Friday, January 8, 2021

Starry Starry ePistle

 Famous First Words: Open covenants of peace...Wilson's first of fourteen points

Happy Birthday, Stephen Hawking ! (He would have been 79) ...a Black Hole in Uranus and other astrophysical jokes... / What happens in the black hole, stays in the black hole.

..........Ground Control to Major Tom..........David Bowie …..Space Oddity

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace. --Dalai Lama

It is a cold (28°F) Friday morning. The sky is blue with weak streaks of thin gray clouds. There is little breeze and the willow branches hang motionless in graceful strings. The lawns are brown with dead grass and/or leaves but all the snow is melted and gone. Our neighborhood murder of crows is passing by and filling the air with deep caws and lazy shadows. Puck has gone out into the cold and returned for his early morning nap. I sit at my desk enjoying holiday cheer decaf with its cinnamon aroma and spicy taste; I watch the rising sun shift shadows down the side of Bruno's house. What a calm, clear morning.

Hope your weekend is a starburst of fun, ePistliers.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Happiness is … finding the perfect position that satisfies the right angle for reading while keeping your entire body warm under a blanket.

Reason to fall in love with a Black Hole: A black hole will keep your secrets to itself, forever. / The bartender says, sorry we don't serve particles faster than light. A neutrino walks into a bar.

..........And I don't know what to do.........Little Anthony and the Imperials …..I'm on the Outside

Trivia Questions: Happy National Bubble Bath Day

^ What can you add to a Bubble Bath to ease sore muscles?

^^ How are soap bubbles formed, anyway?

^^^ Where do bubbles get all those swirly colors?

^^^^ What can you add to a Bubble Bath to help you sleep better?

^^^^^ Why do the bubbles in a Bubble Bath keep disappearing?

Big Hello: Que tal? Hola – Chabacano de Zamboanga (Philippines & Malaysia)

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: After all the stupid things I've done in my life, if I die because I touch my face, I'm gonna be pissed. --Submitted by sb of ks

Max Picture of the Week: Max in solitude

Fake Library Statistic of the Week: The average librarian's to-be-read pile is equal to half their height times 2.

Black holes v Doughnut Holes: Once you go black, you never go back. / That's no black hole, captain, that's the US economy.

..........I'm itchin' like a man in a fuzzy tree.........Elvis Presley …..All Shook Up

Moonbeam: Our words are giants when they do us an injury, and dwarfs when they do us a service. --William Wilkie Collins

Meditation of the Week: Rejoice: Now, the puppy (your mind) is familiar with you and loves you, and she likes to sit next to you. When she does, you rejoice. If you catch her wandering, also rejoice at having such a lovely puppy before gently bringing her back. How to Bring Humor to Meditation (

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Grandchildren are like children, only you can give them back. --Ms Johnston Jingle Jangle

Random Thought of the Week: I just had a thought. Trump is a great admirer of Hitler. Rumor is that Hilter took his own life in the bunker. Maybe Trump plans to shoot himself in the oval office.

Week of the Week: Dating & Life Coaches Recognition Week: If you have a problem eating coins, perhaps you should consult a life coach. It'll inspire the change within yourself. / I got a text from my life coach today. He said I didn't make the team.

Niece of Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Well, it was a solid 5 days. Here's to 2022. --Submitted by #RHOZ

Dark Matter: We're quietly confident that it smells of cinnamon. / Latest Hubble Telescope discovery: A Starbuck's on Saturn.

..........Please let's forget the past, the future looks bright ahead.........Elvis Presley …..Don't Be Cruel

^ Ease sore muscles – Are muscles aching from new year’s workouts? Ease the ache with a warm bubble bath. Add some Epsom salts, too.

Almanac: It is Friday, January 8, 2021. The moon was last quarter on Wednesday and is in Libra. It is Argyle Day, Bubble Bath Day, Earth's Rotation Day, National English Toffee Day, Midwife's Day aka Women's Day, National Bubble Bath Day, National Joy Germ Day, Show and Tell Day at Work, and War on Poverty Day. In Louisiana it is Battle of New Orleans Day aka Old Hickory Day aka Jackson Day (1815).

Among those born on this day were Nicolas Coustou (1658), Robert Schumann (1810), Alfred Russel Wallace (1823), William Wilkie Collins (1824), Frank Doubleday (1862), Emily Greene Balch (1867), Richard Courant (1888), Queen Marie (of Yugoslavia, 1900), William Hartnell (1908), Thelma McQueen (Butterfly, 1911), Jose Ferrer (1912), Soupy Sales (Milton Hines, 1926), Elvis Presley (1935), Bob Eubanks (1938), Little Anthony (Gourdine, 1940), Stephen Hawking (1942), Terry Brooks (1944), and David Bowie (Jones, 1947).

On January eighth Pope Innocentius II was elected (1198), the New York Fishing Company became the first colonial chartered corporation (1656), Handel's Almira premiered (1705), the first "State of the Union" address was delivered (Washington, 1790), the 11th Amendment was ratified (Judicial powers, 1798), The Boston Academy of Music became the first US music school (1833), DC blacks were given the right to vote (1867), Fire destroyed the Columbus World's Fair in Chicago (1894), Wilson outlined his 14 points (1918), Youth for Christ was organized (1945), Jordan adopted its constitution (1952), LBJ declared War on Poverty (1964), Pompidou became premier of France (1966), Shostakovich's 15th symphony premiered (Moscow, 1972), NCAA opens championships in 5 women's sports (1980), Papa Bush threw up in the Japanese prime minister's lap (1992), and Michael Jordan scored his 20,000th career point (1993).

Night Sky, 1/8: If your sky is even moderately dark, try to trace out the winter Milky Way arching across the sky. In early evening it extends up from the west-northwest horizon along the vertical Northern Cross of Cygnus, up and over to the right past dim Cepheus and through Cassiopeia high in the north, then to the right and lower right through Perseus and Auriga, down between the feet of Gemini and Orion's Club, and on down toward the east-southeast horizon between Procyon and Sirius.

Image of the Week: Senate aides carrying the electoral votes to safety during the insurrection.

This Week: Saturday, January 9 – Eagle Day & National Cassoulet Day & National Static Electricity Day

Sunday, January 10 – League of Nations Day * National Sunday Supper Day

Night Sky, 1/10: By early January Orion has fully come into his own. He's now striding up the east-southeastern sky as soon as it gets dark, with his three-star Belt nearly vertical.

Monday, January 11Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day & Plough Monday

Tuesday, January 12 – Asarah B'Tevet (day one) & National Poetry at Work Day

Wednesday, January 13 – Korean American Day & Rubber Ducky Day & Public Radio Broadcasting Day

Night Sky, 1/13 : Above Orion shines orange Aldebaran with the large, loose Hyades cluster in its background. Binoculars are the ideal instrument for this cluster given its size: its brightest stars (4th and 5th magnitude) span an area about 4° wide. (Higher above, the Pleiades are hardly more than 1° across counting just the brightest stars.)

Thursday, January 14 – Dress Up Your Pet Day & International Kite Day & World Logic Day

Reason to fall in love with a Black Hole: A black hole will hug you so tightly that you will never be able to escape it. / Little known fact – Chuck Norris beat a black hole at tug-of-war.

..........It was like paradise.........Little Anthony & the Imperials …..Shimmy, Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop

^^ Though soap bubbles are traditionally made from (you guessed it) soap, most bubble solutions consist of detergent in water. Glycerin often is added as an ingredient. Detergents form bubbles in much the same way as soap, but detergents will form bubbles even in tap water, which contains ions that could prevent soap bubble formation.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Never blame someone else for the road you're on. That's your own asphalt. --Submitted by the #RHOZ

Moonbeam: The desire for liberty has also made itself felt as struggle against domestic tyranny or arbitrary rule --Emily Greene Balch

Late Night Snacks of the Week: I just like to imagine what everyone else was doing on the other end of the phone call while Trump was rambling like a lunatic for an hour. It’s like when you put your grandpa on speaker phone while you do household chores and then he just casually confesses to a crime. --Seth Meyers / He bragged, he challenged, he threatened, he told the secretary of state he’d come to Georgia and eat all their peaches, nothing. He really is the weakest, whiniest little dictator imaginable. --Jimmy Kimmel / This has got to be a painful moment for Pence...having to choose between the country he loves and the man he’s pledged to help destroy it...almost as gut-wrenching as the time he accidentally ate a salted cracker. --Stephen Colbert

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Santa Ollie on Mama Elf's lap

Classic Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: All right. Here's your first question. John A. Gotti is the son of John J. Gotti, the famous Mafia don. But his friends and relatives realized that Junior was not cut out for the family business when he said what - A, quote, "wait, you mean Dad's not in the sanitation industry?" - B, quote, "Let's make him an offer, see if he refuses and, if so, consider our other options"; or C, quote, "I love Cracker Barrel, especially the country-fried steak"? --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me 9/26/20 ~~The answer is C

If we do not work for individual transformation, talking about world peace is just entertainment. --Jaggi Vasudev

It is generally believed that skylab fell to earth in 1979. Actually it was Jimmy Carter's re-election campaign. / If tachyons do exist, and if they do go faster than the speed of light, then I'm determined to find something that goes faster than tachyons.

..........And my time was runnin' wild..........David Bowie …..Changes

^^^ A bubble gets its color from light waves reflecting between the soap film’s outer and inner surfaces. The distance between the layers gets smaller as the water evaporates, making the colors change. Bubbles can also reflect what’s around them, like the faces peering at them.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Fools multiply when wise men are silent. --Nelson Mandela

Weird Word of the Week: Yealm or yelm – the largest bundle of straw that could be carried under the arm at one time. World Wide Words: Yealm

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Remove a ring stuck on a finger. Rub on a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing, then hold your hand up toward the ceiling to drain the blood from the area, and slide off the ring. Alberto VO5®: Wacky Uses

Son of Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: What if the coins you find randomly at the bottom of drawers and in between couch cushions are actually from spiders trying to pay rent.

Puzzle of the Week: This challenge came from listener David Curren of Arlington, Mass. Think of a familiar two-word phrase (5, 2). Replace the last letter with the next letter of the alphabet. The result will be a palindrome (the seven letters will read backward and forward the same). What phrase is it? Answer below

Reason to fall in love with a Black Hole: Understanding black holes is difficult but much much simpler than understanding people. / Yo mama's so fat the escape velocity at her surface exceeds 3*10^8 M/S.

...........Didn't know what time it was..........David Bowie …..Starman

^^^^ Sleep better – Add some lavender oil to your bubble bath at night and relax your body and mind before bed. Relaxed muscles combined with the lavender will nudge your body toward a better sleep routine.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The audio of Trump with the Georgia secretary of state. Wow. It's like telling the Nixon tapes to “hold my beer.” --Dan Rather

Science Fiction Joke of the Week: How many Borg does it take to change a light bulb? All of them. / R2D2 was the most vulgar character of all time. They bleeped out every single word he said.

Actual Science Joke of the Week: How do you know when the moon is going broke? When it's down to its last quarter. / One tectonic plate bumped into another and said, “Sorry, my fault”.

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Queue Up

If you were unimpressed by the first pictures of a black hole, you clearly don't understand the gravity of the situation. / Invisible rays hold everything together. It is unified and it is a theory, but it's not the Unified Theory we've all been looking for.

..........If we could start anew, I wouldn't hesitate.........Little Anthony & the Imperials …..Tears on My Pillow

^^^^^ Bubbles are generated by agitation, e.g. when water is run into the bath. When the supply of bubbles stops, gravity and evaporation thin the bubble walls, and the population gets depleted. To keep them coming, agitate the surface or blow air through the water.

Month of the Week: January is National Hot Tea Month --The only dinosaur who loved drinking tea was the Tea-Rex / I have been visiting the same Coffee & Tea shop for the past 30 years. That's what I call long java Tea.

Recreating Famous Painting With Anything You Can Find of the Week:

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: So you've been been eatin' hot dogs and chicken nuggets all your life and you don't want the vaccine 'cuz you don't know what's in it??--Allan Tuttle --Submitted by eg of mt

Today's Peace of History, January 8, 1961: The people of France voted to grant Algeria its independence in a referendum. This followed more than 130 years of French colonial control of the north African country. The result was a clear majority for self-determination, with 75% voting in favor.

This black hole is brighter than my future. / Yo mama's so fat if she moved past a black hole at high velocity it would create a closed timeline curve.

..........Although it's always crowded.........Elvis Presley …..Heartbreak Hotel

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle January 8, 2021, Starry, Starry ePistle. Black peace, black humor, black holes. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047

Moonbeam: Life would be tragic if it weren't funny. --Stephen Hawking

Cost of War:

As of 1/7/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,094,130,521,116.

As of 12/31/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,092,124,706,951.

As of 1/7/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,012,117,887,521.

As of 12/31/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,010,754,726,755.

As of 1/7/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $822,033,753,773.

As of 12/31/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $820,319,915,708.

As of 1/7/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $342,462,200,391.

As of 12/31/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $342,072,689,221.

As of 1/7/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,270,744,008,972.

As of 12/31/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,265,272,897,238.

I think it's naive to pray for world peace if we're not going to change the form in which we live. --Godfrey Reggio

Famous Last Words: ...or Subjects of any Foreign State. --11th Amendment US Constitution

..........And cuddle me real tight.........Elvis Presley …..Teddy Bear

Math puns are the first sine of madness. / You mama's so fat light bends around her. / Since light travels faster than sound, people may appear bright until you hear them speak.

May Peace be your power

And Joy be your energy

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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