in the Mao Jacket industry.  She seems to be wearing the ugliest blazers I have ever seen.  The media is being kind to say frumpy.  Why?
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Bandit - a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.  King Henry VI, Part II (Suffolk)
Funniest thing I read of the Week: Brexit - England colonizes half the world then complains about immigrants.  Submitted by cj of ks

 Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck on the midnight shift in the case of Graca Perez's Great Pyrenees.  ~~Did you know that the Great Pyrenees is nocturnal.
Not expecting to do well on the economics exam, Bill was heartened by the first question: In any given year, and to the nearest ton, how much wheat did the United States export?  Smiling confidently, he wrote, "In 1492, none."
..........There's no coming, there's no going. There's no end.........Blondie  .....Love Doesn't Frighten Me
^^^^^ For fiscal year ending May 31, 2015, the Association received $114.3 million  in total Operating Support and Revenue of which $99.5 million was used for the purchase and placement of Bibles and New Testaments in 200 countries, territories, and possessions, and in over 95 languages.
Month of the Week: July is National Blueberries Month - What is blue and goes up and down? A blueberry in an elevator!  / What do you get when 354 blueberries try to go through the door at the same time? Blueberry jamb!
Famous Kansans: Elmer Dresslar, Jr, a voice actor and the baritone voice in the Jolly Green Giant commercials, was born in St. Frances in 1925.
Daughter of Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:  The teacher told me to turn in my essay, but I ain't no snitch.  --submitted by gb of kc
Today's Peace of History July 1, 1917:  8000 anti-war marchers demonstrated in Boston. Their banners read: “Is This A popular War, Why Conscription?  Who Stole Panama? Who Crushed Haiti? We Demand Peace.”
Happy Birthday to the Gideons ! "You know you're on a questionable shuttle when all the in-flight reading material is supplied by the Gideon Society."
..........When the gods were crazy.........Blondie  .....Rules for Life
Masthead of the Week:   fRiday ePistle July 1, 2016.  Online at:  Making Twice the Noise. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith.  1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS  66046
Moonbeam:  In a word, the theory of proportions is for industrial teaching, what algebra is for the most elevated mathematical teaching.  --Jean-Victor Poncelet
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/31/16: $741,047,266,054
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/23/16: $740,381,391,128
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/31/16: $819,590,086,097.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/23/16: $819,570,625,092.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/31/16: $10,274,626,177.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/23/16: $10,172,283,371.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/31/16: $123,364,319,744.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/23/16: $122,794,863,304.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/31/16: $1,697,357,908,671.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/23/16: $1,695,867,236,379.
"Peace is not a luxury. It's not an option. It is fundamental to the existence and well-being of a human being to have peace in their life." --Prem Rawat
..........All I want is the best for our lives, my dear.........Blondie  .....Sunday Smile
The wheat shock worked hard, got a scholarship, and studied philosophy at Cornel.  She read Leibniz and Husserl and wrote her dissertation on Karl Jaspers.  Finally, she had become a complex carbohydrate.
Famous Last Words: Get a list of all the cities in a ZIP Code.  --The Zip Codetm Website:
May Peace be your leavening
And Joy be your sweetener
prairie mama

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