Friday, November 10, 2023

uRsine ePistle

Famous First Words: Sunny Day, Sweeping the clouds away. --Sesame Street Theme Song

It's Polar Bear Week! (5-11) Paula Polar Bear loves to lie about in the sun. Her mate calls her Solar Bear. / Polar bears have such thick coat fur protection.

..........Oh, you bloody young fools.........Elton John …..Screw You

Everything that is done in this world is done by hope. --Martin Luther

It is a clear, cold (37°F) Friday morning. The sky is a pale blue without a cloud or jet trail in sight. A breeze from the northwest (6 mph) sets the willow branches dancing. Their leaves are thinning and have faded to yellow; but they can still dance. Distance sirens fill the morning with civilization and alarm to contrast with the willow whose attention is singularly involved with the wind. The mulberry has bare limbs reaching up to the sun just rising above the roof. It barely moves. The sirens pass but there is still no birdsong. I sip my creamy decaf and light a cone of incense for a pleasing smell. I hope it is also pleasant for you, this fine day.

Hope your weekend is warm and cozy, ePistliers.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: What would men be without women? Scarce, sir...mighty scarce. --Mark Twain

Peter Polar Bear wears an ice cap on his head. / Because of climate change rain has replaced snow and we're going to change the term polar bear to drizzly bear.

..........Evergreen heroes whose stories are told.........Elton John …..Roy Rogers

Trivia Questions: Happy Domino Day

  • ^ How many dominoes are there in a standard set?
  • ^^ The oldest dominoes are found in China; what were they made of?
  • ^^^ How many people can play a game of dominoes at one time?
  • ^^^^ Dominoes came to the west in the 1700s; which language gave it its current name?
  • ^^^^^ How do you win at dominoes?

Brief Update: We have a car. It's a 2012 Nissan Sentra. It's an antique; we know this because it has an ashtray and a lighter. Returning the rental this morning. Yeah!!!

Big Hello: Terveh – Livvi-Karelian (a Finn language spoken in Karelia province of Russia and Finland)

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I thought a plain bagel was one that could fly.

Image of the Week: KU Goalpost floating in Potter's Puddle after the victory over Oklahoma.

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 89% of librarianship is smiling politely and nodding. Comment: We are the bartenders of the literary world.

Right after the dentist fixed Polly Polar Bear's bad tooth, she ate him. / A polar bear without ears is called a Polar B.

..........So keep your auditions for somebody else.........Elton John …..I've Seen That Movie Too

Moonbeam: Where wealth accumulates, men decay. --Oliver Goldsmith

Question of the Week: If you froze time, how could you move? Questions by Ouora

Puzzle of the Week: From listener Jim Bricker of Wayland, Mass., and it's a little different from the usual. The time 6:29 on a digital clock, ignoring the colon, also reads 6:29 upside down. How many times in a day can a digital clock, ignoring the colon, read the same right side up as upside down? We are not accepting military time. NPR Sunday Puzzle 11/5/3

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Never in recorded history has a four year old found his father's loaded book and accidentally killed his younger sister. But we ban books. --Submitted by 98%

Palmer Polar Bear catches food with his bear hands. / Bride Piper Polar Bear didn't show up for her wedding because she got cold feet.

..........Never knowing who to cling to.........Elton John …..Candle In The Wind

^ There are 28 tiles in a standard Domino set. (n+1)(n+2)/2

Almanac: It is Friday, November 10, 2023. The moon will be new on Monday (11/13) and is in Libra. The United Nations has declared this World Science Day for Peace and Development (UNESCO). It is also Area Code Day, Domino Day, NET Cancer Awareness Day, and Sesame Street Day.

Among those born on this day were Martin Luther (1483), Francois Couperin (1668), George II (1683), Oliver Goldsmith (1730), Frederick von Schiller (1759), Jared Kirtland (1793), Vachel Lindsay (1879), Frances Perkins (1882), Claude Rains (1889), George Fenneman (1919), Richard Burton (1925), Clarence Pendleton, Jr (1930), Roy Scheider (1935), Dave Loggins (1944), Donna Fargo (1945), Sinbad (1956), and MacKenzie Phillips (1959).

On November tenth the Dutch ceded New Netherlands to England (1674), the US Marine Corps was established (1775), Kentucky outlawed dueling (1801), the Osage Treaty was signed (1808), Maximilian became emperor of Mexico (1864), presumably Stanley met Livingston (1871), the first Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting was held (Boston, 1891), 41 suffragists were arrested in front of the White House (1917), the first National Book Week was observed and the American Legion held its first convention (Minneapolis, 1919), Hirohito was enthroned as Emperor of Japan (1928), Sesame Street premiered (1969), Elton John released Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (1973), the Edmund Fitzgerald sank into Lake Superior (1975), and the transits of Earth was seen from Mars (2084).

Night Sky, 11/10: Action at Jupiter. The Great Red Spot should cross Jupiter's central meridian around 7:58 pm EST. Then Io crosses onto Jupiter's face from the east at 10:28 pm EST, followed by its little black shadow at 10:51 pm EST. Satellite and shadow exit from Jupiter's western limb a little more than two hours later. ~~I was unable to find a live stream of these events, but I feel like it will be on the internet. I just can't find it.

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Ollie and Max making pie. The Pie Song The Pi Song 

Extra Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I am still haunted by the things I did for a Klondike Bar. --Submitted by ma of va

This Week: Saturday, November 11 – Armistice Day & Forget-Me-Not Day & Origami Day

Sunday, November 12 – Diwali & Football Day & Fancy Rat and Mouse Day

Night Sky, 11/12: Vega remains the brightest star in the west in the early evening. Its little constellation Lyra extends to its left. Somewhat farther left, about a fist and a half at arm's length from Vega, is 3rd-magnitude Albireo, the beak of Cygnus. This is one of the finest and most colorful double stars for small telescopes. Farther on in roughly the same direction you come to 3rd-magnitude Tarazed and, a finger-width past it, 1st-magnitude Altair.

Monday, November 13 – World Kindness Day

Tuesday, November 14 – International Girls Day & Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day & National Seatbelt Day

Wednesday, November 15 – America Recycles Day & I Love To Write Day & National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Night Sky, 11/15: Venus, brilliant at magnitude –4.4 under the hind feet of Leo, shines high in the east before and during dawn. It rises nearly 2½ hours before dawn's first light a weird late-night apparition coming up over the east horizon.

Thursday, November 16 – National Check Your Wipers Day & Teddy Bear Day & World Philosophy Day

Never take polar bears to the zoo. They've already been there. / Pedro Polar Bear changed his mind so much he was diagnosed as bi-polar.

..........For I just get ugly and older.........Elton John …..Social Disease

^^ The earliest known dominoes were made of bone. I couldn't find a source that mentioned what kind of bones.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Carrots may be good for your eyes, but booze will double your vision. --Submitted by bc of tx

Moonbeam: Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. --Friedrich Schiller

Video of the Week: Vachel Lindsay reading The Congo Long address

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: What secret will we learn about a presidential candidate next? The next big secret is that Democratic representative and presidential candidate Dean Phillips is running for president. It's not supposed to be secret, but what are you going to do? --Adam Burke Chris Christie is a virgin who can't drive. --Maeve Higgins We find out that RFK Jr is made of 100% vaccines --Tom Papa Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, 11/4/23

There never yet have been, nor are there now, too many good books. --Martin Luther

Perry Polar Bear crossed the road because there are no chickens in the Arctic. / Polar bears call seals on skateboards “meals on wheels”.

..........It's seven o'clock and I want to rock.........Elton John …..Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting

^^^ A game can have as few as 2 people or a maximum of 4 people.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Heard of the Week: The kind lady who brings farm fresh eggs laid by chickens who walk around on earth and enjoy life says the girls have slowed down egg production because of the colder weather. She calls it Henapause.

Weird Word of the Week: Interesterification – Converting fats to solid form by hydrogenation.

Dragon of the Week:

Not So Weird Word of the Week: Rematriation – to return to the mother Indigenous women's led movement and digital storytelling platform dedicated to helping return the sacred to the mother. ~~Here's the story of the rematriation of Red Rock (In'zhúje'waxóbe) from Lawrence to Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park in Council Grove, KS.

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Make knee pads. When working in the workshop, crawling under the house or in the attic, roller skating, working in the garden, or playing contact sports, improvise knee pads by folding two sheets of Bubble Wrap to form cushions and taping them to each knee with Scotch Packaging Tape.

What do you call a polar bear with no ears? Anything you want, she can't hear you. / What's white and likes to play with a ball in the swimming pool? A polo bear.

...........Let me drink deeply from the water and wine.........Elton John …..This Song Has No Title

^^^^ The word domino comes from the French. Domino pieces were once made with ebony blacks and ivory faces, and it has been suggested that the playing piece brought to mind the priest’s black domino (a kind of hoodie) contrasting with the white surplice.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A belly button is basically a scar from when you got into a knife fight with a guy in a mask after being evicted from your first place. --Submitted by PsyDe

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: TusCon 50 (10-12, Tucson, AZ) The Best Little Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror Convention in Arizona

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Neuroscience 2023 (11-15, Washington DC) From childcare to shuttle services, learn more about SfN (Society for Neuroscience)

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: A digital clock will show the same number right side up and upside down 58 times in 24 hours.

Where do you find polar bears? The last place you left them. / Peyton Polar Bear and Paxton Polar Bear fell in love at frost sight.

..........Hey, kids, shake it loose together.........Elton John …..Bennie And The Jets

^^^^^ The person who plays all of their dominoes wins the game.

Dad Joke of the Week: A bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender, “One whiskey and .................................. one coke”. “Why the big pause?” asks the bartender. “I don't know, I was born with them,' says the bear.

Quote of the Week: Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. --Yogi Berra

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Absurd times call of Absurd Amounts of Love. --Ruxandra Barb --Submitted by bu of ks

Today's Peace of History, November 10, 1924: The Society for Human Rights, the first gay rights organization in the US, was founded in Chicago by Henry Gerber, a German immigrant.

Polar bears always listen to cool music. / Polar bears vote at the North Pole.

..........Reality it seems was just a dream.........Elton John …..All The Girls Love Alice

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, 2023, uRsine ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: People are what matter to government, and a government should aim to give all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life. --Frances Perkins

Cost of War:

  • As of 11/09/23 State Department War Costs since 2001: $221, 143,213,594.
  • As of 11/02/23 State Department War Costs since 2001: $220,579,942,870.
  • As of 11/09/23 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,176,779,447,672
  • As of 11/02/23 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,175,206,568,792.
  • As of 11/09/23 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,151,914,348,502.
  • As of 11/02/23 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,151,302,513,530
  • As of 11/09/23 Veterans Care since 2001:$3,345,553,949,879.

  • As of 11/02/23 Veterans Care since 2001: $3,333,627,875,498.
  • As of 11/09/23 Military Costs since 2001: $3,053,166,305,233.
  • As of 11/02/23 Military Costs since 2001: $3,051,971,811,456.
  • As of 11/09/23 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $,8,948,559,763,692.
  • As of 11/02/23 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,932,692,370,868.

You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say. --Martin Luther

Famous Last Words: How to get to Sesame Street. --Sesame Street Theme Song

..........Where the dogs of society howl.........Elton John …..Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

A baby polar bear went to its mother and said, “Mum, am I really a polar bear?” Mum answered, “Of course my son, you are a lovely polar bear. Now go outside and play.” Ten minutes later the baby polar bear came back and said, “Mum, are you really sure I am a polar bear?” Mum answered, “Of course you are a polar bear. Look at your lovely white coat; black nose and big eyes. You’re a beautiful polar bear, now go away and play.” The baby polar bear went outside but 10 minutes later came back to his mother and said, “Mum, are you really, really sure I’m a polar bear?” Mother Polar Bear was now getting annoyed with her son and said: “I have told you twice you are a polar bear. What's your problem, why do you keep asking me?” The baby polar bear replied, “Because I’m freezing my ass off.”

May Peace warm your heart

And Joy heat your soul

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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