First Words: Est
approuvé le traité conclu et signé à Londres...Treaty of London
treaty concluded and signed in London is approved
is Lemaria which is a festival held for those
spirits of the dead who are not evil, but who are also not family. A
ghost of my friend Fred walked into a bar? What'll you have? Asked
the Bartender. “I'm here for the BOOS!” Fred answered.
to oppress in the name of righteous..........Roy Zimmerman
Freedom (to Burn Our Own Witches)
is no protection against the war but leads to war. Striving for peace
and preparing for war are incompatible with each other. --Albert
is an electric Friday morning. The sky is absolutely filled with
cloud – gray layers which light up from time to time, here and
there with internal lightning so that thunder rolls and echos and
rolls some more. Beneath the layer are wisps and streaks – some
darker, some not so and at the corner of the sky light seems to
penetrate. There is just enough birdsong to make a gray morning more
cheerful especially when it is accompanied by so much
activity...robins stomping through the lawn, sparrows tending their
cheeping young (unseen in houses handing on the storage shed), a
silent flock flying high overhead. Now and then a feeling of a
raindrop, a sense of water against skin makes me look at the sky for
hints of rain or at the fence for evidence of drops. None. The
world smells as if rain is eminent punctuated occasionally by floral
scents wafting by on nothing. There is no wind, no breeze, no motion
and yet the clouds move steadily and silently and ominously towards
the northeast. Cy and Cooper wrestle and run about while Puck shouts
– cheers, instructions, orders, who knows. We stay until actual
raindrops begin to fall and then we retreat to decaf – carefully
sweetened and creamed – and a special treat, a margarita cupcake
from my daughter which I have decided will be the opening of my
Mother's Day celebration. And my second official M.D. act is to say
write to you. Wow!
to a spirited weekend, ePistlers.
ghost of Bin Laden recently began haunting Obama and his family.
“Why are you doing this me now, after all these years.” Obama
asked? “Couldn't find you,” Bin Laden replied.
like playing Unitarian churches. The people are politically active
and spiritually confused – like me. --Roy Zimmerman
gas is cheap, the house is warm, the neighbor's sick
and............Roy Zimmerman …..The
Faucet's On Fire
Questions: Farewell to Dynasty !
About when did Dynasty premier?
What family was at the center of the series?
Who were the starring actors?
Dynasty merchandise grossed $400 million; any idea what kinds of
wares they sold?
What short-lived series was a spin off of Dynasty?
Thing I Read of the Week: I'll get over it, I just need to be
dramatic first. --Submitted by nm of ks
Library Statistic of the Week:
favorite part of pub trivia: 50% trivia, 50% pub.
pandas eat Bam-Boo. / Do you want to hear the jokes about the house
ghosts? No, I really don't. That 's the
Mother's Day: Don't forget to pick up a bottle of wine for your mom.
After all, you are one of the reasons she drinks.
will weigh you down..........Roy Zimmerman …..Like
A Brick Thrown In Troubled Water
Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they
deserve everything they've stolen. --Mort Sahl
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Be
like Jesus: Spend enough time with sinners to ruin your reputation
with religion people. --Submitted by ma of ks
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Salibonani –
Ndebele (Zimbabwe)
of the Week: This weekend my grandson,
David Hammack is graduating from KU Law School. Congratulations!!!!
His reward is now he gets to take the bar exam.
of the Week: National Wildflower Week
(May 7-11) –Roses are red, violets are blue; but they don't get
around like the dandelions do. --Slim Acres
question isn't do you believe in jokes but do ghosts believe in you.
/ The ghost's favorite dessert is booberry I scream.
Mother's Day! I only get one vacation day a year? That's All?
Well, it's called Mother's Day, but technically, you still have to
meant every wealthy European male...........Roy Zimmerman …..My
Vote, My Voice, My Right
created by Esther and Richard Shapiro, premiered on January 12, 1981,
to capitalize on competing nighttime soap Dallas.
It is Friday, May 11, 2018. The moon was last quarter last Monday
and is in Aries. It is Eat What You Want Day,
Hostess Cupcake Day, Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks A Voice,
National Foam Rolling Day, Root Canal Appreciation Day. Because it
is the Friday before Mother's Day it is also Child Care Provider Day,
Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks A Voice, Military Spouse Appreciation
Day, and National Provider Appreciation Day.
those born on this day were Peter Camper (1722), Chang & Eng
Bunker (1811), Charles Warren Fairbanks (1852), Ottmar Mergenthaler
(1854), Carl Hauptmann (1858), Irving Berlin (Isadore Balin, 1888),
Margaret Rutherford (1892), Salvador Dali (1904), Phil Silvers
(1912), Mort Sahl (1927), Butch Hudson (1947), and Steve Bono (1962).
May eleventh Constantine designated Constantinople (Istanbul) as the
new capital for the Eastern Roman Empire (1330), Netherlands and
Cologne signed a peace treaty (1625), the first hosptial in the US
opened (Pennsylvania, 1751), the first US fire insurance was sold
(1752), England & Tippu Sahib van Mysore signed a peace treaty
(1784), the American Bible Society formed (NY, 1816), Minnesota was
admitted as the 32nd state (1858), the Treaty of London (concerning
Luxembourg) was drawn (1867), Charmer Zettlein pitched the first 9
inning shutout (1875), Montana's Glacier National Park was founded
(1910), the Communist Party of Holland split (1925), the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was established (1927), the first
television station began to broadcast (3 nights/week, 1929), Goodyear
manufactured the first tubeless tires (1947), Siam became Thailand
(1949), Israel attacked Gaza (1955), ~~Tradition,
the last Pinky Lee Show aired (1956), Once
Upon a Mattress premiered
(NY, 1959), Cats
premiered (London, 1978), and the final episode of Dynasty
aired (217 episodes, 1989).
Sky, 5/11: The
Arch of Spring spans the western sky in late twilight. Pollux and
Castor form its top: they're lined up roughly horizontally in the
west-northwest, about three finger-widths at arm's length apart. Look
far to their lower left for Procyon, and farther to their lower right
for Menkalinan and then bright Capella. Venus glares below the Arch.
Two fists at arm's length left or lower left from Venus, look for
Betelgeuse twinkling on its way out.
Fiction Convention of the Week:
CONSole Room – The Twin Cities' Doctor Who Convention. (May 11-13,
MSP Airport/Mall of America http://console-room.com/
Science Convention of the Week:
Breast Imaging from A to Z: Read Like (or Better Than!) the Experts.
(May 10 – 12, Las Vegas, NE)
Week: Saturday, May 12 –
International Nurses Day & Hug Your Cat Day
May 13 – Mother's Day & Crouton Day
Sky, 5/13: Three zero-magnitude stars shine
after dark in May: Arcturus very high in the southeast (high above
Jupiter), Vega much lower in the northeast, and Capella in the
northwest (upper right of Venus). They appear so bright because each
is at least 60 times as luminous as the Sun, and because they're all
relatively nearby: 37, 25, and 42 light-years from us, respectively.
May 14 – Stars and Stripes Forever Day & National
Chicken Dance Day
May 15 – Peace Officer Memorial Day & Straw Hat Day
Sky, 5/15: Arcturus
is the brightest star very high in the east these evenings. Spica
shines about three fists at arm's length to its lower right. To the
right of Spica by half that distance is the distinctive four-star
constellation of Corvus, the springtime Crow. Far below Arcturus,
Jupiter glares.
May 16 – Mimosa Day & Biographer's Day & National
Piercing Day
May 17 – World Hypertension Day
ghost of my friend Vanessa walked into a bar and asked for whiskey
neat. The bartender said, “Sorry, we don't serve spirits here.”
Mother's Day! I love how we don't even need to say out loud that
I”m your favorite child.
they kept him from going overseas.........Roy Zimmerman …..He's
Got Bone Spurs
The series revolves around the Carringtons, a wealthy family residing
in Denver, CO.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: Found out today that
despite being out of the Navy for half a year, I have a higher
security clearance than Jared Kushner. --ay of wa
I never met a man I didn't like until I met Will Rogers. --Mort Sahl
Night Snacks: White House insiders say that
President Drumpf feels comfortable with Rudy Giuliani because they’re
from the same generation. Giuliani said, "We share common values
like hard work, patriotism, and ditching your first two wives."
--Conan O'Brien / It was 90 degrees here in New York today! People
were sweating like President Drumpf watching Rudy Giuliani on
“Hannity.” --Jimmy Fallon / Rudy Giuliani was interviewed last
night by Fox News host Sean Hannity — and I don't want to say
Giuliani screwed Drumpf, but Michael Cohen gave him $130,000. --Seth
Meyers / Just months after President Drumpf promised to send
astronauts back to the moon, NASA has stopped working on its moon
rover project. Now when they head to the moon, the astronauts' plan
is to just have a friend pick them up when they land. --James Corden
/ Yesterday
the president announced that he'd be making an announcement at 2:00
this afternoon on the future of our nuclear pact with Iran. He's been
teasing this like it's a new "Star Wars" trailer. --Jimmy
Kimmel / The slogan is — and I’m not making this up — "Be
Best." Just to be clear: We aren’t making fun of Melania’s
accent or the way she talks. She’s a very intelligent woman who
speaks multiple languages fluently. But to everyone on her team who
signed off on "Be Best": Be Better. --Stephen Colbert
So Late Night Snacks: It's great to be back in
Austin, especially before Texas invades and puts down the
insurrection. how does this city of all cities get the best food and
also the best bands. Apparently Austin sold their soul to the devil
some years ago. But good news - when the devil came to collect, he
looked around and said hey. And so he stuck around. And now he runs a
vegan food truck. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait
Don't Tell Me
do not think that this peace based on force is, can be, or should be,
an ultimate end. --Edward Teller
you hear eerie noises in the night, stay calm and tell ghost jokes. /
Ghost writers lift the spirits of readers.
Mother's Day! Computers are smart because they listen to their
trouble and danger on the road to justice..........Roy Zimmerman
Struggle and Change
Dynasty starred John Forsythe as oil magnate Blake Carrington, Linda
Evans as this new wife Krystle, and later Joan Collins as his former
wife Alexis.
Facts of the Week:
American Bible Society (ABS) is a United States–based
nondenominational Bible society which publishes, distributes and
translates the Bible and provides study aids and other tools to help
people engage with the Bible. Founded on May 11, 1816, in New York
City, it is probably best known for its Good
News Translation
of the Bible, with its contemporary vernacular.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: He
asked, “What's your favorite position?” I said, “CEO”.
Update: I lost my sister this week...my
baby sister (12 years younger than I). Because of the age difference
there wasn't a time of sharing clothes or advice about boys. She had
kind of a hard life – she lost a baby and a grand baby and a
husband. She moved to North Carolina and never quite felt like she
belonged. I will miss her...her shy smile and her easy speech (2
different people I talked to on the phone said I sounded like
her...could be the not North Carolina
accent). Good-bye, Vivian. Her son Jeff was thinking of moving
to Kansas after she passed but has found a trailer on the property of
a relative and has decided to stay. I think that will be a good
thing for him. When I talked to my siblings we all got around to how
old we were and she was the baby.
Word of the Week:
Jobsworth – a censorious term for an official who upholds rules at
the expense of humanity or common sense. Has been in use since the
early 1970s. http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-job3.htm
Uses for Common Products:
Gently clean porcelain and aluminum cookware. Sprinkle 20 Mule Team
Borax on pots and pans, rub with a damp dish cloth, and rinse
thoroughly. http://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/20muleteam.html
never seen a ghost myself, but it would be interesting if I did. I
live in a newer building, so I think it would be a modern ghost...I
would wake up and there would be a ghost standing over my bed, just
like, “What's your Wi-Fi password? --Aziz Ansari
Mother's Day! Of course I'm a good mother, they're still alive,
aren't they?
did not think about it all of my eight hour day..........Roy
Zimmerman …...The
Unions Are To Blame
show about moneyed people wearing nice things translated into the
public being able to purchase some of the show’s glitz. A line
of Dynasty merchandise was
released, which included $3 pantyhose, $150 Forever Krystle perfume,
$500 tuxedos, $800 ball gowns, $10,000 handmade Alexis and Krystle
dolls, and a $200,000 chinchilla coat. Crafty fans of the show could
also buy Miller’s patterns through McCall’s
Pattern Co. and
make the fancy dresses themselves.
Just In of the Week:
Roy Zimmerman will very likely be performing in Lawrence on September
No details yet.
Perfect To Be Believed of the Week:
As the new NRA president,
Oliver North will go from illegally selling guns to terrorists to
LEGALLY selling guns to terrorists.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I
must master the ancient art of meditation so that I can optimize my
workplace efficiency and please the people who exploit me and be
better at exploiting those under me. --Submitted by dr of oh
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck testing out his camouflage in the case of
the Sleepy
work overnights in a haunted hotel. The ghost lives in our workout
room. I don't have any problems because I never go down there. Fear
aside, there is something deeply disturbing about a ghost who is more
dedicated to its physical fitness than I am to mine. --Tim Ross Jr.
Mother's Day! My mother doesn't just enjoy guilt trips, she runs the
travel agency
the doughnut lady, I am the civil engineer.........Roy Zimmerman
Approve This Message
Mother's Day! Hope your Mother's Day is more pleasant than your labor
becoming the number one show in America in 1985—and airing in 80
off into The
which only lasted two seasons.
of the Week: May is Mystery Month –
While visiting a big
city, Betsy, who suspected her husband of cheating on her snuck off
to visit a fortune teller of some local repute. In a dark and hazy
room, peering into a crystal ball, the mystic delivered grave news.
“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt:
Prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a violent and
horrible death this year.” Visibly shaken, Betsy stared at the
woman’s lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down
at her hands. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself. She
simply had to know. She met the fortune teller’s gaze, steadied her
voice, and asked her question. “Will I be acquitted?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A
student in bed will remain in bed unless acted upon by a large enough
Beautiful Thing in American Samoa:
National Park of American Samoa - Located
2,600 miles southwest of Hawaii, the National Park of American Samoa
is the most remote unit of the National Park System. The park spreads
across three volcanic islands-- Tutuila, Ta’u, and Ofu—9,500
acres of tropical rain forest and 4,000 acres of ocean, including
coral reefs.
Peace of History, May
11, 1975: 80,000
turned out in Central Park (NYC) to celebrate the end of the Vietnam
dad, do you believe in ghosts? There's no such
thing as ghosts. But our maid said there are ghosts.
Pack your bags!!! Meet me out in the car -Now! Why? We
don't have a maid.
said to me, Roy, you're preaching to the choir. But I like to think
of it as entertaining the troops. --Roy Zimmerman
says it healthcare, he knows its wealthcare..........Roy Zimmerman
…...Old Man
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle May 11, 2018, Eerie ePistle. Online at:
Generic Tag Line. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct.
Lawrence, KS 66046
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The
guy who paid $130,000 for sex called the Iran Agreement the “worst
deal ever” --Submitted by ma of wv
Reagan won because he ran against Jimmy Carter. If he ran unopposed
he would have lost. --Mort Sahl
of War:
of 5/10/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,819,491,803,607.
of 5/3/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,817,484,214,756.
of 5/10/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $825,470,101,420.
of 5/3/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $822,774,407,167.
of 5/10/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $587,390,900,707.
of 5/3/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $585,676,029,471.
of 5/10/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $289,134,277,316.
of 5/3/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $288,744,571,556.
of 5/10/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,521,487,588,648.
of 5/3/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,516,011,589,060.
in the serene peace of laboratories and libraries. --Louis Pasteur
himself then he fired Comey.........Roy Zimmerman …..Pixie
of the Zimmerman songs listed today are from the ReZist concert in KC
on the 3rd.
last time I changed the furniture in my living room, the resident
ghosts complained that they keep running through things and, by the
way, I was playing the television too loud.
Last Words: O my God! --Final episode of Dynasty.
Peace lift your spirits
Joy calm your ghosts
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