Friday, October 21, 2022

Salty ePistle

Famous First Words: In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decreed... Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan

October is National Seafood Month. I went to the Seafood Disco last night and pulled a mussel. There was a big bar fight there. All kinds of fish got battered.

..........Come all without, Come all within.........Manfred Mann …..The Mighty Quinn

October 21, 1967: In Washington, DC, more than 100,000 demonstrators from all over the country surrounded the reflecting pool between the Washington and Lincoln monuments in a largely peaceful protest to end the Vietnam War.

It is a gorgeous Friday morning. The sun is rising and a light wind makes the 54°F seem a little chilly. No clouds hide the azure beauty of the sky so the birds become moving art made of shadows with flecks of white or gold. Up close a quarrel of sparrow are quarreling but somewhere unseen a murder of crows announce their arrival in harsh caws. The lack of rain is turning the lawns from green to the ubiquitous browns and yellows of fall. Leaves have begun to cover the ground and add to the fall color scheme. Skeletons have taken up residence here and there down the block – relaxing in lawn chairs, standing at attention and, of course, digging their way out of the ground. Back home, the kitchen smells of freshly brewed coffee. Puck sleeps on his pillow making occasional snorting noises to the occupants of his dreams. And I am sipping sweetened decaf and getting ready to write to you. Pretty nice morning, all in all.

Hope your weekend is a masterpiece, ePistliers.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Kale is so fits in literally any trash can.

I know I shouldn't have eaten that seafood. Now I'm feeling eel. / The new Seafood Restaurant downtown is snotty. They only serve fish from Ivy League schools.

..........I lay on my bed, cannot go to sleep.........Elvin Bishop …..Midnight Hour Blues

Trivia Questions: Happy Reptile Awareness Day

^ What is the world's longest snake?

^^ What is the most venomous snake in the world?

^^^ How many layers of skin does a chameleon have?

^^^^ What is the world's biggest reptile?

^^^^^ Is there such a thing as a warm-blooded reptile?

Big Hello: Aloha - Hawaiian

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ricardo Montalban struggled to find acting roles after “Star Trek 2”. Nobody wanted to hire an ex-Khan. --Submitted by Heinlein Society

Image of the Week: Lord of the Rings has been playing on tv all weekend

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 50% of librarians say the glass is half full, 50% say it's half empty; 100% say you aren't allowed to have it near the computers

Washington DC is full of lobbysters. / Would Aquaman be a model employee at Red Lobster?

..........Listen all around.........Manfred Mann …..Earth Song

Moonbeam: To oppose something is to maintain it. --Ursula Le Guin

Meditation of the Week: Who are you really? Are you sure? How do you know? --Martin Heidegger

Strange Revelation of the Week: When I first heard about reincarnation I said to myself, “I want to say just the right things to comfort them...the heal make them smile, so that when I come back in the next life I can sing like Maria Muldaur.”

Puzzle of the Week: From listener Melissa DePaola, of Newnan, Ga. Name two things that many houses are built with: "[blank] and [blank]." Drop the first letter of the first thing. Change the last two letters of the second thing to a "Y." And you'll name a popular animated TV show, "[blank] and [blank]." What show is it?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: One day that mailman is going to murder all of you, and I'll be like...ha ha ha, who needs to quit their barking and go lie down now? -_Submitted by mja of ks

Lydia Lobster wears seashells because she outgrew her beeshells. / The Seafood Restaurant out west is being investigated by the IRS for being a shell company in some fishy business deals.

..........From my head down to my feet.........Elvin Bishop …..Let It Flow

^ The reticulated python can grow up to a whopping 33ft (10m), with the green anaconda being second at 30 ft (9m)

Almanac: It is Friday, October 21, 2022. The moon will be new on Tuesday (10/25) and is in Virgo. It is Celebration of The Mind Day, Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) Prevention Day, and Reptile Awareness Day. In England it is Trafalgar Day (1805) and in Hong Kong they celebrate the Kite Flying Festival. Because it is the third Friday it is also National Pharmacy Buyer Day.

Among those born on this day were Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772), Alfred B. Nobel (1833), Martin Gardner (1914), Malcolm Arnold (1921), Ursula LeGuin (1929), Manfred Mann (1940), Elvin Bishop (1942), and Carrie Fisher (1956).

On October twenty-first the first total solar eclipse was recorded (2137 BCE), Edison perfected the cotton filament light bulb (1879), women in France were "allowed" to vote (1945), the Guggenheim Museum opened (1959), and Venera 9 was launched (first craft to orbit Venus (1975).

Night Sky, 10/21: Away from the Great Square's left corner runs the main line of Andromeda: three 2nd-magnitude stars about as bright as those of the Square and spaced similarly far apart. The three include the Square's corner. This whole dipper-shaped pattern was named the Andromegasus Dipper by the late Sky & Telescope columnist George Lovi — to accompany the Big and Little Dippers, the Milk Dipper of Sagittarius (nowadays usually subsumed into the Teapot), and the tiny dipper pattern of the Pleiades.

Fraternal Image of the Week: Seesaw Brothers

This Week: Saturday, October 22 – Make A Difference Day & International Stuttering Awareness Day & INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY

Sunday, October 23 – Mole Day & Mother-in-law Day & TV Talk Show Host Day

This is the day the swallows depart from Capistrano

Night Sky, 10/23: Spot bright Altair high in the southwest soon after dark. Brighter Vega is far to its right. Above Altair lurk two distinctive little constellations: Delphinus the Dolphin, hardly more than a fist at arm's length to Altair's upper left, and smaller, fainter Sagitta the Arrow, slightly less far to Altair's upper right. Sky too bright? Use binoculars!

Monday, October 24 – Accountant's Day & Diwali & Food Day & United Nations Day

Tuesday, October 25 – International Artists Day & Sourest Day & World Pasta Day

Night Sky, 10/25: Solar Eclipse (partial) Visible: Europe, South/west Asia, North/East Africa, Atlantic.

Wednesday, October 26 – Mule Day & Howl at the Moon Night

Thursday, October 27 – Black Cat Day & Navy Day

Extra Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. --Maya Angelou

The zoo trained an ape to take care of the fish exhibit. It was a shimpanzee. / Lobsters often refer to their partners as their “butter half”.

..........And you can hitchhike on the highway.........Manfred Mann …..Quit Your Low Down Ways

^^ The bite of an Oxyuranus microlepidotus, also called, appropriately, the fierce snake—delivers a veritable witch’s brew of toxins. The venom consists of taipoxin, a complex mix of neurotoxins, procoagulants, and mycotoxins that paralyze muscles, inhibit breathing, cause hemorrhaging in blood vessels and tissues, and damage muscles. It lives in eastern Australia.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Have you heard about the Great Perfume heist? A fragrant violation of the law. --Submitted by rl of ca

Random Thought of the Week: Who is it that sends out these “if you remember this you have to admit you're old” I know I'm old. I don't need people to show me pictures of wringer washers or rotary phones to know I'm old. I would like to forget about wringer washers – they were back breaking and inefficient. (But clothes dried on a line in the sunshine do smell nice – but are sometimes stiff.)

Moonbeam: There are no right answers to wrong questions. --Ursula Le Guin

Video of the Week: From a list of Physics Song: The Element Song by Tom Lehrer

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: The study shows that the average Briton spends three hours a week sitting on the toilet and only 90 minutes exercising. --Peter Sagal Either way, they're losing weight. --Alonza Bodden --Wait Wait Don't Tell Me October 14, 2017.

October 21, 1983: In the first public action of the new Seattle Nonviolent Action Group (SNAG), 12 people blockaded the Boeing Cruise Missile plant in Kent, Washington; none were arrested.

I ate at Mary Poppins' Restaurant last night. Super cauliflower cheese, but the lobster was atrocious. / The specialty at Luigi's Seafood Hut is Cala-Mario.

..........And I don't wanna see her no more.........Elvin Bishop …..Beer Drinking Woman

^^^ Chameleons have 4 layers of skin, the epidermis, chromatophore, melanophore and nether layers.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: QANON is basically Scientology for hillbillies. --Submitted by 98%

Weird Word of the Week: Jobsworth – a censorious British term for an official who upholds rules at the expense of humanity or common sense.

Dragon of the Week: Dragon atop Gringotts Bank in Harry Potter World, Orlando, FL

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean Upholstery. Apply Barbasol shaving cream sparingly to stain and rub gently with a damp cloth.

All-You-Can-Eat seafood buffets are such a waste. It's total overkrill. / Sammy Shrimp got a job at the bread factory. He works at the crust station.

...........Love's got a hold on me.........Elvin Bishop …..Fooled Around And Fell In Love

^^^^ Crocodiles, in particular saltwater crocs, are the largest living reptiles in the world. They grow up to 20ft (6m) in length and weigh up to 2,200lb (1,000kg).

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Thanking God for sparing you in a natural disaster is a bit like sending a thank-you note to a serial killer for stabbing the family next door. --Submitted by LaughingInDisbelief

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: MileHiCon 2022 (21=23, Denver, CO) As the very culture of fandom expands, we choose to embrace this growth and change.

Actual Science Conference of the Week: BRUTR2022 (19-21, Toronto) Largest gathering of Black Tech Professionals (Keynote speaker – Trevor Noah) Long URL to get there

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Brick and Mortar → Rick and Morty

Christie Crab because so famous she was considered a shellebrity. / Elon Musk invented a car that runs on seafood. It's very efishent.

..........And I believe it was true.........Manfred Mann …..Waiting For The Rain

^^^^^ The Argentine black and white Tegu is a warm-blooded lizard capable of raising its body temperature during their reproductive time of the year.

My Own Writing of the Week: The beautiful Young Apollo was ever a mystery to me. As we were going out one evening, he asked how he looked. There was only one description that could possibly apply; he looked like a heartache walking.

I walked into his bedroom one afternoon to find him nude in the middle of the bed in full lotus with a rock hard erection. His eyes were closed. His breathing was very even and very slow. My noises didn't move him nor did he open his eyes. So, of course, I undressed and climbed aboard. Unfortunately, the rest was quite nice but very ordinary. Maybe I should have gone for head, instead. (See, I do have some regrets!) He never would tell me how long he sat there like that before I came in nor did he ever admit that he was really waiting for me.

The next day, I sent him a postcard that said "Had a wonderful time, glad you were there".

WARNING: Some lovers are in this work under more than one nickname.

Quote of the Week: Saturday Night Live Skit: Heidi Gardner as Rep. Liz Cheney jokes: "Whether you're a Republican who's not watching or a Democrat who's nodding so hard your head is falling off, one person is responsible for this insurrection: Donald Trump. And one person will suffer the consequences: me."

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Why is that strange patch of grass dressed like a libertine and holding a whip? That's the Marquis de Sod.

I'm on a no seafood diet. It's low crab. / My grandmother gave me her fantastic seafood recipes. But I'm reluctant to try Salmon Ella.

..........Be brave and set Geronimo free.........Manfred Mann …..Geronimo's Cadillac

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle October 21, 2022, Salty ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS

Moonbeam: To light a candle is to cast a shadow. --Ursula Le Guin

Cost of War:

  • As of 10/20/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $190,548,886,303.
  • As of 10/13/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $190,065,284,344.
  • As of 10/20/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,091,326,345,667.
  • As of 10/13/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,089,810,760,025.
  • As of 10/20/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,118,682,523,234.
  • As of 10/13/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,118,093,115,204.
  • As of 10/20/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,697,796,954,674.
  • As of 10/13/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,686,307,633,537.
  • As of 10/20/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,988,285,163,251.
  • As of 10/13/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,987,134,295,491.
  • As of 10/20/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,086,642,152,264.
  • As of 10/13/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,071,354,862,611.

October 21, 1994, In an "Agreed Framework" to "freeze" North Korea's nuclear program, the United States and North Korea (Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea or DPRK) agreed over the next 10 years to construct two new proliferation-resistant light water-moderated nuclear power reactors (LWRs) in exchange for the shutdown of all their existing nuclear facilities.

Famous Last Words: Finally, it is my express wish that following my death, my arteries be severed, and when this has been done and competent doctors have confirmed clear signs of death, my remains be incinerated in a crematorium. --Alfred Nobel's will.

..........Just in case we both were wrong.........Elvin Bishop …..Think

A lobster is just a crab who throws things. / I don't really like the seafood buffet, but I went for the halibut.

May Peace determine your tides

And Joy inhabit your waves

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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