Famous First Words: Dans l'essaim nébuleux des constellations –Anatole France À la lumière (In the nebulous swarm of constellations)
Happy Birthday, Mr. Amis: Consciousness was upon him before he could get out of the way. --Kingsley Amis / If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in writing. --Kingsley Amis
..........I'm gonna fish my life away..........Cool Papa Sadler …..Shady Spot By The River
Peace would be a fantastic product, So good that if it was for sale it would always be on backorder. --Unknown
It is a cloudy Friday morning. The sky is gravelly gray with little wind involved. Very green trees stand very still in the diminished light of a hidden sun. The idea of rain is palpable but no drops fall. The 49° F temperature denies the chill that is implied by gloom. The earth smells dry; an anticipation of spring rain rises in little whiffs with the dusty aroma. A robin moves in tiny hops across Bruno's lawn but the birdsong comes from unseen songster to the south.. A red headed woodpecker walks up the willow's truck and disappears. And I sit at my window, sipping creamy coffee, and watching it all with the same anticipation as the earth itself. Join me...
Hope your fun is squared on Foursquare Weekend, ePistliers
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I watched a documentary on mushrooms last night. That's probably how I'll watch all documentaries from now on. --Submitted by HPF
Death has this much to be said for it: You don't have to get out of bed for it. Wherever you happen to be, they bring it to you—free. --Kingsley Amis / Laziness has become the chief characteristic of journalism, displacing incompetence. --Kingsley Amis
….......I hate to see that evening sun go down.........Herbie Mann …..St Louis Blues
* Among Kingsley Amis' books is the title Take A Girl Like You
Trivia Questions: April is Donate Life Month
^ Any idea what three types of body parts can be donated?
^^ Care to guess how many life saving donations have been made since 1988?
^^^ How many men, women, and children are currently waiting for a life saving donation?
^^^^ About how many people die every day while waiting.
^^^^^ How many people can a single donor help?
Big Hello: Salute – Corsican https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: When I'm having a bad day, I simply remind myself of one thing: Donald Trump isn't president, Then I cheer up. --Stephen King
Third Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Basically, English is what happens when Vikings learn Latin and use it to shout at Germans. --Submitted by gr of oh
Max Picture of the Week: Max is in the dog house
Some things you should know about this picture: a) He climbed into the dog crate himself. He was not put there by anyone else. b) He closed the door himself. c) He is barking for some human to give him dog treats.Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 34% of librarians have repurposed all those old magazine boxes to hide boxes of wine throughout the library. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
It is no wonder that people are so horrible when they start their life as children. --Kingsley Amis / He was of the faith chiefly in the sense that the church he currently did not attend was Catholic. --Kingsley Amis
..........Old dream maker, you heart breaker.........Henry Mancini …..Moon River
Moonbeam: It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill. --Wilbur Wright
Meditation Seed of the Week: Why not? What would happen?
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If God hates gays, how come we're so cute?
Week of the Week: National Dance Week (16-25) --The owl's favorite dance is the hooooola. / Netflix is thinking of airing a new dance show for horses called So You Think You Can Prance?
It is natural and harmless in English to use a preposition to end a sentence with. --Kingsley Amis / When the bishop farted we were amused to hear about it. Should the plough boy find treasure we must be told. But when the plough boy farts..er...keep it to yourself. --Kingsley Amis
..........Softer than satin was the light.........Bobby Venton …..Blue Velvet
^ Organ, Eye, and Tissue can all be donated. What Can Be Donated | Organ Donor
Almanac: It is Friday, April 16, 2021. The moon will be new on the 20th and is in Gemini. It is Emancipation Day, Foursquare Day, National Bean Counter Day, National Donate Life (Blue and Green) Day, National Healthcare Decisions Day, National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day, National Orchid Day, Save The Elephant Day, and World Voice Day. Because it is the first workday after Income Taxes are due it is National Stress Awareness Day.
Among those born on this day were Clement XII (1652), John Hadley (1682), Giovanni Tupolo (1696), Ford Maddox Brown (1821),John A Neuhuys (1832), Anatole France (1844), Herbert Baxter Adams (1850), Wilbur Wright (1867), John Millington Synge (1871), Charlie Chaplin (1889), Marian Jordan (Molly McGee, 1891), Lily Pons (1904), Coby Molenaar (1906), William Stearn (1911), Peter Ustinov (1921), Kingsley Amis (1922), Henry Mancini (1924), Herbie Mann (1930), Edie Adams (1931), Bobby Vinton (1935), Cool Papa Sadler (1935), John DeLaFose (1939), Margrethe II (1940), Gerry Rafferty (1947), Ellen Barkin (1955), David Brown (1956), and Martin Lawrence (1965).
On April sixteenth Queen Anne knighted Isaac Newton (1705), Liszt's Mazeppa premiered (1854), Slavery was abolished in DC (1862), Annie Oakley set a record by shooting 100 clay targets in a row (1922), MLB first used numbers on their uniforms (Yankees, 1929), Fibber McGee & Molly first aired (1935), two giant pandas arrived in the US (Ling-Ling & Hsing-Hsing, 1972), Apollo 15 was launched (1972), and Arthur Ashe retired (1980).
Night Sky, 4/16: The waxing crescent Moon this evening forms a quadrilateral with Mars above it and Beta and fainter Zeta Tauri to the sides. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Image of the Week: Kalama is a crocheter. Cool.
This Week: Saturday, April 17 – Bat Appreciation Day & Herbalist Day & National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day
Sunday, April 18 – Animal Cracker Day & Pinata Day & World Amateur Radio Day
Night Sky, 4/18: Arcturus ascends the eastern sky, Capella (its close match for brightness) is coming down in the northwest. They stand at exactly the same height above your horizon at some moment between about 9 and 10 pm daylight-saving time, depending mostly on how far east or west you live in your time zone.
Monday, April 19 – Bicycle Day & National Garlic Day & National Poker Day
Tuesday, April 20 – Chinese Language Day & National Pot Smokers Day
Wednesday, April 21 – Bulldogs are Beautiful Day & Kindergarten Day & National Yellow Bat Day
Night Sky, 4/21: Lyrids Meteor Shower The Lyrids don't produce a whole lot of meteors, perhaps 10 to 15 per hour, but are more likely to include bright, dramatic fireballs than other major showers.
Thursday, April 22 – Earth Day & National Jelly Bean Day & Girl Scout Leaders Day
It's never pleasant to have one's unquestioning beliefs put in their historical context, as I know from experience, I can assure you. --Kingsley Amis / Wives and such are constantly filling up any refrigerator they have a claim on, even its ice-compartment, with irrelevant rubbish like food. --Kingsley Amis
..........Well, another crazy day.........Gerry Rafferty …..Baker Street
^^ 750,000 transplants have taken place since 1988.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: This year 4/20 falls on Taco Tuesday. This is it people. This is what we've been training for. --Submitted by sb of ks
Moonbeam: There is no language like the Irish for soothing and quieting. --John Millington Synge
Late Night Snacks of the Week: This war’s been going on so long, Biden’s been trying to get the troops out since he was just ‘regular’ old. Now he’s ‘Mountain Dew Baja Blast Extreme’ old. --Stephen Colbert / “Biden is getting criticism from people who say if America leaves Afghanistan then it will become a failed state, and that is a real danger. But on the other hand, America has been there for 20 years — is it supposed to stay there forever? Because if that is going to be the case, then I mean, America should at least make Afghanistan a US state. And the good news with that is it would eliminate Afghanistan’s terrorism problem completely, because we all know that once terrorists are American, they’re not terrorists anymore — they are just frustrated citizens who are having a bad day.” — Trevor Noah / During his remarks, Biden announced that withdrawal would begin on May 1. When the troops get home, they’re gonna be like, ‘Why are all the bars closed?’ — Jimmy Fallon
Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie, his Au Pair, the space needle, and obligatory rain clouds
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: The company, though, that is in the real middle of all this is Major League Baseball, right? Because now you're having Republicans coming out and saying they're not going to watch baseball games. It makes sense, of course, that baseball would be the center of a political logjam because baseball is basically the filibuster of sports. But it's...It's so strange to see what this has forced Republicans to do. They're so angry at Coke, even the Koch brothers have changed their name to the Pepsi brothers. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me 4/10/21
Peace is cheaper. --unknown
The real trouble with liars...was that there could never be any guarantee against their occasionally telling the truth. --Kingsley Amis / A German wine label is one of the things life's too short for. --Kingsley Amis
..........Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.........Gerry Rafferty …..Stuck In The Middle With You
^^^ 100,000 people are on transplant waiting lists.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Bono and the Edge walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Oh, no, not U2 again?”
Weird Word of the Week: Immensikoff – a fur-lined overcoat. World Wide Words: Immensikoff
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Kill plant lice on African violets. Spray Albert VO5 Hair Spray into a plastic bag (not directly onto the plant, Place the bag over the plant, secure shut with a twist tie, and let sit overnight. Alberto VO5® Hair Spray: Wacky Uses
Puzzle of the Week: This challenge came from Joseph Young of St. Cloud, MN. Take the singular and plural forms of a particular noun. Remove the first two letters of the singular form and you'll name a country. Remove one letter from inside the plural form to name another country. What words and countries are these? NPR Sunday Puzzler 12/10/17
If you want to behave better and feel better, the only absolutely certain method is drinking less. But to find out how to do that, you will have to find a more expert expert than I shall ever be. --Kingsley Amis / Cats are only human, they have their faults. --Kingsley Amis
...........When the moon played.........Lily Pons …..L'air des Clochettes (Lakmé)
^^^^ On average, 20 people die every day from the lack of available organs for transplant.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The longest drum solo was 10 hours and 26 minutes and was performed by the child sitting behind me on Delta flight 983 from LA to Tokyo. --Submitted by INRITH
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Tulkon (16-18, Tulsa) –Where all who wander are not lost. Tulkon ~~On the other hand, if they're in Tulsa, they may actually be lost.
Actual Science Convention of the Week: International Conference on Mathematical Logic, Deduction and Reasoning (15-16, Cape Town) International Conference on Mathematical Logic, Deduction and Reasoning ICMLDR in April 2021 in Cape Town (waset.org)
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Yeoman, yeomen --> Oman, Yemen
You want to finish the evening with your usual number of fingers, do any cutting-up, peel-slicing and the like before you have had more than a couple of drinks, preferably before your first. --Kingsley Amis / America takes her writers too seriously. --Kingsley Amis
..........I get no letters in the mail.......Bobby Vinton …..Mr Lonely
^^^^^ One deceased donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and can save and/or enhance more than 100 lives through tissue donation. Even Superheroes Need Help Sometimes - American Transplant Foundation
Recreating Famous Painting With Anything You Can Find of the Week:
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The sweet, small, clumsy feet of April came into the ragged meadow of my soul. --e e cummings
Today's Peace of History, April, 16, 1971: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimated over 2,000 people openly refused to pay part or all of their income tax. “If a thousand [people] were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them and enable the state to commit violence and shed innocent blood.” --Henry David Thoreau on the Mexican War
There is no end to the ways in which nice things are nicer than nasty ones. --Kingsley Amis / Outside every fat man there was an even fatter man trying to close in. --Kingsley Amis
..........Well, it's goin' be rainin' outdoors.........Cool Papa Sadler …..Come On In My Kitchen
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle April 16, 2021, An ePistle Like You. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: Life – ride it until the wheels fall off. --Martin Lawrence
Cost of War:
As of 4/15/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,121,748,656,588.
As of 4/8/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,119,753,837,761.
As of 4/15/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,030,887,508,037.
As of 4/8/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,029,531,826,443.
As of 4/15/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $845,629,816,753.
As of 4/8/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $842,238,469,911.
As of 4/15/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $347,824,931,391.
As of 4/8/21 Veterans Care since 2001: $347,437,700,118.
As of 4/15/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,346,091,659,622.
As of 4/8/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,340,649,014,396.
What the world needs is a group hug. --unknown
Famous Last Words: Where you go from here is a choice I leave to you. --final line from The Matrix released 4/16/99
..........I can only give you love that lasts forever..........Edie Adams …..That's All
No pleasure is worth giving up for the sake of two more years in a geriatric home at Weston-super-Mare. --Kingsley Amis / If you are using an adverb, you have got the verb wrong. --Kingsley Amis
May Peace give you strength
And Joy give you resilience
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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