Friday, September 15, 2023

eGgy ePistle

 Famous First Words: The Lone Ranger...Heigh Ho, Silver. Opening sequence from the Lone Ranger television series 1949-1957

September is All American Breakfast Month. Bacon and eggs walked into a bar but the bartender said, “Get out of here. We don't serve breakfast”. / My son was making breakfast for the first time and he distraughtly asked me, “How do you stop the bacon from curling in the pan?” I smiled and advised, “well, son, just take away the little brooms”.

..........Drive me around the world.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Chauffeur Blues

Politics make me sick. --William Howard Taft

It is a delightful Friday morning. The 58°F is just right for a light jacket or sweater. The sky is a cloudless pale blue stretching off into the horizon east and west. Bird chatter is everywhere; all kinds of critters think it is a lovely morning, I guess. The bird feeder is full of activity and noise which Veronica the cat finds amusing. Puck the dog has been out and is back in for the early morning nap. I am nibbling a bacon and egg biscuit and sipping freshly brewed coffee, rich and creamy. The sun has just peeked over the roof and spotlighted the weary sunflower plant leaning with the weight of its fruits but still blessing the world with color. And now a robin sits on the utility wires and surveys the backyard. O, what a beautiful morning, indeed.

Hope your weekend is full of dark coffee and bright sunrises, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Blessed are the mischief makers for they shall always wear a smile.

I don't mind breakfast in bed, but I prefer it on a plate. / Chuck Norris has Coronavirus...for breakfast. / At breakfast, my wife said, “Honey, you forgot the French toast.” So I raised my glass and said, “Vive la France”.

..........I got no words left to say.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Blues From An Airplane

Trivia Questions: On this day in 1963 a church was bombed in Birmingham, AL...

  • ^ What is the name of the church?

  • ^^ Who placed the bomb and/or where did they place it?

  • ^^^ Why was the church bombed?

  • ^^^^ Who didn't survive the bombing?

  • ^^^^^ Was anyone ever brought to justice for the bombing?

Big Hello: sábaai-dįi - lao

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I saged my house last night and woke up outside. --Lunajane

Image of the Week: My daughter, Maleficent, and her daughter, whose identity is unknown, at a children's party...or so they say...

~~I just wrote a little blurb about how my mother groomed me to be a peace advocate and how she probably didn't intend to do that. Well, this isn't really what I intended to groom my daughter for either.

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 72% of librarians have an archenemy.

When my partner asked, “what's for breakfast?”, I answered, “the one after three breakfast.” / My iPhone eats Siri-al for breakfast. / My thesaurus eats synonym buns for breakfast.

..........We are but a moment's sunlight.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Let's Get Together

Moonbeam: The best time to plan a book is while you're doing dishes. --Agatha Christie

Question of the Week: Who you gonna call?

Puzzle of the Week: From listener Michael Schwartz, of Florence, OR: Name certain musical instruments (plural). The first, third, fourth, and fifth letters spell something that holds the things named by the last five letters. What instruments were these?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I correct autocorrect more than autocorrect corrects me. --Submitted by INRITH

I thought Dim Sums breakfast had to do with noodles, but instead it's the process of enjoying math in a dark room. / Clark Kent ate his Wheaties out of a super bowl.

..........Well your love used to echo from my feet to my brain.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Bringing Me Down

^ It was the 16th Street Baptist Church, 1530 5th Avenue, Birmingham, AL, 35203. Picture

Almanac: It is Friday, September 15, 2023. The moon is new tonight and is in Virgo. The United Nations has declared this International Day of Democracy. It is Felt Hat Day, Greenpeace Day, International Day of Online Listening, International Dot Day, LGBT Center Awareness Day, National Cheese Toast Day, National Day of the Cowgirl, National Doodle Day, National Neonatal Nurses Day, National On-line Learning Day, and Tackle Kids Cancer Day.

Among those born on this day were Francois dec de la Rachefoucald (1613), James Fennimore Cooper (1789), Porfirio Diaz (1830), William Howard Taft (1857), Bruno Walter (1876), Ettore Arco Isidoro Bugatti (1881), Dame Agatha Christie (1890), Frank Martin (1890), Jean Renoir (1894), Roy Acuff (1903), Kathryn Murray (1906), Fay Wray (1907), John Mitchell (1913), Jackie Cooper (1921), Bobby Short (1924), Norm Crosby (1927), Signe Toly Anderson (1941), Miroslaw Hermaszewski (1941), Oliver Stone (1946), Tommy Lee Jones (1946), Dan Marino (1961), and Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales (1984).

On September fifteenth the Mayflower departed Plymouth with 102 pilgrims (1620), the US Department of foreign Affairs was renamed Department of State (1789), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras & Nicaragua all gained independence (1821), Antoinette Blackwell became the first female ordained minister in the US (1853), the National Afro-American Council formed (1898), Wilbur Wright made his first airplane flight (1904), Russia declared itself a republic (1917), the first international bridge match was held (1930), John Cobb set the world auto speed records at 350.2 mph (1938), The Lone Ranger premiered on tv (1949), Khrushchev arrived for a 13 day visit to the US (1959), 4 black children were murdered by a bomb in a Birmingham church (1963), and Lost in Space premiered (1965).

Night Sky, 9/15: That 1st-magnitude star high in the south after dark is Altair. To check that you've got it, look for its little marker Tarazed, 3rd magnitude, about a finger-width at arm's length to Altair's upper right. About a fist to Altair's upper left is the little constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin. Not quite as far straight above Altair is the smaller, fainter Sagitta, the Arrow.

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Ollie and Max during the last week at summer camp. It was Shorts and Parka Day.

Extra Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Pluto had it coming. --Neil deGrasse Tyson

This Week: Saturday, September 16 – International Coastal Cleanup Day & International Red Panda Day & National Dance Day

Sunday, September 17 – Citizenship Day & Time's Up Day & Responsible Dog Ownership Day

Night Sky, 9/17: Look very low in the west-southwest during twilight for the waxing crescent Moon. As twilight deepens, can you see Spica twinkling 3° or 4° lower right of it? Use binoculars. And next, look due west about 25° to the right of the Moon (far below Arcturus) for Comet Nishimura at perihelion! You brought those binoculars, right? You have only a narrow time window between when twilight is still too bright and the comet gets too low and sets.

Monday, September 18 – International Equal Pay Day & Respect for the Aged Day

Tuesday, September 19 – National Voter Registration Day & Talk Like A Pirate Day

Wednesday, September 20 – National Ask An Atheist Day & School Backpack Awareness Day

Night Sky, 9/20: Venus (brilliant at magnitude –4.7, in dim Cancer) is rapidly getting higher in the east before and during dawn. By the end of this week it comes up over the east horizon nearly two hours before dawn's first light.

Thursday, September 21 – International Day of Peace video: Ringing the Peace Bell 2022

I hired a French chef but every time he served me breakfast in bed I got the crepes. / Reading a newspaper while eating the all American breakfast puts you solidly behind the Times.

..........Go ask Alice when she's ten feet tall.........Jefferson Airplane …..White Rabbit

^^ The Birmingham Ku Klux Klan claimed to have set the bomb. It exploded under the steps of the church a little before 11 am.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: As soon as you say, “My child would never,” here they come nevering like they never nevered before. --Submitted by INRITH

Moonbeam: My school was so tough the school newspaper had an obituary section. --Norm Crosby

Video of the Week: The opening and closing theme from The Lone Ranger

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: Trapped at Burning Man: It's always hard to watch people suffer, except this time...Diplo and Chris Rock ended up walking for miles. --Peter Sagal   Were Diplo and Chris Rock holding hands? --Peter Grosz   Chris Rock always holds people's hands now so they won't slap him. --Maeve Higgins Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 9/9/23

We live in a stage of politics, where legislators seem to regard the passage of laws as much more important than the results of their enforcement. --William Howard Taft

Every morning Salvador Dali ate a big bowl of surreal. / My roommate usually has peanut butter toast for breakfast, but this morning we were out of bread and she's been grouchy all day. She's lack-toast intolerant.

..........Do away with people blowing my mind.........Jefferson Airplane …..3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds

^^^ Due to the success of the Birmingham Campaign, on May 10, 1963, the city agreed to desegregate lunch counters, restrooms, drinking fountains, and fitting rooms, to hire African Americans in stores as salesmen and clerks, and to release the jailed demonstrators. White segregationists opposed desegregation, however, and violence continued to plague the city On May 11th, a bomb destroyed the Gaston Motel where Martin Luther King, Jr. had been staying and another damaged the house of King's brother, A. D. King. NAACP attorney Arthur Shores' house was firebombed on August 20th and September 4th in retaliation for his attempts to help integrate the Birmingham public schools. On September 9th, President John F. Kennedy took control of the Alabama National Guard, which Governor Wallace was using to block court-ordered desegregation of public schools in Birmingham. Around that time Robert Chambliss, who would later be named as a suspect in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, foreshadowed the violence to come when he told his niece, "Just wait until Sunday morning and they'll beg us to let them segregate."

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you need the threat of hell to be a good person, you're just a bad person on a leash. --Submitted by ff of ks

Weird Word of the Week: Alexipharmic – an antidote against poison

Dragon of the Week

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Mulch plants. Place long sheets of Bubble Wrap with the bubble-side down on vegetable beds as mulch, securing the plastic in place with stones or weights. Cut slits into the plastic to accommodate seeds or transplants. The radiant heat created by the plastic will add an additional 3 degrees to the soil. The sheets of Bubble Wrap can be rolled up at the end of the season and reused the next year. To water beneath the impermeable plastic sheet, use a drip line of soaker hose.

Recently our local diner eggspanded their breakfast menu. / The French eat those small breakfasts because one egg is enough.

...........Everybody knows how I feel.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..It's No Secret

^^^^ In the basement, four girls were killed: *14-year-olds Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and 11-year-old Cynthia Wesley. Addie's sister Sarah survived, but lost her right eye.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The cat who was completely obsessed with my bump when I was pregnant is quite uninterested in the baby now that she's out. It's a weird way to find out that my cat is a Republican. --Dr Dana Ménard --Submitted by 98%

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Fantasm 2023 (15-17, Orlando, FL) A Haunt and Horror Convention

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Tashkent International Textile Machinery Exhibition (13-15, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Trombones --> tomb, bones

The menu said they served breakfast any time so I ordered waffles in the Renaissance. --Stephen Wright / My mother threatened me to make me stop these breakfast puns. She said I'd be toast. But my brother keeps egging me on. He's such a ham.

..........Somebody help me 'fore I fall apart.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Come Up The Years

^^^^^ *1965: FBI agents named four men as primary suspects for the bombing - Thomas Blanton, Robert Chambliss, Bobby Frank Cherry, and Herman Cash *1968: The investigation ended in 1968 with no indictments. *1971: Alabama Attorney General Bill Baxley reopened the case. *1977: Robert Chambliss was convicted of murder. *1994: Herman Cash died having never been prosecuted. *2001: Thomas Blanton was convicted of murder. *2002: Bobby Frank Cherry was convicted.

Saying of the Jewish Buddha of the Week: Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.

Quote of the Week: A.I. will probably most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime, there'll be great companies. --Sam Altman, the man behind ChatGPT. (from AI hearing in Congress)

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Some days, the supply of available curse words is insufficient to meet my demands. --Submitted by dr of oh

Today's Peace of History, September 15, 2001: Four days after 9/11, Representative Barbara Lee (D-California) cast the only congressional vote against authorizing President Bush to use "all necessary and appropriate force" against anyone associated with the terrorist attacks of September 11. "I am convinced that military action will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States.”

I ate a clock for breakfast. It was really time consuming. / Omeletting this one slide, but stop yolking around.

..........Don't tell me it's so funny.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Let Me In

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle September 15, 2023, eGgy ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: Ignorance and superstition ever bear a close and mathematical relation to each other. --James Fenimore Cooper

Literary Criticism of the Week – Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses by Mark Twain. ~~Perhaps the most entertaining criticism you'll ever read:

Cost of War:

  • As of 09/14/23 State Department War Costs since 2001: $216,692,302,407

  • As of 09/ 7/23 State Department War Costs since 2001: $216,140,074,895.

  • As of 09/14/23 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,161,347,518,928.

  • As of 09/ 7/23 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,162,805,123,010.

  • As of 09/14/23 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,147,079,664,226.

  • As of 09/ 7/23 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,146,479,828,765.

  • As of 09/14/23 Veterans Care since 2001:$3,251,315,227,047.

  • As of 09/ 7/23 Veterans Care since 2001: $3,239,623,848,117.

  • As of 09/14/23 Military Costs since 2001: $3,043,727,071,375.

  • As of 09/ 7/23 Military Costs since 2001: $3,042,556,009,983.

  • As of 09/14/23 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,823,163,978,213.

  • As of 09/ 7/23 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,807,606,681,939.

Anti Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America. ---William Howard Taft. --he also said this: The day is not far distant when three stars and stripes at three equidistant points will mark our territory: one at the North Pole, another at the Panama Canal, and the third at the South Pole. The whole hemisphere will be ours in fact as, by virtue of our superiority of race, it already is ours morally.

Famous Last Words: In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate... Something like that. --Agatha Christie Murder in Mesopotamia

..........The only life I've ever known.........Jefferson Airplane with Signe Toly Anderson …..Tobacco Road

Every morning at breakfast for the past 6 months, I announce loudly that I'm going for a jog, and then I don't. It's my longest running joke of the year. / The two things you can't have for breakfast are lunch and dinner.

May Peace smoke your bacon

And Joy fry your eggs

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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