Famous First Words: Early in the spring of 1750, in the village of Juffure,... Alex Haley Roots
It's Fiddler Week (7-12) The worst pub I was ever in was called The Fiddle. It was a vile inn. / We just found an original Stradivarius and a previously undiscovered Rembrandt in my grandfather's attic. Unfortunately, it turns out Rembrandt made useless fiddles and Stradivarius couldn't paint worth a cuss.
..........You know I feel alright.........Beatles …..Hard Day's Night
"There was an America before ROOTS and there was an America after ROOTS. Post ROOTS, America was a greater, more enlightened nation. We came to a better, deeper, more informed understanding of the evil nature, intent, and outcomes of chattel slavery as practiced in America."
Remember the old dad joke, “you can't get there from here”. I had a doctor appointment this morning. The office is on the northside of east 23rd street. East 23rd street has been under reconstruction since June of 2022. So I knew to start from east of the office so I would be traveling west and would only have to turn right into the driveway. Today, the driveway was blocked by a large cement truck and several people pushing cement around with some sort of tools with long handles. So I kept driving – west and there was no right turn for several blocks. When I finally turned and called the office. I was told to turn into John Deere, drive all the way back behind the buildings and the storage sheds and the stacks of lawn mowers and tractor parts and turn left into the very back of the doctor's office space. I made it there and back again. Other than the high blood pressure caused by driving around in circles for 15 minutes, I'm pretty healthy and expected to live for at least 6 months until my next appointment.
Hope your weekend beats the devil, ePistliers
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Why does Zoom need offices?
It's a little known fact that Frodo was an accomplished fiddle player. They called him Lord of the Strings. / The violinists in this orchestra don't do much but fiddle around.
..........Well, I gave you everything I had.........Beatles …..Tell Me Why
Trivia Questions: Happy Kool-Aid Day!
- ^ Which company owns Kool-Aid?
- ^^ Who invented Kool-Aid?
- ^^^ Do you know any of the original 6 Kool-Aid flavors?
- ^^^^ What do you know about the Kool-Aid man?
- ^^^^^ How much Kool-Aid is consumed each year?
Big Hello: Rojbash – Kurdish (Kurmanji) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: For once, I'd just like to spiral into control. --Submitted by INRITH
Image of the Week: Robbie Robertson, we'll miss you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKirVyxf0do I Shall Be Released (3:13)Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 40% of librarians are too polite to tell you where you should really be taking your old magazines. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
The devil whispered in my ear , “you aren't good enough, you'll never amount to anything...” I whispered back, “at least I didn't lose my golden fiddle to a hillbilly from Georgia. / The difference between a violin and a fiddle is how red the player's neck is.
..........And show you what your lovin' man can do.........Beatles …..I'll Cry Instead
Moonbeam: Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions. --Jerry Falwell
Question of the Week: Is that really the remnants of your original baby blanket that you keep carrying around? --Questions for a new Squeeze
Puzzle of the Week: From listener Jim Vespe, of Mamaroneck, NY, name a well-known U.S. city in nine letters. Change the third and fifth letters to get the name of a beverage. What was it? ... NPR Sunday Puzzle 8/7/23
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm beginning to think that for some of you, the wheels on your bus do not go round and round. --Submitted by INRITH
Betty wanted to bring her fiddle to the protest march. I told her not to. In a peaceful protest there is no need for violins. / I tried to make a fiddle from the huge zucchini but it only played gourd vibrations.
..........That I would love everything that you do.........Beatles …..I Should Have Known Better
^ In 1953 the Kool-Aid brand was sold to the now-defunct General Foods, which merged with Kraft (now Kraft-Heinz) in 1990. The company is also parent to A.1., Capri Sun, Jell-O, Maxwell House, Oscar Mayer, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Planters, Polly-O, Velveeta, and more.
Almanac: It is Friday, August 11, 2023. The moon sailed into the third quarter on Tuesday (8/6) and is in Taurus. It is Global Kinetic Sand Day, Ingersoll Day, National Align Your Teeth Day, National Hip Hop Day, National Sons and Daughters Day, Popsicle Day, Presidential Joke Day, and Shop Online For Groceries Day. And in the Yukon : Klondike Gold Day (1896). Because it is the second weekend in August it is also Kool Aid Weekend.
Among those born on the day were Robert G Ingersoll (1833), Carrie J Bond (1862), Alexander Mosolov (1900), Alex Haley (1921), Arlene Dahl (1924), Mike Douglas (1925), Claus Von Bulow (1926), Alun Hoddinott (1929), Jerry Falwell (1933), Mike Hugg (1942), Jeff Hanna (1947), Erik Brann (1950), Steve Wozniak (1950), and Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea, 1953).
On August eleventh the world's first roller rink opened (RI, 1866), Mar's moon, Deimos, was discovered (1877), the Green Bay Packers football club was founded (1919), the first federal prisoners arrived at Alcatraz (1934), Hussein was proclaimed king of Jordan (1952), the French made peace in Viet Nam (1954), Chad declared independence (1960), A Hard Day's Night opened in NYC (1964), the Watts riots began (1965), the Beatles launched Apple Records (1968), Bob Tway won the PGA championship (1986), and Voyager-2 discovered 2 partial rings of Neptune (1989).
Night Sky, 8/11: The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most prolific showers of the year, producing rich, bright streaks. The Perseids are active from mid-July until late August and will peak around Aug. 13, 2023. Viewing conditions are good for the Perseids in 2023 as the moon will only be 10% illuminated around the time of the peak. Viewers can start observing around 11 pm local time when the rates of shooting stars increase and can watch the sky until dawn. The Perseid meteor shower radiant is in the constellation Perseus. This strong shower is produced by Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle -an icy body that takes 133 Earth years to orbit once around the sun. If there's a clear sky, the Perseids will have a meteor rate of about 100 visible "shooting stars" per hour. https://www.space.com/39469-best-meteor-showers.html
Fraternal Picture of the Week: Brother and Brother – One Way Or The Other
This Week: Saturday, August 12 – International Youth Day & Home Sewing Machine Day & Middle Child Day
Sunday, August 13 – Bagel Day & International Lefthanders Day & Global Sleep Under The Stars Night
Night Sky, 8/13: August is prime Milky Way time, and there's no moon tonight. After dark, the Milky Way runs from Sagittarius in the south, up and left across Aquila and through the big Summer Triangle very high in the east, and on down through Cassiopeia to Perseus rising low in the north-northeast. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Monday, August 14 – National Lizard Day & National Navajo Code Talkers Day & World Calligraphy Day
Tuesday, August 15 – Moms Equal Pay Day & Best Friends Day & National Thrift Shop Day
Wednesday, August 16 – National Rollercoaster Day & National Rum Day
Night Sky, 8/16: Neptune, magnitude 7.8 at the Aquarius-Pisces border, rises around nightfall and is high in the south before dawn, about 2o° east of Saturn.
Thursday, August 17 – Baby Boomers Recognition Day & Black Cat Appreciation Day & National Nonprofit Day
If the question is fiddle or violin, always pick fiddle. Violins is never the answer. / Did you know that the reason the cow jumped over the moon was that the cat was a terrible fiddle player.
..........In this world there's nothing I would rather do.........Beatles …..I'm Happy When I Dance With You
^^ Before he invented Kool-Aid in 1927, chemist Edwin Perkins sold over-the-counter medicines and household products door to door and by mail order. One of the most popular items was called "Fruit-Smack," a fruit-flavored liquid concentrate. To reduce shipping costs, Perkins made a version in powder form and called it "Kool-Ade." In 1934, the mix was renamed "Kool-Aid."
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The kids keep laughing about my memory. They won't be laughing at Christmas when there's no eggs for trick or treat. --Submitted by High Church Coyote
Moonbeam: Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so. --Robert Green Ingersoll
Video of the Week: The Beatles singing Hard Day's Night live (2:38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yjyj8qnqkYI
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: This is his third indictment or as he thinks of it: his Melaina indictment. --Peter Sagal / I majored in creative writing and women's studies and minored in philosophy, and all of those things scream living in your parent's basement forever...in a very discerning and meaningful way. --The “Wrong” Maggie Smith Wait Wait Don't Tell Me August 5, 2023.
Racism is taught in our society, it is not automatic. It is learned behavior toward persons with dissimilar physical characteristics. --Alex Haley
How many violinists does it take to screw in a light bulb? One to screw it in, and nine more to stand around and talk about how they could have done it better. / I play my fiddle on the street corner. $1 per song. $2 to stop playing.
..........Would you promise to be true.........Beatles …..If I Fell
^^^ When Perkins was a preteen, he worked at the general store owned by his family after school. As rumor has it, a friend popped by with Jell-O, which then came in "six delicious flavors" — orange, lemon, strawberry, lemon, lime and cherry. He begged his father to stock it on store shelves. Later on, Perkins invented his own six original Kool-Aid flavors: cherry, grape, lemon-lime, orange, raspberry and root beer.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Thinking about having kids? My son poured syrup in every floor vent. 13 years later it still smells like waffles every time the heat comes on.
Weird Word of the Week: Stultiloquence – Senseless or silly talk https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stultiloquence
Dragon of the Week: Thailand: Resting Dragon Rock
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Keep cooked rice warm without getting sticky until you're ready to serve it. The paper towel absorbs the steam that would ordinarily condense off the underside of the lid, preventing the water from dripping pack into the rice. https://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/bounty2.html
How do you make a fiddle sound better? Throw it away and buy a piano. / You have to admit that for both a violin and a lawsuit, everyone is happier when the case is closed.
...........A love like ours could never die.........Beatles …..And I Love Her
^^^^ Technically, the Kool-Aid man came into the picture in the summer of 1954. He was illustrated by art director Marvin Potts, who was inspired by his young son's smiley face drawings on a frosted window. Back then, the mascot was simply called "Pitcher Man." Twenty years later, he was rebranded as the Kool-Aid Man — a live-action, walking, talking, 6-foot-tall pitcher of cherry drink eager to bust down any wall in his way. His famous catchphrase is, of course, "Oh yeah!"
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The German government refuses to recognize Scientology as a religion. The organization has officially been labeled an “abusive business masquerading as a religion”. --Submitted by LaughingInDisbelief
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Station Unity (11-13, DC area) “Station Unity is an annual 3-day fan convention held in the D.C. metro area for Science Fiction & Fantasy enthusiasts and entertainment.” ~~I hope this was written by AI and does not reflect the general creativity of Station Unity https://www.station-unity.org/about-us/
Saying of the Jewish Buddha of the Week: Wherever you go, there you are. Your luggage is another story. https://www.tikkun.org/sayings-of-the-jewish-buddhist/
Actual Science Conference of the Week: ICGC 2023: International Conference on Green Chemistry (10-11, Venice, Italy) ...a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators... https://waset.org/green-chemistry-conference-in-august-2023-in-venice
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Pensacola --> Pepsi-Cola
Work is for people who don't play the fiddle. / I was playing at that new Italian cafe when somebody put a dollar in my g-string. I felt so viola-ted.
..........Would always feel the same.........Beatles …..This Boy (Ringo's Theme)
^^^^^ It's also worth noting that 563 million gallons of Kool-Aid are consumed annually, about 225 million gallons of which are chugged in the summer. In other words, 17 gallons of Kool-Aid are consumed every second during the summer season.
Quote of the Week: Every word has consequences. Every silence too. --Jean Paul Sartre
Still More Irrelevance: So the Big XII now claim they will add 6 new schools in July 2024. Here are the 16 Big XII schools. 1) Arizona 2) Arizona State 3) Baylor Bears 4) Brigham Young 5) Central Florida 6) Cincinnati 7) Colorado 8) Houston 9) Iowa State 10) Kansas 11) Kansas State 12) Oklahoma State 13) TCU 14) Texas Tech 15) Utah 16) West Virginia How many students in Utah are likely to travel to West Virginia for a game. I think there may be reasons for a conference to be smaller than 1/2 of a continent.
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Study History – realize that people have been this stupid for thousands of years.
Today's Peace of History, August 11, 1958: A drugstore chain in Wichita, Kansas, agreed to serve all its customers after weeks of sit-ins at Dockum’s lunch counter by local African-Americans who wanted an end to segregation. On this day, as several black Wichitans were sitting at the counter even though the store refused to serve them, a white man around 40 walked in and looked at them for several minutes. Then he looked at the store manager and said, simply, “Serve them. I'm losing too much money.” He was the owner, Robert Dockum.
If I were a rich man, I'd play a better instrument than this. / Life was hard for the pioneers, but every now and then someone would pull out a fiddle and a banjo and make it worse.
..........I'll buy you a diamond ring, my friend.........Beatles …..Can't Buy Me Love
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle August 11, 2023, 4-String ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith, Lawrence, KS
Moonbeam: If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being. --Jerry Falwell
Cost of War:
- As of 08/10/23 State Department War Costs since 2001: $213,912,753,631.
- As of 08/03/23 State Department War Costs since 2001: $213,357,343,468.
- As of 08/10/23 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,156,584,582,476.
- As of 08/03/23 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,155,032,696,013.
- As of 08/10/23 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,144,060,711,580.
- As of 08/03/23 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,143,457,075,951.
- As of 08/10/23 Veterans Care since 2001: $3,192,469,563,869.
- As of 08/03/23 Veterans Care since 2001:$3,180,705,643,635.
- As of 08/10/23 Military Costs since 2001: $3,037,832,939,342.
- As of 08/03/23 Military Costs since 2001: $3,036,654,664,633.
- As of 08/10/23 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,744,863,508,098.
- As of 08/03/23 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,729,209,881,851.
The children would ask “Beaker?” (Do you have peace?) and the adults would reply, “Kera dorong.” (Peace only). --Alex Haley
Famous Last Words: ...then as presently well. --Diary of Samuel Pepys August 11, 1665.
..........So why on earth should I moan.........Beatles …..Hard Day's Night (All of today's songs are from the movie Hard Day's Night)
My spouse and I have a perfect relationship. I'm a second fiddle and he's a second banana. / What do you call a pretty woman on a fiddle player's arm? A tattoo.
May Peace play your melody
And Joy set your tempo
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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