Famous First Words: You're so wrong I ain't laughing. --Clifford Odets Waiting For Lefty
January is Get Organized Month: I find it helps to organize chores into categories: Things I won't do now. Things I won't do later. Things I'll never do. / My Organizing Credo: A Pile for everything and everything in it's pile.
..........and this bird cannot change.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Free Bird
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. --Martin Luther King Jr.
It is a snowy Friday morning. The snow is very fine tumbling from the sky blown by gusts of wind. Backyards and roofs are colored white with brown leaves and dead stalks sticking through. Three squirrels are playing tag in Bruno's large oak tree. At one time we could hear them laughing; it made Puck bark into our silent room. Temperature is hovering around freezing (31°F) but the wind insists it is much colder. Snow blowing off rooftops looks like smoke from nonexistent chimneys. I cup my decaf and bring it close to my face so the steam can clear my nostrils. The sip I take warms my mouth and throat and even my soul. What a beautiful morning.
Hope your weekend is a whole mess of fun, ePistliers
First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: American Airlines pilot says he'll divert plane and strand Trump supporters in Kansas if they don't behave. (Business Insider) --Submitted by abf of ks ~~Just what Kansas needs
First Cousin of First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: OK, doomscrolling is bad but have you SEEN the quality of the doom this week? / It's only doom if it comes from the Mt Doom region of Mordor. Otherwise it is just sparkling abject terror. --Submitted by dr of oh
I am not disorganized – I know exactly where everything is. The newer stuff is on top and the older stuff is on the bottom. / Yes, I keep a clean desk. Now all the mess is in my computer.
..........where the skies are so blue.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Sweet Home Alabama
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Supreme Court
^ Any idea of the name of the act that created the Court?
^^ How many justices were established by the act?
^^^ How often did the act mandate that court meet?
^^^^ Know what judicial districts were created by the act?
^^^^^ When and/or why did the court have only 5 justices for a while?
Big Hello: Håfå ådai – Chamorro (Guam) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Sign on a Dairy Queen: Ruining your New Year's Resolution since 1982. --Submitted by INRITH
Max Picture of the Week: Max singing to his Gingerbread House
Second Cousin of Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm not much on seizing the day. I just kind of poke it with a stick. --Submitted by INRITH
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 24% of disagreements between Public Services and Tech Services are settled by a West Side Story-like dance fight. https://www.facebook.com/FakeLibStats/?fref=ts
I'm having a hard time getting rid of all of these old magazines. I've got issues. / I was going to include a picture of my Most Organized Employee but I can't find it.
..........Sounds like ol' son house singin' the blues.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Gimme Three Steps
Moonbeam: Never pass by a chance to shut up. --Robert Silverberg
Meditation of the Week: Resolve: “Now the puppy (mind) is a young dog and is ready for training. During training, you resolve to firmly enforce discipline [attention], in a gentle and loving way.” How to Bring Humor to Meditation (berkeley.edu)
Irony of the Week: It has not escaped my attention that the day social media companies decided there actually is more they could do to police Trump's destructive behavior was the same day they learned Democrats would chair all the congressional committees that oversee them. --Submitted by sk of ks
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If only Giuliani were leading this riot, it would have taken place at a Capital One branch and we could move on. --Submitted by rl of ca
First Cousin Twice Removed of Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber. Ask them to pronounce “unionized”. --Submitted by ab of kc
Week of the Week: National Mocktail Week (10-16) --You know you're old when 2 mocktails make you sleepy.
You know what would make house cleaning way more fun? A maid / My house isn't messy. I've simply set up obstacles for any burglars.
..........I don't carry me no load.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Call Me the Breeze
^ The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the federal judiciary of the US.
Almanac: It is Friday, January 15, 2021. The moon was new last Tuesday and is in Pisces. It is Humanitarian Day (Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday). In Japan it is Adults Day/Seijin-No-Hi; in Jordan (the country) and Florida (the state) it is Arbor Day. Venezuela celebrates Teachers' Day/Dia Del Maestro. Because it is the third Friday it is also International Fetish Day.
Among those born on this date were Moliere (1622), Joseph Lederer (1822), Jean Coralli (1779), Ferdinand G. Waldmuller (1793), Thomas Crofton Croker (1798), Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809), Peter Asbjornsen (1812), Frederick Stanley (1841), Giovanni Sergantini (1858), Joseph Henabery (1888), Aristotle Onassis (1906), Edward Teller (1908), Gene Krupa (1909), Lloyd Bridges (1913), Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918), Norm Crosby (1927), Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929), Robert Silverberg (1935), Margaret O'Brien (1927), Captain Beefheart (Don Van Vilet, 1941), Mike Marshall (1943), Andrea Martin (1947), Ronnie Van Zant (1948), and Mario Van Peebles (1957).
On January fifteenth Henry VIII declared himself head of the English Church (1535), the British Museum opened (Montague House, 1759), the people of New Connecticut declared independence from England (Vermont, 1777), the US court system was established (1789), the University of Notre Dame received its charter in Indiana (1844), Otis patented the steam elevator (1861), the first US ski club formed (1882), Swan Lake premiered (1895), 21 drowned in a tidal wave of molasses that ran down the streets of Boston (1919), Waiting for Lefty premiered (1935), the Ford Foundation incorporated (1936), 4,000 attended a National Emergency Civil Rights Conference (DC, 1950), the Soviet Union launched Soyuz 5 (1969), Harrison released My Sweet Lord (1971), Space Mountain opened (1975), and Queen Elizabeth II fell off her horse (1994).
Night Sky, 1/15: The crescent Moon in the southwest after sunset is higher and easier to spot now. It still aims its curve down toward Mercury. Farther down, with binoculars to help, pick out Jupiter in its very narrow time window of visibility. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/
Image of the Week: This is my foster sister, Sharon Sotore, with me a couple of years ago. She died of COVID-19 this week. She was in hospital in Lee's Summit and we didn't get to go see her. She is deaf and so we didn't talk on the phone, and I didn't get to say good-bye. I will miss her.
This Week: Saturday, January 16 – Appreciate A Dragon Day & National Nothing Day
Night Sky, 1/16 : Zero-magnitude Capella high overhead, and equally bright Rigel in Orion's foot, have almost the same right ascension. This means they cross your sky’s meridian at almost exactly the same time: around 9 or 10 pm now, depending on how far east or west you live in your time zone. (Capella goes exactly through your zenith if you're at latitude 46° north: Portland, Oregon; Montreal; central France.) So, whenever Capella passes its very highest, Rigel always marks true south over your landscape, and vice versa.
Sunday, January 17 – Cable Car Day & World Snow Day & Popeye Day
Monday, January 18 – Martin Luther King Jr Day & Thesaurus Day
Tuesday, January 19 – Tin Can Day & World Day of Migrants and Refugees & World Quark Day
Wednesday, January 20 – Inauguration Day & National Cheese Lovers Day & Penguin Awareness Day
Night Sky, 1/20 : Tonight there will be a triple conjunction with Venus, Uranus, and the moon.
Thursday, January 21 – International Sweatpants Day & National Hugging Day**
**Canceled this year due to the virus.
Another Image of the Week: National guard deployed to the capitol with the statue of Rosa Parks.
Correction to Image of the Week (1/8): The picture of the senate aides carrying ballot that was featured in Starry Starry ePistle were, in that picture, carrying the ballots into session before the attack. They were the people who gathered them and took them out of harm's way, but not in that picture. Sorry
Cleaning is just putting stuff in less obvious places. / My local grocery organizes their shampoo aisle like Ajax...Head & Shoulders above the rest.
..........And a trip to the moon.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..The Needle and the Spoon
^^ The Act set the number of Supreme Court justices at six: one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices.
Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I don't need a mood ring; I have a face. --Submitted by #RHOZ
Moonbeam: Men of great spirit are at high risk at a time when small souls rule the world --Robert Silverberg
Late Night Snacks of the Week: Meyers turned on some calming music and his thickest deadpan: “Let me begin by doing my part to begin the healing process, to bring down the temperature and tone down the rhetoric by saying this: fuck you, you cretinous, insurrectionist gargoyles. --Seth Meyers / And now that we’ve had some time to learn more and see more of what happened on that terrible day last week all I can think is, ‘Oh, Stephen from last week, you sweet, naïve child, how could you have been so calm? --Stephen Colbert / And I’m all for healing, but before we heal, we need to make sure the surgery is finished, and there’s still a large, cancerous tumor that needs to be removed. --Jimmy Kimmel / Right now, writing on his border wall is the only place Trump’s allowed to post. --Jimmy Fallon ~~I am hoping this will be the last (or at the very most next to the last) week for Trump jokes.
Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie is with Grandma Kirsten
Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: You know, I was looking at it, and I love how the Capitol is so open, right? Like, it's the people's house, and that's why it was easy to get in. But I have to say there's a castle on the island that I'm from in Cobh, and it has, like, little slits at the top of it to pour hot oil out of. It has what's called a murder hole And it works. You know, it's worked for 2,000 years now to keep out the marauders and their terrible fashions. Maeve Higgins Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 1/9/21
The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace, and brotherhood. --Martin Luther King, Jr
Heaven is a place where the police are English, the cooks are French, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian, and everything is organized by the Swiss. / Hell, on the other hand, is where the police are German, the cooks are English, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, and everything is organized by the Americans.
..........Ain't good for nothin'.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Saturday Night Special
^^^ The Supreme Court shall hold annually at the seat of government two sessions, the one commencing the first Monday of February, and the other the first Monday of August.
Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If nothing is going well, call your grandmother. --Italian Proverb
Weird Word of the Week: Zorbing - Imagine yourself suspended inside a ten-foot clear plastic sphere by nylon ropes, then rolled to the top of a slope and pushed off. No brakes, no steering, just you and gravity. World Wide Words: Zorbing
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Make cleaning up after painting or doing a messy auto grease job easy. Lightly coating your hands with Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing before painting or fixing the car, allows you to clean them off afterward without harsh solvents. Alberto VO5®: Wacky Uses
Puzzle of the Week: This challenge comes from listener Robert Flood of Allen, Texas. Think of a seven-letter hyphenated word for a kind of cooking. Change the middle letter to get a new word describing a kind of music. What words are these? NPR Sunday Puzzle 1/10/21 Answer below
How does the solar system organize a party? The planet / Never ask a felon to organize something numerically unless you're prepared to handle the con sequences.
...........I just want a little peace of mind.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Don't Ask Me No Questions
^^^^ The Act also created 13 judicial districts within the 11 states that had then ratified the Constitution (North Carolina and Rhode Island were added as judicial districts in 1790, and other states as they were admitted to the Union). Each state comprised one district, except for Virginia and Massachusetts, each of which comprised two. Massachusetts was divided into the District of Maine (which was then part of Massachusetts) and the District of Massachusetts (which covered modern-day Massachusetts). Virginia was divided into the District of Kentucky (which was then part of Virginia) and the District of Virginia (which covered modern-day West Virginia and Virginia).
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A mob of the MAGA persuasion
Conducted a statehouse invasion.
Though heavily armed,
They parted unharmed,
And that's how you know they're Caucasian. --Submitted by rhb of ks
Science Fiction Joke of the Week: Gravity is a habit that's hard to shake. --Terry Pratchett
Actual Science Joke of the Week: Why is everything on the floor? Gravity, mom.
Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Bar-b-que → baroque
What do you call a mediocre member of organized crime? A mafiososo / My weekend is looking like a poorly organized herb gardener...nothing but thyme on my hands.
..........Give me a T for Thelma.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..T for Texas
^^^^^ In 1801, President John Adams and a lame-duck Federalist Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1801, which reduced the Court to five Justices in an attempt to limit incoming President Thomas Jefferson’s appointments to the high bench. Jefferson and his Republicans soon repealed that act, putting the Court back to six Justices. And in 1807, Jefferson and Congress added a seventh Justice when it added a seventh federal court circuit.
Quote of the Week: And how should we behave during this Apocalypse? We should be unusually kind to one another, certainly. But we should also stop being so serious. Jokes help a lot. And get a dog, if you don't already have one. --Kurt Vonnegut The Idea Killers, 1984
Recreating Famous Painting With Anything You Can Find of the Week:
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. --Mark Twain
Fake Fifth Cousin of Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Elon Musk is now worth $208 billion. You want to know how he did it? He skipped 34.67 billion lattes. It's that easy. --Moses Daniel --Submitted by rhb of ks
Today's Peace of History, January 15, 1969: Janet McCloud, her husband Don and four others from the Tulalip Indian tribe were tried for one of their "fish-ins" on the Nisqually River in Washington state. The Nisqually empties into Puget sound on the Tulalip reservation. Despite century-old treaties granting them half the salmon catch in their ancestral waters, state game officials harassed and arrested Indian fishermen. However, all were found not guilty.
Having some areas in pandemic lock down and others not is like trying to organize a pissing section in a swimming pool. / Dwayne Johnson paid me to clean up and organize his craft room, but sadly, I lost his scrapbook cutting tool. I lost the Rock's paper scissor.
..........All you need is in your soul.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..Simple Man
Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle January 15, 2021, Orderly ePistle. Order, Drolleries and Organization. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 2511 Morningside Dr. Lawrence, KS 66047
Moonbeam: I hate no one, sir. It seems a waste of emotional energy. --Robert Silverberg
Cost of War:
As of 1/14/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,096,069,730,097.
As of 1/7/20 Military Costs of War since 2001: $3,094,130,521,116.
As of 1/14/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,013,435,656,184.
As of 1/7/20 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,012,117,887,521.
As of 1/14/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $823,690,446,775.
As of 1/7/20 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $822,033,753,773.
As of 1/14/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $342,838,722,585.
As of 1/7/20 Veterans Care since 2001: $342,462,200,391.
As of 1/14/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,276,035,125,263.
As of 1/7/20 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $5,270,744,008,972.
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. --Martin Luther King, Jr
Famous Last Words: Strike, Strike, Strike –Clifford Odets Waiting for Lefty
..........Say, I may be crazy, woman, but I ain't no fool.........Lynyrd Skynyrd with Ronnie Van Zant …..I Ain't the One
I tried to organize a hide and seek tournament, but good players are hard to find. / A boy says to his dad, “I'm considering a career in organized crime”. “Government of private sector”, his dad asks.
May Peace harmonize your life
And Joy codify your time
prairie mama
Last Laugh:
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